The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, November 28, 1901, Image 5

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. Best and Cheapest. FULL CIRCLE, TWO STROKES NO REBOUND. ©urn Is thoroughly equipped with modern machinery, and we are prepared to save you the middle man's profit on any kind oi Vehicle, from a Log -Cart to the finest Rub ber Tire Buggy, by sell ing you direct from our Factory. The Vehicles we male are the best you can get, We handle a complete line of Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Laprobes, Carriage Hardware. and. A full line of.... Harvesting Machines. “Special attention .given to UPa.Izo.tin.g', _ SBepairixn-g' “ d Horse- Our Prices are Low. The Professor’s Story. At a recent dinner given in honor of a certain man 0 f letters, Hamil- certain man ton Wright Mable, who was one of the speakers of the evening, said, in the course of his remarks, that a pes simist might be defined as a person wpo has the choice between two evils and selects both, says the New York Evening Sun. A Columbia student who happened to attend the dinner sat the next morning under Brof. Brander Matthews, who deliv ered a characteristic lecture, with statistics, on everything in general. During the lecture Mr. Matthews remarked with the air of a man con scious of tossing off an original jew el of epigramatic wisdom: “You know, gentlemen, we may define a pessimist as a man who has the choice between two evils and takes both.” The student, who was certain that Mr. Matthews had not been present the evening before, looked the pro fessor up at the Conclusion of the lecture, saying: “Your definition of a pessimist struck me forcibly, but I heard Mr. Mable give the same one last night.” ‘Is that so?” replied Mr. Mat thews suavely. “He forestalled me by half a day then. We both heard it from Mark Twain two evenings ago.” One Term for The President. If You Want Anything irai ill When Mr. Cleveland accepted the democratic nomination in 1884, he said: * f 1 “When an election to office shall! _ _ be the selection by the voters of one ’ of their number to assume for a time - BEDROOM riUITISS, PARLOEi, SUITES, . . m-UING TABLES, 81DED0AUDS, UJAJBS when the holders of the ballot, j quickened by a sense of duty, shall Pointed Paragraphs. Formerly most opals came from Hungary, and more recently from Mexico. In 1889 an Australian hunt er, while pursuing a wounded kan garoo, found an opal. Since that time Australia has yielded nearly two million dollars’ worth of opals. There are some six million Protes tants in Russia who enjoy religious liberty with the stipulation that they must be born of Protestant parents and must not proselyte. Preaching in nine languages is heard every Sunday in St. Petersburg in the Protestant churches. To make the cans for a year’s out put of Maine canned corn will re-; quire sixty thousand boxes of tin plate, weighing over six and a half, million pounds. Tinplate is usually purchased or contracted for in ad vance, and few factories have been caught napping this year. In less than twenty years England has fallen from first place in the pro duction of iron and steel to third, America and Germany now leading in the order named. America’s in crease in production from 1889 to 1899 was six times greater than that of England’s, while Germany’s was four times, greater. Eighteen hundred and seventy- four Sunday schools were organized in destitute places by the American Sunday School Union last year. Be sides these, 594 were reorganized and 9,138 old schools were visited and otherwise aided. About $146,- 101 was received for missionary work and 222 men were employed. avenge truth betrayed and pledges broken, and when the suffrage shall be altogether free and uricorrupted, the full realization of. a government by the people will be at hand. And of all the means to this end, not one would, in my judgment, be more ef fective than an amendment to the constitution disqualifying the presi dent from re-election. “When we consider the patronage of this great office, the allurements of power, the temptation' to retain public office once gained, and, more than all, the availability a party finds in hn incumbent whom a horde office-holders, with a zeal bom benefits received and fostered by the hope of favors yet to come, stand ready to aid with money and trained political service, we recognize in the eligibility of a president for re-elec tion a most serious danger to that calm, deliberate and intelligent polit ical action which must characterize a government by the people DOMESTIC SEWiMI MACHINES, To Drop Wealthy Pensioners. Our Goods are Bight. The Williams Buggy Company, A Physician Testifies. “I have taken Koaol Dyspep sia Cure and have, never used any thing in my life that did me the good that did,” says County Phy sician Geo. W- Scroggs of Hall County, Ga. “Being a physician I have precribed it and found it to give the best results.” If ‘the food you eat | remains undigested in your stomach it decays there and poisons the system. You can prevent this by dieting but that means starvation. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure digests what you eat. You need suffer from neither dys pepsia nor starvation. The worst cases quickly cured: Never fails. Holtzclaw’s drugstsre. The House of Representatives has announced itself on the pension ques tion in no unmistakable terms by passing, by a vofe of 89 to 53, the bill by Mr. Harvard of Dooly, which provides that no person who owns more ihan $1,000 worth of property or has an annual income of more than $300 shall receive a pension from the state. This action was taken in spite of the adverse report from the commit tee on pensions, and is, perhaps, the most important matter acted on so far at this session. While the bill does not in terms put pensions on the indigent basis, its effect is prac tically the same, since if it becomes a law it will cut off from the pension rolls almost all of those who do not need the money. There was an attempt made to fil ibuster against the measure, but it was prom ptly cut off by Speaker Pro Tern Morris, who was in the chair when the measure went through.— Ha wkinsville* Dispatch. A Southern medicine concern has just sent outj through the United States mail, thirty-two car loads of almanacs for next year. - And yet some people have the nerve to con tend that advertising is a waste of money. This same concern has an appropriation of $75,000,000 for their newspaper advertising for next year. Reliable And Gentle. “A pill’s a pill,” says the saw. But there are pills and pills. You want a pill which is certain, thor ough and gsntle. Mustn’t gripe. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers fill the bill. Purely vegetable. Do not force but assist the bowels to act. Strengthen and invigorate. Small and "easy to take. Holtz claw’s Drugstore. The loneliest missionary in all the world is said to be Rev. J. O. Spring er, whose station is on Herschel Isl and, near, the mouth of the McKinzie river, well within the Arctic circle. The latest received letter from this most solitary man is dated October schel Island for two winters, and the missionary’s nearest white neighbors are at Peels river, 250 miles away.— Exchange. A A?i OFFER. The undersigned-will give a free sample of Chamberlain’s Stomach — MACON,-GEORGIA. tr Street, 3Iext to Adams’ Warehouse. ' the stomach, biliousness or constipation. This m a new remedy and a good one All deal- ers in Perry, Warren & Lowe, By- A gold-weighing machine in the Bank of England is so sensitive that an ordinary postage stamp,if dropped on the scale,will turn the index on the dial a distance of six inches. Strawberry Plants. The largest stock in the world, pearly 100 varieties. All the choice, luscious kinds for the Garden and Fancy Market. Also Ship ping Varieties. Also Dewberries, Aspar agus, Rhubarb, Grape Vines, etc. Our 120 page manual, free to buyers, enables everybody to grow them with Success and profit. All plants packed* to carry across the xr Woe boon o f.TTfir- continent fresh as when dug. Illustrated 22, 1900. No ship has been at Her ^ catalogue frp0t Specify if you want cat- alogue of Shipping Varieties or Fancy Garden kinds. ; * - . CONTINENTAL PLANT CO., Strawberry-Specialists, RITTRELL, N. C BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, SPRINGS, WINDOW SHADES AND POLES, BABY CARRIAGES, ETC., You can save money at Paul’s Furniture Store. A complete on hand. line of COFFIFS and CASKETS always GEORGE PAUL. Perry, Ga. AWgetable Preparalionfcr As- Promotes Digeslion.CheerFu!- ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. Not N aslc otic. &xp*> ofVMJDrSSKUELPiTGEFR /^unpkm. Seed/' Mx.Seina. * Kochelle. Salts— jtiniseSeed * JiHan-Sced.- ■ • Cltaviid. Sugar TiStteiy/uen. flavor. SASTSIA For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Aperfec! Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions ,'Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. In Use For Over {rtf Years Pianos At Greatly- Reduced Prices. Fifty new Upright Pianos will ciose out at greatly reduced prices within the next few weeks. Among them such celebrated makes as * Steinway, Sohmer & Co., Kranicli & Bach, Stultz & Bauer, Bush & Gests, Lester and Royal. Call at once and secure one of these bargains P. A. GUTTENGERGER & CO., 452 Second st., Macon, Ga. ' - Hitting the Nail on the Head Is what you do every time you buy your Lumber, Sash, Doors, THE ELECTRIC CYLINDAR White Oe dar Churn. Best and quickest on the ’ market. $2.50, $8 and. $5, siz3 3, 5, and 7 gal. Agents" wanted; best seller on- Market-. UMIOaN supply company. 623' Broadway, Knoxville, Tenn. Wh* ■ Mouldings, Blinds, Trimmings and all kinds of mill work and .builders superior stock. Builders and contractors they get a superior grade;: of lurriber and workmanship n fhfrir line at lowfn*T>rif»e» than fhfiv can eispwhpi*f> their line at lower pricesjthan they can get elsewhere Pfione 187. <Sc CO., FORT VALLEY, GA, T f* : - /■ i|i£§2f§M§ Hi syis msm ■MWi