The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, December 05, 1901, Image 3

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hwmm ¥wb M&mm Perry, Thurbday, December 5. LOCAL NHSW©, PURE GROCERIES. — Mm Elko Etching. , Turkey Dinner And Dane Grinding. I will receive this week all the Fruits for Fruit Cake, and have a full line of other things that are used in cake making. ^aAiltless IF’lcno.x is especially desired for cake. If you want the BEST*Coffee, drink “Delmonico’s.” It is deli very. Truly. . W. B. SIMS. C10US. SEED OATS. I have 750 bushels of Georgia Rust Proof Oats to sell at Macon prices. A. A. Smoak, Perry, Ga. t-j-1. TO HOUSTON FARMERS. I have accepted a position with the warehouse firm of B. T. Adams & Oo., Macon, Ga., and I shall apbreoiate any favors my friends may honor me with, and will guarantee satisfaction. Money loaned at 8 per cent. Cotton handled at 50 oents per bale. Thanking you for past favors, and so lioiting a part of your patronage this season, I am yours, &o., J. W. RUSHING. Photograph flallery. I have opened a Photograph Gallery on Carroll Street, Perry, Ga., near Home Journal office. Photographs from $1,00 to $4.00 per dozen. Will be at Gallery Saturdays and Mon days only. ENLARGING AND FRAMING To Suit Customers. Sunshine not necessary for good work* Yours to please, G. L. STRIPLING. BY SEAB. J | The plays rendered bv Elko tal ent on Nov. 29th, 1901, at Elko ' Hall was a brilliat sussess, a! crowded house greeted the young people as the curtain were drawn and the play “All Thiit Glitters is Not Gold” was begun. It was evident from the fact that the play would be quite success from the appoving way in which the au dience heard the jovial and yet sober utterances of Stephen Blum and the truly laughable way in which Toby Twinkles played his part. At the close a short but laugh able play entitled “That Rascal Pat” was rendered. This was a grand success as was the whole entertainment. Music was rendered by Mrs. W. E. Means, Miss Virginia Means and Miss Maggie Marr of Hender son. There were visitors to our town to see this entertainment too nu merous to mention frojn Hender son, Unadilla, Grovania, Wells- ton, Perry, Marshallville, and Macon. The entertainment was given by the young people for bexiefit of the Elko Methodist church and realized the sum of $28.00. Mr. C. E. Eubanks, a prosper ous merchant and estimable young man of our town, has taken unto himself a better half, Miss Maye Smith of LocuB.t Grove, Ga. Miss Maye made Elko her home for quite a while about three years | ago and has visited here several times since, and it is this way Mr. Eubanks became acquaintedwith the charming lady, for such she is,being the beautiful and accom plished daughter of Rev. R. F. Smith of Locust Grove, Ga. Miss Maude Rogers, who has been visiting relatives here for some time, left for Macon Tues day. Several young ladies of Perry enjoyed two Thanksgiving din ners. On Tuesday before Thanksgiv ing Mr. a-ud Mrs. L. F. Cater, to gether with their children and Misses Marie Anderson from Ma con, Luoy Lee VanLandingham, Lula Houser, Corinne Baldwin Kate and Willie Cooper and Car rie Riley went out to Mr. Cater’s plantation about nine miles from town to spend the day with Mrs. V anLandingham. Were we to tell you what good things we did and ate the editor of the Home Journal would be compelled to priut an extra. It is enough to say, “we are still living to thank Mr. and Mrs. Ca ter for the pleasure they added to our livf s, and Mr. and Mrs. Van Landingham, no less, for the love ly dinner, prepared for us and the hospitality shown us in their home A* Guest. Fred. M. Houser’s. Fresh lots of APPLES, ORANGES, BANANAS, COCOANUTS and TURNIPS That is the cause of the splendid satisfaction and the increasing demand for our Men’s, Women’s, Boys’, Girls’and Babies’ ...SHOES... Almosc a fft for any foot. All the whole range of grades from the cheapest work shoe to the fine dress. Every Shoe is the best our money can get, for the price we ask. Men's Sh.oes. The most popu- The “King Bee” Shoe—fine kid lined, heavy soles. lar l8.50 Man’s Shoe in the south. Men’s Vioi Kid Shoes, true and tried $8.00 goods. Men’s Box Calf Shoes, kid lined, good stock, a $2.50 leader; Men’s $2.00 Shoes, Men’s $1.75 Shoes, Men’s $1.60 Shoes, Men’s $1.26 Shoes, Men’s $1.00 Shoes. Grateful Thanks. Mr. Editor:— We wish to thank our friends for their kindness and sympathy for us in the los3 of our precious babe. Mr. and mrs. A. A. Smoak. Deo. 2, 1901. For Special Legislation. . Notice is hereby given that at the meeting of the next General Assembly of Georgia a bill will be .introduced creating the Ben Hill SchooliDistrict, embracing a portion of Houston and Crawford counties, also for the levying of tax for maintainance of same and providing for the election of seven Trustees to control same. Dec. Srd, 1901. Oard of Thanks. RECEIVED every week. Also just received fresh lots of Crackers and Currants. Andrew Houser’s JERSEY CREAM FLOUR always on hand. Fred. M. Houser’s. J. R. SIMS, OPERATIVE DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work. Office Near Perry Hotel, Main Street, PERRY, GA. W. H. HARRIS, DENTIST. Successor to Dr. W. A. Blassengame. Words are inadequate to ex press our grateful thanks for the tender ministrations of kind hearts and hands to our loved one in her last illness, and for the sympathy and help so kindly ex tended in tht. hours of our bereave ment. As ye have given to us, may the Heavenly Father accord you of his bounteous love nowj and hereafter. Most Gratefully, S. P. Houser, G. S. Hablam. —Dont Fail To See the com plete Musical Instrument on ex hibition at Dr. Cater’s drugstore This handsome present iB to. be given away on the Wizard Oil prize plan. Tickets can be bought at the Tuttle Hoteh Sold only to .whites. Absolutely no gaming in this deal. Machine worth $75 O-FIOB OVER DOW LAW BANK, FORT VAMjEY. : GEORGIA BURDEN SMITH & 00. Favorably known as The Em pire Store, Macon’s leading dry goods houBe, make a specialty of correct styles and everything up- to-date. The largest stock from which to make selection. Everything guaranteed. Special attention paid to mail orders. Expressage paid on cash orders except heavy domestics, amounting to $5.00 or more. Periodical tickets accepted on cash purchases. The largest ladies’ Ready-to- wear depatment in the city. Al terations of Suits, Skfrts and Waists, necessary to a proper fit, made without extra charges. When you visit Macon call to see us. If unable to come, write for samples and prices. H. T. McIntyre,St. Paul,Minn, who has been troubled with a dis ordered stomach, says, “Cham berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab lets do me more good than any thing I have ever taken.” For sale by all dealers in Perry, War ren & Lowe, Byron. All sizes of Rugs, A big line of Smyrnas from 50o to $8.75 each A large size^Brussels Rug, $1.25. L. M. Paul’s. —Best Rust Proof F. M. Oats at Houser’s. Public Sale. jSbcLiLosr Sin.©©©- All that’s stylish and serviveable. —== a === , = ssk Any price from $8.00 down to $1.00 Girls’ and Boys’ School and Dress Shoes. We have the kind, the size, the price Shoe you want—90o. to $2.00. Children's and Infants’ Shoes. • Children’s Grain Shoes and Soft Dongolas. Babies’ Kid Soft Soles and Nice Dongolas. COME TO HEADQUARTERS FOR SHOES. T *iV /r M a TT'T t TPCCnTiTD IJiJLLiODJliJrL 559 Gfierry Street, MAG0N, GA., Is the place to visit when in need of first-class Dry Goods and Notions, Ladies’ Ready-made Suits, Jackets and In fants’ Cloaks, Fur Capes, Collarettes and Boas, Ladies and Men’s Underwear, &c. Choicest selection in BlacK and Colored Woolen Dress Goods with latest Triftnhings for same. Special attention to Mail Orders. Express paid on all cash orders amounting to $5.00 or more. All goods sold here are guaranteed satisfactory or money refunded. Mr. Frank M. Houser Will be specially pleased to serve any of his Houston county frieuds. P’s and Q’s. We are at this writing, and have been for some time attending right to our P’s and Q’s in order to be able to show o,ur patrons a line of Fall and Winter Sluts 0. z. mcarthur, dentist, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. Office over Slappey’s Drugstore. Ozs. Tiaaae. It you want always to be on time, if you want always to be sure of *he correct time,get one of these Watches. For good, honest work, without any fooling, they can't be equaled. They will last as long as you Will, if you will treat them prop erly. ‘ Eia»onds,WatchM, Jewelry. SllT*rv*r*, to. J.S.&W.W. WILLIAMS, . Jewhlnbk , Mapon, Ga. THE BEST PLACE IN GEORGIA is whaT everybody says the Union Dry Goods Co. is to buy Ladies' and Children's Long Coats, Raglons and Ready-to-Wear stuff gener ally. All sizes in good quality Carpet Tacks at lc box. All sizes in brass shoe nails at 5c box. Racket Store. Ingrain Carpeting at 40cts and 50 cents per yard. L. M. Paul’s. Oranges For Sale. $2.00 per crate F. O. B. Send money order and how to snip Frt. or Exp. L. D, Vinson, tjl. Tarpon Springs, Fla.. There will be sold at the old home place of Mr. George M. T. E’eagin deceased, near Boneire, Georgia, on Thursday, December 12th, 1901, be ginning at 10 a. m., a lot of farm produce consisting of corn, fodder, hay, oats, etc.; also lot of farming utensils, reapers, mowers, etc.; also several mules, and such other things as are used or raised on a farm. This Nov. 20th, 1901,' J. A. Harmon & Company. Spring iTerm, 1902, —OF— Perry Public School BENSON & HOUSER, Our Top Buggies are beauties. -Fred. M. Houser’s. —If you want a. nice Buggy or Wagon sail on W. D. Day. Begins the 1st Monday in January—6th day—and continues 5 months. Incidental fee for resident pupils $2.50; non-residents $3.50. Prof. W. W. Driskell, Principal. Mieses Annie Holleman and Mary Kil- len, Assistants. * This is a graded school of high order, and under competent instructors it read ily ranks with the best high schools of the state. The incidental fee must be paid in cash to the secretary and treasurer of the board, Mr. B. O. Holtzclaw, before pupils will be permitted to enter the school. It will be more beneficial to the chil dren, more agreeable to the teachers and more satisfactory to the Board of Edu- catiouand and parents if each child is permitted to enter on the first day of the term and not be allowed to miss even one recitation during the entire session. Good Board can be obtained in private families at from $8 to $10 per month. Any other information can be obtain ed, by addressing either of the under signed. Tt. N. Boltzolaw, Pies. B. O, Uoltzclaw, Sec. and Treas. The Up-to-Date Clothiers, 420.Third Stretk. MACON, GA CARTARIA TbaKlnd Ym BumJwr BwgM 1 Mr. J. Henry King announces that he is now with the STRONG SHOE CO., and will be pleased to have his friends call when in Macon. All mail orders will have v ■ - , ' - i hi* prompt attention. 808 Second Street. i® that’s different—-that’s different in style, in make and price —from the suits nearly every store has. Our spread is ready and you are invited in to see it. THE SWELL DRESSER comse here for his swell suit. THE CONSERVATIVE MAN comes here for his well- made, good-looking suit. THE MAN WHO CONSIDERS PRICE comes here to get the most for his money, and NONE go away dissatisfied. May we not expect YOU, kind reader? JP0S**Ck9 Slgnatwa .>*■ *'•&*/&**< v ^ • • V- « - 1 m