The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, December 12, 1901, Image 8

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B— ' li*»@ A LITTLE NONSENSE. Hanging Baskets Fop Children. A great many of the little girls Dead Johnny's Sister After All Hla kaJ boys who live in towns have no >jr . . Chrl < 8tma3 ^ rGG ® n * 8, garden at all and perhaps not even Missionaries to faroff lands, and * - - - - - those jvho have labored among people whose principal arti cle of diet is rice, •'are apt to refer to their lukewarm converts, as “rice Christians,” because the converts so termed care much more for the ma terial than the spiritual food that the missionaries dispense. Some thing of the same spirit animates Christians, young and old, in this corner of the world, particularly at holiday time, and among the youn ger element when Christmas trees and gifts are in order. The story told recently by a Sunday, school teacher is an illustration. A couple of weeks before Christ mas one of the small boys in this teacher’s class .contracted pneumo nia and died. He was much be loved, and his death was fplt by his classmates and the workers in the school. His name was on the list for a handsome gift^at Christmas, and the superintendent of the school decided that it would be a graceful thing, and the boy’s family would doubtless appreciate the act, if the ' gift set apart for the boy were sent , to his homo, to be a youn- thoin with PuoceHs and profit. i g er brother or disposed of as his par- AU plants packed to carry across the -| nta t H OUf? ht fit. When the gift a window box in which tq. grow a few pretty flowers. Many of them would enjoy gro ( w- m. If they mg flowers of their own. will follow these directions, they may cultivate a very pretty hanging basket. Let them 4sk the GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. Strawberry Plants. Who largest stock In the world. Nearly 100 varieties. All the ohoioe, luscious kinds for the Garden aud Panoy Market. Also Ship ping Varieties. Also Dewberries, Aspar agus, Rhubarb, Grape Vines, eto. f i Ju6t them / ask the greengrocer | for a carrot from which the top foli- i age has not been cut away. Cut ' away the carrot, leaving only about a couple of inches at the end where it joins the fern. Scoup out the inside of this short piece of carrot and pour a little water into it. Then hang up this little bowl, still leaving the foliage upon it. At first the fern will appear to be grow ing upside down, hut after a time it will grow upward in the right di rection. Fill the hollow part with water from time to time, as the water dries up, and occasionally place the carrot end in a different position, for the side nearest the window will grow thicker and quicker than that whioh has less light. ASTHMA Cf RE Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. WHITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS P ATNLY. There is nothing like Asthmalene. It brings instant relief, even- in the worst cases. It cures when all else fails. The Rev. C. F. WELLS, of Villa Ridge, III., says: ’‘Your trial bottle.of Asthmalene reoeived in good condition. I cannot tell* yon bow thankful I, feel for the good de CHAIN'S!* worn TEN YEANS Our 120 page manual, free to buyers, ennbl ' les everybody to grow id profit. Ail plants packed to carry across tue, Mg thought fit. oontineut Iresli as when dug. Illustrated . catalogue free. Speoify if .you want oat' alogue of Shipping Varieties or Fancy Garden kinds. CONTINENTAL IPLA^T CO., 'Strawberry Specialists, KITT ELL, N. C c. w« turn, I)EAl Ell IN Tobacco. m Cigars fSiSI Jug Filling a Speciality. Prompt Attention to Mail Orders. 4(tS Popular St„ MACON, GA. PRICE LIST Nolaon c ounty Ryo, , ' Cooper's Lnurol Valley N. 0. Corn, North Goorgia White Corn, per gal 2.00 ollond Gin, bw ltngland Rum, and Made Sour Mneh Corn, lonojrrain llye Id Moi • " ^ituu tvyui ountaln Spring Corn, uoublo Stamp Juniper Gin Mill Crook Cabinet Rye, Kentucky, Sour Mash Ryo, . Star A Ryo. . Ainastn’s AAaA Ryo. IP r WM CooBtnut QroyoRye. 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 4.00 4.00 distribution was in progress, a sis ter of the little fellow, also an 1 at tendant at the schofrl, was asked to take his gift.hbrrie," She received it in silence and stood around with an expectant air. At last the teacher remarked: “What is it you are wait ing for, Lucy? You have received your gifts and Johnny’s also.” «— ■ - ■ • ■ - Tes’m, I know; but doesn’t Johnny get a box of candy too ?” Johnny’s sister got the candy.—Brooklyn Eagle. Much Faith. don’t help your ggggg SEND TO * BEDINGFIELD BROS. 515 Popular St- Macon, Georgia, and get a gallon of Pop Corn Whiskey, It is the finest you ever tried. Price, $2.60 per gal, Wholesale and* Retail And Dealers In Liquors Am m aims' oil ppiies THE C COMMONER, ?; The Commoner has attained within six months from date of the first issue a circulation of 100,000 copies, a rooord probably never equaled in the history of Amerioan periodical literature. The unparalleled growth of this paper de monstrates that there is room in the newspaper fields for a natioual paper de voted to the discussion of political, eoouomio, and. social problems. To the columns of the Commoner Mr. Bryan contributes his beBt efforts ;and his views of .political .events'-as they arise from time to time can not fail to interest those who study pnblio questions. 'JPhe Commoner’s regular snboription price is $1.00 per year. We have arrang ed with Mr, Bryan whereby we can fur nish his paper and Home Journal to gether for one year for $1.90l The reg ular subscription price, of the two pa pers when suboribed for separately is $2.50. Digests what yoa eat. gassKi mm g^greparAblpn contains, all of the _ nd digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never falls to cure. It alio wyou to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By Its use many stomachs can take it. By its use _ thousands of dyspeptics have been Too “So the j eyes at all? “Not a bit. And the fellow that sold ’em to me told me they surely would.” x “And you believed him ?” “Of course I believed him. What do you think I’d better do about the matter?” “Oh, there ain’t anything to do about the glasses you’ve got, but be fore you buy any more you’d better take the faith cure.”—Chicago Post. The Way to a Woman’s Heart. First Tramp—Why, ’ow did she come to give you so much as a shil lin’? Second Tramp—She arst me ’ow old I wuz, and I told her I wzold enough to bo her grandfarver. Pure'Sympathy. “That Mr. Berrien you introduc ed me to is a very sympathetic man.” “Think so?” “Yes, indeed. I was telling him about a neighbor of mine who is dangerously ill, and he said he’d call right away and leave his card.” “Yes, Mr. Berrien is an undertak er, you know.”—Philadelphia North American. REMARKABLE CURE OF CROUP A Little Boy’s Life Saved. I have a fe^v words to say regard ing Chamberlain’s Cough'Remedy T.4- nn Trn/-J nviv 1 1 a 1i Pa College Bred Negroes. An inquiry into the pursuits of college bred negroes received 1,31-2 replies. Of this number one-half are teachers, ond-sixth preachers, one-sixth students and professional men, G per cent farmers, artisans and merchants and 4 per cent in the government service. The teachers, if competent, are all needed, but the number of mechanics, farmers and trades is significantly small. The failure to engage in trade may not be altogether voluntary, but the dis position to crowd the professions is as evident as among whites and with less chance of success.—Louis ville Courier-Journal. A Widow’s Offers of Marriage. In a mining center some eighty miles from Coolgardie, in Western Australia, a carpenter died, and his widow .had offers of marriage from the doctor who attended the de ceased, the undertaker, the clergy man who read the .burial service, the local apothecary who made up the medicines and prescribed for the departed and the custodian of the cemetery where he was interred; likewise from about a score of mine managers and miners. She did not accept one of the suitors andjjjfle- parted far her home in Melbourne. A Cantilever Bridge In Alaska. The White Pass and Yukon Rail way company has just finished a cantilever bridge over the White Phss canyon 850 feet in length, with a clear span of 240 feet, and 275 feet high above the bottom of the canyon in the middle. The everlast ing ice had to be quarried away for the supports of the bridge. When tested with the weight of a massive, rotary snowplow and two engines coupled together, there was a xotail downward deflection in the middle of the-bridge of but five-eighths of an inch. Health and Beauty. ' A ' A poor complexion is usually the result of a torpid liver or ir regular action of the bowels. Un less nature’s refuse is carried off it will surely cause impure'blood, Pimples, boils and other eruptions follow, This is nature’s method of throwing off the poisons which the bowels failed to remove. De- Witt’s Little Early Risers are world famous for remedying this condition. They stimulate the liv er and promote regular and heal thy action of the bowels but never cause griping, cramps or distress. Safe pills. Holtzclaw’s drugstore It saved my little boy’s life and feel that I cannot praise it enough. I bought a bottle of it from A. E. Steere of Goodwin, S. D., and when I got home with it the poov baby could hardly breathe. I gave the medicine as directed every ten minutes jintil he “threw up” and then I thought Bure he was going to choke to death. * We had to pull the phlegm put of his mouth in great long-strings. Iam posi tive that if I had that bot tle of cough medicine, my boy would not bS on earth to-day.— Joel Demont, In wood, Iowa. For sale by all druggists in Perry and Warren & Lowe, Byron, Ga. Subscribe for the Hour Journal New York haB now 60,000 tele phone stations, which rank it as the largest of the world’s city telephone systems. ‘ i - i Cures Rheumatism aud Catarrh after all else Fails. Costs Nothing to try. To oure the most desperate rheumatism or catarrh take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) the wonder of the age. Cures when, all else fails. It kills the poison in tha blood and gives a pure, heahhy blood supply, stopping all gnawing, shooting aches and pains in the bones, joints, back, and reduces all swellings. Hawking, spitting, dropping in the throat, offensive breath and catarrh, ir ritation of the mucous membranes quick ly disappear, thus making a perfect, per-, manient cure of the worst rheumatism or deep-seated catarrh. B. B. B. especially advised for old, obstinate oaBes. Drug- gists, $1. Trial treatment free by writing Dr. Gillum, 218 Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble mid free medical hdrice given. Medicine sent at once prepaid. : rived from it. I was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. I despaired of ever being cured. I saw your advertisement for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Asthma, and thought you had overspbken your selves, but resolved to give it a trial. To ray astonishment, the trial noted like a charm. Send me a full size bottle.” Rev. Dr. iflorrls Wnclislcr, Rabbi of the*Cong. Bnai Israel. New York, Jan. 3,1901. xjvb. Taft Bros’. Mediciue Co.: Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene is an ex cellent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and ils composition alleviates all troubles which combine with Asthma. Its success is astonisliing and wooderful. After having it carefully analyzed, we can Btate that Ascnmuiene ouuuuus uo opium, morphine, chloroform or ethor. Very truly yours, Rev. Db. Morris Wechslbr. Dr. Taft Bros. Medicine Co., Avon Springs, N. Y., Ft-b. 1, i9oi. Gentlemen: I write this testimony from a sense of"duty,-having tested th6 wonderful effect of your Asthmalene, for the oure of Asthma. My wife has been afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years. Having exhausted my own skill ns well as many others, I chanced to see your eign upon your windows on 180th Htreet, New York, I at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene.. My wife com menced taking .ii about the first of November. I very Boon noticed a radical im provement.. After using one bottle her asthma has disappeared and she is en free from all symptoms. I feel that I oan consistently recommend the medicir all who are afflicted with this distressing disease. Yours respectfully, O. D. Phelps, M. D. Dr. Tapt Bros. Medicine Co., Feb. 5,1901. Gentlemen: 1 I was troubled with asthma for 22 years. I have tried number less remedies, but they have all failed. I rau across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle. I found relief at once. I hnve since purchased your full-size bottle, and I am ever grateful. I have a family of fonr children, and for six years was unable to work. I am now in the best of heal- h and am doing business every day. This testimony you can make stick use of as you see fit. &. Raphael, Home address, 235 Rivington street. 07 East 120th st., City. Trial Bottle sent Absolutely Free on Receipt of Postal. Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DR. CO., 70 East 180th St., N. Y, City. TAFT BROS.’ MEDTOINE PENNSYLVANlA. PURE RYE, EIGHT YEARS OLD. OLD SHARPE WILLIAMS. Four ful Quarts of this Fine Old, Pnre RYE WHISKEY , $3.50 Wo ship on approval In plain, sealed boxes, with no marks to indicate contents. When lyou receive it and test It, if it is not satisfactory, return it at oar expense and we wil return your 83.50. We guarantee this brand to he EIGHT TEARS OLD. Eight bottles for $6 60, express prepaid; 12 bottfes for 89 60 express prenaid. a & B #3 00j One gallon jug, express prepa gallon jv - ' - ■*- ug, express prepaid, 851 No charge for boxing, ithi — ' We handle all the leading brands of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies and will CO Per Cent, ou save you Your Purchases: Kentucky Star Bourbon, Elkridge Bourbon.. Ho Boon Hollor Celwood Pure Rye Monogram Rye McBrayer Rye . Maker’s AAAA Old Crow.... Mount Yernon, 8 years old. Quart, Gallon. 8 35 $125 40 150 45 165 50 190 55 . 200 60 225 ........ 65 240 65 240 .... 75 250 £ 76 250 80 300 ....... .’100 860 old,.... 125 400 Send for a catalogue. Allother Soods by tho gallon, such as Corn Whiskey, Peach and Apple Brandies, etc., sold equally as low, from $125 a gallon and upward we make a speciasty of the Jug Trade, and all orders by Mail or Telgeraphwili have our prompt attention: Special inducements offered. Mail Orders shipped same day of the receipt of order. The Altijaayer & Flateau Liquor Conipaiiy, 606, 508, 510, 6X2 Fourth Street, near Union Passenger Hepot. MACON, GEORGIA. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ■Tradr Marks Designs Ac. quloSy^Mcertafn our'opSnlo* 1 freewEoihBran tJZcMnotlo*wlJont f&mryeTha Sdetttlfk; American. iliSSEffiJSKS The Direct Route Between All Principal Points IN Alabama and Georgia. PBNSTRATINO THE Finest Fruit, Agricultural, Timber, Mineral Lands J2L2LSOUTH. THROUjQH RATES AND TICKETS FURNISHED UPON APPLI CATION TO ALL POINTS North, South, East, West* Central of Oporgla OaMW®/* QeeAri Steamship Co. FAOT FREfGftT ; ypNow York, ttSi j TT-T|*~*- IpR wMto. *****» f