The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, January 09, 1902, Image 5

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Cuckoo. When grandpa's dock should strike tiw hour, It's Just os tunny, but tfs true, Out pope the cuteat little bird / And shakes his wings and says "Cuckoo t" You don't see cuckoo very much, 'Cause two little doors hide him from you. But when the clock points to the hour He pops right out and says "Cuckoo!" I watdhed him close the other day, 'Cause grandpa says he ain’t alive. I don’t see why, for he can count; He ouckoo’d every time for five. —A. .Tucker in Home Magasine. -ri.w. mimp Left Over Turkey or Chicken. A delicious way to use cold left over turkey or chicken is to mold the white meat with cranberry jelly. Put a layer of strained cranberry sauce in the bottom of a mold and over this a layer of the meat finely chopped and seasoned. Add more cranberry and another layer of meat, alternating the two till the howl is full. Put a 'weight on top and set away to chill and harden. ,When ready to serve, turn out on a dish and garnish with celery tips. t A Delightful Cold Cream. Put a' teacupful of sweet cream, the thicker the better, into a lined saucepan and heat to boiling point. Let cool. Do this three times and after heating the third time stir in while hot the strained juice of one 1 lemon, two tablespoonfuls of strain ed cucumber juice, half a table spoonful of glycerin and half a ta- blespoonful of honey. Stir till cold. Add a few drops of any scout you like to perfume it add store in pots for use. A Profiiabk! ImveMBBient. “I was troubled for about seven years with mv stomach and in bed half my time,” says E. Dem- ick, Somerville, Ind. “I spent about SI;()00 ami never could get anything to lie!;) me until I tried Kod<d Dyspepsia (’ure. I have taken a few bottles and am entire ly well.” You don’t live by what you eat, but by what you digest and assimilate. If your stomach dosen’t digest your food you are really starving. Kodol Dyspep sia Cure docs the stomach’s work by digesting the food. You don’t have to diet. Eat all you want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures all stomach troubles. Holtzclaw’s drugstore. IF IT’S OUT OF FIX, We’ll Fix It. Prompt, attention given to repairing Engines and ail Machinery. Mode! ard Pettern Work a rpecialty. Fall stock of Pipe and Stoam Fix tures al ways on hand. iiubfrer BeUing. Write for what you want. Anthoisie Machine Works, J. W. ANTil01NT, Frop’r., FORT VALLEY, GA SEND TO BEDINGFIELD lilM 515 Popular St. Macon, Georgia, and get a gallon of Cor El It is the finest you ever tried. Price, $2.50 per gal, Wholesale and Retail And Dealers In Liquors find Planters 1 Supplies, Canal to Cost $300,000,000. New York World. That the Nicaragua canal will cost at least $300,000,000, and probably more is freely admitted by senators and representatives who advocate its construction. There is no attempt to conceal the fact that the maxi mum estimate named by the Nicara gua Canal Commission, $189,000,- 000, will be only enough for a be ginning. With the work once under way, there can be no abandonment of the project, and congress will be compelled to appropriate all the ad ditional funds necessary. George S. Morrison, a member of the commission, who is considered one of the most expert engineers in the world, computes that it may even require $1,000,000,000 to build the canal along the Nicaragua route. His conclusions are that unlimited time and money will be required. There is no disposition in congress to delay legislation because of the cost. There is a general conviction that the people demand the canal. Those who advocate the Nicara gua route say the sum required to complete the Panama canal would equal if not exceed $300,000,000, and that no good could be accom plished by changing routes now. When the canal question comes before the Senate for debate proba bly the chief objection urged to the Panama route will be that a good title could be obtained only after years of diplomatic negotiations and after the adjudication of from 1,- 000,000 to $000,000 claims of hold ers of Panama stock. There is some talk that the trans continental railroads will continue to use the Panama project as a club in an effort to defeat the Nicaragua ca nal, but no serious interference is anticipated on this score. —'t- The Red Sea Passage; Outlook. I remember that in one of his talks Booker Washington, referring to his belief that the most profitable edu cation of the people of his race re quired various methods, according to the reeds of the people under different conditions, told a story of an old colored preacher who was en deavoring to explain to his congre gation how it was that the children of Israel passed over the Red sea safely, while the Egyptians, who came after them, were drowned. The old man said, “My brethren, it was this way: When the Israelites passed over it was early in the morn ing, while it was cold, and the ice was strong enough so that they went over all right; but when the Egyp tians came along it was in the mid dle of the day, and the sun had thawed the ice so that it gave way under them, and they were ■ drown ed.” At this a young man in the* con gregation, who had been away to school and had come home, rose and said: “I don’t see how that expla nation can be right, parson. The geography that I’ve been studying tells us that ice never forms under the equator, and the Red sea is nearly under the equator.” “There now,” said the old preach er, “that’s all right. “I’se been ’spectin’ some of you smart Alecks would ask some such fool question. The time I was talkin’ ab0ut was before they had any jogafries or ’quators, either.” “That good old man,” said Wash ington, “was just trying in his sim ple manner to brush away the cob webs which stood in the way of his logic. By some such method the misconceptions which hamper the course of education for the colored people must be removed before the best results can be attained.” Plants. The largest stock in tlie world. Nearly lOO varieties. All the choice, luscious kinds for the Garden and Fancy Market. Also Ship ping Varieties. Also Dewberries, Aspar agus, Rhubarb, Grape Vines, etc. Our 120 page manual, free to buyers, enables everybody to grow them with S access and profit. All plants packed to carry across the continent fresh as when dug. Illustrated catalogue free. ‘ Specify if you want cat alogue of Shipping Varieties or Fancy Garden kinds. CONTINENTAL PLxYNT CO., Strawberry Specialists, HITT BELL, IT. C Modernizing Palestine. Atlanta Constitution. On account of the sacred isolation which Palestine has enjoyed since the days of the patriarchs as the Holy Land of the Bible, and espe cially on account of the associations which invest it as the cradle of Christianity, there has been no ef fort made until late years to carry the twin flags of industry and com merce into this ancient abode of re ligion. But at last it begins to look as if Palestine is destined to throw off the exclusive atmosphere of religious sanctity which for centuries past has kept it unspotted from the world and to join with other countries in the onward march of industrial and commercial progress. Recently the screech of the loco motive has broken the august reign of solemnity which has brooded from time immemorial over the bar ren stretch of country from. Jaffa to Jerusalem. Between these two ob jective points lie the remnantB of many historio towns and cities, amoqg them the ancient city of Hebron, within whose precincts re* pose the ashes of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. Until the locomo tive was introduced into Palestine the camel furnished the principal mode of travel, and the slow move ments of the camel were in keeping with the spirit of reverence which everywhere pervaded the landscape. But under the modernizing influ ence of the iron horse much of the distinct Orientalism of the Holy Land is rapidly passing away. Following the commercial inva sion of Palestine' comes the an nouncement that rich deposits of ores have been discovered in various parts of the country and that on ac count of the value of the discoveries it is likely that large syndicates will shortly be formed for the purpose of developing the material resources of the country. Most of the discover ies have been made along the banks of the Jordap and the Dead Sea and an eminent German civil engineer is authority for the statement that the sterile plains and barren slopes of the Holy Land, which have so long defied successful cultivation, are in many places teeming with buried treasure, which the pick of the miner will yet unearth. We cannot say that we rejoice in the change of status which the Holy Land is apparently undergoing for so precious are its memories and traditions that any effort to modern- i ize it seems hke desecration. Anything Child Worth Millions. “My child is worth millions to me,” says Mrs.Mary Bird of Har risburg, Pa,, “yet I would have lost her by croup had I not pur chased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure. “One Minute Cough Cure is sure cure for coughs,croup and throat lung troubles. An ab solutely safe cough cure which acts immediately. The youngest child can take it with entire safe ty. The little ones like the taste and remember how often it helped them. Every family should have a bottle of One Minute Cough (hire handy. At this season es- ])• ciallv it may be needed sudden ly . Holtzoinr.9 Drugstore. tkig#|§ Don’t wait for opportunity to call on you. Go meet it half way. The Farmer and His Oxen. An old farmer in Arkansas has four oxen which he uses for farm ing purposes, and named them Presbyterian, Baptist, Episcopalian and Methodist, respectively. When asked why he gave them such queer names, he replied: “I call this ox Presbyterian be cause he is true blue and never fails; pulls through difficulties and holds out to the end; besides, he knows more than all the rest. I call this ox Baptist because he is always af ter water, and seems though he’d never get enough; then again, he won’t eat with the others. I call this ox Episcopalian because he has a mighty way of holding his head up, and if his yoke gets a little too tight he tries to bick and crawl clear out of the track. I call this ox Methodist because he puffs and blows and bellows as he goes along, and you’d think he Avas pulling all creation, but he doesn’t pull a pound unless you continually stir him up.”—Exchange. .US BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, DINING TABLES, SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, SPRINGS, WINDOW SHADES AND POLES, BABY CARRIAGES, ETO., You oan save money at Paul’s Furniture Store. A complete line of COFFIN'S and CASKETS alwajs on hand. GEORGE PAUL, Perry, Ga. A GOOD RECOMMENDATION. “I have noticed that the sale on Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets is almost invariably to those who have once used them,” says Mr. J. H. Weber, a prominent druggist of Cascade, Iowa. What better recommenda tion could any medicine have than for people to call for it when again in need of such a remedy? Try them when you feel dull af ter eating, when you have a bad taste in the mouth, feel bilious, have no appetite or when troub led with constipation, and you. are certain to be delighted with the prompt relief which they af ford. For sale by all dealers in Perry, Warren & Lowe, Byron. - —r . Slight no man because of his pov erty and esteem no man because of his wealth. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK OITY. J corrmcif** At Greatly Reduced Prices. Fifty new Upright Pianos will ciose out at greatly reduced prices, within the next few weeks. Among them such celebrated makes as Stcimvay, Sohnier & Co., Kranich & Bach, Stultz & Bauer, Busli & (Jests, Lester and Royal. Gall at once and secure one of these bargains F. A. GUTTENGERGER & CO., 452 Second st., Macon, Ga. Subscribe for the Home Journal, Is what you do’ every time t you buy your ht 9 Trimmings and all kinds of mill work and builders supples from our superior stock. Builders and contractors will find that they get a superior grade of lumber and workmen ship in their line at lower prices than they can get elsewhere. _ Xj. Phone 187. FCmT VALUE Y