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.... -
A froigtfp Enve&jssaetsit.
“I was troubled for about seven
years with my stomach and in
bed.half my time,” says E. Dein-
ick, Somerville,. Ihd. "I spent
about $1,000.and never could get
anything to help me until I tried
Kod<d Dyspepsia Cure. I have
taken a few bottles and am,entire
ly well.” You don''t live by what
you eat, but by what you digest
and assimilate. If your stomach
dosen’t digest your food you are
really starving. Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure does the stomach’s work
by digesting the food. You don’t
have to diet. Eat all you want.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures all
stomach troubles. Holfczclaw’s
We’ll Fix It
Prompt attention gi^pu to
Engines and all Machinery.
I a>' : d Pi|
a specialty
rn Work
How They Prepare for the Great February
Festival at New Orleans.
EuU stock of Pi pa
tares always on hand.
and Steam Fix-
lidtter Bolling.
Write for what you want.
adTsio Wdlks,
J. W. AHTH01NE, Frop’r.,
4 h.
Third St pet,
v .1:' i S
Bill of Fare to Order
Prompt and EfficientSeryii
Tlye time required for the produc-
tion of the eighty odd floats that
eater into the carnival parades—day
and night—is something like eight
months, so that work must Lie vigor
ously prosecuted from early July m
order to have the floats in finished
shape by the following February.
The work must be done uuder the
strictest pledge of secrecy, no one
being permitted to enter the storage
barns; and no information is obtain
able as to the subject to be present
ed, so that curiosity plays a very im
portant, part in the festivities of the
The coBt of producing each com
pleted float ranges from four hun
dred dollars as a minimum to doub
le that amount, or even more, as the
work is nr ore or less ornate. The
float cartoons that are inspirations
for the artists are accompanied by
elaborate sketches of each of the
hundred costumes that must be
worn by those actually participating
in the parade. These are done in
water-colors upon cardboards 1 ittle
larger than an imperial photograph..
They show color and other details.
The names of the materials that en
ter into the costumes are given on
these cards, and they are subject to
criticism by the design committee.
While these things are taking
place, all the floats are in the hands
of their creators, and work is done
from designs about twenty times the
size of ths costirme-carcls, in which
the characters are posed as they will
appear upon the^floata in the street
parade. Whon no seeming flaw re
mains, a set, accompanied by the in
dividual costume-cards, is sent tc.
Paris, or some home city, where the
costumes are manufactured.' Each
suit is numbered and packed in a
separate case. The costumes are
usually delivered during the early
Mr! of December, after which they
ive removed to the “den,” where
Wmm- • XX
Liquor Saloons in New York.
• _____ . i
Atlanta Constitution.
If You Want Anything “ ' ~~
— ■
U fcmw berry jPkmis
’."'ho kuv.'e-.; stuck in the world. .
Neatly 100 varieties.
All the choice, luscious kinds for (he
Garden a nd Fancy ' Market. Also Whip
ping Varieties. Also I.Vuberries, Aspar
agus, lUnibn:i>, -lirape Vines, etc.
Our 130 page manual, free to Uuyars,
enables every body to grow
(hem with uecessiuul profit'.
All plants packed to carry across the
continent Iresli as e/hen dug. Illustrated
catalogue tree. Specify.if you want cat.
tiloijpid of Shipping Varieties or Fancy
Garden kinds.
Sl.r;?wlirrry Specialists,
Au ‘ r XXV
ijK if
Wlo of Cardui. is the guardian
of a woman’s health and happi
ness from youth to old age. It
helps her safely into womanhood.
It sustains her during the trials
of pregnancy, childbirth and
| motherhood, making labor easy
' and preventing flooding and mis
carriage. It gently leads her
through the dangerous period
i known as the change of life.
cures leucorrhoea, falling of the
womb, and menstrual irregularity
in every form. It is valuable in
every trying period of a woman’s
life. It reinforces the nervous
system, acts directly on the geni-
! tal organs and is the finest tonic
for women known. Ask your
druggist for a $1.00 bottle of
they are arranged on long pine ta
bles, each suit surmounted by its
appropriate picture. The members
are kept busy for weeks having their
costumes fitted by tailors, armorers
and milliners. When all prepara
tions are at last finished, the various
costumes are replaced in their sever
al boxes, which are kept locked until
the eventful day or night when they
are to be publicly used,—W. G. Bow-
cloin in the February Woman’s Home
■ *- ■ •«> -4 —
New Yorkers are a peculiar peo
ple. You plight deprive them of
meat and only arouse a growl, blit
if you take away their drink you ex
cite a revolution. The prevailing
sentiment on the drink question
with them is not American, but con
tinental, and the queer philosophy
saturates New , York politics that
liquor laws should take their shapes
from the habits of foreigners, rath
er than that the foreigners -should
shape their habits by the laws that
best represent American life and
The result of yielding to the de
mands of the drinking classes is
seen in the enormous number of sa
loons that cater to their appetites
for intoxicants. New York state has
34,640 retail liquor and beer shops,
while the fourteen southern states,
with more than treble the popula
tion of New York, have but 30,373
such shops. That iB a difference of
4,267 in favor of the southern stated
Takiiig those figures into account,
one cannot be surprised at the tre
mendous influence of the saloons in
New York politics:
The question of Sunday opening
of the saloons has divided not alone'
the political parties, but the clergy.
Bishop Potter, Ilev. Dr. Raihsford,
Rev. Dr. Parkhurst and other preach
ers of lesser fame advocate the open
ing of tho saloons after midday, or
after 1 p. m., on Sundays. They do
not explain why they should not'os
well be open in the forenoon as thp
afternoon, but they do explain that
they do not wish to 1 see the super-
ighteous Seth Low thrown out of
the windows of the city hall by
Tammany four years hence.
The fight now going on in the
great metropolis is a very lively and
interesting one. The mayor would
like to .please the saloonists and not
too deeply offend the people who
yet believe in a sober Sunday. Fire-
eater and Boss-smasher Jerome is
tearing around like a cat in a boiler
shop and swearing that the Raines
law must be repealed or he will en
force it with all the drastic ferocity
of another Torquemada. The saloon
crowd threaten to bring Tammany
back into power unless the reform
crowd surrenders to them horse, foot
and dragoon, while. Boss Platt, wlo
is a Sunday school man, would rath
er see Tammany win than to see the
Sunday saloon doing a wide-open
business. So there you are; and the
finish of Seth Lowism is already in
You can save money at
“I have noticed that tho sale
on Chamberlain’s Stomach and'
Liver Tablets is almost invariably
to those who have once used
them,” says Mr. J. H. Weber, a
prominent druggist of Cascade,
Iowa. What better recommenda
tion could any medicine have than
for people to call for it when
again in need of such a remedy?
Try them when you feel dull af
ter eating, when you have a _ bad
taste in the mouth, feel bilious
have no appetite or when troub
led with constipation, and you
are certain to be delighted with
the prompt relief which they af
ford. For sale by all dealers in
Perry, Warren & Lowe, Byron.
A Texas editor pays the following
tribute to the young ladies of his
town: “The 8^“ of our girls
are small, tapering and beautifully
shaped; their eyes are as brilliant
as **♦*; they are without || in this
or any other §; their frowns are
like f +, and their 12345 excite ! !
of pleasure. Read this closely; do
not ? its readability, and try to
the situation.
"Wine of Cardui.
Batesville, Ala., July 11,1900.
I am using Wine of Cardui and Thed-
ford’s Black-Draught and I feel like a
different woman already. Several la
dies hei;e keep the medicines in their
homes all the time. I have three girls
and they are using it with me.
The lady who had to leave .the
donation party the other night be
fore it was over will please call at
our drugstore and get a bottle of
Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup [Pepsin. She
has indigestion or she would not
have been taken, sick, and if she
had taken Dr Caldwell’s Syrup
Pepsin she would not have had in
digestion. In 50c and $1 bottles
at druggists.
For advice and literature, address, giving
_,jnptoms, “The ladies’ Advisory Depart
ment", The Chattanooga Medicine Co
Chattanooga, T6nn.
*ro»:o yvr
is KbA-f in|p Executed
The Yellow River is styled the
“Sorrow of China.” During the last
century it has changed its source 22
times, and now flows into the sea
(1,rough a mouth 600 miles distant
ibat of 100 years ago. It is
ten illthat its floods in the pres
ent century have cost China 11,000,
000 lives.
Subscribe for The Home JnoBNiT.,
The Sugar “Trust” Game.
Paul’s Furniture Store.
A complete line of COFFINS and CASKETS always
on hand.
President Havemeyer, of the Amer
ican Sugar . Refining Company,
through various media of publicity,
pleads for admitting free -of duty
the raw sugar from Cuba, and in do
ing so he appears to many as a phi
lanthropist. He shows that while
the government collects about forty-
nine millions a year in duties on raw
sugar, the consumers have to pay
not only that, but thirty-six more,
which goes into the pockets of tho
beet and cane growers. Raw sugar
is the raw material of Mr. Havemey-
er’s industry, and the cheaper he can
secure it the greater his profit. J?ut
he doesn’t suggest taking off the du
ty on refined sugar nor the counter
vailing duties by which he and oth
er refiners aro enabled to exclude
foreigu competition and tax the
American people for their own bene
fit. It makes a difference whose ox
is gored.—New York Herald.
The profits of a gold mine de
pends, not on the amount of rock
crushed under the stamp but up
on the amouut of gold which cau
be extracted from the rock. It is
a similar way the value of the
food which is eaten does not de
pend on the quantity which is tak
en into the stomach but upon the
amount of nourishment extracted
from it by the organs of nutrition
and digestion. When these or
gans are diseased they fail to ex
tract the nourishment in sufficient
quantities to supply the needs of
the several organs of the body,and
these organs cannot work without
nourishment. The result is heart
“trouble.” liver “trouble,” and
many another ailment. Dr.
Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov
ery, acting on every organ of the
digestive and nutritive system,,
restores it to health and .vigor. It
cures diseases remote from the
stomach through the stomach in
which they originated. “Golden
Medical Discovery” contains
neither alcohol nor narcotics.
The Kind You Havo Always Bought, anti which has foeem.
in uso for over BO years, has horn© tho signature off
and has hoon made under his per-
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no en,e to deceive you in tills.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good* 9 aro huff
Xtepcrknenio that triiio with and endanger tho health off
Icdhnts apt! Children—•Uxporie-'uco against Kspcrimen*.
V® VJ U U -us
Castor’a is a Star
gorie, • Drops and
contat/i.n neither
Bubstantio. Ita a?
and allays Fcf/cr
Castor* Oil, I'are-
t is Pleasant. It
Morphine, nor other Narcotic
[fuarantoo. It destroys ‘Worms
It cures Diarrhoea and ‘Wind
rJ frwxtvtuto
ALL;;:;’ Byrups
' ip
Colic. It relievos ?L 1 cething !i'rouhte;‘, cures Constipation,
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving Healthy and natural sloop.
The CMi&rcnX ihanu ..-oa—lDio Iilother’s Friend*
I h
o’natm’o of
At Greatly
Reduced Prices.
Fifty now Upright Pianos will oiose out at
greatly reduced prices within the next few
weeks. Among them such celebrated makes
Steinway, Sohmer & Co., Kranich
& Bach, Stuitz & Bauer, Budh
& Gests, Lester and Uoyal.
Call at once and secure one of these bargains
452 Second st-., Macon, Ga.
Jb what you do every
: you buy your
and all kinds of mill work and builders supples from oil*
superior stock. Builders, and contractors will find that
they get a superior grade of lumber and workmanship in
their line at lower p ices than they cum get elsewhere.
Phone 187.
-C3 JR
&o C O