The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, February 20, 1902, Image 4

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Says It Is Difficult To Keep People
Prom Drinking.
"BUI Arp” in Atlanta Constitution.
I was ruminating about this lit
tle unpleasantness that is going on
amongst our neigbboes at Borne.
My comfort is that it is not as big a
thing as they think it is, and will
soon pass away. After the election
is over the leaders will apologize all
rcund and make friends and the dear
poople have time to reflect and won
der what fools the leaders made of
them. A friend writes me that there
is nothing in it but ring politics—
who shall run the machine, who shall
have the offices. Whisky is in the
background, but the main things is
office. As Leonard Morrow once said
at a public speaking, “BoyB, don’t
let ’em fool you. They are just side
wipin’ round huntin’ the orthogra
phy of a little office.” Carlisle said,
‘•England has a population of 30,-
00.0,000—mostly fools,” and just so
there are enough fools in every coun
ty or community to elect a man if he
can get them all. He is pretty safe
if ho can get a majority of them.
^Dispensary or no dispensary,” that
is the question that is now stirring
Borne and Floyd county. Well, we
know all about it here in Carters-
ville, for we tried the saloons for
years and they did so much harm
we abolished them and they will
never come back here again—never.
Now we are trying the dispensary;
in fact, we have two of them, one in
Home and the other in Atlanta. We
wouldn’t have one in our town or
County for anything. The farther
off the better. The easier whisky is
to get the more it will be drunk,
Dawson, in Terrell oounty, 1ms had
a dispensary for nearly four years.
The sales for the first year were $26,-
000. The second year were $39,000,
the third year $50,000 and the pres
ent year will probably run to $75,-
000. You see it takes the boys some
time to find out how easy it. is to get
it, but the consumption goes on and
on increasing, and tho people take
comfort in that the profits, increase
their school fund and lessen their
taxes. No matter if it impoverishes
the poor and makes drunkards of
their young men. That is of no con
Now, our dispensaries are most
too near. I wish that the consumers
had to goji their supplies from Cin
cinnati or Baltimore. That would
cut tho jug business down one-half
at least. The common people could
not wait so long, and nobody but
uncommon people would got any
hardly. It would be a long time be
tween drinks, as the governor of
North Carolina said to the governor
of South GarolLu T^ere is bound
to be some drinking going on if
they knew that the world was going
to be burned up tomorrow. “All we
can do,” said a good man to me yes
terday, “is to make it hard to get
and regulate its sale and consump
tion." This mau had had experience
with young men who draulc on the
sly. He used to drink habitually
himself, but found the habit was
growing on him. He wanted it of-
tenor and more of it, and so he quit
abort off two years ago. He said
that there was but little difference
between open barrooms and the dis
pensary, so far as tho bettor class of
young men were concerned. A dol-
Ia| bottle in a room with throe or
fojir friends was about as bad as the
dollar spent for drinks in a barroom.”
But the barrooms are a nuisance in
any town and a disgrace to its refine
ment. If they are allowed at all they
■should be on some side street whore
ladies do not frequent or have to
pass. Keep them out of sight and
•oi;t of smell. Of course, the drink
ing habit cannot be stopped by law,
nor can tho sale of whiskey be stop
ped as long as the government al
lows its manufacture. Our people
can ride over to Cherokee and buy
y/hat thev«\vant from the govern
ment distillery. There is no such
thing as prohibition, and never will
be until the dawn of the millenni
um. This thing began with aid
Noah and had its ups and downs all
through Bible history. It never was
sanctioned. It never was prohibit
ed except to the priests in the tab
ernacle, “Drink not in the taberna
cle |est ye die,” saith Moses. All of
the old time people kept some on
the sideboard. Joseph and his breth
ren drank together an'd were merry.
David speaks of wine that maketh
glad the heart of man. Solomon
says, “Give strong drink to him that
is ready to perish and wine to those
that be heavy of heart.” But when
he was sobering up from a spree he
said, Vi “Wine is a mocker, strong
drink is raging, for at the last it bit-
eth like a.serpent and stingeth like
an.adder.” I heard a judge of our
circuit say that the wind up of a
spree was the most wretched and
forlorn mental condition that could
befall a man. Said he, “Away in the
dead of night I have gotten up and
gone to the well in my night shirt
and drank and drank of the cooling
water until I could hold no more. I
wanted to bite a branch in two and
swallow the upper end.” Nabal got
drunk and became as a stone, and
Benhadad and thirty-two kings all
got drunk together after a battle.
Jeremiah, the prophet, tried to make
the Rechabites drink wine with him,
but they would not, for so their fa
ther enjoined them, and Jeremiah
blessed them for obeying their fa
ther, and said, “Thus Baith the Lord,
the house of Jonadab, the son of
Bechab, shall not want for a man to
stand before me forever.” Zachariah
seemed to have winked at the indul
gence, for he said, “Corn shall make
the young men cheerful and new
wine the maids.” I wonder if that
was sure enough corn liquor. The
aged women were enjoined not to
drink much wine, wherein is excess.
King Ashashuerne got drunk and
ordered Queen Yashti to come be
fore him and she refused, and did
right, and the old rascal deposed
her. Hosea saith that wine taketh
away the heart. Isaiah was hard
against it, and says, * Their tables
are full of vomit and filthiness and
there is no place clean upon them.”
Habaknk says, “Woe unto bun that
giveth his neighbor drink and put-
teth the bottle to him.”
But this is enough of scripture,
From that day to this tho excessive
use of spirituous liquors has gone on
in all nations, carrying ruin in its
train, degrading kings and disgrac
ing presidents, and neither law nor
preeopt nor preachers nor the plead
ing of women has boon able to stop
it. The dispensary is more respect
able in its surroundings than the
saloon. There is no tethering of
roughs and toughs at its door, and
women can walk by without being
insulted or disgusted as they pass.
I do not believe that it lessens the
use or abuse of whisky. Nothing
will do thnt but home influence and
religious training and public opin
ion. It takes everything to combat
it and keep it in check. I have be
fore me the last official statement of
the dispensary business in South
Garoliua and it is amazing to see
h u w it is growing. It is now the
largest and most important business
in the Btate—its aggregate sales for
the past fiscal year being a little
over $2,000,000, and over $500,000
net profits, and-of these profits and
the stock on hand the school fund is
obtitled to*$611,354, and the state
bus on hand $640,000 of stock. The
profits pay hundreds of officials
good salaries, besides accumulating
an enormous school fund. I have
traveled a good deal over the state
and find public opinion much divi
ded upon the questionable morality
of the system. But it pays finan
cially, and the question of educating
the negro with taxes from white
pbople does not raise such a protest
as long aB the sale of whisky pays it,
especially when the negro is the dis
pensary’s very liberal customer.
What about the part that woman
is taking in this liquor business?
What does all this mean that Bish
op Coleman, of Delaware, has re
cently asserted in n public sermon
preached in New Jersey? He says
that the whiskey habit is actually
decreasing among the men of the
north, but it is rapidly increasing
among the women, not only tli6
fashionable women, but among the
middle classes. His assertion caused
a committee to be appointed who
quietly frequented the hotels and eat
ing houses and ladies’ restaurants,
and a large majority of the women
took wine or beer or whisky or cock
tails with their meals, and very many
took no meals and ordered drinks on
ly. The committee unanimously re
ported that the bishop’s assertion
was the truth. If this be so, God
help the country. Our southern wo
men will be all that will save it.
Working Overtime.
Eight hour laws are ignored by
those tireless, little workers—Dr.
King’s New Life Pills. Millions
are always at work,night and day,
curing Indigestion, Billiousness,
Constipation, Sick Headache, and
all Stomach, Liver and Bowel
troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe,
sure. Only 25o at Holtzclaw’s
Rrckefeller Taxes Us.
It is a fact, says the New York
Journal, that Mr. John D. Rocke
feller has absolute power to tax
the American people.
The Standard Oil Company now
takes from the people a net profit
of $180,000,000 a year, lb could
just as well take $180,000,000 if it
chose, or twice that. Let us re
joice at our fortune and let us
watch the change which has come
over ths spirit of those who tax
other human beings.
In the olden days the robber
baron put ou his taxes and when
he had gathered the money to
gether he sat in his hall and ate
and drank and generally misbe
haved himself till the time came
to go out and get more taxes.
Mr. Rockefeller doee not do
that. He walks about, thin and
dyspeptic, no pleasure in life at
all, no excitement save the inter
esting mental conflict with others
who want to get some of his mil
lions —who will not succeed.
He sips his milk and sticks to
his dyspeptic diet. He does not _
know the taste of wassail, or even'
the taste of an American cocktail.
He roasts no ox whole in his bar
onial hall. He has not even got
a baronial hall.
He taxes us, it i« true, at a rate
that would make the ancient lord
of the marches almost dizzy, but
he taxes ns for our own good-
As a nation we have not brains
euough to build the colleges that
the nation needs. Rockefeller
helps to build chem.
SonijlbUint? That Will Do You Good.
We know of no way in which
we can be of more service to our
readers than to tell them of
something that will he of real
good to them. .For this reason
\m want to acquaint them with
vvnat wo consider one of the very
best remedies on the market for
coughs, colds, and that alarming,
complaint, croup. We refer to
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.
We have used it with such good
results in our family so long that
it has become ji household neces
sity. By its prompt use we
haven’t any doubt but that it has
time and again prevented croup.
The testimony is given upon our
own experience, and we suggest
that our readers, especially those
who. have small children, always
keep it in their homes as a safe
guard against croup.—Camden(S.
C.) Messenger. For sale by all
dealers in Perry, Warren & Lowe,
By ton, Oa.
An Ingenious Treatment by WhlcV,
Drunkards are Being Cured Dai
ly in Spite oi Tliomselves.
No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of
the Nerves. A Pleasant and Posi
tive Cure for llie Liiquor IJabit.
It is now generally known and under
stood that Drunkemnss is a disease and
not a weakness. A body tilled with poi
eon, and nerves uomijleteiy shattered by
periodioalor constant use of inrosieating
liquors requires an antidote capable of
neutralizing and eradicating this poison
and destrying the craving for intoxicants.
Sufferers may now cure themselves at
home without publicity or loss of time
from business b,y this wonderful ‘Home
Wold Cure,” which 1ms been perfected
after many years of close study and treat
ment of inebriates, 'llie faithful use ac
cording to directions of (his wonderful
discovery is positively guaranteed to cure
the most obstinate case, no matter how
hard a drinker. Our records show the
marvelous transformation of thousands
of Druukards into sober,industrious and
upright men.
Wives cure your husbands! Children cure
your fathers! This remedy is in no sense
a nostrum, but is a specific for this dis
ease only, and is so skillfully devised
and prepared that it is thoroughly solu
ble and pleasant to the taste, so that it
can be given in a cup of tea or coffee
without the knowledge of the person tak
ing it. Thousands of Drunkards have
cured themselve c with this priceless
remedy, and as Many hiore have been
cured and made temperate men by hav
ing the “Cure" administered by loving
friends and relatives* without their
lcuowledgo, in coffee or tea, and believe
to-day that they discontinued drinking
of their own free will. l>o siott wail.
Do uot be deluded by apparent and mis
leading “improvement” Drive out the
disease at once aud for all time. The
’‘Home GoUt Ciu-e” is sold at the
extremely low price of One Dollar, thus
placing within reach of everybody a
treatment more effectual than others
costing $85 to $50. Full directions ac
company each package. Specific advice
by skilled physician when requested
without extra charge. Sent prepaid to
any part of the world on receipt of One
Dollar. Address Dept. 0478, Edwin B.
Giles & Company, 2330 and 2332 Market
Street, Philadelphia.
All correspondence strictly confidential.
At Greatly
j Reduced Prices.
Fifty new Upright Pianos will ciose out at
greatly reduced prices within the next f,- w
weeks. Among them such celebrated makta
Steiuway, Sohtuer & Co., KraiticU
& Bach, Stultz & Bauer, Bush
& belts, Lester and Royal.
Call at once and secure one of these bargains
452 Second st M Macon, Ga.
Tin* above is a cut of tire
The best tie'el Flow on the market, irolil by
M. C. BALKCO.M, Macon, Oil-
"New Rival" “Leader" “Repeater"
)F you are looking for reliable shotgun am
munition, the kind that shoots where you
point your gun, buy Winchester Factory
Loaded Shotgun Shells: “New Rival,” loaded with
Black powder; “Leader” and “Repeater,” loaded
with Smokeless. Insist upon having Winchester
Factory Loaded Shells, ana accept no others.
itling the Hail on the lad
Is what yon do every time
you buy your
Lumber, £a|f|
and all kinds of mill work and builders supples from oil
superior stock. . Guilders and contractors will find tha
they get, a superior grade of lumber and workmanship i
their line at lower prices than they can get elsewhere.
Phone (87. FOST VALLEY, GA.
For many years we have Bold our Whiskies and Cigars to Wholesalers only
and our brands are preferred by them, as they aro suporior to all others. In
order to givo the Consumer tho benefit of tho largo profits of Dealer and
Middleman, wo have decided to now sell direct to the Consumer our Most
Popular Brands of Whiskies and Cigars at less than wholesale prices.
M 1th every quart bottle of our famous 10 year old Queen CltyCInb PuroBye
and one box of our justly celebrated genuine Cnbnn lland.Made 10c clear
Havana Cuban Specials, we will give ABSOMTELY FREEonoof tho hand
somest open face, extra heavy nickel Gent’s Watches made,(no ladys) stem
set, genuine American movement and case, best timekeeper on
earth, does not tarnish and will last a lifetime, 1 extra fine Vienna Meer
schaum Pipe, 1 genuine Meerschaum Cigar Holder, 1 genuine Meerschaum
ugarotte Holder, 1 pretty leather Tobacco pouch, 1 clegnnt extra heavy
nickel match box, 1 pair pearl cuff buttons, 1 hall top collar button, 1 neck-
V, 9 , *? 0l uer, I pair sleeve buttons, 1 double chain and one beautiful charm.
All jewelry heavily 14k gold plated. All these 14 pieces with one box of our
tamous Cuban Specials and one quart bottle of our famous 10 year old Queen
Club Puro Eye cannot bo bought for lesB than $12.00. We sell the
lihiskey and Cigars In-W A>| C.O.D. with prtvilegeof ex-
c 1 ndmgthe 14 prizes for UH 1.1 I amination, while Whiskej
and Cigars alone cost more than we ask for tho entire lot. Our Whiskey is
an Absolutely Pure 10 year old Ryo and our Cigars genuine Cuban hand
made,dear Havana, made in our own factory. These cigars are far better
thi'mrmreirrlit" pnwuover advertised before. Wo Guarantee tho goods and refnadB
na rnnrecentn.1 u IvfeP I A' 11 Eftra Premium of an elegant Pocket knifo with two blades, 1 cork-screw, 1 cigar cutter and l
r- “gloss cutter, if *3.97 is Bent in advance with order. Goods sent in plain package. Write for
wholesale Price Lists or Liquors and Cigars. Responsible agents wanted. Order to-day.
U. is. UlSliLLEH s DlbTItl&UUKG CO.-—Dent. O.j 431 North, Claris St«, Chicago, 111.