The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, February 27, 1902, Image 7

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Announcements Received Later than 11 O'clock Wednesday Morning, Will be too late for That Week. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Houston County, subjecbto the Democratic nom ination. Respectfully, J. M. Pitts, For Tax Collector. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Tax Collector of Houston county, subject to democratic nomina tion. I bespeak the hearty support of my frieuds from every section of the county. Respectfully, A. W. Mubbay. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Oolleotor'of Houston County, subjsot to Democratic Primary. I earnestly solicit th'« support of the voters of the county of my birth. If elected, I promise faithful and efficient service. Respeotfully, W. 0. Lewis. 1 respeotfully announce mvself a Candidate for the office of Tax! Collector of Houston county, subject to the Dem- cratio Primary. J. W. Rushing. For Tax Receiver. I announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Houston coun ty, subjeot to democratic nomination, and earnestly solicit the support of the voters of the county. If eleoted I prom ise faithful and efficient service. Respectfully, (Taxis M. Oulleb. I,hereby nnnotmoe myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Re ceiver of Houston county, subject to demaeratio nomination. Respeotf ully, B. T. Stafeobd. Throusrh the solicitation of friends, t announce myself a candidate for the offioe of Tax Rt>oeiver of Houston comity, subjeot to Democratic nomina tion. Respectfully. Gbaham Thomson. Death of Mr. Joe Miller. I horeby announce myself a candidate for the offioe of Tax Receiver of Houston county, subject to democratic nomina tion. I promise faithful and efficient service if eleoted. Respeotfully, Geo. S. Haslam. For Clerk Superior Court. I announce myself a candidate for re- election to the offioe of Olerk of the Superior Court of Houston County, subject to the 'Democratic nomination. If eleoted, I will eudeavor to render the bast service of which lam capable. Respectfully, M.A.Edwabds. Mb. Editor—-On Tuesday night of last week, February 18 th, MisB Pearl Sawyer, grand-daughter of Mr. J. T. F. Doles of Fort Valley, died from the effects of burns re ceived that morning at the home of her mother at Pottersville, Taylor county. She was employed in the cotton factory, and at 7 o’clock that morning she went home from her night work. Sitting before the fire she slept, and when she awoke her clothing was a blaze of fire. She ran into the cook-room to secure the assistance of her aunt, but no one being there she ran out into the yard and ran around the house three t ; mes and fell exhausted, beseeching her aunt to save her if she could. She was terribly burned, and though all was done that loving hearts, ten der hands and a skilled physician could do, she died at 12:30 o’clock that night. While suffering intense ly, she prayed the sweetest prayer I ever heard, and on her death-bed sang without a quiver in her voice, “Jesus lover of my soul,” and then said: “Jesus has called for me and I must go. Mother, don’t grieve after me. I want you all to be good and meet me in heaven, ■ where I will soon be an angel.” . She called her mother, brother, Aunt Mary, Uncle Jesse to come and kiss her goodbye, and they did so. She then repeated the Lord’s prayer as far as “deliver us from evil,” broke down and never spoke again. She would have been 14 years old March 8th next. Her father died in 1889, and of the immediate family her mother and brother survive her, also grandfather, uncles, an aunt and many other ralatives, She became a member of the Methodist church when only five years of age, and Bhe was a Chris tian in every sense of the word. She was true, gentle and kind, good in word and aotion, and all who knew her loved her. May the loved ones now sorely bereaved, so live as to meet lier hereafter in the eternal home of the blessed. Sorrowfully, Uncle Jesse. Mr. Joe Miller died in Anniston, Ala., on Monday, Jan. 18th, of that Card Of Thanks. As we cannot person ly express our thanks to the many friends who were so tenderly helpful dur- dreadful disease, peritonitis. Mr. j i»g the recent fatal illness of our Miller was taken off in the bloom of, sls * e . r > Mrs. Fannie Moreland, and youth, just being 20 years old. Joe was a grandson of Mrs. Emeline Jerkins. He had been in business in Anniston for four years, connect ed with the Anniston Hot Blast, and while there made many friends. He connected himself with' the Mission ary Baptist, by whom he was re spected and held in the highest es teem.. During his sickness he had the best of attention, and at his death his church put him in a beau tiful casket and sent his pastor with his remains to Powersville. He was buried at Old Hopewell burying ground on the 20th. His pastor had services at the grave, and spoke of him in the highest terms. Joe was an orphan boy, and had he lived would have made his mark in the world. Sub. Deariso—Sanders. “A happy marriage was solemn ized by Rev. W. J. Norton of Fort Valley, at Evanston, about eight miles from Montezuma, in Hous ton county, Wednesday morning February 19tli, at 9 o’clock. It I hereby anuoouoo mvself a oandidate for Olerk of the Superior court of Hous ton county, subjeot to democratic nomi nation. It you find me worthy and com petent, I respectfully ask you to vote for me. I. T. Woodabd. was the uniting in holy bonds of wedlock of Mr. J. 0. Deariso, of Leesburg, to Miss Jeneava Sand ers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sanders, one of the most prom inent and influential families in Houston county. “Mr, Deariso is a prosperous young merchant of Leesburg, who has the confidence and respect of all who know him and he has gained in marriage one who will in every sense make u: "~ “ and devoted wife. “They have a host of friends in this section who wish them a hap py and prosperous life.”—Monte zuma Record. him a true Oard of Thanks. MACHINERY. Prompt attention given to Engines aud all Machinery. repairing Model and Pattern Work a specialty. Full stock of Pipe aud Steam Fix tures always on hand. Rubber Belting. Write for What you want. Anthoine Machine Works* J. W. ANTHOINE, Frop’r., FORT VALLEY, GA GEORG [A—Houston I'ounty. L. L. Barker; administrator of estate of W. M. Barker, deceased, kaB applied for dismission from said trust. This i s therefore to cite all persons con cerns! to appear at the May term, 1902, ;of the court of Ordinary of said county, add show cause,if any they have, who said application should not be granted. Witness mv official signature this February 3, 1902, SAM. T. HURST, Ordinary. GEORGIA— Houston County. Z. T. Leveretfc, guardian of E. O. and J. G. Leverett, has applied for dismis sion from said trust. This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned to appear at the March term, 1902, of the court of Ordinary of. said county and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this February 3, 1902. SAM. T. HURST, Ordinary. To the people who were so kind to us when we were burned out, please allow us the privilege to thank you through the columns of the Home Journal. While we have thanked most of you in person and by letter, wo feel that it will be nothing lost to again offer our heartfelt thanks, and say to you, one and all, that we will ever remember you in our hearts, with the hope of some day reciprocating to you this great kind ness, but should thiB opportunity never present itself, may the Alwise God remember you in the bright beyond. . Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ellis. Kayneville, Ga. Letter to Mr. J. H. Houser, Perry, Ga. Dear Sir: You will not be offended at our offering you a gift of pure paint. Not poor paint, but pure paint. If our paint is on the houses of several citizens we can easily se cure an agent at your place. Send us the dimensions of the house and the number of coats it is to be painted, and we will tell you how many gallons we can give you and' suggest some beautiful and pleasing color combinations. Any bank or mercantile agency can tell you about our capital and reputation. You add linseed oil to our paint,' same as you do to lead; covers better and lasts longer than lead; through your use of our paint we may get an agent; that’s why we are generous; been making this paint 30 years; sold 5 million pounds last year; it pays to inquire. Very truly, Longman & Martinez, Paint Makers, 207 Pearl St., New York City. so kindly sympathetic to us in our boreavment, we use this method of extending, our heartfelt grati tude. Respectfully, Mrs. Lee Webb, Mrb. W. V. Hamlin, T. J. Gatlin. A Oard of Thanks. Mr. Editor: — Please allow us space to thank our friends for the kindness shown us during the illness and death of our little darling, J. T. May the Lord bless them and our friends around Shilo ohuroh, that met us at the burial ground were so kind and sympathising. May the Lord bleBs %em, aud be ever near them, is our prayer. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kemper. South Macon, Ga. Bucklon\s Arnica Salvo. • Has world-wide fame for mar velous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tet ter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for Piles. Cure guar- | nnf.tinrl I Onlw QKo n f. JTr\l t.'/nl n w’a anteed. Only 25c at Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. — -Cures Headache, Neuralgia, Sick Headache and LaOrippe Fains. 15o., 25c. and 60o. bottle. For sale by H. M. HOLTZOLAW, Druggist, Perry, Ga. Seasonable Seeds Seeds for the Vegetable Garden. Seeds for the Truck Groover. Seeds for the Fasinor. The BEST only of Each Kind. popu- Ribbons, Big line, of the lar colors and widths at L. M. Paul’s. -A pretty New Buggy for sale. Fred. Houbeb. Isaacs’ Cafe, 413 Third Street, MACON. GEORGIA. Regular Meals 25c. Bill of Fare to Order POPULAR PRICES. Prompt and Efficient Service E. ISAACS, Proprietor. is a Rev- The father of the bride Commissioner of Roads aud enues of Houston county. In extending congratulations and best wishes to the happy young couple, the Home Journal cordially joins their many friendB. —It is always good business policy to patronize home indus try. You ban easily figure out the advantage to be derived from buying near at home, provided prices* are right and the articles are such as you need. While the Williams Buggy Company of Ma con is not exaotly a home affair to Houston people, it is very near ly so. They are in the state and very near our boundry line. They make Wagons, Buggies, Hay Presses, etc., and repair anything in their line. Everything they sell, make or repair is of the very best, and they will prove it. Read their .new advertisement in this paper. It is said the Southern Railway is being urged to build a new passen ger depot at. Macon, and in this con nection it is suggested that arrange ments could be easily made for all the passenger trains entering Ma con to use the depot owned by the Central. This would certainly add very much to the convenience of the traveling people. The Macon Telegraph. Published every day and Sunday, and Twice-a-Week, by The Maoon Telegraph Publishing Oo. Subscription Daily and Sunday, $7.00 per annum. Daily except Sunday, $5.00 per annum. Twice. a-Week, $1.00 per annum. Best advertising medium in the city. Rates furnished on appli cation. Best varieties Eastern Irish Potatoes. Choicest kinds Early, Second Early and Late Corn. All fresh, true to name, sure to grow. H. WRIGHT, The Seedsman, MACON, GEORGIA. ' HOUSTON SHERIFF'S SALES'. Will be sold before the court house loor in the town of Perry, Houston county, Ga., between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in March, 1902, the following property, to-wit: Thirty acres of land, more or leas, ly ing aud situated in the 0th district of Houston county, Ga., and being a part of lot No, 10 in said distriot. Bounded on the north by the lauds of Louisa Hill, ou the east by Dave Walker, on the south by Mrs. 8. A. Bassett, and ou the west by G. P. Lamar. Said laud being known as the Guss Hill plaoe, and lev ied on as the property of said Gusb Hill, and in his possession, to satisfy a fl fa from Houston Superior court, returna ble to April term, 1900. thereof, iu favor of Mayqr & Watts, vs Guss Hill. Tenant in possession notified in terms of the law. Also at the same time and plaoe, That 40 aores of land, more or less situate and lying in the 0th distriot of Houston county, Ga., and known as part of the Dreer Lisenby plaoe. Bounded on the north by the Harman Lisenby plaoe, on it by J by Gus Hill and on the west by G. P. Lamar. Levied on as the property of Louisa Hill to satisfy a fl fa from Hous ton Snperior court, returnable to April term, 1900, thereof, iu favor of Mayer & Watts vs said Louisa Hill. Tenant in possession notified in terms of the law. M. L. COOPER, Sheriff. Feb’y. 4th, 1902. We Give You $7.51 ■ON A- Jones Chain Drive Mower anil Bake. GEORGIA—Houston County. G. L. Slocumb, administrator of the estate of James I. Jones, deceased, has applied for dismission from said trust: This istherefore to cite aU persons con cerned to appear at the March term, 1902, of the court of Ordinary of said county and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this December 2, 1901. SAM T. HURST, Ordinary. —Bargains' are always desira ble, and many people search for them earnestly. Just now R. L. Cheek & Co., Macon. Ga., who recently bought the business of the Union Clothing Co., are offering special bargains in Clothing. Read what they say in their advertisement, which ap pears in this paper. TORiA forlnfantsand Children, -Some fine values in 10 5 cent Towels at L, M. Paul’s. Bears the j. Signature of It is proposed to build a new road from Georgia to Florida, beginning at Columbus and terminating at St. Andrews Bay. A charter has been applied for the Columbus, Eufaula and Gulf Railway. General Agents Wanted to sell Professor Long’s Magnetic Combs. They remove dandruff, cure scalp ailments and check falling hair, are untarnishable and will not break. Everybody wants them; good prop osition to hustlers. Send for terms. Outfit (six styles) in a plush case $2.00; Ladies’ Dressing Comb 50e., Gentleman’s Toilet Comb 40c—both 75c. Write today. Magnetic Comb Co., Pekin, 111. The}^ are the finest in the world, and we guaran tee them to do more work and better work and do it easier and with less^ expense than any other (and you are to be the judge), or we will refund your money or cancel your order. You give us your order now for delivery when you please, and then if you want to, we let you back again free. Our Mowers are equipped with the famous SHEAR OUT CLIP this season, which is the greatest invention ever put on a mower. We Sell Them on Three money. Loans negotiated on improved farms, at lowest market rates, and on most liberal terms. Business of fifteen years standing. More than three million dollars Ea loans negotiated. Facilities unsur passed. HOWARD BE. SMITH, ETo. ®14 Second St.. Macon, Ga. This offer will not tage of it NOW. be open long, so take advan- A full stock of .REPAIRS always on hand for Plain (or Jones) machines. JOB CSTEAT3L.Y HLX'ESC'UXISE) AT THIS OFFICE—- ml ah Si C.W 'ill J ' P1 H IMPART, til M A OC X, GKORMA, INQUIRE ABOUT OUR HAY PRESS.