The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, March 13, 1902, Image 1

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JOHN JODCrES, Piopy. D*V01 SO TO HQRfi3l£ [INTERESTS, PROGRESS AMD CULTURE* #l.SO a Year in Advance. yOL XXXT. PERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1902. no. m ENTERTAINMENT AT BYRON. Written for tile Home Journal. 1 ucturnfcly bade Mr. and Mrs. Ezell “good-nighb *f All con- . gratulated them on the success of Whenever one receives an invi- the entertainment, not only so- tation to an entertainment at cially but financially. Mrs. W. H-Ezell’s, he feels high- Among the grown people who ly honored, and goes knowing he were present as guests were —Dr. will enjoy it. So since it was an- J. B. McGehee of Talbotton, Rev. nounced several weeks ago that E. R. Pendleton of Reynolds, Rev. Mrs. EzeR would entertain the Ju- B. E. Whittington, Mr. H. J. venile Missionary Society of the Methodist church (of which she is Lady Manager) and also their friends, Friday evening Feb..28, all had beeu looking forward to that time. The members of the society were out in full force, bringing their missionary barrels with of ferings therein. The guests ,of which there were “big, little, old and young,” were asked to “bring as many pennies as you are years old.” The object of these offerings was to raise the Juvenile “Spe cial,” which goes toward the sala ry of Miss Mary Culler White, their missionary in China. Misses Lena Hill and Augusta Ezell were assisted in receiving by Misses Fannie Kate Bateman ami Casby Aultman. On entering the reception hall one first saw the treasurer, Miss Nellie Peavy, with smiling face standing behind a table whereon was seen the “contribution box.” In clear view on the wall behind her in silver letters was “Freely Give.” A short program was first ren dered as follows :-Howard Craw ford Pres, of the society presid ing. Welcome address by the Presi dent. Song by the Society, Prayer by Rev. J, B. McGehee. Recitation by Misses Lena Hall Ezell, Fannie Kate Bateman and Casby Aultman, Rome Bateman, Culver Aultman, and Henry Pea vy. Duet by Miss Lena Hill Ezell and Henry Peavy. Recitation by Miss Lena Hill Ezell. Song by the children in the rec itation. Closing remarks by the Presi dent. The children performed their parts very well indeed, and prov ed that they had proper training The recitations and duets deserve special mention. In the recitation Lena Hill Ezell, representing a star, was dressed in white organdy dotted with silver stars. Rome Bate man, representing Light, carried a lighted candle. Fannie Kate Bateman, representing a ‘ flower was dressed in cream organdy trimmed with jonquils. Culver Aultman, representing a tree,car ried a sprig of evergreen. Cosby Aultman, representing a little girl,was daintily gowned in pink- silk, and Henry Peavy was very handsome as a little boy. After the rendition of the pro gram, games of various kinds were enjoyed, Carroms, Pango Crokinole,etc. Mr. Ezell und Miss Essie Cline delighted all with music on the guitar and violin. About 10:80 “stealing part Peavy, Dr. M. A. Warren, Prof. E. L. Worsham, Mr. Jessie New man, Mdins. E. H. Ezelle, M C. Vinson, 0. E. Bateman, and Miss es Lillian Warren, Essie Cline, Fannie Moore, Maggie Warren, Kate Wagnon, M'ay Bole and Clara Belle Peavy of Macon and Sadie Peavy of Bonaire. MYRTLE NEWS. ners was interrupted, and the stealer and stolen were invited iuto the dining room. The sight was enough to remind one of Mount Olymphus and the gods and the goddesses of old, for there temptingly displayed was seen a table literally covered with am brozia and cake. The decora tions, corresponding to those throughout the house, were jon Tills and violets. | At the base of the vases were stars bouquets of violets and a jonquil ® ac iy--tied with violet ribbon ihei&e bouquets were pinned eft cW as a souvenir. Written for Publication last week, by Tipsy. Thursday evening, February 20, most delightsul entertainment was given at the home of Mr. J. A. Wood, in honor of the visitors of Myrtle. It is needless to say that all present enjoyed themselves, for the guests lingered until the clock was tolliug the mid-night hour. The following Tuesday night a Two-Step’ was given at the home of Mr, F. T. Houser. There was nothing to mar the pleasure of the event, only our teacher being ab sent on account of illness, we are glad to say, howevev, she is again performing her duty as teacher. After a delightful stay at Mrs. Geo. Anderson’s, Jr., Miss Annie Barron has returned to her home at Clintoi, much to the regret of pome of our most gallant young men. A good many of the men of Fort Valley, in and hround Myrtle, en joyed a bird hunt last Wednesday. All reported a delightful time as they were so successful. They bagged over a hundred. Last Friday Mr. aud Mrs. An derson, Jr., and Miss OllieHowell were highly entertained at the home of Mr. A. J. Housers. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Fagan,were the guests of-Mr. Fagan’s parents, Mr. aud Mrs. T. J. Fagan, Satur day and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Anderson, Jr., Miss Ollie Howell aud Miss Emma Barfield enjoyed the day At Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Sr. Mr. F. T. Houser and sistors, were al so the welcomed guests of Mrs. Anderson, Sr. Miss Emma Anderson has been confined to her room for several days, but we are glad to note she is much better. March 4th, 1902. Night Was Her Terror. ft “I would cough nearly all.night long,” writes Mrs. Chas. Apple- gate, of Alexandre, Ind., “and could hardly get any sleep, had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but when all other medicines failed three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King’s New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds.” It’s absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Bron chitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 50c and $1.00 Trial bottles free at Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. It is claimed that the patriots of Macedonia have gone regularly into the kidnapping business in order to build up the revolution ary fund to support them when they begin to struggle for freedom from Turkey. Changes In The Weather. Means slight “spells” of Head ache or affect your appetite. Ir regularities in eating cause Dys pepsia. Take Dr. Caldwell Syrup Pepsin and feel good re gardless of these elements or hab - hour hand was not far its. Sold by Druggists. Vorh twelve when the guests re- Subscribe for the Home Jourxal 0LAUD OULLINGS. By. S. J. R.—Crowded out Last Week. One of the most enjoyable social events connected with the history of Claud was enjoyed at Lake View Academy Saturday,, March l8t,when and where about 40 pat rons and pupils with their teachers assembled for the purpose of par- j ticipating in a fish fry. At about, 12:80 the good ladies announced 1 dinner ready, and we know no one ever ate better fried fish, which was abundant. After dinner all, old and young,enjoyed themselves at games of various kinds, the most interesting being a game of base ball, the champion players being Messrs. Jas. Smith, R. W. Hartley and R. R. Smith. The weather was the only thing to mar the pleasure of the occasion and that only by preventing the at tendance of more patrons and pu pils. We anticipate having an other in the near future, at which we hope to see all. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tabor are visiting relatives ueatBolingbroke Miss Annie Newell of LaVilla is visiting hor brother, Mr. J. W. Newell. Mr. R. W. Hartley and son, Seabie, spent Sunday near Heard. Mr. Kemp Dorsett is the cham pion partridge shot of this sec tion, and if school continues un til the 15th of March we think there will be but few left in the woods near and around the school house. Mr. R. R. Howard has the most unique specimen of chicken we ever saw, it being a kind of quad ruped having four well developed legs. The great body of timber near Lake View was sold a few days ago by Mr. Culpepper to Messrs. Pearson and Avera, two of the most successful saw mill men in Georgia. Mr. R. R. Smith owns aud op erates the most modern and typi cal hotel in the state. Take a. vitw of it just west of his resi dence and inquire of him for rates. It embraces all modern conven iences. The friends of Mr. L. George regret to learn of the loss by file his dwelling and other buildings. —**#♦*■ Card of Thanks. We wish to express our heart felt appreciation to our many friends w<ho were so helpful aud showed us so many kindnesses du ring the recent and fatal illness of our little boy. We cannot personally thank ev ery one, but will remember each of you; and especially did we ap predate the respect and remem brance from the teachers and pu pils of the Byron school. Gratefully, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Varner. on F. 0. Benson. 408 3rd St. W. G. Middlbbrooks. THE MACON SHOE CO. Wish to announce to their many friends and customers that they are through with the repairs on their store and are able to show. The Most Complete Line of Shoes to he found anywhere, our stock. Call and in- Workingr 24 Hours A Day. There is no rest for those tire less little workers-—Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Millions are al ways busy, curing Torpid Liver Jaundice, Biliousness, Fever and Ague. They banish Sick Head ache, drive out Malaria. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work wonders. Try them 25c at Holtclaw’s Drugstore. -*•*•*• A full cargo of New England rum, comprising 570 puncheons and valued at $120,000, was lately shipped from the port of Boston consigned to the use of the abo rigineB on the West African coast, Evidently there is need of mission ary work in Boston. spect Make our Store Headquarters While in Town. W. F. Houser. 408 3rd St. R. L. Permionter. McKAY, TAILOR, 1 XXsiGoinu C&.a*., MAKES ALL TIIE Tailor-Made Clothes WoLN BY THE of Central and Southern Ga. Artistic and High-Grade Work. Fashionable and Seasonable Fabrics. IvZgTZjZJIT* ■xsdior, 300 Second St., MACON, GA. c. HUHN, DEALER in SPORTING GOODS.: Bicycles, Baseball Goods, Fishing Tackle, Guns, Pistols, ere. some Specialties, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Mechanics’ Tools. Hand- Repairing 520 MULBERRY ST. of Guns. Bicycles, Etc. MACON, GEORGIA S. Xj- -GBOOEHIES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE.- Cor. Second and Poplar Sts., MACON, AGENCY FOB T$i ALL 9TEKL WOVEN WIBE CA. r ££L MM For Infanta and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tfao Signature of Made of large, strong wires, heavily galvanized. Amply provides for expansion and contrac- mm tion. Only Best Bessemer steel wires used,* always of uniform quality. Never goes wrong no matter how great a strain is put on it. Does not mutilate, but H does efficiently turn cattle, horses, hogs and pigs. frame* mm EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEES* by the manufacturers, C .11 and wee It. Can show you how it will your fields so they will stay fenced. save yon money and fence