Newspaper Page Text
ms MimisM
Jno.H. Editor and Publisher
Perry, Thursday, March 18.
It ie not what a man makes, but
what he saves, that makes him noli.
-■ *-©-*
Gol, E. F. Blodgett has been ap
pointed postmaster at Atlanta, to
succeed Postmaster Smythe, deceas
ed. /
(Juba \yill be a republic under
home-rule government on May 1st,
if present arrangements do not mis
k~© -»
Concerning the candidates, state,
district and county, we merely ad
vise: Apply the moasure of merit
aud take your choice.
Editor Christopher of the Amer
icas Herald seems to be a chronic
“kicker.” He is entirely too prone
to search for flaws and faults.
Capt. Samuel S. Dunlap, one of
of the oldest and most prominent
business men of Macon, died at his
homo in that city last Saturday.
Every city, town or locality is just
as good and progressive as the peo
ple thereof choose to make it. A
town will not grqw without applied
, There are three candidates in op
position to State School Commis
sioner Glonn: Merritt of Valdosta,
Beok of*D6oatur and Johnson of
Milled geville.
The campaign for solicitor gener
al will bo especially lively in the
Maoon circuit, Throe excellent gon-
ileiren are in the race: Messrs. Wm.
mm ^ a ^ er Grace and Robert
Though his name is not printed
thereon, the daily editions of the
Atlanta Constitution show that Kev.
Sam Small has something to do
with the editorial make-up of that
paper. The paragraphs are spark
ling gems.
. j— j-
If Roosevelt proposes to enforce
national law, ho must cause the at
torney-general to enter suits agaiust
the managers of the republican par
ty. It seems at this distance that
kk6y regard their own will as supe
rior to all law.
► it -«
Flint river was out of its banks
last week, higher on Maroh 2nd than
ever before known. On the main
street pf Montezuma the water was
uoveral inchoB deep in several of the
stores. Both bridges across the riv
er wore damaged.
Miss Alice Boosevelt will not at
tend the coronation of Bing Edward
of England, the specifications and
restriction's surround mg that func
tion beiug distasteful to the Presi
dent. She is now visiting the fam
ily of Gen. Wood in Havana, Cuba.
' Germany and England do not
agree concerning foreign affairs in
China, and it is said the antagonism
may seriously involve the interests
of other nations in China. Germany
refuses to agree to the proposed re
ductions of the European garrisons
at Tien-Tain:
Whether the next governor of
Georgia ffliall be Estill, Guerry or
Uerrell, Jtho state will be well and
faithfully Served, and the defeated
candidates need feel no humiliation
whatever. There is no remarkable
difference between them in ability,
integrity and character..
Concerning reciprocity with Cu
ba, President Roosevelt seems to be
antagonized by a majority of the re
publicans in congress. It is to be
devoutly hoped that Biblical decla
rations may be uttered against the
republican party: “A house divided
against itself cannot stand.” •
It was reported last week that
Col. Jim Smith of Oglethorpe coun
ty had just sold 2,000 bales of cot
ton to a Maoon buyer. Should his
positive announcement as a candi
date for governor now appear, it
might be inferred that he had been
“holding off” until plentiful cam
paign material was in hand. ' .
Published Every Thursday Morning.
Commercialism In Control.
, Success in business affairs is com
mendable, and the accumulation of
' riches is decidedly pleasing, we pre
There are things and conditions,
however, preferable to financial ag
grandisement or pre-eminence in
commercial progress.
In behalf of freedom in personal
speech and action, and in protest
against imperial oppression, a great
war was waged in' this country, and
the direct result was the establish
ment of the United States govern
ment as a republic. Upon the foun
dation of a righteous sentiment em
bracing the fundamental principles
of democracy, equal rights to all
aud special privileges to none, the
union of states was established.
Gradually drifting from the
ground-work of justice, right and
truth, the republican party has be
come a synonym of commercialism,
conducting its politics on the theory
that whatever is worth having should
be bought.
Carrying this policy to its legiti
mate conclusion, the republican par
ty buys the election of its managers,
and in the transaction the banks
and industrial corporations buy the
special privileges the enjoy at the
hands of the republicans in power.
Verily, the republican money
ohangers are within the temple of
the people and it is time that the
democrats,' armed with the lash of
justice, should drive them out de
servedly scourged.
There are other attributes of the
republican party equally to be con
demned, but its commercial methods
are so pervertive of the principles
for which our revolutionary fore
fathers fought, that it is evidout
that the sordid grOod for gain in
fluences that party at every juncture
and pollutes its every action.
Whatever may bo unjust in the
tariff laws, the currency policy, in
ternal adminstration, or the dealings
of this country with Ouba, Porto
Rica and the Phillippine Islands,the
commercialism of the republican par
ty has been, and is, the controlling
Commercialism in politics destroys
principle and debases patriotism, and
the outraged people should by their
ballots remove it from power.
■ ■■■■■II■■■■■■ I
Prince Henry of Prussia oanclu-
ded his visit to the United States
last Tuesday, and is now on his way
homo. He came as far south as
Chattanooga, Tenn„ and he express
ed himself well pleased with the
country and people. Prom the pub
lished reports, the prince is a manly
mau, remarkably free from the chill
ing hauteur that might be expected
of royalty., The reception given him
was in the main cordial without ser
vility. The incident will doubtless
make stronger ike friendship of
Germany and the United States.
Gen. Methuen of the British ar
my, 200 men and several cannon
were captured by a detachment of
Boers under Commandant DeLany
last Saturday, in South Africa. Two
officers and 40 British soldiers were
killed and about 80 wounded. The
British force engaged in this battle
1200 men. No details are given as
to the number of Boers engaged,
nor of their casualties. This action
does not agree with the recent dec
laration of the English government
that the war in South Africa was
• »-•*
The modern daily paper requires
a combination of brains, money and
industry, such as is required in few
other lines of business. This is spe
cially true in the south where mark
ed suooess in the daily field is few
aud far between. That such a thing
can be done, however, is proven by
the continued and increasing suc
cess of the Augusta Herald, which
is spending more money and show
ing better resuits in the newspaper
field as the years go by.
Judge J. M. Griggs, representa
tive bf the second Georgia district
in congress, will doubtless be the
new chairman of the democratic
congressional campaign committee.
What he knows about politics is
enough, and we dare say his. man
agement of the committee affairs
will be decidedly beneficial to dem
A financial measure has been in
troduced in congress which*, if en
acted into law, will practically give
the national banks control of the
financial affairs of the United, States
Low Rates via,Central of Georgia
Georgia Baptist Convention, Rome
Ga. Alarek 26-80, 1902. One fare
for round trip. Tickets on sale March
25-26, and for trains scheduled to
arrive at Rome forenoon of March
27. Final return limit March 31.
Georgia Chautauqua, Albany, Ga.,
April 20-27,1902. One fare for the
round trip, plus 25 cents admission
to the Chautauqua for individuals;
one cent per mile is each direction
for military in uniform, twenty or
more on one ticket. Tickets on sale
April 9-26, inclusive; final return
limil April 28,1903. •
Confederate Veterans’ Reunion,
Dallas, Texas, April 22-26, 1902.
Tickets on sal.e April 18-20, inclu
sive; final return limit May 2. By
depositing ticket with joint agent at
Dallas and paying a fee of 60 cents,
an extension to May 16, 1902, may
be obtained. For further informa
tion ask your ticket agent.
“The wealth-producing power is
measured by school privileges,” says
J. L. M. Curry, and as an illustra
tion the wealth of Massa
chusetts. In Massachusetts $12,-
000,000 invested in education yield
ed $400,000,000. Whatever a na
tion sows, that must it reap, The
south has been very poor—still suf
fers, but cannot afford to remain so;
Bhe is doomed to inferiority unless
she doeB her duty to her children.—
Southern Education Notes.
— —«v~
President Roosevelt has instruct
ed the attorney-general to enter suit
against the railroad combinations
that have been violating the provis
ions of the interstate commerce law.
He says that all pools, transporta
tion agreements and out rates must
be abolished, and that the law in
question must be obeyed strictly.
Secretary John D. Long, of the
navy department, has resigned the
office, to take effect on May 1st.
Hon. W. H. Moody of Massachu
setts will be the next secretary of
the navy,
General Agents Wanted to sell
Professor Long’s Magnetic Combs.
They remove dandruff, cure scalp
ailments and check falling hair, are
untarnishable and will not break.
Everybody wants them; good prop
osition to hustlers. Send for terms.
Outfit (six styles) in a plush case
$2.00; Ladies’ Dressing Comb 50c.,
Gentleman’s Toilet Comb 40c—both
76c. Write today. Magnetic Comb
Co., Pekin, 111.
GEORGIA—Houston County.
G. B. Willingham ha9 applied for the
appointment of M. A. Elwards, clerk of
Houston Superior cou'-t, as administra
tor of the estate of Julia F. Rutherford,
of said oounty deceased.
This is therefore to cite all persons con
cerned to appear at the April term,
1902, of the court of Ordinary of said
county and show cause, if any they
have, why said application, should not
be g muted.
Witness my .official signature this
March 8, 1902.
SAM. T. HURST, Ordinary.
GEORGI V—Houston County.
Caroline Halliburtan,widow of Charles
Halliburton, deceased, hns applied for
12 months’ support for herself and six
minor ohildreii from the estate of said
This is therefore to cite aU persons con
cerned to appear at the April term,
1902, of the court of Ordinary of said
oounty and show cause, if any they have,
why said application should not be
Witness my official signature this
Maroh 8, 1901.
* SAM T. HURST, Ordinary.
GEORGIA. Houston County.
Notice is hereby given that I have
filed my application Avifch the Ordinary
of said county foi^an order for distribu
tion in kind of the residue of the estate
of W. S. King now remaining in the
hands of Mrs. Fannie King, as executrix,
and W. A. King, as executor; and that
said application will be heard at the reg
ular term of the court of Ordinary for
said county, to beheld on the first Mon
day in June, 1902, B. H. King,
Feb. 20,2fcm-4m. An heir at law.
Isaacs’ Cafe,
413 Third Street,
Regular Meals 25c.
Bill of‘Fare to Order
Prompt and Efficient Service
\ ;„E. ISAACS, -
you are
To get a new suit of
Clothes. 01 course you are
counting how many dollars
you’ll have to spend.
We fully appreciate
all the conditions and will
meet you accordingly. Come*
and let us talk the matter
over. We can soon settle
the price question.
The Cp-to-Date Clothiers,
420 Third Strete. M A CON, GA
We Give You
-ON A-
Jones Chain Orivn Mower and Rake.
They are the finest in the world, and we guaran
tee them to do more work and better work and do
it easier and wiih less expense than any other
(and you are to be the judge), or we will reiund
your mom} 7 or cancel your order.
You give us your order now for delivery when you
please, aud then if you want to, we let you back
again free.
Our Mowers are equipped with the famous
this season, which is the greatest invention ever
pul on a mower.
We Soil Them on Three Years’ Time.
This offer will not be open long, so take advan
tage of it NOW.
A full stock of REPAIRS always on hand lor
Plain (or Jones) machines.
Weber, Rrown, Russell and Thornhill "Wagons cheapen
than you ever bought them before, to make room and re
duce storage and insurance.
. GA.