The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, March 27, 1902, Image 8

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How to Got On in the World. Small crops, unsalable veg etables, result from want of Vegetables are especially fond of Potash. Write for our free pamphlets. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Namu St., Now York. fwemifsiiyiS A really healthy woman has lit tle pain or discomfort at fctoo menstrual period. No woman needs to have any. Wine of Cardul will qulokly roliovo those smarting menstrual pains and the dragging head, baok and side aches caused by falling of the womb and Irregular menses. WINE'-CARMII has brought permanent relief to 1,000,000 women who suffered every month. It makes tho men strual organs strong and healthy. It is the provision mado by Na ture to give women rolief from tho terrible aohos and pains wliioh blight so many homos. ,JL Facts and Figures Containing Over 600 Pages. Hi Michigan Advocate. Most of tfur successful men began life without a dollar. They have won success by hard work and strict honesty. You can do the same. Here are ten rules for getting on in !}he world: 1. Be honest. Dishonesty seldom makes one rich, and when it does riches are a curse. There is no such thing as dishonest success i 2. Work. The world is not going to pay you for nothing. Ninety per ernt of what men call “genius” iB only a talent for hard work. | 8. Enter into the business or trade ; which you like best, and for which ; nature seems to have fitted you,pro- j vided it is honorable. ! 4. Be independent. Do not lean ’ on others to do your thinking or to J conquer your difficulties. I 5. Be conscientious in the dis charge of every duty. Do your work thoroughly. No boy can rise who slights his. work. 6. Don’t try to begin at the top. Begin at the bottom and you will aave a ohance to rise, and will be surer of reaeding the top some tipae. 7. Trust to nothing but God find hard work. Insoribe on your ban ner: “Luck is a fool; pluck is a he- ro* 8. Be punctual. Keep your ap pointments. Be there a minute be fore time, if you have to lose dinner to do it. 9. Be polite. Every smile, every gentle bow is money in your pocket. 10. Be generous. Meanness makes enemies and breeds distrust. AND ENCYOLOPEDI' A STATISTICAL VOLUME OF . . Special Features. nuiloautres of the United Mate*; Parti cular* About Three Thousand American Magnates. Organized Labor; Strength of the Labor x Unions. The' Trusts. United States Census. New Census ofBuropeanCountries. Tho Nicaragua Canal and the Hay-Pounce* foto Treaties With Great Britain. The Re ft lotions of Cuba With the United States. The Conference of Ameri can Republics at the City of Mexico. Tho Anarchist Statistics of This Country and 1 Europe. Progress of Aerial Navigation in 1901. The New York Municipal Election of 1901. Agriculture. Manufactures, ilortoilty. FACTS ABOUT POLITICS; [THE BOOK THAT BELONGS IN EVERY OFFICE AND IN EVERY HOME OF EVERY AMERICAN. Price I STANDARD At* AMERICAN ANNUAL CIS. I AT ALL NEWSDEALERS. THE WORLD PtdHztr Mg.,Rem fork The above described book free at this office to every Hon Journal subsetib erwho ays 1.60 strictly n dvance.t Towser's Tailing. “The poor dog is tired out,” said Mary, as the wagon drove into the yard, and Towser, covered with the dust of the road, dropped lolling and panting upon the gratis. “ ’Tisn’t the journey he had to take that’s tired him,” laughed the farm er. “He’s used himself up by zig zagging from one side of the road to the other and ’tendin’ to every thing that didn’t concern him. He couldn't pass a gate without running through it to see what was on the other side, nor see a hen anywhere along the road without feeling call ed upon to ohase her. Every dog that barked started him to barkin’ and everything that moved took him out of his way to find out what it was and where it was goin’. No wonder he’s tired! But you’ll find plenty of human bein’s that are travelin’ their lives through in just that same way. They ain’t satisfied with the bit of road that’s marked out for their neighbor’s goin’s and doin’s, and take charge of no end or things that they can’t even help or hinder. They’re like old Towser; it wears them out. If they’d follow straight after the Master and not in vent so many extra cares for them selves, the road would’nt be nigh so long nor hard.—Exchange. *-•-* Gould Not Breathe. Coughs, colds, croup, grip, bron ohitis, other throat and lung trou bles are quiokly cured by One Minute Cough Cure. One Min ute Cough Cure is not a mere ex peotorant, which gives only tem poary relief. It softens and liqui fies the mucous, draws out the inflamation and removes the cause of the disease. Absolutely safe Acts at once. “One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for it, says “Justice of the Peace J, Q. Hood, Crosby, Miss. “My wife could not get her breath and was relieved by the first dose. It has been a benefit to all my fami ly. Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. Judge J. W. Roberts, treasurer of the dispensary board, on March 16th paid $1,600 into the city treasury and the same amount into the coun ty treasury, this being an equal di vision of the profits of the Dawson dispensary since January 1st, 1902 —Dawson News. Horseles s carriages, fuelless en gihes, and the wirelei s telegraph, are the greatest innovations. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is next and cures Constipation, Indiges tion, Sick Headache and Stomach Troubles. Sold by Druggists. There is a demand for gutta percha 600 times greater than the supply. Items of Interest. The quarterly target practice of the North Atlantic Naval Squad ron cost $178,000 for ammunition. Maryland’s industry employing the greatest number of persons is the canning of fruits and vegeta bles. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing at Washington is a mon ster enterprise, employing no less than 2,800 workers. The wireless telephone of Arm strong & Orling is attracting marked attention from scientists, and users of the telephone as well. Havre, France, is the world’s largest coffee market. The amount of that commodity in its ware houses seldom falling below 2,- 000,000 bags. The record for rapid slaughter ing has been made by an Indian apolis packing house, by turning 8,298 hogs into products within five hours. Within ten years a German publisher has issued translations of five of the most read English and American novels. No one of them has had a sale of as many 1,000 copies. | A shower bath, with facilities for bathing 200 boys per day, which was placed in one of the j New York city 'public school buildings is very popular. A boy is given 15 minutes in which to undress, wash and dress. During the last fifty years the suicidal tendency in England ha3 grown into a formidable disease, The growth, too, has been contin uous. Suicide has steadily • in creased 200 per cent. Unhappi ly, too, the growth has been most rapid in recent years. • »■♦-« A strange lamp has been con structed by Professor Dubois. A glass globe placed on a metal stand is nearly filled with a liq uid composed of luminous marine microbes; there are two tubes running from the globe, and through these a supply of air can be sent to the interior when the light grows dull, the effect appa- tently being to revivify -the mi crobes. The light from this lamp will laBt for several weeks without renewal of the illuminating me dium. ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those bom deaf are incurable. ■ HEAD H01SE8 CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A? WERNIAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: , , r ‘ M ’ Baltimore, Md., March 30,1901. Gtntlemtn — Being entirely .wed of deafnea, thanks to your treatment, I will now give you • an. kept on pittas worn, mill l lost I then saw your advei At heartily and beg to remain Very trul£ wo s> Br0 adway, Balth ■Ignatnre is on every box ofthe genuine 1 Laxative BromtHQuinine Tablet* toe remedy thit airea * cold la eM day How to Cure the Grip. Remain quietly at home and take Chamberlain’s Cough Reme dy as directed and a quick recov ery is sure to follow. That reme dy counteracts any tendency of the grip to result in pneumonia, which is really the only serious danger. Among the tens of thous ands who- have used it for the grip, not one case has ever been reported that did not recover. For sale by all dealers in Perry, Warren & Lowe, Byron. Four of the oldest men in the Senate sit side by side in seats 11, 12, 18 and 14 in the front row of the democratic side of the cham ber—Mr. Pettus and Mr. Morgan of Alabama and Mr. Cockrell and Mr. Vest of Missouri. Senator Pettus, in point of years, it the father of the upper house, having passed his eightieth birthday near ly a year ago. Changes In The Weather. Means slight “spells” of Head ache or affect your appetite. Ir regularities in eating cause Dys pepsia. Take Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin and feel good re gardless of these elements or hah its. Sold by Druggists. . King Edward has put typewrit ing machines in the office of his private secretary. This is quite an innovation, for the letters of royalty have always, heretofore, been executed by hand. Cures Eczema and Itching Humors Through the Blood. Costs Nothing to Try, B.B. B.(Botauio Blood Balm) is a cer tain and sure cure for eczema, itching skin, humors, scabs, Boalds, watery blis ters, pimples, aching bones or joints, boils, carbuncles, pricking pain in the skin, old eating sores, ulcers, eto. Bo tanic Blood Balm cures the worst and most deep-seated cases by enriching, pu rifying and vitalizing the blood, thereby giving a healthy blood supply to the skin. Other remedies may relieve,but B. B, B. actually cures, heals every sore, and giveB the rich glow of health to the skin, making the blood red and nourish ing. Especially advised for old, obsti nate! oases. Druggists $1.. Trial treat ment free by writing Dr." GillanSi'218 Mitchell street, Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble,and free nunioal advice,given- i then W your advertisement I thank you Baltimore, Md. Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation, s ”.S!rc'.“s:.* ad YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME " I INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE,, CHICAGO, ILL. nominal cost. WINCHESTER FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS “New Rival” “Leader'* “Repeated i|F you are looking for reliable shotgun am- ^ munition, the kind that shoots where you ' point your gun, buy Winchester Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells: “New Rival,” loaded with Black powder; “Leader” and “Repeater;’ loaded with Smokeless. Insist upon having Winchester Factory Loaded Shells, and accept no others. ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM $3.50 PENNSYLVANIA PURE BYE, BIGHT YBABS OLD. OLD SHABPE WILLIAMS Four ful Quarts of this B;ne .Old, Pnre WHISKEY, EXPRESS PAID- Wo ship on approval in plain, sealed boxes, with no marks to indicate contenta. When |you reooivo it and tost it, if it is not satisfactory, return it at our expense and we wil return your §3.60. We guarantee this brand to be EIGHT YEARS OLI>. Eight bottles for S6 50, express prepaid j 12 bottfbs for §0 60 express prenaid. One gallon jug, express prepaid, $3 00; 2 gallon jug, express prepaid, $6 60. No charge for boxing. Wo handle all tho leading brands of Rye ai Bourbon Whiskies and will save you GO Per Cent, on Your Purchases: , Quart,Gallon. Kentucky Star Bourbon, $ 36 §126 Elkridgo Bourbon v 40 1 60 Boon Hollow Bourbon 46 166 Colwood Pure Eye 60 100 Monogram Eye 66 2 00 McBrayer Rye CO 226 Maker’s AAA A 06 2 40 O. O. P. (Old Oscar Pepper) 66 240 Old Crow 76 260 Fincher’s Golden Wedding 76 2 60 Hoffman House Rye 90 300 Mount Vernon, 8 years old 100 360 Old Dillinger Rye, 10 years old,.... 126 400 The above are only a few brands. Send for a catalogue. All other 3oods by tlio gallon, such as Corn Whiskey, Peach and Apple ,Brandies, etc., sold equally as low, from §126 a gallon and upward We make a speciasty of the Jug Trade] and all orders oy Mail or Telgeraphwil' have our prompt attention: Specia inducements offered. Mail Orders shipped same day ofthe receipt of order. The Altmayer & Flateau Liquor Company, 608, 508, 510, 512 Fourth Street, near Union Passenger Depot. MACON, GEORGIA. r . radol Chicago’s Pig Club. Melrose Park, a Chicago suburb, has a new club, popularly known as the Pig club. The tie that binds the members together is a common lik ing for what used to be called in In diana “hog fixin’s.” The president of the Melrose Park Savings bank. Ferdinand Dunnebecke, is president of the club. “We shall hold sessions each week,” he says, “and pork will be the one meat served. Between times, too, we will eat no other meat than pork.” PERFECT PASSENGER AND SUPERB ' SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE BETWEEN ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THE Digests what you eat* This preparation contains all of the digest-ants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dietingunnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can^t help but do you good Connecting at SAVANNAH with STEAMSHIP LINES PLYING BETWEEN Savannah and New York, Boston, Philadelphia, | Baltimore AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST Complete information, rates, schedules of trains and sailing date's of steamers cheerfully furnished by any agent of the company. THEO. D. KLINE, GOMTal 8up’V. W. A. WINBURN, Traffic Ma«Sf*r, «K O. HAILE, General P*M”r AgaM, ( Pi HOWMBOM, AM't,.4to<wrai F*MV Ajtltfc atfWKimfts* a*.