Newspaper Page Text
Mrs. Hugh, Lawson Entertains,
Announcements Received Later than
11 o’clock-* Wednesday Morning,
Will be too late for That Week.
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of Sheriff of Houston ooun-
ty subject to democratic primary.
Respectfully, Jno. F. Troutman,Jr.
I hereby annouuoe myself a candidate
for the office of Sheriff of Houston
county, subject to democratic nomina
tion. Respectfully,
Walter E. Means.
I respectfully announce myself a can
didate for Sheriff of Houston county,
subjeot to democratic primary. If elect
ed promise faithful service.
M. L. Cooper.
I hereby annouuoe myself a candidate
for the offioe of Sheriff of Houston
flmmtv. subjeot to the Democratic nom-
ination. Respectfully,
J. M. Pitts.
For Coroner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the offioe of Coroner of Houston
county, subjeot to democratic nomina
tion. Rospeotfully,
A. B. Schilling.
' For County Treasurer.
Being urged by friends in and around
Perry, I have consented to become a
candidate for the office of County
Treasurer of Houston oounty, subjeot
to demooratio nomination.
Respectfully, Asberry Bryant.
I hereby annouuoe myself a candidate
for re-election to the offioe of Oounty
Treasurer of Houston county, subject to
democratic nomination.
Respeotfully, W. J. Moore.
A most enjoyable affair was
one at Mrs. Hugh Lawson’s on
April the third, when the Thursday
Afternoon Club was entertained.
The Spinsters again lent charm
to the occasion.
We noted with much pleasure the
presence of Mrs. J. A. Ansley of
Americus, and Mrs. Langdon
Oheeves of Montezuma,who aasisted
Mrs. Lawson in receiving.
In the game of word-making,
Miss Lula Houser was the success
ful one. She was presented with a
lovely violet stand.
The scene in the dining room,
where delightful refreshments were
served, was decidedly pleasing.
The guests with fresh spring cos
tumes, and the sweet violets and
graceful wistaria, presented a most
spring-like appearance.
Mrs. Lawson is a loveley hostess
and we feel indebted to her for con
tributing so largely to our pleasure
Thursday afternoon, April 17.
Mrs. Lee Paul entertains. With
Mrs. Paul as our hostess, our pleas
ure is again assured.
For Clerk Superior Court.
I anuounce myeelf a candidate for re-
eleotiou to the offioe of Clerk of the
Superior Court of Houston Oounty,
subject to the Democratic nomination.
If elected, I will endeavor to render
the best service of which I am capable.
Respeotfully, M. A. Edwards.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Clerk of the Superior court of Hous
ton oounty, subjeot to democratic nomi
nation. If you find me worthy and com
petent, I respeotfully ask you to vote for
jue, I. T. Woodard.
For The legislature.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of Representative of Hous
ton county in the next Legislature, sub
ject to democratic nomination.
Respectfully, J. M. Heard.
I hereby anuouuoe myself a candidate
for the offioe of Representative of Hous
ton Oounty in the next Legislature of
Georgia, subjeot to Democratic nomina
tion. Respectfully, T. V. Fagan.
I respectfully anuouuoe myself a oau
didate for re-eleotiou to the Lower
House. Having had experience, I feel
that I am bettor able to serve the inter
ests of the people. If elected, I prom
ise to discharge my duty faithfully and
fearlessly. S. S. Taylor.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of Representative of Hous
ton county iu the next Legislature of
Georgia, subject. to Demooratio nomi
nation. Respeotfully,
Robert E. Brown.
To tlia Voters of Houston County.
I respectfully ask your support in the
Democratic primary for Representative.
With the experience of the last term in
the House, I will be able, if elected, to
render you more efficient service in the
next. 0. 0. Richardson.
For Tax Collector.
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the office of Tax Oolleotor of Houston
county, subject to democratic nomina
tion. I bespeak the hearty support of
my friends from every section of the
county. Respeotfully.
A. 'W. Murray.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the offioe of Tax Oolleotor of Houston
Oounty, subject to Democratic Primary.
I earnestly solicit th<* support of the
voters of the oounty of my birth. If
elected, I promise faithful and efficient
service. Respeotfully,
W. 0. Lewis.
I respeotfully announoe mvself a
Candidate for the office of Tax Collector
of Houston county, subject to the Dem-
cratio Primary. J. W. Rushing.
For Tax Receiver.
I announce myself a candidate for the
office of Tax Receiver of Houston coun
ty, subject to democratic nomination,
and earnestly solicit the support of the
voters of the county. If elected I prom
ise faithful and efficient service.
Respectfully, J axe H. Culler.
Letter'to Mr. *L. M. Paul,I
Perry, Ga.
Dear Sir: • Offering you Paint “Free
of Charge” robs our action in ad
dressing an open letter to you of
any offence, for we really do you a
service. Naturally we have an “axe
to grind;” the quickest way to inter
est one of your merchants is to put
L. & M. Paint on the houses of two
or three solid citizens, and demon'
strate practically that it is the cheap
est and best paint made.
We will tell you how many gal
Ions of paint we will give you “for
nothing,” just as soon as you write
us with particulars as to measure
ment of house, and number of coats
required. At the same time our ex
perts will suggest very handsome
color combinations.
Banks and mercantile agencies
rate us at HIGHEST in capital and
reputation; been making L & M
Paint 30 years; sold in the last five
years, Twenty-four Million Pounds,
On account of the amount of linseed
oil that can be added to every gal
lon of the L. & M., it costs less than
pure white lead, while it lasts longer
and covers better. Write us.
Very sincerely,
Longman & Martinez,
Paint Makers,
207 Pearl St., Now York Oity,
Barred Plymouth Rocks, 15
Eggs for $1.00. Express prepaid
on two or more settings in one
order. McM Rainey, Perry, Ga.
Elko News.
By Bill Snooks. SB
Spring time is now with us. Ev
ery one feels happy and looks sweet,
except the bachelors, and they have
improved some.
Mr. J. D. Marshall Will spend the
week in Perry, as he is on the grand
Mr. C. E. Eubanks is placing the
material with which he will ereot a
handsome dwelling.
“Pa” Shinholser iB all smiles, and
just now Master Tom, Jr., is visit
ing at his house.
Miss Virginia Means is teaching a
nice music class at Grovania. „
Miss Clyde Buff, who is in school
at Hawkinsville, spent Sunday with
Mr. W. S. Murrow attended the
convention at Rome, and reports an
extra nice time, and no doubt much
enlightened from such an important
Lamb & Griswold, who have been
operating a saw mill near here, will
move their machinery near Macon.
Elko will furnish a few of her sons
of veterans to join R. A. Smith
Gamp to Dallas.
Mrs. Wm. Means is in Vineville
with her grand-children, while Mrs.
W. L. Means is spending a few days
here. Mrs. Wm. Means went up
Mrs. J. O. Mann returned from
Macon to-day, where she visited rel
atives the past week.
This section wants Oapt. John P,
Houser to be re-appointed on the
county board of education. He is
an excellent man, and our section
should be represented on the board.
Olaud Oullings,
A nice pretty new Buggy on
hand. Fred M. Houser’s.
Municipal Ticket.
For Mayor, J. H. Houser.
For Aldermen,
B. H. Andrew,
J. J. Marshburn,
J. R. Miller,
A. A. 3moak.
R. L. Marchman,
J. D. Martin, Sr.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of Tax Re
ceiver of Houston county, subject to
demacratic nomination.
Respectfully, B. T. Stafford.
Through the solioitatton of friends
I announce myself a candidate for the
office of Tax Receiver of Houston
oounty, subject to Democratic nomina
tion. Respectfully.
Graham Thomson.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of Tax Receiver of Houston
county, subject to democratic nomina
tion. I promise faithful and efficient
service if elected. Respectfully,
Geo. S. Haslam.
For Solicitor General.
I respectfully announce my candidacy
for the office of Solicitor General of the
Macon Circuit, subject to the approach
ing Democratic primary- If elected,
my constant purpose will be to discharge
the duties of the office faithfully.
Walter J. Grace.
Having been appointed by the Gov
ernor to fill the unexpired term of Hope
Polhill, until an election could be held,
I hereby announce my candidacy in the
approaching primary for the office of
Solicitor General of this Circuit, for
the remainder of such unexpired term.
For State Senator.
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the democratic nomination for the office
of State Senator for the 2'lrd Senatorial
district. Respeotfully,
H. A. Mathews.
For County Commissioner.
The many friends of Mb. Chester
Pearce hereby announce him as a can
didate for the office of Commissioner of
Roads and Revenues of Houstou county,
subject to Democratic nomination.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of Commis
sioner of Roads and Revenues of Hous
ton county, subject to democratic nomi
nation. Respectfully,
J. J. Houser.
I herebv announce myself a candidate
for the office of Commissioner of Roads
n „j lievenues of Houston, county, sub-
joeb to democratic nomination.
Respectfully, Each Hays.
CASTORIA Forlnfantsand Children,
By Big Six.
The farmers about Olaud, as far
up as Howard school house, are very
well up with their work.
The Lake View school had a very
nice time the first day of April.
They went to Powersville and spent
the day with Miss Fleta Hancock’s
school. The Lake View boys won
in a game of ball against the Pow
ersville boys. They had a very nics
Oapt. Gates was in Macon on bus
iness last week.
There was a dance at Oapt. Gates’
last Tuesday night, which we en
joyed very much. We hope he will
give another soon.
Miss Beulah Fountain, who has
been quite ill, we are glad to know
is much better.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith have
returned home from a visit to rela
tives at Knoxville.
Miss Nettie Fountain spent Sun
day with Miss Mamie Books.
Mrs. W. J. Stahlnafcer atd family
spent Sunday with her father. Mr.
E. L. Fountain.
Mr. James Hancock went up to
Macon last week on important busi
Mr. Ike Rutherford has finished
his house, and it is a very nice one.
Misses Birdie Smith, Nettie Foun
tain and Mamie Rooks said they en
joyed their trip to Powersville very
much. April 4, 1902.
Small Academy Honor Roll.
1st Grade—Seabie Hickson, Jr.,
2nd Grade—Edna Chapman,
3rd Grade—Outlier Stone, 95.-
61; Allison Adams, 91.69.
4th Grade—Leila May Hose,
95.44; Eula Chapman, 95.33; Ad-
die W. Hose, 94.77; Henry Riley,
94; Luoile Cheek, 93.12; Marcus
Hickson,92.66;. Janie Ruth Cheek,
92; Andrew Houser Clark, 90.20.
6th Grade—John Willie Hose,
6th Grade— Inez Stone, 96.44;
Marion Hickson, 98.77; Cora
Chapman,98.11; Estelle Hickson,
92.88; Charlie Harris, 92.11 ;Fan-
nie Pearl Cheek, 91.77; Effie Har
ris, 91.10.
8th Grade—Sosie Alice Clark,
97.80; Ernest Stone, 96.66.
A Delightful Dinner Party.
On Monday, April 7th, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Riley
on Main street, Misses Louise and
Augusta Riley entertained at a
delightful dinner party in honor
^of their cousin, Miss Luoile Riley
of Macon.
The day was spent indeed very
pleasantly,not in gossip of course,
for women never indulge.
Those present were Misses Lu-
cile, Louise and Augusta Riley,
Oorinne Baldwin, Kathryne Mar
tin, and Willie Ooopeif; Messrs
Callaway Riley, and Will Riley of
In the afternoon, after thank
ing the Misses Riley for the de
lightful day and Mrs. Riley for
the delicious meal, we were spying
with our friend Shakepeare,
“partiug is such sweet sorrow.”
A Guebt.
He Kept His Leg.
Twelve years ago J.W. Sullivan,
of Hartfort, Conn., scratched his
leg withfa rusty wire; Inhuma
tion and blood poisoning set in.
For 2 years he, suffered intensely .
Then the best doctors urged am
putation, “but,” he writes, “I
used one bottle of Eleotrict Bit
ters and boxes of Bucklen’s
Arnica Salve and my leg was
sound and well as ever.” For
Eruptions, Eczema, Jetter, Salt
Rheum, Sores and all blood dis
orders Eleotrict Bitters has :io
rival on earth. Try them. Holtz-
claw’s drugstore will guarantee
satisfaction or refund money. On
ly 50 oents.
A Good Farm For Sale.
The Marchman Home place,
365 acres, with good dwelling,
out-liquses, etc., on Perry branch
railroad, ' adjoining Standard
Fruit Farm. Apply at once,
R. L. Marchman,
tml5 Perry, Ga.
Tax Receiver's,AppoiiitmeiitN,
I will be nfc the following plaoee on the
dates named for the purpose of receiving
Tbx Returns for the year 1002:
Byron, Thursday, April 3, a. m.
Powersville, “ “ “ p. m.
Fort Valley, Friday, April 4, all day.
Perry, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
April 7, 8, 9.
ICathleeu, Thursday, April 10, a. m.,
Masonic News.
—Personal jokes, especially if
rough, are not acceptable for use
in the Home Journal. They are
unkind to the persons referred to
and unfair to the readers and the
editor. A recent youthful indis
cretion on this line persuades us
to make this declaration. We are
glad to number among our corres
pondents some of the best local
newsgatherers in the state.
How’s This?
Wo oiler One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall’s
Cotarrli Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO, Prop’s, Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J,
Cheney for the last 15 years, and bolievo him
perfectly honorable in all business transactions
and iinanoially able to carry out any obliga
tions m i de by their firm.
West & Tuuax, Wholesale Druggists.Tolodo.O.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O,
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally .acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
tee system. HrieoTec. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggists. Testimonials free.
Unll’s Family Pills are the best.
Photograph Gallery.
I have opened a Photograph Gallery
on Oarroll Street, Perry, Ga.,
near Home Journal offioe.
Photographs from $1,00 to
$4.00 per dozen.
Will be at Gallery Saturdays and Mon
days only.
To Suit Customers.
Sunshine not necessary for good work*
Yours to please,
Wellston, Friday,
Perry, Moiiday.
Haslam, Tuesday,
Barrow’s Mill, “
Taylor’s, Wednesday,
Henderson, Thursday,
Elko, “
Grovania, Friday,
Hayuevile, “
Dennavd, Saturday,
Heard, “
Olaud, Tuesday,
Hollinshead, “
“ p. m.
11, a.m.
“ p. m.
14, all day.
15, a. m.
“ p. m.
16, p. m.
17, a. m.
“ p. m.
18, a. m.
“ p m.
19, a. m.
M p. m.
22, a. m.
| p.ra.
Standard Poultry Farm,
» *
Offers eggs for hatching from the
following breeds :
Light Brahmas, Golden and Silver Se
bright and Buff Coohin Bantams, Buff
Coohina, Pit Games, While and Cornish
Indian Games, Golden Penoiled and Sil
ver Spangled Hamburgs, Boudans, Black
Langshane, White, Brown and Buff Leg
horns, Black Minoroas, Buff Orpingtons,
White Crested Blaok Polish, White and
Barred Plymouth Rocks, Single and
Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds, White
Faced Blaok Spanish and Pekin Ducks.
Our stock is thorough and standard
bred. Write for list of prizes and prices
Satisfaction guaranteed.
There was no meeting of Perry
Chapter No. 62, on first Tuesday
night on account of the absence of
a number of the Companions.
The regular monthly communica
tion of Houston Lodge No. 35 F. A.
M. was held last Friday night. The
degree of Fellon Graft Mason was
conferred on Dr. B. Williams in due
and ancient form.
The members of Houston Lodge
can no more be called the dark lan
tern crowd, for her communications
will be held hereafter on Friday
night before the full moon in each
month. A communication will be
held on the third Friday night, the
moon being full on the 22 inst.
*-•-« . -
Job Couldn't Have Stood It.
If he’d had Itching Piles. They’re
terribly annoying; but Bucklen’s
Arnica Salve will cure the worst
case of piies on earth. It has
cured thousands. For Injuries,
Pains or Bodily Eruptions it’s the
best salve in the world. Price
25c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold
at Holtzclaw’s drugstore.
, Bears the
J Signature
* of
Stock and Poultry Powders.
L. W. GRAY, Mngr.,
466 Poplar St. MACON, GA
It s a magnificent aggregation of the
World’s Best.
The sign on the entrance reads:
Better take in this show—it’s worth
seeing' The display of Spring Suits
'will interest every good dresser in town,
while the reasonable prices will interest
every prudent and careful buyer.
NEWfSIUsU g' A Display
worth coming miles to see. A glad hand
of welcome awaits every caller. Admis
sion nothing. Won’t you come?
The Cp-to-Date Clothiers,
420 Third Strete.