The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, April 17, 1902, Image 1

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JOKI^ ptJ HODGES, Propr. DEVOTED TO HQNSE iNTERESTS, PROGRESS AND CUf TORE. ^1*50 a, Year in Advance. VOL. XXXI. PERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA, THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1902. NO. 10. ben hill academy. Written for publication last week. The hard work which has been done in the musical department connected with the school was clearly exemplified on last Friday afternoon. The pupils did well and were a credit to their excel lent teacher, Miss Leila Walton. There were a large number of vis itors and every one feeling pleas ed with the work done and the business little teacher. Following is the program for the afternoon: Chorus—Dixie, small children. Duetto —Selected, Jasper Har dison and Teacher. Solo—Selected. Oma Rushing. Recitation—Little Jim, Lula Welch. Duetto—Selected, Myrtle Ruth Rushing and Teacher. Dance of the Brownies—Karn- man, Will a Hardison. Duette—Selected, Manning Hays and Teacher. Valse in Eb—Durand, Alma Hardison. Recitation —Kentucky Philoso phy, Dora Ulm. Charge of the.Uhlans~C.Bohm, Clara and Mamie Hardison. Recitation—Selected, Myrtle Ruth Rushing. The Mill—Jensen Op. 17, Clara Hardison. Recitation—The Elf child,Ruth Davis Over Hill and Dale—Engleman, Eula Hardison and Teacher. Our library is constantly grow ing. We now have about fifty vol- ums and are working for and ex pecting more. We are greatly in debted to the following for books: Messrs. J. H. Culler, of Perry; E. B. Lewis, of Montezuma; R. D. Aultman and Hugh Arnold, of Dunbar; Robert Hodges, T. A. Coleman, E. H. Marr, William Brunson, J. W. Burke, & Co., of Macon ; Edward F. Holmes, and P. D. Pollock, of Mercer Univer sity; A. J. Bepk, Decatur; Dr. M. A. Warren, Miss Effie Louise Crawford, of Byron; Mr. J. A. Smith, of Havanna; Central School Supply Co., of Atlanta; J L Brown, of Fort Valley and Mr. Merritt of Valdosta. Marie Crawford. IN MEMORIAM. Written For The Home Journal Bro. George Paul, who took his flight from this world, to a purer, better land, on the morning of Feb. 10th, was an honorary mem ber of the Woman’s Foriegn Mis sionary Society of Perry M. E. church. When ho joined the so ciety, 8 years before, he did so with a purpose, not as many do, interested for the moment, then become indifferent, and drift out; he was always interested, and ready to respond to our calls, for dues or special offerings. His zeal for missions was so great that, although he was a busy, active elder in the Presbyterian church, he could still find time to help in the enterprises of other church es, therefore be it resolved: 1st. That in the death of our dear Brother,we have lost a faith ful friend, and an earnest mem ber, whose willing liberal offer ings will be sadly missed. 2nd. That as a society we hon or his memory, because of his Godly life, and strive earnestly to emulate his examble in faithful- to duty. 8rd. That we herewith extend our sincere sympathy to the be reaved family, and pray that they may all be remitted in the home above. 4th. That a coppy of these res olution,be spread upon our record, be furnished the family and pub lished in the county paper. Respectfully sigued. Mrs. S. D. Rogers, Mrs. F. M. Houser, Committee. Saved Many a Time Don’t neglect coughs and colds' even if it is spring. Such caseB often result seriously at this sea son just because people are care less. A 'dose of One Minute Cough Cure will remove all dan ger. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, and other throat and lung troubles. ‘‘I have used One Minute Cough Cure sev eral years,” says Postmaster C.’O. Dawson, Barr, 111. “It is the very best cough medicine on the market. It has saved me many a severe spell of sickness and I warmly recommend it.” The children’s favorite. Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. The State Treasurer is counting on receiving about $200,000 dur ing the present month from special taxes, and a majority of this amount will be paid out to school teachers for their salaries due Ayril 1st. It is estimated that' from the liquor tax will come $120,000, from the hire of con victs $21,250, from cigarette tax $8,000, from pool rooms $5,000, iroih artists $1,000, from pawn brokers $1,500, from peddlers SI,000, from pistol dealers $5,000, from brewers $1,500, from cold storage companies $2,000, from dealers in futures $15,000. To Care a Cold in One ©ay Take Laxative Brorno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature on each box.25c. Subscribe for the Home Journal. The Moral Boundary Line. There is a narrow line which separates virtues from vices, ex cellent qualities of character from ruinous faults, says the Saturday Evening Post. It is drawn straight through moderation. There econ omy becomes miserliness, gener osity becomes prodigality, pru dence becomes cowardice and courage becomes rashness. It is singular how many .vices are simply the excess of virtues. Justice may run into severity and mercy into softness. Tolerance has not far to go to degenerate into xbsolute indifference and faith is easily carried into credu lity, superstition. Possibly it would hardly be cor rect to say that many people are too good, but it is a fact that many otherwise gracious and lov able souls are void of that whic h makes goodness itself to be de sired—that is, moderation. There must be a balance of vir tues, a proper moral perspective. A man who is too straight leans over backward. The strenuous life is in danger of becoming the lawless, the violent. We argue subconsciously, “If a thing is good, the more the better.” But too much freedom is license, too much exercise is waste, too much zeal is fanaticism, too much light is blindness.—Selected. A VALUABLE MEDICINE. For Coughs and Colds la Children “I have not the slightest hesi tancy in recommending Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy to all who are suffering from coughs or colds,” says Chas. M. Cramer, Esq., a well known watch maker, of Colombo, Ceylon. “It has been some two years since the City Dispens'ary first called my at tention to this valuable medicine and I have repeatedly used it and it has always been beneficial. It has cured me quickly of all chest colds. It is especially effective for children and seldom takes more than one bottle to cure them of hoarseness. I have persuaded many to try this valuable medi cine, and they are all as well pleased as myself over the re sults,” For sals by all dealers in Perry, Warren & Lowe Ryron • Germany has recently taken statistics of the beer production and consumption of the empire. During last year the production amonnted to a little more than 1.860.000. 000 gallons. There were 15.000. 000 gallons imported. The consumption amounted to an av erage of 182.2 quarts per capita fur the empire, or something more than 83 gallons for each man, wo man and child during the twelve months. This seems to show that the German is still a lover and good drinker of beer. A Raging, Roaring Flood Washed down a telegraph line which Chas. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la., had to repair. “Standing waist deep in icy water,” he writes, “gave me a terrible cold and cough. It grew worse daily. Finally the best doctors in Oak land, Neb., Sioux City and Omaha said I had Consumption and could not live. Then I began using Dr. King’s New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles.” Positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung troubles. Price 50c and $1.00, at Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. : About 16,000,000 pounds of macaroni are annually shipped to to the United States from Italy. Now there is talk of a candy trust; not, however, to make a specialty of the crystallized fruits and cosily bonbons of the rich, but to control the manufacture and sale of the taffy and lollipops that are purchased by the poor. When the trust gets in control of the poor child’s candy supply, there will be less of pure sugar and more of adulterants in the sweets that may be purchased with the child’s few available pennies. A queer mining industry has been Arizona, famous for its heat and dryness. In the northern part of the state there is an ice cave in which there is said to be an inexahustible supply of excellent natural ice. This is to be mined and and sold to towns along the Santa Fe road. The temperature of the cave drops sixty degrees in the first twenty minutes of descent. Wants To Help Others. “I had stomach trouble all my life,” says Edw. Mehier, proprie tor of the Union Bottling Works, Erie, Pa., “and tried all kinds of remedies, went to several doctors and spent considerable money trying to get a moment’s peace Finally I read of Kodol Dyspep sia Cure and have been taking it to my great satisfaction. I never found its equal for stomach trou ble and gladly recommend it in hope that I may help other suf ferers.” Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures all stomach troubles. You don’t have to diet. 9 Kodol Dys pepsia Cnre digests what you eat. Holtzclav’s Drugstore. Another effort will be made to secure from congress an appro priation sufficient to exterminate the water hyacinth, which has of late years spread so rapidly in Louisiana, Mississippi and Flori da waters as to seriously impede their navigation and to harass and injure the logging, timber and oyster business. — France is about to replace its copper money with coins made of aluminum bronze. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of For HOLIDAYS and aU other days. Mail or» ders promp ly filled. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. T. A. COLEMAN, Bookseller and. Stationer*, 803 Second Street, MACON, GA Are Ton Satisfied With the Shoes that you have been getting? If you are, you will be better satisfied if you will try a pair of Mak-osis $3 50 New styles now on sale. All leathers— Kid, Patent Kid or Russian Calfl Oxfords or High Guta. Call on or send your orders to The Macon Slice Co. At Greatly Reduced Prices. Fifty new Upright Pianos will ciose out at greatly reduced prices within the next few weeks. Among them suck celebrated makes as Stein way, Solmier & Co., Kranicb & Had), Stultz & Bauer, Bush & Gests, Lester and Royal. Call at once and secure one of these bargains F. A. GUTTENGERGER & CO., 452 Second st., Macon, Ga. The above is a cut of the "V'TTX. G-A-lsT PLOW! The best Steel Plow on the market. Sold by M. C. BALKCOM, Ag’t.,, Ga. wataauHW' j l+mnn The 6a. Poultrv Herald. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE STATE ASSOCIATION. Subscription Price 50c, a Year. ADDRESS GA. POULTRY HERALD, PERRY GEORGIA, .The Herald Fh.EE one year to. every Home Journal subscriber who pays $1.30 str ictly in advene:)..'