The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, May 15, 1902, Image 5
Washington and Roosevelt. New Yorfc Times. Ex-Congressman John S. Wise, of Virginia, now of New York, is a warm personal friend of Presi dent Roosevelt. , Being in Wash ington a few days ago he visited the white house and was prompt ly accorded an interview. In the course of the conversation the president is said to have suddenly remarked: “Now, John, you are a very observing man and know pretty near what is going on. Tell me what the people think of my administration?” Oh, Mr. Pres ident,” Mr. Wise replied, “the opinion seems to be that you will go down to posterity with Wash ington,” “I am delighted to hear that,” the president is said to have answered inteTruptingly as he grasped Mr. Wise’s hand and shook it heartily. But as he re leased his hold Mr. Wise contin ued: “But whether it will be with George or Booker T., I not prepare^ to say.” am This, from the Americus Times- Recorder, should be remembered by boys who wish to attain suc cess: “You seldom ever see the boys that; work uncomplainingly and that look after the interests of their employers looking around after a job. They can usually hold the one they have as long as they want it, and when they are turned loose it is for the purpose of taking a higher position.” IPtPWliiPWilllPl — M- An Excursion Worth the While. Bill Prepared for Beef Trust. There used to be an impression that, whatever his virtues, Presi dent McKinley lacked firmness. On the contrary, Predlent Roose velt has long cultivated a reputa tion for robust firmness. And yet history will record that it wa3 Roosevelt and not McKinley who yielded to the demands of the pen sion raiders.—Courier-Journal. If You Suffer from Kidney Troubles Use Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. Noth ing like it for diseased kidneys. 60 cents, at Cater’a Drugstore. A HBMB-blKfc HlEffi. HAYING LEASED THE SfuilsM House Mulberry St., MACON, GA., Nest to Academy of Music, It is my purpose to conduct u hotel that will be liome-like and satisfying to all guests. It is specially suitable for ladies or others visiting Macon for a day or longer. We Strive to Please. Ueojrge S. Riley. Good eiwtit Srmjflgly ^/\ll Havana Filler ".FLORODORA'BANDS are of same value^as tags from [ 'STAR: "DRUMMOND’Natural Leaf, | GOOD LUCK" OLD PEACH & HONEY' '“RAZORand-lRIGE GREENVILLE’ Tobacco. Atlanta Constitution, Very soon a number of republican congressmen, on the invitation of Representative Thompson,, of Ala bama, are to make a visit to the south. The main purposo for which they are invited is to show them the negro and the actual conditions of his life and labors in the typical southern state of Alabama. The idea that moved Congress' man Thompson amounts almost to an inspiration, and we are gratified at the alacrity with which a number of representative northern republi can congressmen have accepted the opportunity that he offers them. If they are the sincere and honorable men we assume them to be, their visit, their observations and their investigations among the real work ing, producing negroes of the south will be most illuminating. They will see things they have not believ ed and hear things which they would not probably accept as true from any other witnesses. It will be a distinct revelation to many of these particular visitors to have the homespun negro tell of his experiences, his conditions and his hopes. They will find his testimo ny in strange contrast with that which is usually retailed to them in Washington by sleek and pompous bishops, prognathous professors and politicians in plug hats and jim- swinger coats. They will be sur prised to learn how few of the in dustrious negroes of the south are dreaming of social equality and fret ting their souls against the hackle of qualified suffrage. It is especially gratifying that Mr. Grumpacker, of Indiana, author of the scheme to reduce southern representation because every negro male adult in the south is not arbi trarily returned as voting the repub lican ticket, is to be one of the visit ing statesmen. We are sure that he needs just the sort of information that this visit will give him. Of all others, he should be introduced free ly to those whom he thinks are the equal of his constituents in all the elements of self-governing citizen ship and given ample occasion to compare their capacities to deter mine national issues with those of the people in the Indiana district who return him to congress. The Constitution looks for genu inely good results from the excur sion. It will enable the congress men who compose it to get valuable information on the spot and from first witnessess. They will see and know things that have been ctenied or exaggerated by those who have been their informants heretofore, and, we doubt not, they will return to Washington with modified views of the southern situation and the so- called “southern problem.” And if they are wise and honest they will testify from the things they will have seen and heard, that the best thing that congress can do is to let the southern white man and the ne gro adjust their relations without let or hindrance from those who are not factors in the equation. Judge W. A. Day, special govern ment counsel, who has been assist ing Attorney S. H. Bethea in draft ing a bill for an injunction against the packers, left’Chicago for Wash ington May 2. With him went the bill, It is believed by the lawyers who framed it that it is invulnera ble. The bill against the beef trust is brought in the name of the United States by Attorney General Knox and is directed against these de fendants: Armour & Co., Nelson Morris & Co., Swift & Co,, The G. H. Hamburg Packing Company, The Cudahy Packing Company and The Sehwarzschild & Sulzeberger Company. Closely following the terms of the Sherman anti-trust law, technically known as “an act to protect trade and commerce against unlawful re straints and monopolies,” the bill begins with the formal allegation of jurisdictional powers of the United States Circuit Court and then sets forth the charges apainst the pack ers. It is charged that the defendants named have entered into and are maintaining a combination, agree ment or trust iu restraint of trade and commerce among the several states, and that the said agreement or combination is in direct violation of the terms and provisions of the act making such combinations file GILBERT HARDWARE CO., Hardware, - Harness, - Saddlery, mm Full line Agricultural Implements. BEST GOODS. • © CLOSEST PRICE. Harness Repairs a speciality. 'MACON, CFCRC* m 463-465 Third St, At Greatly Reduced Prices. Fifty new Upright Pianos will ciose out at crently reduced prices within the next few A mouk them suoh celebrated makes wo eke. as Steinway, Soluner & Co., Kranieli & Bach, Stultz & Baiter, Bush & Gcsts, Lester aud Royal. (Jail at once and secure one of these bargains F. A. GTJTTKNGERGER & CO., 452 Second st., Macon, Ga. It is alleged that the defendants have become partners, aud still are parties, to an agreement, or combi nation, which, in effect, provides for the absolute control of the beef trade in and between the several states in restraint of trade and com merce between the several states. It is charged that the defendants nam- ■Gd have entered into, aud are main taining, an agreement to raise or lower the prices of beef, which, in effect, is in restraint of trade and commerce between the several states, that the fixing of prices in effect creates a monopoly in the beef trade, and the same is alleged to be in restraint of trade. It is claimed that the mainte nance of suoh an agreement, or com bination, in restraint of trade aud commerce stifles competition, cre ates a trust and works great hard ships. It iB alleged that the agreement, or combination, as entered into and maintained, fixes prices of the prod ucts handled, without regard to the supply and demand, and is, in effect, in direct restrainst of trade and Tie Ga. Poultry Herald OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE STATE ASSOCIATION. Subscription Price 50c. a Year. -ADDRESS- GA. POULTRY HERALD, PERRY GEORGIA. The Herald FREE oue year to every Homs Journal subscriber who pays ft 1.50 strictly in advance. ZE=C. X-.- A IN 3D COUNTRY PRODUCE.- Cor. Second and Poplar Sts., MACON, CA. Jg£N©Y FOR U commerce. Dangerous If Neglected. Burns, cuts and other wounds often fail to heal properly if neg lected and become troublesome sores. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve prevents such consequences. Even where delay has aggrevated the injury DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve effects a cure. “I had a running sore on my leg thirty years,” says H. C. Hartly, Yan- keetown, Ind. “After using many remedies, I tried DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes healed the sore.” Cures all skin diseas- Piles yield to it at once. Be ware of counterfeits. Drugstore. Holtzclaw’s An estimator of more or less abil ity says there are 70,000,000 prairie dogs in the state of Kansas and they are multiplying at the rate of millions a year. Various devices have been tried in the hope of erad icating the little animals, but they grinningly bob up from below and go on increasing. Since the meat trust put up the price of beef some KanBans have discovered that the prairie dog is not bad eating, and have quit patronizing the butcher shops.—Exchange. Healthy Kidneys Mean Long Life. If you want to restore your kidneys to their former healthy state, take Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. 50 cents at Cater’s Drugstore. Subscribe for The Home Journal, A gentleman has tried the follow ing peculiar way of proving the ties of friendship: He sent letters to twenty intimate friends asking for a loan of a pound. Thirteen of the twenty friends did not reply at all, five declined to lend the money, two promised to send it on the next day and did not do it, one sent his “last 10 shillings,’’and only three sent the full sum asked for. The supplicant and all the “friends”, he had written to are well off.—St. Petersburg No- voc Vremya. aw ©TEK&, W0VERIWIBE .Made of large, strong wires, heavily galvanized. Amply provides for expansion and contrac tion. Only Best Bessemer steel wires used, always of uniform quality. Never goes wrong no matter how great a drain 68 INCH Whooping C<mgli. A woman who has had experi ence with this disease, tells how to prevent any dangerous conse quences from it. She says: Our three children took whooping cough last summer, our baby boy being only three months old, and owing to our giving them Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy, they lost none of their plumpness and came out iu much better health than other children whose parents did not use this remedy - Our old est little girl would call lustily for cough syrup between whoops— Jessie Pinkey Hall, Springville, Ala. This Remedy is for sale by all dealers in Perry, Warren & Lowe, Byron. Reports from abroad show that American horse flesh is rapidly grow ing in demand in foreign markets. During the past six years Great Britain alone spent $36,000,000 in the United States in the purchase of horses, independent of the $6G0,- 000,000 which she spent for mules. Last year not less than‘75,000 horses were shipped from this country to England. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cures a cold in One day. No cure, No pay. Price, 25 cents. irj p ut on it. Doccj not mutilate, but does efficiently turn cattle; horses, hogs and pigs* EVERY ROD ©F AMERICAN FENCE?, GUARANTEED by the manufacturers. Oall and. «o»e it. Can show you how it willjsave you money ard fence your fields so they will stay fenqed. C. HUHN, DEALER IN SPORTING GOODS.; Bicycles, Baseball Goods, Fishing Tackle, Guns, Pistols, etc. Hand- O :„ 1 -t.^r. A rPn’Mn /nSt-MA-mT ATqnilo nir>a’ Tnnla some Specialties, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Mechanics’ Tools. Repairing" of Guns. Bicycles, Etc. 520 MULBERRY ST. • - MACON, GEORGIA FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS "New Rival" “Leader” “Repeater" —i nrnryirtri rntri-n- ]F you are looking for reliable shotgun am- A 11 munition, the kind that shoots where you ’ point your gun, buy Winchester- Factory j Loaded Shotgun Shells: “New Rival,” loaded with $ Black powder; “Leader” and “Repeater,” loaded with Smokeless. Insist upon having Winchester Factory Loaded Shells, and accept no others. ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM . ?