The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, May 29, 1902, Image 3
Was M@mm J&vmjtas, Perry Thursday, May 29. LOCAL NEWS, Groceries. I offer you this week a large assortment of Can- ued Goods, all fresh. Pickles and Table Condi ments in abundance. Concord Grape Juice, un- fermented, in qt. bottles. Large supply of Wight’s Can Syrup; none better. Special Mention: 1-Gallon Screw-top Milk Coolers. Your patronage appreciated. Respectfully, W, B. SIMS. J. D. MARTIN, Sr., JEWELER, Perry, Ga. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Office in store of J. D. Martin, Jr. H. A. MATHEWS. A. C. RILEY. MATHEWS & RILEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. Pi'actice in all tlie Courts. LoanB negotiated and Land Titles abstracted. Collections on all points. Security Bonds furnished. J. P. DUNCAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, PERRY, GA. Office adjoining Masonio Building- Court House Square. PDWIN L. BRYAN, ^ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Fort Yalley, Ga. Loans negotiated on real estate at lowest rate of interest. Farm lands for sale on easy terms. J. R. SIMS, OPERATIVE .V DENTIST. Grown and Bridge Work. Office Near Perry Hotel,,,Main Street, PERRY, GA. ' Will be at office from 1st to 16th of each month. ~wTh. HARRIS, DENTIST. Successor to Dr. W. A. Blassengame O-PICK OVER DOW LAW BANK, FORT VALLEY. ; GEORGIA MONEY. Loan* negotiated on improved farms, at lowest market rates, and on most liberal terms. Business of fifteen years standini Xors than three million dollars loans nsfMtiated. Facilities unsur- passed. HOWARD K. SMITH, Vo. 814 Sen»>*4 St.. Maoon, Ga. t MACHINERY. Prompt attention given to Engines and all Machinery. repairing Model and Pettern Work a specialty. Full stock of Pipe and Steam Fix turee always on hand. Rubber Belting. Write for what you want. Antlioine Machine Works J. W. ANTHOINE, Prop’r., FORT VALLEY, GA Isaacs’ Cafe, 413 Third Street MACON, GEORGIA. Hayneville News. By Pineapple. I know not what the truth may be; I’ll tell it to you as it was told to me. Rev, H. G. Brewtou, pastor of the Grovania Methodist church, preached a very interesting ser- moii here Sunday evening. Bro. Brewton will preach at the Hayne ville Baptist church every fourth Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock; so all come who can. Mrs. A. J. Skipper,after a short illness, has again regained her usual strength and health. Mdms. J. W. Mercer, W. S, Ha ley and A. J. Skipper spent Sun day last with Mrs. W. S. Ellis. Miss Estelle Haley was the guest of Miss Lillie Belle Skipper Sunday. County School Commissioner Geo. W. Smith has lately inform ed us that another year our new school house will be furnished with a library. Well, we have had some good rains and despite the farmers’ strong protestations, General Green has forced his way to the front, and is now in full com mand . With several long poles in the back of a “cover-me-up” buggy, Messrs. Bill Means and Tom Lane went on another of their fishing excursions. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Riley and little baby were the guests of Mrs. P. H. Pinkerton of this place the second Sunday. Plum season has arrived and the little darkeys can be seen go ing right and left gathering the luscious fruit for “de white folks. On Sunday afternoons you cau see young men crossing a certain branch enroute forj somebody’s home near by. Watch out girls! there is a large demand for wed ding rings. Mrs. E H. Wimberly of this place was recently called to the bedside of her sister at Macon. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Wimberly’s sister died Sunday morning and we greatly sympa thise with her in her sad bereave ment. Rev. W. H. Norton filled Bro. Cutt’s appointment at the Bap tist church here the past Second Sunday and a great many were disappointed in Bro. Cutt’s ab sence, though we were glad to welcome Biro. Norton among us. Mr. A. J. Skipper made a busi ness call to Macon last Saturday. Old aunt Cindy Robertson, an old, old negro, departed this life a week ago. Aunt Cindy came to this country as a slave of Mrs. B. W. Brown three years before free dom and has been in this neigh borhood ever since. She died at the age of eighty with consump tion. Miss Estelle Haley, Mrs, W. S. Haley and little son, Eugene, made the afternoon very pleasant for Mrs. A. J. Skipper yesterday. Mr. J. S. Haley was in Macon last week where he purchased a new stock of goods, and I feel sure he would try to please cus tomers in every way. I see Dr. E. 0. Brown driving around frequently. His calls must be very numerous. I have been informed that Miss Ara Haley will attend school in Milledgeville next year and I wish her all success. 5-24-1902. Elko Etchings. By Uncle Nod. Rev. H. C. Brewton filled his regular appointment at the Meth odist church Sunday. The meet ing was protracted and will con tinue) throughout this week. Rev. Morrell of Vienna will assist Rev. Brewton. There will be services day and night. Miss Maggie Marr and Mr. Jack W. Hodge, Jr., of Henderson,were visitors here Sunday. Children’s day will be celebrat ed at the Baptist church the sec ond Sunday in Juue in the after noon at four o’clock. All are in vited to attend. Misses Elma Houser, Maribel Grace and Amelia Rogers, Messrs. W. 0. Gaines, Lawton Houser and Fred Eubanks attented the com mencement at Grovania last Fri day night. Mrs. S. E. Gaines and Mr. W. 0. Gaines of Alabama are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Means here. Messrs W. F. Bragg of Hawk- insville and C. Pearce of Hender son attended the Masonic meet ing here last Friday night. Miss Sarah Tounsley and Mr. Alva Davis of Perry, visited Mrs. J. H. Coffee Sunday. Mr. aud Mrs. F, K. Till return ed to their home in Macon Sun day, after a week’s visit to' rela tives here aud at Henderson. Mr. W. E. Means returned home Saturday after a week’s tour over the county. We all kuow his business, as he is a can didate for sheriff. The Elko fishing Club, headed by Capt.. “Coot,” the King Fish er, are at the Houston Factory to day. We wish them much luck. May 26th, 1902. To The Ladies of Perry and Houston. When you go to Macon and feel tired and hungry after the shop ping, you will want a quiet retir ed place where you can get a dain ty, refreshing lunch or meal and then rest until train time. Go to the Ladie’s German Restaurant,up stairs, 415£ Third Street, the re sort of the best ladies in Maoon. All the comforts of a home pro vided for our friends. Only one in tne City. Best. 75c meal 25c. Special Orders, 25o. Ice Cold Refreshments, .05, .10, .15 and ,25c. Mrs. Geo. Scherer, Manager, Macon, Ga. We believe we can give you equally as good if not a little better garment at each of the loll owing prices than you can find elsewhere. Ladies’ Undervests, good clean stock, ceocheted neck and arm holes, at 6c. each Ladies’ Undervests, extra quality ecru and white yarns, lace trimmed neck and arm holes, with tape, at 10c. each Ladies’ Undervests, extra quality white ribbed, silk tape’ through deep lace yoke, a fine garment, at 16c. each Ladies? Undervests, white bleached ribbed, deep mercerized silk lace in yoke, with silk tape, at 25c. each Ladies’ Undervests, extra sizes for lairge ladies, 7s, 8s, 9s, with and without sleeves, from 20o to 85o Children’s Undervests, all the smallest sizes, at 5c. eaoh Men’s Undershirts, Plain Balbrigan, good weight, silk bound, pearl buttons, at 26c. each Men’s Undershirts, fine ribbed, pink stripe, white ground, cov ered seams, four pari buttons, at 26c. each Men’B Undershirts, good weight, combed Egyptian stock, cov ered seams throughout, extra value at 50c. each Men’s Undershirts, white ribbed mercerized silk, has appear- • ance of pure silk, a handsome and comfortable garment. 50c. Men’s Drawers, superior quality standard drill, well made, bleaohed and unbleached, at 25c pair Men’s Drawers, genuine bleaohed Pepperel drill, all elestio rib bed seams, ribbed ankles, suspender tapes, pearl buttons; an unequaled value for 60o pair Hi. a^c. ap-A/crai,. —My Roller Process Flour mill is still in operation. Will grind for the public at any time. Send me your wheat. I also do a merchant milling business. J. R.:Barfield, 8-22, Emerich, Ga, Best Fruit Trees. I am agent of the Chattanooga Nursey for the sale of all Varie ties of Fruit Trees. Will take orJJ ders at any time for. delivery next fall, at from $20 to $40 per thou sands. Write me and I’ll come to see you. R. H. Baskin, Byron, Ga. 500 Bushels Corn in Ear for sale. Mrs. G. M.'Feagin, Bonaire, Ga. Regular Meals 25c. Bill of Fare to Order POPULAR PRICES. Prompt and Efficient Service E. ISAACS, Proprietor. Subscribe for the Home Journal Bonaire School Honor Boll. 1st Grade—Gussie Pierce, 97. 2nd Grade—Emmet Sasser, 98; Bridger Watson, 98 . 3rd Grade—Robert Sasser, 98. 4th Grade—Maud Sasser, 99; Tommie Pierce, 98; Eva Sasser, 98; Leonard Sasser, 95; Everett Sfiss6r 02« 6th Grade—Susie Sloeumb, 99; Roff Sasser, 99. Miss Elma Dukes, Teacher. Fans of all kinds. Palm Leaf Fans lc. and 2£cs. each. Open and Shut Fans from 5cts. to $1. each. L. M; Paul. —Grain Cradles going cheap et Fred M. Houser’s. CASTOR IA Por HifantsaiW ClilWreiL The KintLYoo^asa Always Sought- Wagons and Buggies a spec ialty at W, D. Day’s. Bargains in Negligee Shirts Some 503 values we are closing out at 25c each. L. M. Paul. Home Cured Hams and Shoul ders for sale If W. D. Day LOW PlUI -IN- FURNITURE Yes, that’s whai we said I We are elosing out this big line. If there was ever a time to save money, Now It Is! You can’t afford to wait, COME 3STOWI Bamboo Tables that were priced at $2.50 Now priced at Big cut in Walnut and Imitation Walnut Tables. Bargains in Settees for Yerandas. $100 3L-- Attorney in Fact. New Store! New Goods! MY STOCK OF Furniture, Coffins, UNDERTAKERS’ SUPPLIES, Caskets ) J! is new, choice and complete. I buy direct from the factories, and sell on a small margin of profit. WHEELER & WILSON and NEW ROME ‘ Sewing Machines. I can please you in goods and prices. Come to see me. Mr. J. R. Fudge is with me and will devote special attention to the Sewing Machine department—will carry a Machine to your home and permit a trial be fore you purchase. Masonic Building;. 2rL cl JD^rzr perr y; Georgia, Tax Receiver’s Appointments. Third and Last Round. I will be at the following places on the dates named for the purpose’ of receiving Tax Returns for the year 1002: Perry, Thursday, May 22, all day. Fort Valley, Fiiday, May 23, ali day. Powersville, Saturday, May 24, a. m. Byron Bonaire, Monday, Kathleen, “ Bayneville, Tuesday, Grovania, “ Elko, Wednesday, Henderson, “ Taylor’s, “ Barrow’s Mill, Friday, Perry, Saturday, Claud, Alonday, Heard, “ Wellston, Tuesday, Hattie, ” " p. m. “ 26, a. m. “ “ p.m. “ 27, a. m. >s “ p. m. > 28, a. m. “ “ p. m. “ 29, a. m. “ 30, all day “ 31, all day June 2, a. m. “ “ p. m. “ 3, a. m. “ “ p. m. B. T. STAFFORD, T. R. H. C. Bears the Men’s Spring ana Summer Suits. Our Suits are garments of surpassing excellence, well worthy of a place in any man’s wardrobe. They are made of the most fashionable fabrics by skilled tailors, producing stylish suits which fit $7.50 to $20.00. R. L. CHEEK & CO., THE M0NEY-SAV1N6 SWRE, 410 Third Street. MACON, GEORGIA