The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, May 29, 1902, Image 7
The Primary, June 5fch«- The candidates have just one week m which to persuade the voters. Some of them are exceedingly act ive. As heretofore declared, in Hom- ton the primary will include the nomination of state officers, judge and solicitor of the superior court, congressman, state senator, repre sentatives, and all county officers except ordinary. The regulations are that the polls may be open at all the precinots used in 1900, and that the polls at all must be opened at 9 o’clock a. m. and closed at 4p. m. The members of the executive committee of each district must ei ther manage the polls in their re spective districts, or secure the ser vice of other managers. The returns must be brought to Perry before noon Friday by one manager from each precinct, and by these managers the vote oonsolida ted and the result declared. Delegates to the state convention must be appointed by the county executive committee, said delegates ,to favor the candidates nominated. Result of the vote for congress man and state senator must be cer tified to the respective district com mittees, for use in their conventions, id delegates will be appointed by le successful candidates. In both ases, however, this will be a mere latter of form, as there is no oppo tion for congressman or state sen- ! 'or. I The neoessary papers for holding :ne election at each precinot, includ ng the ballots and lists of qualified /o'era, will be forwarded to the sev eral precincts early next week. It must not be forgotten that mch man must vote in hiB own dis- rict, or at Perry* as the list of vo ters at each precinot will contain \ only the names of those residing in f that district, except that at Perry ( the full county list, by districts, will be used. The offioial ballot will contain the names of all the candidates who have complied with the rules provided, and the voter must soratch all ex cept those for whom he desires to vote. If any name not printed on the official ballot is placed ther*, it will not be counted. If any ticket other than the official ballot is offer jed, it will not be received, or count *led. /' If the offioial ballot contains the names of several candidates for an office for whioW only one is to be nominated and ,more than one name left unsemteheded, that ballot Mr. J. E. Bushing Dead. Last Saturday evening at 7 o’clock Mr. John E. Rushing died at hiB home near Byron. He had lived more than three score years and ten, a life upright be taken to avoid this next time. It Rllfl nrtnaiflf.Dnf Ilia 2 J3 _1 l h -IJ n. _ ji. I IS will not be counted for any candi date for, that] Office. For instance In Houston/ there are four candi flats-for thb office of tax receiver ,f only t\wo *of these names are Scratched, Ithat ballot will not be counted for »{;ax receiver, Each votek should consider his ballot careful\\v and be sure that it is exactly righmhefore he votes, ;/ Some of ota/f ipiople say there has-been no spring in Houston . this year, but that summer came in on the heels of jwinter. Be that as it may, weather condiditions prevent ed early planting and nearly all the farmers are fully two weeks behind with their work of cultivation. With half the cotton unchopped, wheat and some oats are ripe for the harvest, corn needs plowing and j| grass is growing vigorously. Rain I jas been plentiful in some sections, f while in others the condition is al most comparable to a drouth in sum mer tm' Despite all these “set Vks,” the farmers are not showing / lack of courage or hope, nor are y grumbling as they have been gn to do in other years. With 1 joined energy they are doing gst, and the current opinion |ic good crops will be their re- ^ when autumn harvest comes. c —— i> republican' authority a bill has a introduced in congress provid er for a commission to inquire into Lae condition of the negro in the south. The commission is to be composed of five persons, to be paid $3,500 each and an allowance for traveling expenses. On the faoe of the bill it appears that the purpose is to serve the negroes, but in fact it is expected to serve the republican party by affording an excuse for re ducing the congressional representa ) tion in southern states where a con siderable proportion of negroes re ! side. -Grain Cradles on hand. Fred M. Houser. The candidates for state offices have given expression*to vigorous protest against the assessments im posed by the counties to assist in paying the expenses of the primary, and the Constitution says steps will and true, consistent in his devo tion to) the tenets of the Prima- itve Baptist church, of which he had long been an earnest mem ber. He had been in failing health for more than a year, and critic ally ill several weeks. Several sons and daughters and a number of grand-children mourn Iris dsath, and in their bereave ment they have the tender sym pathy of their friends throughout the county. A more specific memorial no tice will be published later. ,, Death of Mrs. Fitts. At the home of Mr. C. P. Pitts in the 10th district near Dennard, Mrs. Roxey jPitts died last Mon day night. The burial was in the family cemetery in the Upper 11th district, adjoining the farm of Mr. J. N. Barker. Mrs. Pitts was about 65‘ years old, a moBt excellent lady held in righest esteem by all who knew her. Surviving her are two sons, Messrs. John M. and Charles P. Pitts, and an unmarried daugh ter. Thi bereaved sous and daugh ter and other relatives have the sincere sympathy of their many friends throughout the county. ——.— Picnic at Oak drove. Our school picnic at Oak Grove on May 23| was very jnuch enjoy ed by all present. Owing to the nurnber of picnics on that day, our crowd was not so large as we might otherwise have expected, though all the neighborhood peo: pie were present, and a few visi tors, whom we were glad to see, The genial candidates were very much in evidence for a while in the forenoon, but most of them left for other places, attracted by the rumors of great barbecues,and also the large crowds of voters to be smiled upon. V The dinner was all that could be desired, and sufficient to have fed four timeB as many people. I-n the afternoon, several games of JJcroquet were enjoyed by the poung people, though the weather was too warm to indulge in much of this sport. The day was very pleasantly, though quietly spent, and will long be remembered by all pres ent. ‘ E. P. is said about half the counties of the state have demanded these contri butions. It may not be right, but with the authority assumed by the state committee to regulate meth ods, the expenses of the primary must be paid, and if not by candi dates, then by whom? -Close price on Meat. Fred M. Houser’s. First Class Baled Hay for sale. L. M. Paul. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS, For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the offioe of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues of Houston county, sub ject to democratic primary. Respectfully, E. M. Fagan, I hereby announce myself a candidate for Commissioner of Roads and Reve nues for Houston county in the coming democratic primary. Respeotfully, J. D. Martin. I hereby annoance myself a candidate for the offioe of Commissioner of Roads Hnd Revenues of Houston county, sub ject to demooratio nomination. Respeotfully, E. J. Thompson. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Commissioner of Roads and Reve nues of Houston county, subject to the rules and ergulations of the Demoorat io party. Respeotfully, J. T. Ellis. The many friends of Mr. Chester Pearce hereby announce him as a can didate for the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues of Houston oounty, subjeot to Democratic nomination. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the offioe of Commis sioner of Roads and Revenues of Hous ton county, subjeot to democratic nomi nation. Respeotfully, J. J. Houser. I hereby announoe myself a candidate for the offioe of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues of Houston county, sub jeot to demooratio nomination. Respeotfully, Zaoh Hats. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the offioe of Sheriff of Houston coun ty, subjeot to demooratio primary. Respeotfully, Jno. F. Troutman,Jr. I hereby auuouuoe myself a candidate for the offioe of Sheriff of Houston courrty, subject to demooratio nomina tion. Respeotfully, > Walter E. Means. I respeotfully announce myself a can didate for Sheriff of Houston oounty, subjeot to demooratio primary. If elect ed promise faithful service. M. L. Cooper. ’f Teachers’ Examination. The annual state examination for public school teachers will be held at Perry on Saturday, June 14th. On account of the introduction of the course in Physiology, it will be necessary for all teaohers to be ex amined at this time, regardless of the expiration of time of the last li cense granted. G. W. Smith, O. S. 0. Perry, Ga., May 28(h, 1902. If You Suffer from Kidney Troubles Use Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. Noth ing like it for diseased kidneys. 50 cents, at Qatar’s Drugstore. —Wagons and Buggies at Fred M. Houser. —In talking with a Houston fruit grower who has observed the conditions closely, Tuesday after noon, the conclusion is unavoida ble that the peoch crop will be considerably short this year. Many of the varieties are very shy indeed, and the curculio and brown rot have caused many oth ers to drop from the trees. Some few of the very earliest varieties were shipped last week, and more have gone forward since Monday. This gentleman says he does not expect many carloads to go for ward until early July, when the Elbertas will be ripe. However, if the fruit is of good size, color and flavor, the improved situation as to selling may give better profits. —At least one thousand Hous ton county people enjoyed picnics last Friday. There were five, Fort Vallley at Norwood Springs, Wellston and Bonaire at. Beech Haven; the respective schools at Union Academy, Oak Grove and Cleveland. Perry was represent ed at all of them, and we are told that each was tip-top in its ap pointments and thoroughly en joyable. President Hughes of the Georgia State Agricultural Society and offi cers of the state fair association have asked the railroad authorities for a round-trip passenger fare of one cent a mile for the state fair at Yaldosta next October. The propo- siti'in is being considered, and the f..; - authorities think it will be gia-it ; d. We believe such a low rate would be comparatively as profitable to the railroads as to the fair associ ation. Certainly it would very large ly increase the attendance. For Cleric Superior Court. I announce myself a candidate for re- eleotion to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Houston County, subjeot to the Democratic nomination. If elected, I will endeavor to render the best service of whioh I am capable. Respeotfully, M. A. Edwards. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Clerk of the Superior court of Hous ton county, subjeot to demooratio nomi nation. If you find me worthy and com petent, I respeotfully ask you to vote for me, I. T. Woodard. For Tax Receiver. I announoe mysel f a candidate for the offioe of Tax Receiver of Houston coun ty, subject to democratic nomination, and earnestly solicit the support of the voters of the county. If elected I prom ise faithful and efficient service. Respeotfully, Jake H. Odller. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Re ceiver of Houston county, subject to demacratio nomination, Respeotfully, B. T. Stafford. Through the solicitatton of friends I announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Houston county, subject to Democratic nomina tion. Respectfully. Graham Thomson. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Houston county* subject to democratic nomina tion. I promise faithful and efficient servioe if elected. Respectfully, Geo. S. Haslam. For Solioltor General. I am a candidate for the offioe of So licitor General of the Macon Oirouit, subjeot to Demooratio nomination. Robert Hedges. I respeotfully announce my candidacy for the offioe of Solicitor General of the Maoon Cirouit, subjeot to the upproaoh- ing Demooratio primary- If eleoted, my constant purpose will be to discharge the duties of the offioe faithfully. Walter J. Grace. Haviui ernor Polkill. I hereby announce my candidaoy in the approaohing primary for the offioe of Solicitor General of this Cirouit, for the remainder of suoh unexpired term. Wm. BRUNSON. For State Senator. T hereby announce my candidaoy for the democratic nomination for the offioe of State Senator for the 2 Ird Senatorial uistriot. Respeotfully, H, A. Mathews. For The Legislature. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Representative of Hous ton oounty in the next Legislature, sub jeot to democratic nomination. Respeotfully, J. M. Heard. I hereby announoe myself a candidate for the offioe of Representative of Hous ton County in the next Legislature of Georgia, subjeot to Demooratio nomina tion. Respeotfully, T. V. Fagan. I respectfully announoe myself a can didate for re-eleotion to the Lower House. Having had experience, I feel that I am better able to serve the inter ests of the people. If eleoted, I prom ise to discharge my duty faithfully and fearlessly. S. S. Taylor. I hereby annonnoe myself a candidate for the offioe of Representative of Hous ton oounty in the next Legislature of Georgia, subjeot to Demooratio nomi nation. Respectfully, Robert E. Brown. To the Voters of Houston County. I respectfully ask your support in the Democratic primary for Representative. With the experience of the last term in the House, I will be able, if elected, to render you more efficient servioe in the next. 0. 0. Richardson. For Oounty Treasurer. Being urged by friends in and around Perry, I have consented to beoome a candidate for the offioe of County Treasurer of Houston oounty, subjeot to democratic nomination. Respeotfully, Asbbbry Bryant. I horeby announoe myself a candidate for re-eleotion to the office of County Treasurer of Houston county, subjeot to democratic nomination. Respeotfully, W. J. Moore, For Tax Collector. I hereby announoe my candidacy for the office oE Tax Collector of Houston county, subject to democratic nomina tion. I bespeak the hearty support of my friends from every section of the county. Respectfully, A. W. Murray. I respectfully announce myself a Candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Houston county, subject to the Dem- cratic Primary. J. W. Rushing. rs at His Past. ■ '•i --You’ll get a 50 cents meal for 25 cents at Isaac’s Cafe,Third street, Macon, Ga. For Coroner. I hereby announce myself a oandidate for the office of Coroper of Houston oounty, subject to democratic nomina tion. Respeotfully, A. B. Schilling. “I recall now with horror,’’says Mail Carrier Burnett Mann, of Levanna, 0., “my three years of suffering from Kidney trouble. I was hardly ever free from dull aohes or acute pains in my back. To stoop or lift mail saoks made me groan, I felt tired, worn out, about ready to give up, when I began to use Eleotrict Bitters,but six bottles completely cured me and made me feel like a new man.” They are unrivaled to reg ulate Stomaoh, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, at Holtzolaw’s Drug store. Only 50 cents, AGENTS WANTED Life of T. DeWitt Talmage, by his son, Rev. Frank DeWitt Tal mage and associate editors of Christian Herald. Only book en dorsed by Talmage family. Enor mous profit for agents who act quickly. Outfit 10 cents. Write immediately.Clark & Co., 222 S. 4th St. Phil., Pa. Mention paper. Cures ' Headache, Neuralgia, Sick Headache and JLaGrlppe Pains. 16o., 25o. and 60o. bottle. For sale by ' H. M. H0LT20LAW, Druggist, Ferry, Gft. $1.25 PER GALLON. - I Pond for Prlvato Prloo List and mention tills: .Paper. | jWrits: WINSTON DIS. 00., Winston, N. O.i I LOWEST PRICED WHISKEY HOUSE. 1 invh.wi'i' wr-vr.! c. z. McArthur, DENTIST, PORT VAIiI.EY, GEORGIA. Offioe over Slappey's Drugstore. Photograph Gallery. I have opened a Photograph Gallery on Carroll Street, Perry,, Ga., near Home Journal offioe. Photographs from $1.00. to $4.00 per dozen. Will be at Gallery Saturdays and Mon days only. ENLARGING AND FRAMING To Suit Customers. Sunshine not necessary for goocl work* Yours to please, G. L. STRIPLING. MA60N SEED HOUSE GARDEN AND FIELD BEANS, CORN, ONION SETS, EARLY AMBER and ORANGE SORGHUM. KAFFIR CORN, PEANUTS, WATERMELON, CANTALOUPE Stock and Poultry Powders. L. W. GRAY, MEg’r. 466 Poplar St. MACON, PA. Subscribe for Vh9 Home Journal, THERE’S A BIG SHOW Na «wt«M Ml Mm*. It o a magnificent aggregation of the World’s Best. The sign on the entpaDoe reads: BENSON & HOUSER. Better take in this show—-it’s worth seeing’ The display of Spring Suits will interest every good dresBer in town, while the reasonable prices will interest every prudent and careful buyer. NEW SPRING FABRICS. A Display worth coming miles to see. A glad hand of welcome awaits every caller. Admis sion nothing. Won’t you come? BENSON & HOUSER, The Up-to-Date Clothiers, 420 Third Strete. MACON, GA