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M&MM ' A Special Methodist Service.
local news,
A Company Reunion.
Forty-one years ago next Thurs
day, July 3rd, The Houston Vol^
unteers were mustered . into Con
federate service at Atlanta, the
organization then becoming Com
pany K of the 11th regiment. of
Georgia Volunteers in the Con
federate army.
Next Thursday.the fifteenth an-<
nual reunion of this Company
will be enjoyed at the home of
Mr. J. N. Barker, near Bonaire.
The complete roll of this.!;Com
pany contains 180 names, but less
than twenty of them noV survive.
At each successive reunion, re
port has been made that death
had again summoned a veteran of
Co. K. to the eternal camp, and
it is the earnest hope that every
survivor will attend the reunion
next Thursday. -
Mr. Barker and his most esti-
mably and capable wife will en
tertain the Company K. Veterans
and the other members of the
reunion association most hospita
bly; and we are ready, to declare
that the occasion will be one to be
long remembered with much
Mr. W. D. Day is the o
member of this company whi is
a resident of Perry, and Mr. W.
D. Pierce is the only other mem
ber in this section of our couuty.
At the home of Mrs. W. A.
Blewster, mother of the bride,
near Fort Valley, Mr. Elmer M.
Culpepper of Munroe, La., and
Miss Annie Blewster were happily
married last Wednesday after
noon. The ceremony was impres
sively performed by Rev. Albert
S. Dix of the Perry Baptist
church. \ >
Attending frbm Perry were
number of the bride’s relatives,
and several of her school class
mates. • * . *
Directly after the nlarriage, the
bridal party come to Perry, where
they were given a reception that,
evening at the home of Mrs. E„ S.
Wellons, sister of the bride.
Thursday afternoon there was
a lawn party complimentary to
the bridk and groom at the home
of Mr. J. R. Miller.
Friday afternoon the bride and
groom, accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Blewster, left Perry en
route for their future home in
Monroe, La.
The groom is a nephew of the
late Mr. E. S. Wellons of Perry,
and while visiting here made
many friends. The bride, sister
of Mrs. Wellons, became quite
popular while attending school in
We cordially join their many
friends in extending congratula
tions and best wishes.
The; Woman’s Foreign r \Mission- !
ary Society conducted the ser*.
vices at the Methodist Church
Sunday pight. Meeting opened
•with inspiring, Missionary -gongs,
Girdle the Globe and Winning its
Way, accompaied by Mrs. L. M.
Paul at the organ, and Mr. E.' K.
Braselton on the cornet. . \Pastbij.
Simmons offered an earnest pray
er, which was followed by a Bible
Verses were selected on the sub
jects of “work,” “giviftg,’’God’s
commands,” and “Final Triumph
of the Gospel,” comments were
made by Mrs. F. M. HouSer lead
ing. The musio was varied by a
Duett by Mrs. and Miss Simmons,
Come Unto Me, and a Trio by Mr.
und the Misses . Houser, entitled
“The Good Ship Zion.”
President, Mrs, Nunn, address
ed the audience with her heart in
her words. She held up the moth
ers of the Bible for an example to
modern mothers; told how few
members were engaged in the
work, and how by a little sacrifice
many could do so, as the work
was not always carried on by the
rich, how love of pleasure, dress
pride, etc., ha’d obstructed the
rapid progress of the work.
Secretary, Mrs. Rogers, made
the statistical report, she told of
the origin of the work, and how in
the 24 years it had grown from
5000 to 75,000 in members, and in
subscription from $4000 to $90,-
000, throughout whole church;
how the South l Georgia Confer
ence* South, had been organized
in Perry 28 years ago, and had
increased in members to 5000 and
contributions to . 8000) how the
little Perry Auxilary had ' lived
through the 23 years, although Ha-
first officers had gone to their re?
ward, all but Sister Hook, who
still lives and still holds place of
Treasurer, how it raised about
$50.00 last year with only 20
members, how in both our Wo
mans’ Societies, Home and For
eign, only about a third of
women are at work.
To The People Of Houston County.
I desire to express my sincere
thanks to the voters of Houston
County for interest manifested in’
my race in the recent primary
’Tis true some people look up
on the office of County Commis
sioner as being an office that any
man can fill, and of very little
importance, but this is a mistake
and regarding tlie position as one
of vast interest to the tax payers
of the County, J appreciate the
support of the people and prom
ise my very best efforts in pro'
tecting every interest of the .peo
pie that come under my jurisdic
tion. Thanking all th,at support
ed me, and assuring those that
could not help me that I feel very
kindly to. them, and will deal
with all alike.
I am Yours Truly,
Z. Hays.
Ready To Yield.
“I used DeWitt’s Witch Hazel
Salve for piles and found it a cer
tain .cure:, ’ ’ • gays SN R: Meredith
Willow Grove, Del. Operations
unnecessary to cure piles. They
always yield to DeWitt’s Witch-
Hazel Salve. 'Cures skin diseases,
a)/l kinds of wounds. Accept no
counterfeits. Holtzclaw’s drug
_ At LI’o’clock Wedneseay morn
ing, Mr. Frederi^ M. Cat ehings
oLvDahlbuega and Miss Sqsie Mar-,
tin were married ,v in Ferry- at
the home o.f the bride’s N mot her,
Mrs. M. C. Martin. Rev.' J. W.
Simmons performed the ceremony
in his, usual impressive style; -
Directly following the marriage
a wedding luncheon was served,
and within two hours after the
ceremony the happy pair were en-
rqute for their future hom&.
As the Home Journal was ready
for the press when the bridal par
ty departed, it was impossible for
us to give a specific report.
Our hearty congratulations and
best wishes are oordiallv extend
Complimentary .To Miss Martin.
On last Saturday evening a few
of Miss Susie Martin’s friends
Miss Besgse Houser gave a reci
tation, a touching picture of the
heathen without Christ, told liow
we might by dur indifference, de
prive some of that Heaven, which
we lookiorward to with so 'much
interest; it was followed by a
bright spirited seng “Send The
Light.” \.
Mrs. Frank Cater gave in her
clear deliberate style, a. leaflet
“Miss Rebecca’s Auxiliary,” it
showed how the missionary work
will develop' hidden talents, in
our women, how it increases their
zeal, and stirs th ( eir energy go
that they are fitted for every de
partment of church work.
In conclusion the whole congre
gation joined in that grand, old
hymn “The Kingdom|is Coming.”
So passed a pleasant and profita
ble evening. H.
were delightfully entertained at
Mrs. L. F. Cater’s pleasant home.
Miss Martin and several others
present have the gifts of r the mu
ses aud we were all transported by
the sweet music and idspirihg
readings so perfectly renderod.
We deeply regret that the hon
ored guest is so soon to leave for
a new home, but we congratulate
those whose rich gam will be our
Each guest, on entering the
hall, was served with refreshing
punch and the corner from which
it was served, with its roses and
pot plants proved the most at
tractive spot during the even
Just before the hour for depar r
ture arrived delicious^ and
cake were served by Miss Nona
Cooper, little Misses Helen and
Caroline Cater and Cater Ro
It is not permitted us to re
main long in the realms, of the
Gods so we were brought back to
earth by the warning stroke of the
clock and hasten to express our
thanks and reach our hbriaes be
fore the midnight hour should be
upon us. A Fortunate.
Epworth League Meeting.
The Ep,worth League met at the
home of Mr. F. M. Houser on
Friday evening, June 20th. The
meeting was called to order by
President, Miss Amelia Rogers,
Bro. Simmons then read a scrip
ture lesson and led in prayer. The
respective vice presidents made
their reports and the usual busi
ness was disposed of. The husi-
niB meeting was adjourned.
After, a .recess of ten minutgs,
the meeting was called, to order
by Brd vice president, Miss Leo
nora Edwards, and the following
Claud News.
By Rose Bud,
Miss Hattie Scarboro, after
spending several days with friends
and relatives around Claud, has
returned to her home at,Toy;
Miss Emma Sawyer is spending
several days with her sister, Mrs.
Fred Smith.
Mrs. B. A. . Heard and little
sons, Perry and Virgle, spent Sat
urday aud Sunday with Mrs. H.
D. Rushing at Hattie.
Messrs. Edgar Murray and Al
va Short were in this ■ community
Saturday afternoon. ,
Miss'Lizzie Heard will' yisit rel
atives in Macon this week.
Mr. D. C. Arnold had the mis
fortune to lose his mule last
Laxative Chocolates cure chronic
constipation aud liver trouble. Pleas
ant to take. Purely vegetable. Guar
anteed, at Cater’s Drugstore. •
—My Roller Process Flour
mill is still in operation. Will
grind for the public, at any time
Send me your wheat. I also do a
merchant milling business.
J. R. Barfield,
8-22, Enierich, Ga,
literary program was rendered:«
Recitation —Miss Geo r g el 1
-Mies Hallie
Instrumental Solo-
Hemingway. > ' „
Reading—Miss Coriune
Vocal Solo-Miss Lula Hous
er. ; / , § , v
. Recitation —Miss Bessie Hous
Vocal Quartette— Georgelje and
Mrs. Simtaons, Mr. F., M. Houser
and Prof. W. W. Driskell.
Cornet Solo—Mr, E. K. Brasel-
tori. . ..
The program was executed', well
in every detail and was enjoyed
very much by the crowd.
HvP. Houser, Secretary.
Jelly Glasses cheap.
Fred M‘. Houser’s.
Bargains in Slippers— Ladies’
Oxfords with Cuban Heels.Ladies’
Three Strap Sandals with French
Heels, worth Up to‘$8.00 per pair,
are selling at $1.50. The biggest
bargain of the kind you’ll find
this season. Come early and get
your size. Ia M. Paul.
The' test way to do it/the surest way, is to supply yourself
with one of the Light-Weights Coats at
X-'- IMI. IF-A-TTiyS-
Fruit Jars and Rubbers.
Fred.M. Houser.
415^ Third St. (Upstairs.)
Only One in the City
.Regular Heals- 25c
We cater-to the best clas3 trade.
Seeded ip
v ': . »'
A place to rest after shopping,
The prettiest collection, the best line of sizes, the lowest
prices on this line of goods in Houston county you will
find displayed here. • • - '
If you want a cheap coaty we’ve got it! If you want, a
nice Dress Coat, the finest quality of Serge, we’ve got it.
If you want a small coat or a large coat, if-you want a long
coat or a short coat— We’ve Got It!
Blue and Black Serge Coats from
Blue and Blacic flannel Coats from
Alpaca Coats from
S&tine Coats, $1.25. Calico Coats,
$2.00 to $5.00
$2.00 to $8.50
$2.00 to $L0O
Some big cuts in prices on certain styles of Coats
have been made. Call early and get a baigain.
X-i- ZLvdZ.
New > Store! New Goods!
, Coffins,)
is new, choice* and cdmplete. I buy direct from the factories*
and sell on a small margin of profit.
Sewing Machines.
I can please you in goods and prices. Come to see me. $
Mr. J.’R. FtJbGE is with me and will devote speoial
attention to the Sewing Machine department—will
carry a Machine to your home and permit a trial be
fore you purchase.
OF 1 . C.
And still
there’s more to follow,
you are picking rasp
berries in the White Mountains,
or dreaming dreaips in the valley
of Wyoming, or sweltering in
town, you’ll ,be glad you bought
one of these cool* stylish and
fashionable “Feather -Weights.”
Nobody ought to go without com
fortable clothing—it’s all here—
everything in the light-weights
* and next-to-nothings — and; the
price doesn’t stand in the way.
We have fitted many. Why not
you ? We await your coming with
perfect confidence, as we are sure
from jqur extensive assortment we
will fit you satisfactorily.
420 Third St.
Dealers in Tennessee. Georgia, Italian and American Marble and
European and Domestic Granite.
Estimates furnished and contracts made for all kinds of Building
Stone. Iron Railing for Oerpefcery Work a specialty. ... ■
We have- lately -added a fully equipped Cutting and Polishing:
• .. A- - - - - A U Alt 1 D vi ah /. A a vi r\ a a nil f\ A TY1 T\ CA 1.1 TV1 A IT
rLAUJK. I Plant,’with the latest Pneumatic tools, and can meet all competition.,