Newspaper Page Text
—County Commissioners’ Court
next Tuesday.
—Mr. Geo. S. Haslam is visit
ing relatives at Marshallville.
—Prof. W. W. Driskell is re
cuperating at ludiati Spring.
—Miss Annie Holleman is with
relatives and friends at Byron.
—The recent cool nights have
been both pleasing and surpris-,
-■—The district meeting with us.
NuW let us all be with the meet
—Mr. Morgan Yatetf of Macon
visited friends in Perry last Sum
—The cultivation of corn will
be soon completed for this sea
—The supply of chickens at
Perry just now is not equal to the
—Several Perry Masons attend
ed the’St. John Celebration at
•Elko Tuesday.
—•Mr* ji re( i jj Houser of At
lanta iB with home folks at Perry
for a few days.
—Mr.JO. W. Moore of Bostick
Ga., is in Perry visiting his uncle.
Mr. W. J. Moore.
—Mr. Asa Woodard is in Chat
tanooga, Tenn,, visiting his un
ol^ Mr. Lob Bryant.
—The Houston Baptist Union
will hold services at Gunter next
Saturday and Sunday.
—Miss Maybeth Taylor of Ma
cion is in Perry this- week, the
• guest of Miss Lula Houser.
■p-The “Spinsters” were enter?
tained by Misses May and Kate
Hodges last Friday afternoon.
—Mrs. Pauline Newnian James,
of Bonaire, was the guest of Mrs.
Hugh Lawson in Perry several
days last week. .
-Miss Willie Cooper has return*
ed hom'd from a visit to Forsyth,,
acoompaniecl by Miss Florence
Cater of that city.
—Mr. Robert Holtzolaw, a stu
dent of the Georgia sohool pf
technologo, is at home in Perry
for the, summer holidays.
-r-Mr. L. F r . Ciiter, Cashier of
the Perry Loan and Savings Bank,
At the last meeting of .the Per
ry Board of Education, when the
school faculty was re-elected^so
lutions were adopted which it is
hoped will result in closer co-op-
exation between the board, the
teachers and the patrons.
during the sohool year the
board will hold a meeting on the
evening of the first Monday in
each month, and the principal of
the school will be required tp at
tend each of these meetings’. If
there be Anything in the shape of
complaint, suggested improve
ment or reform, hearing will be
given, and that thing will be done
whioh seems best for all concern
ed. Periodically, each month
certainly, members of the board
will visit the school while it is in
regular session.
e gentlemen comprising the
tne retry Loan anci Savings Bant,
> attended the bankers’ convention
at Savannah last week.
—Mr* C. C., Duncan, Jr., has
oompladpntly accepted the oon-
ratulations of friendB since last
atutday. afternoon—a new girl at
—Messrs. Ren Holtzolaw, Ben
Dasher, Frank Riley and Miller
Marshal, who is in business at
Macon, wpre with home folks in
Perry last Sunday.
v ' —Mr. and Mi's. Charles Irby of
Union Springs, Ala., are in Pejrry
visitiug relatives, the family , of
Mr. J. J. Marshburn. Mrs. Irby
is a sifter of Mrs."Marshburn.
—Mrs. Butler Hardison of Hen
derson is visiting her mother and
other relatives in Perry. With
Mrs.. Hardison is Miss Pearl Du-
Prae of Byron, a niece of Mr.
-We understand several mem-
Iv bers of,the family of Mr. W. B.
Watson, near Bonaire, were se
verely shocked by lightening one
—-i- j-i.—i-
day last Sveek, though none were
seriously hurt.
—Queen El berta will soon be in
command at the peach orchards,
and through her luscious sweet
ness, many dollars .will be divert-
led from the northern cities to
Georgia pockets.
—Mrs. S. A. Killed,. Miss An?
nie NorwopA. Mr. and Mrs. T. A.
Middlebrboks went out to Nor
wood Springs Tuesday. They will
occupy one of the cottages and
stay a wepk or ten days.
—Sinse lkst Thursday Mr. J.
| D« Martin, Jr., has given evidence
of increased dignity—a little girl
* .'■ Vi UrvuiA < KI‘ «
home—the first born. Mr.
V-:. D. Day is also affected, this
ing his first grand-ohild.
-Prof. J. Manii Martin, prin-
board receive no reward whatever
other than the unstinted censure
that comes whenevet a patron be
comes dissatisfied with an act of
a teacher, or a rule of the board.
If this be not reward, there has
been none, unless it be the c<?n
sciousness of duty performed
without compensation.
Whatever of complaint that
has been voiced might have been
avoided or corrected, had the pat
rons cordially co-operated with
the boaTd .of education in an
earnest effort to make the Perry
ehool one of the very best high-
grade schools in the state. The
ears of the board are never closed
to the patrons.
The next term of the school
will open on the first Monday
Last Tuesday was a grand day
at Elko, and the good people of
that town and vicinity added an
other leaf to their deserved lau
rels as most excellent hosts of the
highest dbgree.
The occasion was a celebration
of the birthday df St. John the.
Baptist, one of the most eminent
patron saints of Masonry.
Including .the home-folks, about
400 people assembled to enjoy the
program arranged, there being
resent Masons and friends from
aeon, Wellston, Bonaire, Grd-
vania, Hawkinsville, Unadilla,
Vienna, Henderson, Fort Valley
iftid other places.
The first feature of the celebra
tion was/ a magnificent dinner
spread in the large brick ware?
bouse. The chief portion of the
feast consisting of 28 fat pigs
barbecued to most delicious turn,
for which Georgians, and Houston
people particularly, are so justly
noted. The preparation of the
barbecue was under the stipends
ion and management of Messrs
J. H. Grace, J. F. Houser R. E.
Burnam and E. J. Faulkner.
While the barbecue was the chief
attraction, the table contained all
the other good things
week to attend the marriage df
his sister, and to spend at least.a
portion of the summer holidays
‘ 18
The District Meeting.
Within a few hours afterjthis is
sue of the Home Journal goes to
press, the first service of the an
nual conference of the South Ma
oon district of the M. E. Churoh
South will be field at Pe rry.
At least by 1:20 Thursday af
ternoon the full deligation will be
here, and oiiY people will have as
their guests about 60 good anc.
true men whose lives are couse
dratedto the cause of ohristianity
’ In the homes of our people and
at the hotels, most cordial hos
pitality is being, aud will be, ac
That some will be entertained
at the hotels is in no degree an
abatement of- hospitality, but on
ly an evidence of prohibitive con
ditions at a few homes that coulc.
not be avoidedor controllod.
During the conference there
will be at least two sermons each
day by some of the' finest pulpit
speakers in the state.
The business services morning
and afternoon will be interesting
to all who love the work of the
church, and at each service and
session there should be a large- at
With this body of God-serving
people in Perry during several
days, good will surely be magni
fied to the town and people if
there be close sympathy with the
qccasion and it8 great purpose.
—The reunion committee of the
Houston Confederate Veterans
Association will meet at Perry
next Saturday morning,28th inst.
report progress and make a def
inite decision concerning speoific
features of the proposed reunion
The committee is composed .of
D. Martin, J, R. Miller. A. B
Schilling, J. T. Leverett* J. S
Bryan, on arrangements, —and
one-f-rom each district: I
Harper, J R Miller, W S Scatter
good, T N White, J T Leveretfc,
D Tharp, Green) Watson, W
Norris, A H Daniel, Wm Grace
B 0 Kendrick, S S Taylor, I
rph, J W Mathews.
I am now sole agrnt for the celebrated
j\A.o:K:so:Dsr a-, smith
I carry the Open and Top Buggies in stocic at all times.
I also carry several other Buggies, cheaper in price, but
good values. If you want a Buggy, and will lpoK over my
line, I am quite sure I can sell you.
I sell Harness Very Cheap with Buggies.
Houston “dinner on the grounds,”
and the wfiole was absolutely com
plete in every detail and doubly
In the afternoon there were ex
ercises in the Methodist church,
including songs and addresses.
Dr. J. 0. Manii, W. M. of Elko
Lodge, presided. The welcome
address was delivered in cordial
language and appropriate manner
by Mr. W. S. Murrow. In re
sponse Judge A. 0. Riley of Fort
Valley spoke briefly in his usual
happy vein.
Hon. W. A. Davis of Macon,
Past Grand Master of the Georgia
Grand Lodge of Masons, delivered
the Masonic address. In every re
spect it was a maBterly effort, in
teresting, instructive, eloquent,
eliciting frequent applause. Ev
ery available space in the church
was - occupied, and many could not
Directly after these exercises,
the MasonB repaired to the lodge
room, and there 22 wives and
daughters of Masons received the
degree to which they are entitled.
At supper time another feast
was served, as good end abundant
as the dinner had been.
At night there was a lodge ses
sion, preceded by an address by
Mr. F. O. Miller,- Past Master of
the Fort Valley Lodge, followed
by the conferring of side degrees.
Altogether the celebration was
a complete success, cementing
friendship, advancing Masonry in
public esteem and augmenting
good fellowship. May there be
another such occasion in Houston
each succeeding year.
Elko Lodge is probably the
'youngest in Georgia, and later we
will give a synopsis of its unique
' I also have on hand at all times a iull line of One and
Two-Horse Wagons. They are standard manes and guar
anteed. <
Saddles and Bridles of all Descriptions,
Call aud loon and you will be satisfied.
—Mr. S. H. Morgan of Macon
was in Perry Saturday and Sun
day visiting his wife and son.Mrs.
Morgan has been quite sick since
she’came to visit her parents,
about two weeks ago, but we are
glad to note that she is steadily
—Ml*. Sam Felder, brother of
Misses Kate and Lucy Felder, and
for two years a typo in the Home
Jou.rnad office, is now publisher
of the Herald Journal of Greens
boro, Ga, • We wish him much
—The many friends of Mr. M
Zarks in Perry and Houston coun
ty will be glad to learn that he is
likely to be in business for him
self again soon'. The stock., t of
goods he held in Macon when de
clared a bankrupt is now offered
for sale, and he is in the store to
welcome and' sqrve his" friends.
See the advertisement in 4>his pa
—Five members of the Perry
Rifies.-will be selected to attend
the state military rifle practice at
Macon, The selection will be
mads from among tne twelve who
made the best spores in the prac
tice last week.
y;—-A short poem entitled, “Am
I-Remembered,” written by a la
dy of near Elko, will be published
in this paper next week.
—Capt. J. H. Powers and his
new grand-daughter reached Pet-
ry at about the same time last
—The improvements at Tharp’s
Mill make .the best meal and
A close price on a nice New
Buggy Fred M. Houser.
A Key To Examinations,
A new fiook has just been published
containing the Questions and Answers
of every Public Sohool Examination in
Georgia/ sino/a 1888. Fourteen years’
work., Will be sent, post paid, on re
ceipt of ..One Dollar. Descriptive cir
culars sent free. B. S. Holden,
Cashier Giliner County Bank,
Ellijay,' Ga.'
At Cater’s Drugstore, Perry; Gh.
Fred. M. Houser’s.
Ribbon Bow Making has assumed
such great popularity that I pro
pose to make, free of charge, all
Ribbon bought of me into Neck
Bows, Hair Bows and Waist Bows
while you wait.
• •
For Next Ten Days.
Hqve oil hand the finest stock of new Pianos ever brought
to this morkbt, such celebrated makes as Stein way, Weber,
Sohmer & Co., Kranich & Bach, Ivers & Pond, Crown and
others that we/will sell for the next ten days ot greatly
reduced prices to make room.
Call or write at oi\ce and secure one of these bargains.
Pianos and Organs sold on easy terms.
452 Second St., Macon, Ga.
■ ■■
meatis the same on shoes that Sterling does on silver.
If you want a GOOD shoe try
We guarantee every pair to give satisfaction and
wear. Selz stands behind us and. we stand behind Selz
shoes.. If we cannot fit you in stock, your order will be
filled in a few days. Give us a trial, and if our shoes do r
not give perfect satisfaction we will make it all right. See
tnat the name Selz is on your shoes, for
Selz Shoes Make Your Feet Glad.