The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, July 03, 1902, Image 6

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—Court of Ordinary next Mon m = rtr? Gleanings. i Wm — = — T” NEWS OF TOWN AND COUNTY —The hotness scorched the rec ord Tuesday afternoon. —It will surely rain when the weather quits being dry. —Miss Louise Riley is visiting rolatives and friends at Fort Val . T \ •—Rev. J. W. dimmous will preach at Providence church next Snnday. —Perry gardens have been vir tually scorched within the last ten days. —Miss Katherine Dean of A1 exandria City, Ala., is visiting friends in Perry. There is no program of exer V. •; , . oiseB for a celebration of the fourth of July at Perry. i; ■ v : ; ' —The weather man missed it much when he said there would be rain last Saturday night. " —Miss Ruby Middlebrookfl of Hillsboro, is the guest of Miss Ol- lie Harper near Providence. —There may be a change of ' >ve‘ather with the new moon next Saturday, or directly following. -Mies Dora Belle Gilbert is ip Perry visiting her cousin, Mrs. R. N. Holtzolnw, and other relatives. ji-\ ' —Several Houston county vete rans will attend the reunion and barbecue at Cordole Friduv. .Tnlv , barbecue at Cordole Friday, July ,, 4th. w JHp —We are'told that Mr. D. Fol- v ; lendore, whose farm is a few ■ miles north of Perry, has a. field ’V\ of the best corn in the county. / —Mrs. G. L. Slocumb and children of Bonaire are in Perry HI . {visiting the family of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Marshburn. ^ Doubtless 100 dozen eggs were Sold by farmers in Perry last week. m. 119 we- know .that one merchant, Mr. W. B. Sims,bought sixty doz en. ’ —All the oounty commissioners , were present at the monthly term of their court last Tuesday, but only routine business was trans acted. The District'd outer ence. 'The annual conference of the South Macon district of the South Georgia Methodist Conference was with Terry from Wednesday night of last week to Saturday night. Several of the ministers and lay- delegates remained through Sunday. Some of the best sermons ever heard in Perry were preached during the conference, and each hour during the stay the delegates gave positive evidence of their devotion to Christian sor vice. Of the former pastors of Perry, Revs. J. W. Domihgos, E. M. Whiting and B. E. Whittington attended, adding greatly to the pleasure of.- their many friends here. Nearly all the pastors of the district attended, with lay delegates from each church. All were most cordially , euterjjaiiiet. by our people, at their homes anc. at the hotels. The daily sessions of the confer ence and the sermobs morning afid evening each day afforded much instruction and pleasure, and there are none who do not say “we are glad they came.” A synopsis of the conference, furnished by our pastor, is pub lished iu another column Conference Resolutions. —Mrs, R. L. Marchman and Son are visiting relatives at Co , lumbus. Mr, Marchman went - with them Friday and returned home Monday. 1 i-1■' —“A Lay Sermon,” wntteifby a former resident of Perry, well- known t° our readers, will be pub- ; . fished on the first page of this pa per next week. J. It —Mr, G. L. Stripling, who has 1 'been at Jeffersonville two weeks - or more with his photograph tent, ’ . . ^ was with houiefolks in Perry Tues- ^ i day and Wednesday §1 m fe —Rev. Albert S. jt)ix, Messrs. W. J. Moore, J. D. Martin and others of Perry attended the coun ty Baptist Union at Gunter last Saturday and Sunday. —Hon. J. P. Duncan and Maj. ft. N. Holtxclaw of Perry, and m . .'°ther Houston delegates,attended the state democratic convention $ m in Atlanta Wednesday. ' — Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Cheves of .Montezuma were in Perry last /, Saturday and Sunday, visiting at / : t|ie home of Mrs. 0. T. Lawson, I * £ .mother of Mrs * Cheves •' —On the weather chart in this office Friday, July 4th, is marked . . ‘‘Storm Period. ’ ’ Doubtles sthere Mr f , ‘AStorm Period. ” I I wifi be explosions in somelocali • ties,,;'and much pyrotechnics ii speech and action. in —At the quarterly inspection of the Perry Rifles last Monday night, the prize medal was award ed Private Howard Miller for su- - perior excellence in the condition of his gun, accoutrements and ' uniform. —Rev. F. W. Perkins of Colum bus will preach at the Perry Pres byterian church next Sunday morning and night, and on each first Sunday thereafter until the meeting of the state Presbytery in October next. —The following young men con- stitutev the. team and alternate se lected to attend the state military •*\shoot” at Macon next week: R. L. Marchman, R. G. Schilling, J. W§ T. Adkins, Edwin Martin, R. C. lip Holtzclaw, J. L. Hodges. - Pkrry, Ga., June 27, 1902 Editor Home Journal: The District Conference express es its appreciation of your tender to publish such items a9 we wish to bring before the public through your appreciated home paper, and take advantage of your kindness, believing that the public will be interested in the enclosed two pa pers, offered by Rev. H. B. Bard well and unanimously adopted by the entire conference as it$ papers We may wish to use your kind ness further, for which we again thank you, apd through you thank your people for continued courte sies and kindness. Very*truly yours, ‘ W. A. Snelling, Sec. Sonth Macon Dist. Conf We note with regret that this is our last District Conference under the leadership of our present Pre siding Elder, Rev. J. B. McGettee, since this is his fourth year on the District. We wish to express our appreci ation of his usefulness and wise leadership. He has brought to bear upon his work with us the ripe wisdom of of use fulness ; his foresight and wise management is. manifest in the lives of hia preachers and their charges. We will miss him much. His fconservatism, his strong guiding hand we all feel. We tell him we love him, but he knows that. We pray him God speed. We pledge him our best support in working out his plans for the District this year, so as to make this his best year of all his years. Whereas the people of Perry have so freely and willingly thrown open their hospitable homes and furnished us with such gracious. Christian entertainment be it resolved: That we give this expressiop of our appreciation. Their thought fulness and Christian, 'fellowship we have enjoyed. Surely, “The fellowship of kin dred minds is like to that above.’ We pray them God speed in them Christian l ife, praying God’s peace and power upon them. —Several Perry people attend ed jihp marriage at Marshallville last. Thursday evening of Miss Louise Frederick to Mr. J. E. Hayes of MofTtezuma. | While vis iting her sister at Perry, Mrs. A. 0. Riley, Miss Frederick became quite popular here, and the hearty congratulations and best wishes of her many friends are cordially extended. —While in Fort Valley last week we were told that the peach growers, were well pleased with the prices' already reserved. Our informant said that -many owners of orchards had sold the peaohes on the trees, and nearly all the other owners of small orchards were selling, on the cars at Fort Valley at a good price per crate. —More than 100 degrees of heat, said the thermometer Tues day. afternoon; ; . ‘ • County Reunion Uncertain. . As.our readers know,at a receiit meeting of Confederate veterans at the court house in Perry, it was resolved to hold a reunion of Houston county veterans on the 25th of July. A committee oh arrangements, and a county committee consist ing of one veteran in each district were appointed. These commit tees were requested to meet at Perry last Saturday, report prog ress and adopt specific plans for tho reunion. The opinion pre vailed that a successful reunion was impossible unless the vete rans throughout the county want it, and there is no way to find out their desires, except by an ex pression through the committee. Very few attended the meeting latt Saturday, and it is not certain that there will be a county reun ion. Read what the secretary is in structed to say: The district committee for the proposed county Veterans’ reun ion failed to attend the called meeting lafct Saturday, Reports were made by only three mem bers, J. R. Miller, J. S. Bryan, and W. E. Norris. Mr. J. D. Martin, chairman of the committee on general arrange ments, will write each district committeeman and ask them to report at Perry next Saturday, July 5th. Unless favorable reports are made from these committeemen on that day, it will be impracti cable to try to have a reunion on the 25th of July. The veterans must decide. L. S. Tounsley, Sec. H. C. 0. V. A. i®m: m avffi I am now sole agrnt for the celebrated; JACKSON G-. SMITH; BAKNKSVILLK I carry the Open and Top Buggies in stocK at all times. I also carry several other Buggies, cheaper in price, but good values. If you want a Buggy, and will Iook over my line, I am quite sure I can sell you. I sell Harness Very Cheap with Buggies. I also have on hand at all times a full line of One and Two-Horse Wagons. They are standard maxes and guar anteed.! Saddles and Bridles of all Descriptions. Call and Iook and you will be satisfied. / . Fred. M. Houser’s. Innocence Entertained and Enter taining. No social function ever more completely combined beauty and pleasure than did the Law r n party at the home.of Capt. and Mrs. C. E. Gilbert last Friday afternoon, given by Miss Corinne Baldwin complimentary to Misses Kathe rine and Louise Holtzclaw. The guests of honor and their companions are the very young est of the Perry belles and beaux, and none of those older can vie with them in 'the best and pretti est elements of social distinction. None-of them are more than six years of age. With their “pretty faces bright with innocence and joy, with be coming apparel and happy laugh ter, in the games they so much en- ; oyed, they made a picuire more beautiful and delightful than could bq made by any other com bination of nature or art. After the games had been en joyed as happy, children only can, dainty refreshments were served by the happy hostess. From 5:80 to 7 p. m. every mo ment was filled with pleasure that was as great to those who witness ed as to the litcle guosts who par ticipated. Following are the names of the guests who ornamented the occa sion, Katherine Holtzclaw, Louise Holtzclaw, Robert Cater, Hazel Hurst, Ethel Hodges, Carolyne Cater, Lee Minor P.aul, Frank Hook Paul, Corinne Duncan, Ja nie Parks Cater, Ruth Andrew, Ruth Gilbert, Joe Gilbert, Clifford Holtzclaw, Emily Wimpey, Mil- ton Riley, Howell Moore. AT AND BELOW NEW YORK DOST. A Slaughter of Colored Lawns and Wash Goods. All to go at and Less than cost. Silk Stripe Grenadines Silk Linens Silk and Cotton Tissues French and Persian Lawns Colored Organdies Hosiery, Wash Silks Ladies’ Gauze Vests Madras, eto. W. ID. XXA.-5T. SELZ. ■ I means the same on shoes that Sterling does on silver. If you want a GOOD shoe try t. . / Selz Royal Blue Shoe. -Best all-wheat Flour at.Tharp’s Mill. Try it. / ■ Fruit Jars and Rubbers. Fred M. Houser’s. -The cheapest lot of Galvan ized Preserving Kettles are at \ L. M. Paul’s. Home Cured Hams and Shoul ders for sale at W. D. Day, —Big line of White Fancy Goods for waists at L. Mv Paul’s. Scrapes and Scooters. Fred M. Houser. A Key To Examinations, A new book has just been published containing the Questions and Answers of every Publio School Examination in Georgia, since 1888. Fourteen years’ wqrk. Will be sent, post paid, on re ceipt of One Dollar. Descriptive cir culars sent free. B. S. Holden, : Cashier Gilmer County, Bank, " ! Ellijay, Ga. At Cater’s Drugstore* Perry, Gh, We guarantee every pair to give satisfaction and good wear. Sejz stands behind us and we stand behind Selz shoes. It we cannot fit you in stock, your order* will be filled in a few days. Give us a trial, and if our shoes do not give perfect satisfaction we will make it all right. See tnat the name Selz is on your shoes, for Selz Shoes Make Your Feet Glad. SEIFERT SHOE STORE, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. We Are With our Spring fin i of CLOTHING. Everything New, Send us your orders or call to see us. MACON, GEORGIA. - * '