The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, July 17, 1902, Image 7

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s^BBsn: 3E 5TK5IES1 aamvsnauaeEahsw: a*ss*uccjia MtaonuuK dg^i Groceries. t { yh| I wish to call your attention. I am keeping the very best line of goods I have ever kept, and desire your trade. ©DE1CIA.I, M.E2ISTTION: Nabisco Wafers. \ Respectfully, W. B. Sims. Entertained by Mrs. Sims. —You’ll get a 50 cents meal for 25 cents at Isaac’s Cafe,Third street, Macon, Gia. J. D. MARTIN, Sr., JEWELER, Perry, Ga. Watohes, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Office in store of J. D. Martin, Jr. H. A. MATHEWS. MATHEWS A. C. RILEY. & RILEY, * ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. Practice in all the Courts. Loans negotiated and Land Titles abstracted. Collections on all points. Security Bonds furnished. The Thursday Afternoon’ Club held its last meeting at the home of Mrs. Will B. Sims* To say that the club was most beautifully entertain ed, would be expressing things in entirely too niild a manner. Mrs. Sims is, in the first place, an ideal hostess. Elegant, refined and, full of that bright, sweet congeniali ty which makes things so pleasant, every one was soon at ease and hav ing a sweet, happy hour. It being the eve of the 4th, every thing was patriotic. The decora tions of flags, red, white and blue ribbons and draperies, combined with palms, ferns and flowers, made a lovely effect. One Corner was es pecially cunning in its arrangement, Draperies were beautifully grouped and caught up with flags, while un der them was a table holding the regular 4th of July refreshments, blue bowls full of striped candy and peanuts. Cannon crackers were passed to all the ladiete; when the strings of these were pulled, out came a flag napkin. Delicious retreshments were then enjoyed. The game of pictures was heartily entered into, and many funny things were said and done while wildly guessing at the originals. The prize, a lovely match strike, “The Striking Girl,” finished up in water colors by Mrs. Sims*' own artist hands, was won by Mrs. Edgar Brasleton. The olub will be next entertained on Thursday, July 17th, by Mrs. Marion King. 0. E. J. P. DUNCAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, PERRY, GA. Office adjoining Masonio Building- Court House Square. pdwi isriLTupt y AT rORNEY-AT-LAW, Fort Valley, Ga. Loans negotiated on real estate at lowest rate of interest. Farm lands for sale on easy terms. J. R. SIMS, OPERATIVE DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work. Office Near Perry Hotel, Main Street, PERRY, GA. Will be at office from 1st to 15th of each month. Judge Griggs, of the second Geor gia district, chairman of the congres sional democratic campaign commit tee, is making an aggressive cam paign all along the line. His plans are well arranged, and already the hope is strong that enough republi cans will be defeated to give the democrats a safe majority in the house of representatives of the next gress. Opposition to the excessive tariff rates that give life and strength to trusts is the chief con tention, the shot and Campbell, a W. H. HARRIS, DENTIST. Successor to Dr. W. A.' Blassengame. O-FIOE OVER DOW LAW BANK, FORT VALLEY. : GEORGIA At Walden last agent, Mr. Byron, wai killed by Mr. J. W. building contractor. In the course of an altercation, Pyron struck Campbell over the head with a bar of iron, and in return the fatal shot was fired. The coroner’s jury re turned a verdict of justifiable homi cide. "Mr. Campbell is the contract or under whose direction the school building in Perry was remodeled last summer. *-*_4 MONEY. Loans negotiated on improved farms, at lowest market rates, and on most liberal terms. , Business of fifteen years standing. Mors than three million dollars in loans nasmtiated. Facilities unsur passed. HOWARD M. SMITH, Mo. 814 St,. Macon, Ga. MACHINERY. Prompt attention given to repairing Engines and all Machinery. Model and Pettefn Work a specialty. FulFstock of Pipe and Steam Fix tures always on hand. Knfoher Belting. Write for what you want. ! Anthoine Machine Works, J. W. ANTHOINE, Frop’r., FORT VALLEY, GA Elko Etchings. Company K. .Tribute. Hale a dozen extra fine watermel ons have been shipped from Outhr- bert, Ga., to England, by request of the superintendent of the Southern Express Company. With reference to these melons, the Cuthbert cor respondent of the Atlanta Gonstitu tion says: “They go to the official now in England, who is said to want them for the inmates of the royal palace. The request is regarded as a compliment to the Georgia water melon and to this section.” Authorities of the Southern and other railroads in Georgia have de clined to use the proposed new At lanta depot under the plan submit ted by the state authorities. The Southern has purchased ground up on which to build a depot, and it is now up to the railroad commission to require immediate construction, if the present union depot is really in adequate for the convenience and comfort of the traveling public. By Uncle Ned. After several weeks’ visit to.rel atives here, Miss Maude Rogers returned to her - home at Mt. Ver non last week, accompanied by Miss Mamie Brown, who will visit relatives there and at Savannah. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hardeman of Macon are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Houser. . Mdnis. C. E. Eubanks and G. D. Fitzgerald visited in Hender son one day last week. Miss Sarah Eubanks of Hender son spent one day here last week. What is the trouble? We no tice one of our boys looking very sick now. Mr. C. C. Pate, formerly of Henderson, is now with Mr. J. Dr Marshall of Elko, ready to serve his many friends. Mr. H. E. Marshall went to Perry on business last Week. Mr. Feltz Irby of Henderson was in Elko one day last week. Mrs. A. J. Thompson has- re turned to her home in Cochran after a week’s visit t6 Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Clark here. Rev. J. E. Powell will protract the meeting at the Baptist church next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Cutts of Marsha-llville will help him.? All come who can. Mr. Donald McDonald visited hoinefolks in Yatesville last week, returning Saturday. Miss Clifford Pool returned home Sunday, after spending two weeks with relatives in Savannah. Mr. J. R. Judge of Eastman is visiting relatives here. Mr. W. L. Means’ family came here from Macon last week-, and will spend the summer. 8 Judge S. T. Hurst was in Elko one day last week. Misses Willie Dennard and Ger trude Marshall are visiting rela tives and friends in Jeffersonville. Mrs. B. W. Murrah of Macon is visiting Mrs. J. F. Houser. Mr. Rob..C. Holtzolaw of Perry was in our town last Friday. Mr. W. E. Meaus is putting up a telephone line from his store to his residence. Quite a crowd of our young peo ple attended the lawn party at Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Davis’ on Mossy Hill last Friday night. It rained while they were gone, and they didn’t get back until Satur day morning. v Mr. W. L. Means went to Ma con last Friday on business. Miss Mabel Brewton is at Bonaire this week. ReV. H C. Brewton is carrying on a meeting at that place. Miss Pearl Hickson of Cordele visited friends here last week. Mr. J. H. Clark is all smiles—a baby girl. Mrs. D. J. Harrell of Cochran is visiting Mr. and Mrs, J, H. Clark. July 13, 1902. In memory of our dead com rades,—viz. Win. M. Barker, T. B. Chancey, Ranee Chambers and J. H. Story. Whereas, God the' Omnipotent and Divine Creator, that fashion ed the Heavens, and all the worlds and the people thereof, and gave them the perfected in' the beginning; that holds them in order and place for time and eter nity, has according to His will and diviue wisdom permitted death’s withering touch to fall on our loved friends, and comrades, Wm. M. Barker, T. B. Chausby, Rome Chambers and Jas. H. Sto- . It was our high privilege tod pleasure to have served with such men under the same Banner for such a holy cause. While we in humble submission bow to the Divine will, feel keen ly their death, let us commend their virtues and look oyer their failures. Be it resolved : 1st. That we, in, the death of each of our comrades, have lost a kind friend, the community and county, a good true and worthy oitizen, 2nd. That, we as friends and comrades ill arms, tender the heartfelt sympathy of all true veterans to tlie bereaved families. 3rd. That a blank page in our records, be set apart to the mem ory of their names. F. M. Walker, T. N. White, Committee July 3rd, 1902. J. T. W. Walker More thau, 250 car loads of peaches had been shipped from Fort Valley up to last Saturday night this season—an excess of about 100 carB over the shipments of last season. and she had. endured untold 'misery from a severe lung trouble obstinate cough.. “Often,” she writes, “I could scarcely breathe and sometimes - could not speak* All doctors and, remedies failed v till I used Dr. King’s New Dis covery for consumption and was completely t cured.” Sufferers >,? ms from Coughs, Golds, Throat and Lung Trouble need this! grand remedy, for it never disappoints. Cure is guaranteed at Holfczolaw’s drugstore. Price 60c and $1.00. Prial bottles free. fl wm HSBB8S SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS To the Seashore, Lakes and Mountains,, via Central of Georgia Railway, are on sale at all coupon tioket offices, good for : return until Ootober 81st, 1902. Full particulars, rates, schedules, Oto., will be oheerfully furnished upon appli cation to any agent or representative of the Central of Georgia Railway. W. A. WlNBURN, J. O. HaIlb, Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. Ag’t. F. J. Robinson, Ass’t. Gen. Pass. .Ag’t., Savannah, Gu. J. H. Davis, Pres. J. D. Maiitin. Cashier. The Houston Does a general Banking business; Interest al lowed on time deposits. The business public tiro invited to give us a call. Located in Ala- sonio Buildiug, wost side Publio'Square. O. Z. MoARTHUR, DENTIST, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. Office pver Slnppey’s Drugstore.CZ3 O j&JJcPTJTJD XfcTIS Cures Heartache, Neuralgia, Sick Heartache null LaOrlppe Pains. 15o., 25o. and 50o. bottle. For; sale by H. M. IIOLTZOLAW, Dmgglstj Porry, Ga. : Need More Help. Often the over taxed organs of digestion cry out for help by Dyspecpsia’s pains, Nausea, Diz ziness, Headaches, liver com plaints, bowel disorders. Such troubles call for prompt use of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They are gentle, thorough and guaran teed to cure. 25c at Holtzclaw’s drugstore. - Ladies’ Parlor Restaurant. Isaacs’ Cafe, 413 Third Street, MACON, GEORGIA. Meals 25c. WITH UP-TO-DATE QUICK LUNCH COUNTER Prbmpt and Polite Service. Patronage Solicited. PATTON & HECKLE Proprietors. The Marquis of Salisbury has re signed the premiership of Great Britain, and Right Hon. A. J. Bal four, first lord of the treasury and leader of the government in the House of Commons, has been ap pointed to succeed him. The new premier is a kinsman of the man he sncceeds, 54 years old and a baohel- or. Gen. Adna R. Chaffee has been ordered home and assigned to com mand of the department of the aast, with headquarters at Governor’s Island, N. Y. Gen, Geo. W. Davis will succeed Gen. Chaffee in the Philippines. In settling the estate of the late H. B. Plant, the railroad magnate, the fees of the executors amounted to '£16 ,625 each. The estate was valued at $26,000,000. CASTORIA For Infaatsaml Children. The Kind YoirHaye Always Bo#ji CROP CONDITIONS. At this time the general condition of crops is far from encouraging. The drought which has prevailed up to the 2d of July, accompanied by high temperatures and parching winds, has caused a material deterioration of most crops, especially cotton and up land corn. Notwithstanding showers of rains have fallen in many sections of the state since the first of tho month, it is still true that a drought which is becoming very serious, now prevails over the greater portion ol Georgia. In some sections upland corn is almost past redemption, while cot ton in some eections is doing fairly well, the reverse is true in most of the counties. The friut is below normal conditions, and the watermelon crop is far below an average, both in quanti ty and quality. STATE AGRICULTURAL DEP’T. July 8, 1902., Atlanta, Ga. 415& Third St. (Upatalrs.) Only One in the City MEALS TO ORDER. Regular Meals 25c We outer to the best clas3 trade. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS will be paid to any artist,or penmen drawing ns by . •- the first of July a single line portrait of President Roosevelt, the same being an iuprovement upon that drawn by Thom as Fleming <j£ President Mcltiklpy, a photo-engraved oopy of wftioh dan be seen in the book “Around the Pan,” (at all hook stores or post-paid $2.00) this is one of the most ' day, the only one ts;< ura W _ ving an noo urate~ ac count of th«T Pan-Ameridan Exposition, where our late President met his death ^ at the haud of an assasin. Nutshell Publishing Company, . New York! Photograph Gallery. I have opened a Photograph Gallery on Carroll Street, Perry* Ga., near Home Journal office. m r M Photographs from ${,00 to $4.00 per dozen. "* Will be at Gallery Saturdays and Mon- WM m days only ENLARGING AND FRAMING To Suit Customers. Sunshine not necessary for good work 1 ' Yours to please, ■ t G. L. STRIPLING I101H Needed in Macau. A place to rest after shopping. MRS. GEORGE’S PLACE. TOBACCO. The census reports also show that tobacco is getting to be a crop of some importance in Georgia. The .increase in acreage in the dec ade from 1889 to 1899 was 188 per cent, and in production 319 per cent. The average yield per acre shows an in crease suggestive of improved meth ods of cultivation, being 479.9 pounds per acre in 1899 as compared with 329,7 pounds in 1879. The tobacco crop of was, 1,105,600 pounds, TOJued at 1899 $159,659. This was grown by 3,525 farmers, attd obtained from 2*304 acres i Bears the J Signature of - -$14.25 PER GALLON. - iSend for Privato Price List and mention this; .'Paper. ! Writes WINSTON DIS. 00., Winston, N. O.i LOWEST PRICED WHISKEY HOUSE, I Subscribe for the Home Journal Subscribe... POll The _ Christian Union Herald, , . a strong, religious; seven-column paper, devoted to the moral and material ad- vancement of the colored race, with an ■'*. extensive circulation. Published Weekly- at Savannah, Ga. Subscription $1,00 Per ¥6, r. REV. W. A. DINKINS, Editor, ig Hi P. Til, Fort Valley-District, m sap §m ' WITH NEW Having leased ffli the Cooper Stables on Main conduct an up-to-date THROUGHOUT, - V' \ ■ street,. I will ; ’ LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. Nicest Vehicles, Stylish and Gentle Horses, Best Service. I AX.®Q K,XJN A. J&T&AJ'Sr iAistie. . ‘ . • J- -.Nr -': mm% I Bell high-grade Buggies and! (Wagons cheap. the Davis Wagon Co;, Columbus Ga Guaranteed as good as any. I will deserve your patronage. v PERRY ^GEORGIA. Mdle piisii