The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, July 17, 1902, Image 8

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HAVING LEASED THE Stubblefield House, Mulberry St., MAOON, GA., Nest to Academy of Music, It is my purpose to conduct a hotel that will be home-like mid satisfying to all guests. It is specially suitable for ladies or others visiting Maoon for a day or longer. We Strive to Please. George 8. Sit lev. A GOOD PLACE. Notice is hereby giveu to Indies nud gentlemen who visit Macon thnt Mrs. W. H. Houser it now running n first- class Boarding House at 755 Cherry St. whioh is very near the business center of the city, and she will be pleased to serve them meals at 26c. each. A MOTHERHOOD The greatest ambition of Amer ican men and women is to have homes blessed with ohildren. The woman afflicted with female dis- oaso is constantly monneed with becoming u childless -wife. No mcdloino can restore doad or gans, but Wino of Cardui docs regulate derangements that pre vent conception; does prevent miscarriage; does restore weak functions and shattered nerves and does bring babies to homes barren and dosolato (or years. Wino of Cardui gives women tho health and strength to bear heal thy ohlldreh. You oan got a dollar bottlo of Wino of Cardui from your dealer. WINE or CARDUI U$ Market Biroot, . Momphie. Tomi., April 14,1901. . In February, 1001,1 took ono bottle of Wine or Onraul and ono package of | “ 1 bad boon liud v'over [took Wino Djrn Card til. jyjflrlwh K I am mother of"a trio i"" ~ ■ torch 81 lint, loumla and I vmsuui m mv miu»u Mro. J. W. 0. 6MITH. .For ftdvloq nn«l llleiiitiira. iwhhvwi, utvhm BymittpniH. ‘‘The l/viien’ Artvluory C) C "*‘ 5 V^HlI SimWw Company, ImttanooBa, bnftttinsooBft , 'ronn. - OF ATLANTA, GA, Is ft twloc-a-wcok N1CWH paper, published on ; .elght-pago . . ’ Ry amuigeinouts wo have seouvod a speciul fftto vftth thorn in connootion wltli -•OUR PAPER. ftnd for wo will soml IB H0ME: |0Ul||k, THE ATLANTA -Seffii-WeeklY Journal- ivmi tlio Southern Cultivator ALL THREE ONE YEAR. This is the best offor wo lmvo over made our friends and subscribers. You bad bottor take advahtage of this offer at onoo, for The Journal ? may withdraw their special rate Vo us at any tlmo. The Semt-Wookly has many j)roiuincnt men and women contributors to their columns, among them being Rev. Sam Jones, Rov. Walk er Lewis,Hon. Harvio Jordan, Hon. John Tem ple Graves and Mrs. W. H. Felton, besides their crops of efficient editors, who take ditto of the news matter. Tlielr departments are well cov ered. Its columns of farm nows are worth tho the price of the paper. 4 Send direct to this office $2.00 and secure ■the throe above mentioned papers ono year Address THE HOME JOURNAL, PERRY, GA. Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quloitly ascertain cur opinion free whether an ' ivention is probably patentable. Communion- ons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents cent free. Oldest agenoyforsecurtagpatents. Patents taken through Munn & Cfo. reoelve special notice, without charge, in tho ♦ A handsomely lUustrated weekly. Largest dr- eulatlon of any scientific journal. Terms, $8 a icarj four months, |L Sold by all newsdealers. 00^61 Broadway, How Ygf[r oe. 625 F SU WashtoRWi. D, 0. A HAPPY SEQUEL The Result of a Felicitous Termina tion to a Novel. A few years ago one of-our most popular novelists was busily en- ;ed in writing a serial novel for jondon journal when a certain nobleman called on her in a state of intense excitement. “Do tell me,” said he, “have you finished the story now appearing in < ?” “Wiry, of course; some time ago," was tire reply. “Does the heroine die at the end ?” “Oh, certainly. After such Con sumptive symptoms as I have de scribed how could she possibly live ?” “But you must make her live. You must change the ca-ta&trophe, for on your heroine’s life depends my daughters.” “Your' daughter’s?” exclaimed the novelist in surprise. “Yes,” was the startling rejoin der. “She has all the varipus symptoms of consumption whipn you have described and watches mournfully for every number of your novel, feeding her own fate i«i that of your heroine. Now, if you make your heroine live I feel persuaded that my daughter, whose imagination has been very deeply impressed, will live too. Come, a life to save is a temptation”— “Not to bo resisted,” added the novelist. Consequently the last chapter was changed. The heroino recovered and was duly made happy. About five years after the novelist met the nobleman at a party. “Ah!” ho exclaimed, “let mo in troduce, you to my daughter. I think Bho owes her life to you: There she is.” “What! That handsome woman who looks the very picture of health ?” “Yes; she is married, and has had three children.” “And my novel has had threo editions,” said the novelist with a laugh; “so we arc quits.”—London Tit-Bits. Men’s Hats In Elizabeth's Tlmo., The gay young courtiers of the queen—Elizabeth of immortal mem ory—shone resplendent in high crowned hats of rare device, which, liko tho brilliant Kalcigh, they hung nround with strings of pearls. Kingsley describes his Elizabethan adventurer John Oxenham as hav ing on his head “a broad velvet Spanish hat,” and Master Fra/qk Leigh as shading his delicate com plexion from tho sun with “a broad dove colored Spanish hat with feathers to match, 'looped up over the right ear with a pearl brooch.” But hats or caps were worn ac cording to taste or circumstances, and Scott tells us that when Leices ter rode bareheaded at, Elizabeth’s side oil her entry into Kenilworth his esquire had charge of hi3 lord ship’s black velvet bonnet, gar nished with a clasp of diamonds and surmounted by a white plume. —‘Chambers’ Journal. 1 Cunning Gulls. An example,, of the cunning of gulls was observed at Tacoma when several alightod on a bunch of logs that had been in the water for a long time, with the submerged sides thick with barnacles. One was a big gray fellow, who seemed to be the captain. IIo walked to a par ticular log, stood on ono side of it close to the water and then uttered peculiar S cries. The other gulls came and perched on the same side of the log, which under their combined weight foiled over several inches. The gulls, step by step, kept the log rolling until the barnacles showed above the water.* The birds picked eagerly at this food, and tho log was not abandoned until every barnacle had been picked. “I am using a box of Chamber lain’s Stomach & Liver Tablets and find them the best thing for my stomach I ever used,” says T. W. Robinson, Justice of the Peaoe, Loomis, Mich. These Tablets not only correct disorders of the stom ach but regulate the liver and bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all dealers in Perry, Warren & Lowe, Byron. Thus far the United States has built 850 school houses in Porto Rico TH6 Knots That Are Tied Fop Wofte, Not For Better. I Nothipg is. more beautiful than , the old age of a mati arijt tf-he j lrayc ffioafo dear to eacli other byj the manifold experiences of fife. So nothing is more grim a«?d hid eous than such an old ago when the long. yea*3 liave heaped up bitter ness and discord only. M many a oountoy household, whefo wife beating would be regarded with horrof^ JQ&fcte is practiced a cruelty no less terrible, and even-more per sistent. An old couple who Had boen-mar- ried fifty years finally separated be cause the man wanted a half bushel of ashes oiy the hearth and his wife wanted only a peck. They, had ar gued the question unremittingly and savagely for forty-*nino years and at last ended the bitter sport by a stormy parting. There is a grim humor in many of the eountryman’s expressions of hiS 'domestic irritation and discom fort, but they are none the loss sig nificant of untold suffering. Ono night a country doctor was detained at a farmhouse where hus band and wife were notoriously in compatible. From the “kitchen bedroom” where he was installed he was forced to hear every word of a tirade which the woman poured upon the head of her husband. The victim bor.e it without a word. At last, the doctor relates, the farmer rose to go to the barn for his nightly visit to “the critters.” With his hand on the latch of the door ho flung hack over his shoulder, “Waal, Sairey, there’s that in ye that notlrni’ but the groundTl ever take out!” An old blacksmith drove home from the funetal of liis wife with a lifelong friend. As thpy .yode ejewyty through a winter twilight the wid ower half soliloquized: “She was a good cook an’ a first rate house keeper. She was savin’. She allera kep’ me mended up. But I never liked her!” The grotesqueness of the inci dents does not cohceal their tragedy. That might he made the text of a sermon on self control, cheerfulness, lovingnesa and the other lipmely, useful clbmcstid virtues. These same virtues must be planted and culti vated iu the boy and the girl if mar riage is to bo aught but an intoler able slavery for the man and tho woman.—Yon til’s Companion. Ugowe Bay. A new name to be seen on the lat est, maps of British East Africa is Ugowe bay, applied to an arm of the Victoria Nyanza. This namo originated with Stanley, tho explor er, in a singular way. When he was making a chart of the lake shores, he came upon a great bay, and, calling to a native, he asked what it was called. After repeating the inquiry several times he got for answer something that sounded like “You go ’way,” and the inter preter’s efforts met with no better success. So Stanley, accepting the sound, named the bay Ugowe, which is pronounced like the English phrase quoted above. Convenient Ailments. “Archibald, dear,” his wife said, arousing him in the dead of night, “I wish you would walk with baby a little while. He’s going to wake up.” “How can I do that, Lucinda?” expostulated the sleepy husband. “You know, Fvo got tho pingpong ankle.” “Then put him in his cradle and rock him awhile.” “I can’t do that either. I’ve got the golf shoulder.”—Chicago Trib une. Cures Eczema and Itching Humors Through the Blood. Costs Nothing to Try, B.B. B.(Botanic Blood Balm) is a cer tain and sure cure for eczema, itching ekin, humors, scabs, scalds, watery blis ters, pimples, aching bones or joints, boils, carbuncles, pricking pain in the skin, old eating sores, ulcers, etc. Bo tanic Blood Balm cures the worst and most deep-seated cases by enriching, pu rifying and vitalizing the blood, thereby giving a healthy blood supply to the skiu. Other remedies may relieve,but B. B. B. actually cures, Heals every sore, and gives the rich glow of health to the skiu, making the blood red and nourish ing. Especially ,advised for old, obsti nate cases. Druggists $1. Trial treat ment free by writing Dr. Gillam, 218 Mitchell street, Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble,and free menical advice given. Subscribe for the Home Journal T=r T-... GROCERIES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE.—- Cor. Second and Poplar Sts., MACON, C A * AGENCY FOR THE ait STEEL WOVEN WIRE FIELD FENCE MMS Made of large, strong wires, heavily galvanized. Amply provides for expansion and contrac tion. Only Best Bessemer steel wires - Mm used,' always of uniform quality. Never goes wrong no matter how great a strafe is put on it. Does not mutilate, but does efficiently turn cattle, horses, hoga and pigs. EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEE!* by the manufacturers, Call and »©e it. Can show you how it will| save you money and fenoe your fields so they will stay fenced. 1M! ©ttiltai Om WMAnt* At $1.50, $1.75 $2 and $3 per Gallon, DIRECT TO CONSUMER, SAYING MIDDLEMENS’ PROFITS. All Express Charges paid by me on all packages of TWO GALLONS or more. Terms, cash with order. Send yonr order and write Tor Descriptive Circular of Wines and Brandies, t References, the Commecial Agencies, or any 3Iercliant Here. J. H. WOOLLEY, Cherryville. H, C. . f ■ V IF PENNSYLVANIA pure rye, EIGHT YEARS OLD. OLD SHARPE Willlil AMS Pour ful5Q,utvrts of tLjs Pino Old, Pure RYE WHISKEY, $3.50 We ship on approval in plain', sealed boxes, witli no marks to indicate contents. When |you receive it and test it, if it is not satisfactory, return it at our expense and we - wil return your $3.CO. .Wo guarantee this brand to ho EIGHT YEARS OLD. Eight bottles for SC 50, express prepaid; 12 hottifes for §9 CO express prenaid. One gallon jug, express prepaid, §3 00; 2 gallon jug, express prepaid, §5 50. No charge for boxing. We handle all the leading brands of Rye and Rourbon Whiskies and will save you 50 Per Cent, on Your Purchases: Quart, Gallon. Kentucky Star Rourbon, $ 35 §125 Elkritlgo Rourbon 40 150 Booh Hollow Rourbon 45 105 Celwood Pure Rye 50 l OP Monogram Rye 55 2 00 McRrayor Rye (10 225 Maker’s A AAA 05 240 0.0. P. (Old Oscar Pepper) 05 2 40 Old Crow 75 2 50 Fincher’s Golden Wedding 75 2 50 Hoffman House Rye 00 300 Mount Vernon, 8 years old 100 350 Old Dillinger Ryo, 10 years old,.... 125 400 The above are only a few brands. Send for a catalogue. All other Soods by tho gallon, §uch as Corn Whiskey, Peach and Apple Brandies, etc., sold equally as low, from §125 a gallon and upward We make a speciasty of the Jug Trade* and all ordershy Mail or Telgeraph wiU have our prompt attention: Special inducements offered. Mail Orders shipped same day of the receipt of order. The Altmayer & Flateau Liquor Company, 606, 508, 510, 512 Fourth Street, near Union Passenger Depot. MACON, GEORGIA. THE COMMONER, (Mr. Bryan’s Paper.) The Commoner has attained within six months from date of the first issue a circulation of 100,000 copies, a record probably never equaled in the history of American periodical literature. The unparalleled growth of this paper de monstrates that there is room in the newspaper fields for a national paper de voted to the discussion of political, economic, and social problems. To the columns of the Commoner Mr, Bryan contributes his best efforts ;and his views of political events as they arise from time to time can not fail to interest those who study public questions. The Commoner’s regular subeription price is $1.00 per year. We have arrang ed with Mr. Bryan whereby we can fur nish his paper and Home Journal to gether for onfc year for $1.90. The reg ular subscription price of the two pa pers when euboribed for separately is $2.60. The Macon Telegraph. Published every day and Sunday, and Twice-a-Week, by The Macon Telegraph Publishing Co. Subscription Daily and Sunday, $7.00 per annum. Daily except Sunday, $5.00 per annum. Twice a-Week, $1.00 per annum. Best advertising medium in the city. Rates Furnished on appli cation. PERFECT PASSENGER AND SUPERB SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE BETWEEN ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THE Southeast Connecting at SAVANNAH with STEAMSHIP LINES PLYING BETWEEN Savannah and New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore AND ALL POINTS N0.RTH AND EAST Complete information, rates, schedules of trains and sailing dates of steamers cheerfully furnished by any agent of the company. THEO. D. KUNE, W. A. WINBURN, General 8up’t, Traffic Manager, v J. O. HAILE, General Pass’r Agent, F. J. ROBINSON, Ass’t General Pass'r Agent; SAVANNAH. QA,