The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, July 24, 1902, Image 7

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I have
-TtTT"? TP T" Mac kerel
rH » rTi “j Li that are
s ' s ' fat and choice.
I have plenty of Wight’s
Fine Can Syrup. Now
is the time to enjoy this
good syrup.
Your orders will be fill
ed promptly.
W. B. Sims.
Mcadnclie, Neuralgia,
5* Sick Headache
and LaGrippe Pains.
16o., 25c. and 60o. bottle,. For sale by
H. M. HQLTZQLAW, Druggist, Perry,
A Quick Trip to the North Pole.
J. H. Davis, Pres.
J. D. Mabtin. Cashier.
J. H. Gbaob, J
V. Pres.
Does a general Banking business. Interest al
lowed on time deposits. TheShjjsinesS public
•are invited to givo ns a call. Located in
sonic Buildiug, west side Public Square.
J. D. MARTIN, Sr.,
Perry, Ga.
Watches, Clocks aiid Jewelry Repaired.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Office in store of J. D. Martin, Jr.
Practice in all the Courts.
Loans negotiated and Land Titles
abstracted. Collections on all points.
Security Bonds furnished.
c. z. mcarthur,
Office over Slappey’s Drugstore.f ~l
w the shipping season of
fruit from this county occasionally
some ludicrous incident happens
which momentarily takes the mind
off the real or imaginary dollar, and
gives spice to the business.
A few days ago a cantaloupe ship
per was partially loading a refriger
ator car at Byron, the car to be sent
to Powersville to finish out the load.
JuBt before the car left for Pow
ersville, our Hero asked the boys to
shut him up in the oar, and he would
go down with his cantaloupes. He
did not wish any one, especially the
conductor, to know of his enterprise.
The engineer had some shifting to
do. He moved this car onto anoth
er traok and it stopped. The inmate
rapped gently an the door, but no
response. For ’ the second time the
car was moved and stopped; he rap
ped again. Still no response. On’ce
again, the third time, the car was
moved and stopped. He thought
it had been left for the next train to
take down, and became exceedingly
anxious to get out. He gave two or
three hard raps, and what afterward
proved to be an Esquimaux yell.
Immediately the door of the car was
opened. He reached the ground aB
quick as possible, and while wiping
the unnatural perspiration from his
brow he made the following start
ling announcement?
“Gentlemen, you can state to the
world that Houston Gounty, State
of Georgia, U. S. of A., has the hon
or of having a man who has made a
quick and successful trip to the
North Pole. It has been the theory
that the climate there is very pleas
ant and agreeably but you can say
for the benefit of future explorers
that there is not a word of truth in
ij;. I know whereof I speak. I
have been there, but I am not going
With thjs he walked off, loaded
down with all the honor the occasion
afforded. B.
Byron Items.
Its Economy, Durability and Conven-
ience Increase its Sales in the
In nothing is the energy and en
terprise of the south shown more
than in the rapidity with which it is
Loans negotiated on real estate at
lowest rate of interest. ,
Farm hinds for sale on easy terms.
' Fort Valley, Gi^adopting woven wire fencing, for
Crown and Bridge Work,
Office Near Perry Hotel, Main Street,
Will be at offioe from 1st to 15 th of
each month.
Successor to Dr. W. A, Blassengamc.
Prompt attention, given to
Engines and all Machinery.
Model and Pettern Work
^ a specialty.
Full stock of Pipe and Steam Fix
tures always on hand.
Rubber Belting.
Write for what you want, j
Anthoine Machine Works,
J. W. ANTHOINE, Frop’r.,
enclosing large plantations or small
gardens. The American Field and
hog Fence is being sold in great
jquantities throughout the south and
reports from all sections indicate
that the results exceed the expecta
tions aroused by the hearty recom
mendations of this fence by farmers
of the north and ranch owners of
the west.
Some of the features which make
this fence peculiarly adapted to the
needs of planters are its economy,
its great durability, the ease and
rapidity with which it can be erect
ed, and the complete protection it
affords to stock and crops. Such a
fence would not be possible except
ing for the low price prevailing for
steel products and the fact that it is
manufactured in enormous quanti
ties to supply the demand coming
from all parts of the country. It is
constructed of the best Bessemer
steel, heavily galvanized, and in the
quantity and quality of the galvan
izing and in the methods of weav
ing the fence there has been a great
Isaacs’ Cafe,
413 Third Stfeet,
Regular Meals 25c.
Prompt and Polite Service.
Patronage Solicited.
Subscribe for th9 Home Journal.
The N. D. Thompson Puplishing
Company, well-known publishers of
St. Louis, have, to use the language
of the St. Louis Republic, “scooped”
the United States in the publication
of “The Jefferson Bible,” concerning
which there has been such spirited
discussion in and out of congress.
If, as was stated in the debates of
congress, there will be a call for five
million copies of this work, it will
prove a publishing and business hit
of unusual magnitude. They adver
tise in another column of this issue
for solicitors and general agents for
this and other publications. They
offer salary and liberal commissions
to experienced or capable canvass
ers. They offer, also, to present to
any one Bending the addresses of a
few canvassers an art work in 6 col
ors as described in advertisement.
At a .^session of anthracite coal
miners at Indianapolis last Friday,
it was. stated by the secretary of the
association that it would require
half a million dollars weekly to sup
pore the miners then on strike in the
Various districts.
CASTOR IA Forlnfanlsajid Children.
Miss Anabel. Goonei* is, visiting
relatives in Port -Valley. Miss
Sallie Wallace : of Macon visited
her sister, ! Mrs'. - W, C. Monk last
week. Mr. Coleman Tidwell of
Avondale,k was shaking hands
with friends in Byron Sunday.
Miss Maria Palmer of Macon is
visiting her aunt, Mr. W. H.
Miss Carrie Richardson- of Mon
tezuma, is the guest of her cqus-
iiisj, Missis Bessie Warren aiid
Maggie Richardson.
Mr. Asa Middlebrooks of Wats
wick visited his sister, Mrs. G. P.
Cline, last week.
Miss Abbie Blunt of Waynes
boro, is the guest of Mrs. Claud
Clarke. ’
Misses Lizzie and Mattie King
of Unadilla, are visiting relatives
in Byron. .
Mrs. B, E. Whittington and
children, are visiting relatives in
Misses Pearl and Aurie DuPree
are attending a house party at
Haddock. •
Mr. Rob Middlebrooks of Yates-
ville was the guest of Dr. and
Mrs. G. P. Cline Sunday.
Mrs. Maiijl Minter of Albany is
visiting the families of her grand
parents, Mr. Ben Collier and Mrs.
E. A. Jackson.
Miss Effie Crawford returned
Saturday from a visit to different
pointB in Alabama. She was ac
companied by her cousins, Misses
Ida an d Mary All draws of LaFay-
etie, wlio will visit Byron for sev
eral weeks.
Rev. E. R. Pendleton is conr
ducting protracted services at the
Baptist church this week.
Rev. B. E, Whittington is en
gaged in a series of meetings at
Shiloh near town.
Messrs. W. H. Ezell and Wal
lace Peavy and families are en
joying a camp|at their plantation,
the old Hill place, near Perry.
They were accompanied by Misses
Sadie Peavy and Marie Crawford.
Wellston News.
The following news items of
Wellston and vicinity are, repro
duced from the Macon Telegraph
of last'Saturday.
Mr* C. B. Wellborn has return
ed from Janesville, Florida, where
he and Mr. T. 0, Bayless of Lex
ington, Ky., raised one of the fin
est crops of watermelons that
has been grflwn iff the South foi.
the last few years. Mrs. Bayless
will stop over with Mr Wellborn
for a few days before going nortii.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lewis of
Dubliii are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
S. H. Lewis of this place.
Miss Lilian Nall, left Tuesday
for a visit to relatives in Atlanta.
Miss Gussie Watson is visiting
friends in Powersville.
Mrs. McElmurray of Muzella,.
is visiting Mrs. B. Frederick.
v Mr. Milton Heal'd of Macon,
spent Sunday liete, guest of Mr.
Wellborni and family.
Mr. Luther Scarborough of Toy,
spent Wednesday with Mr. J. B.
T. Scarborough.
Miss Pet Wellborn is ill with
There will be d barbecue given
by the sons and daughters of the
Confederate veterans at Jackson
Springs July 26,
If A Man Lie To You.
Death of Mr. G. W. Johnston.
On Sunday afternoon about
four o’clock, July 12th, Thp An
gel of Death invaded our home
and took frorq. us one of our pur
est and best beloved “friends,”
Mr. Geo. W. Johnston.
He was a man that gave to the
worldga life so simple anck chaste,
so full of sweetness and goodness.
There was about him a personal
magnetism that drew children
and young people to him; they
all loved him and he loved.them:.
His grand-daughters were per
fectly devoted to him, because he
was so patient and sweet. He
would often tell them stories that
he had read, and about his war
affairs, which they enjoyed very
much, and would be willing to
listen to them time and time
They haven’t a grandpa to lis
ten to how. Jesus has taken him
away, but they hope to meet him
ini heaven some sweet day, and
rest peacefully by bis side.
His Grand.-dauohter.
Elko, Ga.
$25,000 Cash Offered.
In cash premiums to subscribers
to the Weekly Constitution and Sun
ny South, $25,000 has been offered.
Of the total amount, $5,000 will be
given in prizes to those who esti
mate nearest the number of bales of
cotton for the season of 1901-2, this
contest to conclude August 25th.
In addition to this $20,000 will be
given to the subscribers, estimates
to go in with the cash, who guess
nearest the total port receipts of cot
ton from September 1st, 1902, to
January 10th, 1903, the contest to
close January 1st,
The Constitution will give full
particulars upon application.
This paper clubs with the Weekly
Constitution at $2.00 a year; Weekly
Constitution, Sunny South and the
Home Journal $2.25.
Although 22,022 bills were intro
duced in the last session of congress,
and 1,500 laws were enacted, the re
publicans were careful that nothing
should be done that could in any
way interfere with the tariff protec
tion accorded the trusts and monop-
list corporations.
Bears the
v of
And say some other salve, oint
ment, lotion, oil or alleged heal
er is as. good as Bitcklen’s Arnica
Salve7 tell him thirty years of
marvelous cuios of Piles, Burns,
Boils, Corns/Felons, Uloers, Cuts;
Scalds,, Bruises and Skin Erup
tions prove it’s the best and
cheapest. 26o at Holtzolaw’S
’ : . Marriage at Toy.
The marriage of Miss Kat
Stubbs to Mr. Alfred D. Jo
sou aocurred here last Thurscl
2:80.A. mA'' the homo of
bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Stubbs\ It was one of
most elaborate and beautiful a _
dings ever Avitnessed in this se
The bride is a very hapdsoh
young lady and possesses mat,
good qualities.of mind and heart
Mr. Johaneson is a young man
of high standing socially, and one
of the leading young business men
of Brunswick. //••h;
The ceremony, by Rev. John
Herring, avus very impressive.
The presents were numerous and
Immediately after the marriage ;
the bridal party left on the S. W.
train for' their future home in ;
Brunswick. - F, R. Wf
Toy, July 22, 1902.
For Rent or Lease.
One 8-horse Farm; one 6-horse
Farm, One 4-horse i Farm; one 8-
horse Farm. These farms are
near Elko, Ga., and under high
state of cultivation. Good hous
es, plenty wood and water; good
pastures. Apply to
I W, B. Fitzgerald,'
^Oot.-l. Unadilla, Ga.
-Best all-wheat Flour at Tharp’s
Mill. Try it.
— Fruit Jars. F. M. Houser,
415% Third SI. (Upstairs.)
Only One in the City
Regular Meals 25c
We cater to the best clas3 trade.
Long Needed iq Macefi.
A plaoe to rest after shopping.
j - -$1 *25 PER. GALLON. -
!Send for Private Price List and mention this!
•Paper. •
j Write: WINSTON DIB. 00., Winston, N. 0.!
Subscribe for the Home Journal
Saves A Woman’ Life.
To have given up would have V' ; .-7
meant death for Mrs. Lois Crag'g,
of Dorchester, Mass. For years ’
she had endured untold misery / ;
from a severe lung trouble, and
obstinate ,cough. “Often;”, she
writes,.“I pould aoarbqly brei^ho ' .
and sometimes could not speak.
All doctors and ’ remedies failed . f?f.
'till I used Dr. King’s New Dis-
covery for consumption and was
completely oured.” ftiiffm'or'n . ' m
from Coughs, Colds, Throat And
Lung Trouble need tins grand \
remedy, f6r it never disappoints.' :
Cure is guaranteed at Holtzolaw’s
drugstore. Brice 50o and $l-.00.
Prial bottles ffee,’ ’ M&Mi g
Postal money orders can 'now
be secured at the post-ofiicq at * |
Powersville, 1
H. W. English,,P. M.
To the Seashdre, imkes and Moun-taih^i^'
via Central of- Georgia Railway, are. on \< •
sale at all coupon ticket offices, good for ^
eturp until Ootober 81st, 1902, j-'-fj
Ful l particulars, rates, schedules, etc'., > J . ^
JL 1 Uil pilIllOUlHlH, UllOH, HOJil3UU10B| © 1C*,
will be oheerfully furnished upon appli-
oatiou to any agent or representative of ,
the Central of Georgia Railway. ‘ ;
W. A. Winburn, J, G. Haile,
Traffio Manager. Gen. Pass. A
F. J. Robinson,
AeB’t.. Gen. Pass. Ag’t., Savannah, Ga.
Photograph Gallery.
I Jinvo opened a Photograph Gallery
on Oarfoll Street, Perry, Ga„ 1
near Home Journal of
Photographs from $1,00 to
$4.00 per dozen. 7-
Will be alf Gallery Saturdays and Mon
days only.
To Suit OustomorB. ; / |H
Sunshine not necessary for good work*
Yours to please,
^ Christian Union Herald,
a strong, religious, seven-oolumh paper,
devoted to the ffioral and material ad
vancement o£ the colored race, With an
extensive circulation.
Published Weekly at Savannah, Ga. '
Subscription $1,00 Por Yoat.
REV, W. A. ©ESUKINS* Editor^ J i^S
P. E. Fort Valley Disjriot. ' ’ :
—— . ; ■ .
■ ’
Having leased the Cooper Stables on Main street, I will t
conduct an up-to-date
Nicest Vehicles, Siylish and Gentle Horses,
Best Service.
I sell high-grade Buggies and!(Wagons cheap. Male by
the- Davis Wagon Co., Columbus Ga, ;■
Guaranteed as good as any.
I will deserve your -patronage.
■ XiSSSiSjteft si
r ip