Newspaper Page Text
I have
E it~i -T". i *t* Mackerel
jXX/JILi that are
fat and choice <
I have plenty of Wight’s
Fine Can Syrup. Now
is the time to enjoy this
good syrup.
Your orders will be fill
ed promptly.
Death of Miss Lillie Houser.
W. B.Sirns.
Headache, Neuralgia,
Siclc Headache
and ILaGrippe Pains.
16c., 25c. and 60c. bottle. For sale by
H. Mi HOLTZCLAW, Druggist, Perry, Ga.fl
Last Sunday morning Mfss Mary
Lillie Houser died at the home of
her mother, 756 Cherry street, Ma
con, Ga.
The burial was at Macon Monday
She was 18 years of age, born in
Houston county, eldest daughter of
the late Mr. W. H. Houser, who
moved with his family from Hous
ton county to Macon about two
years prior to his death.
Her uncle, Mr. S P. Houser, of
Perry, attended the funeral, but her
grandfather, Judge John H. Houser,
was too sick to leave his bed.
Miss Lillie was a most lovable
Christian girl, and was a favorite
wherever known. She had many
friends at Perry and in other sec
tions of Houston county.
The bereaved mother, brothers,
sister and other relatives have the
sincere sympathy of their many
A pure spirit has been called to
the Eternal Home.
J. ft. DAVIS, Pres. W. D. Dav, ) , T „
J. D. Mabtin. Cashier. J. H. Gkaok, f ' • Pres -
The Houston Banking Company
Does a general Banking business. Interest al
lowed on time deposits. The business public
ure invited to give us a call. Located in Ma
sonic Buildiug, west side Publio Square.
J. D. MARTIN, Sr.,
Perry, Ga.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Office in'store of .T. D. Martin, Jr.
• Practice in all the Courts.
Loans negotiated and Land Titles
abstracted. Collections on all points.
Security Bonds furnished.
c. z. McArthur,
Office over Slappey’s Drugstore.
Fort Valley, Ga.
Loans negotiated on real estate at
lowest rate of interest.
Farm lands for sale on easy terms.
Crown and Bridge Work.
Office Near Perry Hotel, Main Street,
Will be at office from 1st to 16th of
each month.
Successor to Dr. W. A. Blassengame.
W hiskey,
- -$1*25 PER GALLON.
i Send for Private Price List and mention this
iWrite: WINSTON DIS. 00., Winston, N. C.
Ladies’ Parlor
415^ Third St. (Upstairs.)
Only One in the City
Regular Meals 25c
We cater to the best class trade.
hong Needed in Maeefi.
A place to rest after shopping.
Photograph Gallery.
I have opened a Photograph Gallery
on Carroll Street, Perry, Ga.,
near Home Journal office.
Photographs from SI.00 to
$4.00 per dozen.
Will be at Gallery Saturdays and Mon
days only.
To Suit Customers.
Sunshine not necessary for good work:
Yours to please,
House Party at Eva.
Elko Etchings.
From the Macon Telegraph of
last Sunday we reproduce the fol
lowing account of a house party in
“During the past week Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Houser have been enter
taining a number of guests at a
house party at their beautiful coun
try home near Eva, Ga.
“The beautiful country home with
all its modern conveniences, its deep
porches and well-kept grounds, is
one of the finest country homes in
Georgia, an ideal place for enter
“At the redr of the house lies a
large pond, while on one side is a
grove of pine trees. The place is
completely surrounded by syca
“Mr. Houser is one of the most
substantial men in southwest Geor
gia, and his wife is a brilliant and
thoroughly charming woman.
“The guests were: Miss Kittie
Mae Williams of Fort Valley, Misses
Clifford and Julia Willis of Walden,
Misses Lula and Mamie Houser of
Perry, Miss Pearl Clark of Walden,
Miss Mattie Clark of Macon, Misses
Allie and Lizzie Houser, Mr. John
Allen, Mr. Joe Newsome, Mr. Ed
ward Clark, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Houser, Sr., and A. J. Houser, Jr.
By Uncle Ned.
Last Wednesday the following
were elected trustees of our
school: Dr. J. 0. Mann, chair
man, J. D. Marshall, secretary
and treasurer, J. F. Houser, W.
E. Means W. E. Till, W. H. Buff
and W. L. Means. Immediately
after their election they elected
Rev. J. E. Powell principal of the
school.. Nearly seven years ago
while Prof. Powell was principal
of the famous school at Arabi, he
was called to the pastorate of the
Baptist church here. ' Since then
he has been one of us in love and
interest. The whole town and
community are congratulating
themselves in securing his servi
ces. His experience in the Hous
ton High school at Arabi, and in
Monroe college at Forsyth, proves
him a most acceptable teacher.
We congratulate ourselves espe
cially as we could not have secur
ed his valuable services except for
the fact that his church relations
are down in this section. He
speaks of buying a farm near
town and becoming a life citizen
among us. The trustees are at
work along all lines to make an
excellent school and all indica
tions are favorable to the enter
Claud Items.
Reception to a Houston Bride.
Brunswick, Ga., July 26.—Thurs
day night, July 24th, at the reBi
dence of Capt. and Mrs. Otto Jo
hannessen, 811 Mansfield street,
Brunswick, Ga., a grand reception
was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Johannessen, who were re
cently married at Toy, Houston
county, Ga.
The dining room was beautifully
decorated with ferns, palms, olean
ders and wine-lilies. Salads, sand
wiches and ice cream were served
by three charming ladies, Mrs. Cal
houn, Mrs. Stacy and Mrs. Winter.
The music was excellent, upon a
piano, mandolin, guitar and grapho-
At least seventy-five of Bruns
wick’s most charming people at
tended the reception. All reported
a very delightful time.
gJAmong^the visiting guests were:
Misses Puleston and Girardeau, Miss
Williams of Chipley, Miss Pore of
West Point, Mr. H; Iverson of Sa
vannah, and Count Pardo de Villar
of Paris.
The guests were receiyed by Capt.
and Mrs. Otto Johannessen and Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Johannessen.
The evening was delightfully
spent by all who attended.
O. C. J.
Via Central of Georgia Railway to Ma
con, Ga.,and Return.
On account of Georgia Ginners’
Association, to be held Aug. 7-8,
1902, Central of Georgia Railway
will sell from all ticket stations
within the state of Georgia, includ
ing Eufaula and Columbia, Ala.,
round-trip tickets to Macon, at rate
of one fare for round trip; half rates
for children between 5 and 12 years
of age; minimum rate 50 cents for
whole and 25 cents for half tickets.
Tickets on sale August 6, and for
trains scheduled to arrive at Macon
during forenocm of August 7; return
limit August 9, 1902.
Apply to your nearest agent for
tickets and further information.
CASTORIA For Infantsajid Children. (
Tin Kind You Have Always mM
Our citizens will throw open
their homes for pupils who may
wish board and everything will be
done to make our school up to the
Mrs. J. E. Powell of Forsyth is
visiting Mrs. G. D. Fitzgerald
J. E. Tillman returned to his
work in Columbus after spending
several weeks with relatives here.
Rev. J. E. Powell closed his
meeting at the Baptist church
last Friday night. We had a good
meeting, though only one addition
to the church, much good was
Rev. H. C. Brewton filled his
regular appointment at the Meth
odist church to-day. He will go
to Henderson, where he will pro
tract his meeting there and will
continue next week.
Mr. R. B. Means of Macon is
visiting relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Means
Messrs. W. E. Till, and W. E.
Means went to Macon last week.
Miss May Lee Roberts of Vien
na is the guest of Miss Clyde Buff
this week.
Miss Sue Wellons of Perry spent
last week with Miss Lucile Kezar
here. Miss Kezar spent Satur
day and Sunday with her in Perry.
Mr. Ray Speight of Unadilla
was in our city a short while Sun
day afternoon.
-Mr. Jack.W. Hodge, Jr.,of Hen
derson was here Sunday after
Mr. Anthony Pate visited
friends in Henderson Sunday.
Messrs. Henderson and Napier
of Grovania were visitors to uur
town Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hardeman
returned to their home in Macon
after spending two weeks with
relatives here.
Messrs. 0. E. Houser, L. W.
Houser, and J. 0. A. Houser went
to Perry last Friday to witness
the game of baseball between
Unadilla and Perry.
Mr. G. D. Fitzgerald visited his
father, who is seriously ill at his
home near Pinehurst. We wish
him a speedy recovery.
Miss May Jones, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. P.S. Den-
nard, returned home last Friday.
Mrs. W. H. Winn of Savannah
is visiting friends and relatives
Gome again, Joe Bedge.
July 28, 1902.
Most of the farmers have laid
aside their ploughs for the season
and are now awaiting the ripen
ing of the fodder and the appear
ance of the fleecy staple which
will soon be ready, as it is open
ing already.
An exceedingly heavy rain fell
here Saturday p. ni. and did con
siderable damage to farms in
We regret to note that Mrs. W.
A. McLemore has been seriously
ill for many weeks, but We hope
there will be a change for the bet
ter soon.
Mr. I. H. Doles left last Thurs
day (July 24) for Marietta,, Ga.,
where he will remain for some
time superintending the packing
of peaches for a Fort Valley fruit
Miss Mamie Rooks has returned
home after a visit of several days
to Miss Pearl Newbury of Bibb
Miss Maggie Harper of near By
ron spent last week with relatives
Miss Bertha Arnold of Macon
is visitiug the family of Mr. J. A.
Mr. Willie Simmons of Perry
is visiting his cousin, Prof. A. G.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Chapman
of Myrtle visited relatives here
Sunday and Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Fagan of
Perry spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. B. A. Heard, parents of
Mrs. Feagiu. 7—28—1902.
Wanted 5 young men from
Houston county at "once to pre
pare for Positions in the Govern
ment Service—Railway Mail
Clerks, Letter Carriers, Custom
House and Department Clerks,
etc. Apply to
Inter-State Corres. Inst., Cedar
Rapids, la.
A new line of Men’s 4-in-Hand
and Club Ties, 25 and 50/ at
L. M, Paul’s.
Wagons and Buggies a spec
ialty at W, D. Day’s,
—Slippers going cheap.
F. M. Houser.
i Bears the
J Signature
5 of
Saves A Woman’ Life*
To have given up would
meant death for Mrs. Lois
of Dorchester, Mass. For
she had endured untold mise ^
from a severe lung trouble and
obstinate cough. “Often,” she
writes, “I oould scarcely breathe
and sometimes could not speak.
All doctors and remedies failed
till I used Dr. King’s New Dis
covery for consumption and was
completely cured.” Sufferers
from Coughs, Colds, Throat and
Lung Trouble' need this grand
remedy, for it never disappoints.
Cure is guaranteed at Holtzclaw’s
drugstore. Price 50c and $1.00. g
Prial bottles free. -
—You’ll get a 50 cents meal
for 25 cents at Isaac’s Cafe,Third
street, Maoon, Ga.
-Fans cheap. F. M. Houser.
To tho Seashore, Lakes and Mountains,
via Central of Georgia Railway, are on
sale at all coupon ticket offices, good for
return until October 81st, 1902.
Full particulars, rates, schedules, etc.,
will be cheerfully furnished upon appli
cation to any agent or representative uf
the Central of Georgia Railway,.
W. A. Winburn, J. 0, Haile,
Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. Ag’t.
F. J. Robinson,
Ass’t. Gen. Pass. Ag’t., Savannah, Ga;
—The Houston county reunion
last Friday was a complete suc
cess, and about 800 other people
enjoyed the, occasion with the vet
erans. Every district in the coun
ty was represented, and a few vet
erans attended from other coun
ties. Ladies of Houston Camp
Daughters of the Confederacy
served ice-cream and cake during
the day, realizing a neat sum to
be added to the monument - fund.
The report of Adjutant .Martin is
so complete that there is no room
for us to say more.
-—The marriage of Mr Houston
P Houston to Miss Eleanora Ed
wards, which was to have been
solemnized in the Methodist
church at 1:80 p m Wednesday,
was postponed on account of the
death of Mrs M. M. Ragin,fgrand
mother of the bride.
If A Man Lie To You.
And say some other salve, oint
ment, lotion, oil or alleged heal
er is as good as Bucklen’s Arnica
Salve, tell him thirty years of
marvelous cures of Piles, Burns,
Boils, Corns, Felons, Ulcers, Cuts,
Scalds, Bruises and Skin Erup
tions prove it’s the best and
cheapest. 25c at Holtzclaw’s
GEORGIA, Houston County:
Mrs. Eliza Bowman, widow of T. W.
Bowman, has applied for tw.elve months
support for herself and 4 minor children
from the estate of said deceased.
This is therefore to oite all persons
concerned to appear at the August
term, 1902, .if the oourt of Ordinary of
said county and show cause, if any they
have, why said application should uot-
be granted.
Witness my offioial signature this
July 7, 1002.
SAM T. HURST, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Houston County,
L. H. Garfield, administrator of the
estate of T. B. Ghanoey, of said county
deceased, has applied for dismission
from said trust.
This is therefore to oite all persons con
cerned to appear at the August term,
1902, of the oourt of Ordinary of said
county,and showoause,if any they have,
why said application should not be
Witness my offioial signature this
July 7, 1902.
SAM. T. HURST, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Houston Oounty.
E. B. Baldwin has applied for admin
istration on the estate of Mrs. V. Irene
Murph, late of said couuty, deceased.
This is therefore to oite ah persons con
cerned to appear at the August term,
1902, of the oourt of Ordinary of said
county and show oause, if any they have,
why said application should not be
Witness ray official signature this
July 2, 1902.
SAM T. HURST, Ordinary.
For Rent or Lease.
One 8-horse Farm; one0-horse
Farm, one 4-horse Farm; one 8-
horse Farm. These farms are
near Elko, Ga., and under high
state of cultivation. Good hous
es, plenty wood and water; good
pastures. Apply to
W, B. Fitzgerald,
ci Oct.-1. Unadilla, Ga.
— Fruit Jars. F. M. Houser,
GEORGIA— Houston County.
O. O. Richardson has applied for per
manent administration on the estate of
T. N, Bowman, late of said oounty, de
This is therefore to cite all persons con
cerned to appear at the August term,
1902, of the oourt of Ordinary of said
county and show cause, if any they
have, why said application should not
be granted.
Witness my offioial signature this
July 2,1902. ,
BAM. T. HURST, Ordinary.
GEORGIA. Houston County.
J. B. Hunt, executor of estate of Mrs.
Martha J. Avaut, deceased, has applied
for dismission from said trust.
This is therefore to cite all persons con
cerned to appear at the August term,
1902, of the court of Ordinary of said
oounty, and show cause,if any they have,
why said application should not be
Witness my official signature this
July 2,1902.
SAM. T. HURST, Ordinary.
When You Think of Belt
..think of*..
Bibb Supply
The greatest variety of Belting under one roof in Middle Georgia.
Pulleys, Shafting, Hangers, Pipe and,'Fittings,
Engines and F.arrn Implements*.