Newspaper Page Text
X have just received fresh lots of
DflV&Eam, -
Dove Shoulders+ .[■ *
Dope Breakfast Bpeon,
Swift’s Premium Earns
(every ^nc^uar^nteed.) .
I have Fresh Oat Meal, and all
the Vegetables and Fruits the
markets afford.
Every order a^ t
Reunion of the First Regiment Geor
gia Volunteer Infantry.
m B. Sims.
Speoiul Mention : . 1 per
HAM LOAF > can
We are ready to meet the de
mand for Mules and Horses, mak
ing a specialty of animals
A reunion of the First Regiment
Georgia Volunteer Infantry, O. S> A„
(vol. J. M. Ramsey) will he held on
ruesday evening, Oct , 28, 1902, at
Columbus, Ga., during the state re
union. All members, who are able,
are requested to attend, as this may
be the last reunion that will be held
by the regiment. Our comrades are
growing old, and many are dying!
each year. So let us come together
once more and talk over old times.
Jno. B.i Goodwynn, Pres.
Harry Krouse, Sec,
The regiment was mustered into
the Confederate States’ service on
April 3,1861, at Newnan, Ga., and
was composed of the Newnan
Guards, Newnan, Ga., Southern
Guards, ColumbuB, Southern Rights
Guards, Perry, Oglethorpe Infantry
and Walker Light Infantry of Au
gusta, Washington Rifles of San-
dersville, Bainbridge Independents,
Bainbndge, Dahlonega Volunteers,
Dahlonega, and Quitman Guards,
Forsyth, Ga.
We handle good stock only, and
at our
Sale and Feed Stables
and we can suit you.
G. W. Thames & Co.
Got*. Third & Poplar Sts.
Wholesale and Retail.
Fine Horses and Large Mules a
Largest Supply, Lowest Prices,
Best Stock.
Feed and Sale Stables
Years of! experience and olose attention
to business enable us to sell Horses and
Mules oheaper than any other firm in
the south. Cotne to see us and be con
vinced. Thanks for past patronage, we
ask a continuance of same.
Yours for business, J
Waterman & Co.,
030-634 Fourth. Street,
(Above,Union Depot.) "HACON, GA
J. H. Davis, Pres. W. D. Dav, ) v PrnH
J. D. Mabtin. Cashier. J. H. Ghaoe, J v ' rres '
The Houston Banking Company.
Doo3 a general Ranking business. Interest al
lowed on time deposits. The business public
ure invited to give up a call. Located in Ma
sonic Buildiug, west side Public Square.
J. D. MARTIN, Sr.,
Perry, Ga.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired.
^Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Office in Masonic Building.
Practice in all the Courts.
Loans negotiated and Land Titles
abstracted. Collections on all points.
Security Bonds furnished.
Office over Slappey’s Drugstore.
Successor to Dr. W. A. Blasseugame.
413)4 Third St. (Upstairs.)
Only One in the City
-Regular Meals 25c
We cater to the best clas3 trade.
lierig Heeded if) Macon.
A place to rest afiet shopping.
Mrs. GEORau’S place.
CASTOR IA For Infantsand Children.
Value of American Farms.
The census bureau has issued a
bulletin giving the condition of ag
riculture in the United States for
1900. It shows that there were at
that time 6,739,667 farms in the en
tire country, which were valued at
$16,674,694,247. Of this amount
,660,198,191, or over 21 per cent,
represented the value of buildings,
and $13,114,492,066, or over 78 per
cent, represents the value of lands
and improvements other than build
ings. The value of farm implements
and machinery was $761,261,660.
and of live stock $3,078,060,041.
These values, added to the value of
the farms, gives a total value of
farm property amounting to $20,-
614,001,838.—Southern Cultivator.
Well, we have not let you all
hear from Claud in quite a while,
so we will inform you we are still
Cotton picking is about oyer
with and everybody Seems to be
in a good'humor; Gilevs tbev are
thinking offtaking a ’possunvhunt
8o we nan have ’posaiimjand'.’tater.
. The health;
just tip top, and the girls look
like roses gathered from the tbps
of the mountains.
We are havi'fi& koiiie; verpleas
ant weather nowadays.
It is time to begin with parties
again and Claud'young folks are
having their shAre. There were
four during one week. There was
no party for last Thursday night,
but quite a number of our crowd
staid awake to see the moon eclips
ed. It was a Show to some, as
they had never seen it eclipsed
Some are invited to a marriage
for next ThursdifyV October 28rd,
but promised hot to' tell the
names yet. " . \
Mr. and Mrs. Fi?8d‘ Smith visit
ed Toy last Thursday rtfterhoon.
Mrs. Kennedy of Roberta is
visiting her daughters at Claud
this week.
Mrs. Scarborough has been the
guest of g.Mrs. Martha Hartley
this week.
Mr9„ Jerry McGee and little
daughter, 1 are the guests of - her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Han
cock. : o. :
Mr. A. W. Tabor visited Lizel-
Superior Seed Wheat.
I have for Sale 200 Bushels of j
North Georgia Blue Stem May
Wheat. Call at Farm 8 miles
east Perry, or addsess, '
C. A. Thurmond, Perry, Ga.
A Remarkable Offer,
The attention of ouf readers is di
rected to the announcement in this
issue of special clubbing rates with
Young People’s Weekly, one of the
best papers of its class published in
America. Our arrangements are ex
clusive, and on terms that enable us
to offer that paper and The Home
Journal for the price of a single
subscription to this paper alone.
Our readers will surely appreciate
this very liberal offer, and we invite
them to make it known to such of
their friends as are not already sub
scribers. Two papers for the price
of one,is an inducetnentjseldomjoffer-
ed, especially when either is well
worth the price asked for both. All
subscriptions, accompanied by the
cash, should be sent to this office.
During the year ending June 30th
last, it is officially reported from
Washington, that 17,299,230 chil
dren attended the public and high
schools in the United States, not
including those attending colleges,
technological schools and bther in'
stitutions for special instruction.
A Confederate monument will be
Uuveiled at LaGrange bn October
30th. It was erected through the
efforts of the Daughters of the Con
federacy of that city, is a beautiful
work of art and cost $1,600.
James Younger, formerly a mem
ber of the James band of outlaws
that was notorious 26 years ago,
committed suicide last Sunday in
his room in St. Paul, Minn.
Valdosta, Ga., October 29th to No
vember 9th, 1902.
The'Central of Georgia Railway
offers the following low rates from
all ticket stations'Within the Mate
of Georgia to- Valdosta, Ga., and re
turn, for this occasion:
..For individuals;'one fare for the
round trip,, plus 50 cents admission.
For military companies and brass
bands in uniform, twenty or more, on
one ticket, one cent per mile in each
Tickets on eale October 29th to
November 8th, inclusive; final limit
November lOtjb, 1902., .
For further information, apply to
any Central of Georgia Railway
agent or representative within the
state of Georgia.
la Sunday,. Wonder-what the at-
tractiQii upau May be he .will
tell us in the MLfotenre-. .
Misses Fannie and,; Laura Da-
vidspn visited relative,8 at Claud
this vfeejt.,. fcu<t efc* &
Mr. Jim 3Dax8ey..,qf; Crawford
county was with,' Claud folks last
W9ek. o; v
Mr, D. JJ,,,,Gaifner attqqded.fhe
fair in Atlanta last Saturkay. ,
Miss Emmie Lee Sawyer^-
greasing nicely with her musio
class. .10— 19.
--You’ll get a 50 cents meal
f., - ° > Wk- at Isaac’s Cafe,Third,
street, Macon', Ga.'
Bears the
Theodore Roosevelt on Ml Presi
Before his nomination for .the vice
presidency pTheodoy.e Roosevelt wrote
expressly for The.$outli’s Compan
ion an article on “The Presidency.”
It will be published in, ,the number
for November .6tjjjJhis ^eing one of
the remaining wbe&ly issues' of '1902
sent free from the-time-of subscrip
tion to every .new subscriber who at
once sends $1.75 ,fpp. The Corapan*
ion’s 1903,. yqlurae,'ll When this arti
cle on “The Presidency” was written
no one could havdforeseen or dream
ed even that its iduthqr would so
soon be called upon to take up the
duties of the grealj office^ For this
reason alone what Mr. Roosevelt has.
to say possesses extraordinary inter
est, and will be eagerly awaited by
persons of all shades r of political
A twenty-eight-page prospectus
qf the 1903 volupao/pf -The Youth’s
Companion and sample, copies of the
paper wilf bd : shnt free to‘ dtiy'lid-
i The YouTtfe'Companion,
lM Benkely Boston; Mass;
Special Rajir^rd !Pia4seng.qr Rates.
The Central of' Georgia Railway
Co. will sell low rate excursion tick
ets for • dfcbteij&tls specified below.
Ask any railway £gqnt for addition
al information. ;;
MeetingJInited Confederate Vet
erans, So.ns, find Daughters-of Veter,
ans, Columbus, jQctdfeer 29th
and 30th. One cent 7 per mile in
each direction,.nt gfe-r* •'
Southern ’Ibter^tftte^'-Fair,^'iAtlani
fare for *6un d,fcrfp plus 50, ; - ; ©@ats .for
admission forftlndLvjduhls'p for mili
tary companiGS-fihid! rbrass bands in
uniform; 20 Hl 6v more on* 'ope tipket,
one cent a mile each way. Final
limit 10 days.
South Georgia should be given
the speakership of thp House of
Representatives.' There are three
candidates;-; Fronden Mitchell of
Thomas county,; Nekton''Morris of
Cobb, and Emerson George of Mor
gan. |
If You Want
a good Mule or Horse, Pall on O.
M. Branan, 620 Poplar street, Ma
con, Ga.
~C. M. Brauan, the “Cheap
Mule Man,” 520 Poplar street
Maoon, Ga., is ready to serve you.
SEJOOND round.
Orange Sorgham Seed for sale,
Apply to J. T. Walker,
near Bonaire, Ga.
—Genuine Texas Seed Oats.
F. M. Houser.
GEORGIA, Houston County:
W. L. Menus has applied for adminis
tration ou the estate of Geo. W. Lane,
late of said county, deceased.
ThiB is therefore to oite all persons
concerned to appear at the November
term, 1902,Af tbe court of Ordinary of
said oonnty and show cause, if any they
have, why said application should not
be granted.
Witness my offloinl signature this
October 6,1002.
SAM T. HURST, Ordinary.
GEORGIA,. Houston County.
Mrs. Laura O. Powell has applied for
administration on the' estate of J. E.
Powell, late of said county, deoeased.
This !a therefore to cite all persons con
cerned to appear at the November terra,
1902, of the court of Ordinary of said
county, and show oaUse.if any they have,
why said / appliontion should not be
Witness mv official signature this
October 6,1902.
SAM, T. HURST, Ordinary.
T parry a full line Seed Rye,
Barley, Red May, Blue Stem
and Ourrell’s Prolific Seed
Wli^at, Georgia and Tennes
see grown Winter Turf Oats,
Hairy Vetch, Crimson Clover,
Burr Clover and Red Clover,
Grasses for Fall, Winter and
Spring use, all varieties Gar
den Seed, Flower Seed and
Flower Bulbs, Onion Sets, &o.
Canary Birds -fine singers—
aud Cages. Write for prices.
H. Wri
7 7*— : : —
306 Third St>, Jin con, Ga.
I will be at the following named places
and dates for the purpose of oolleoting
state and county taxes for-1902:
Perry, Monday, October 27th, all day.
Fort Valley, Tuesday, Oot. 28, all day..
Barrow’s Mill, Wednesday, Oct‘. 29 p. m.
Taylor’s, Thursday, Oootober 86, a. m.
Henderson. " M p. m.
Elko, Friday. Oot. 31st, a. m. «
Grovania, Friday, October 8l, p. m.
Hoyneville, Baturday; November 1, a. m.
Heard, Mouday, November 8, a. ffl.
Kathleen, “ \“ «* p. m.
Bonaire, Tuesday, November 4th, a* m.
Wellston « “ •• p. m .
LaVilla, Wednesday, Nov. 6tb, a. m,
Byron *' “ “ p. m.
Powersville, Thursday, Nov. 6th, a, m.
Eva, " “ ** p. m.
J. O. Davidson, T. O. H. O. •
Executor's Sale,
GEORGIA—Houston County,
By virtue of an ordgr from the court
of Ordinary of said oounty, at the regu
lar Ootober term, 1902, we will sell be-
foie the court house door in Perry, Ga.,
on the 1st Tuesday in November, 1902,
within the legal hours of sale, the fol
lowing real estate, belonging to the es
tate of Mrs. Emily Greene, late of said
oounty, deceased, to-wit: One house aud
lot in the town of Fort Valley'Go., Hous
ton county, bounded as follo.wa: on the
East by extension of Green streetjon the
North by bouse and lot of W. H. Harris,
on the West by House and lot of Wm.
Hall and on the South by Houee and
lot of Capt. J. A. Houser.
Also 50% acres of land near Fort Val
ley Ga., in the 9th Diet, of said oounty.
aud state, being one-fourth (%) of Lot
No, 264, East fourth. Bound on the
S orth by public roa'd, and the old Brilt
ace, on the West by lands of Mrs.
Emily G. Houser, South by lands of es
tate of W. I. Greene, and East by lands 1
of the estate of J, M. Culpepper. Said
described really sold for distribution
among the heirs at law of said dcooViriou.'
Term, .
F. O. Houser, y Exeoutors.
GEORGIA- Houston County. t
O. C. Richardson, administrator of the ,
estate of T. N. Bowman, deceased;' ‘has
applied for leave to sell the lands belong
ing to said estate.
This is therefore to oite all persons con
cerned tp appear at the November term,
190^, of ttye oourt of Ordinaryof said
county,and show Cause, if any they have,
said application should holt be
Witness my , official . signature this
Ootober 6,1902.
SAM. T. HURST, Ordinary.
The Best of Leathers
The Best of Workmanship
Shoes which Fit the
The above describes our New Stock
of Shoes fresh from the factories.
We sell only for cash, which enables
us to sell Good Shoes at cheap prices.
Try us once. Merit of our Shoes
will bring poii back,,
Lester-Whitney Shoe Cd.,
516 Cherry Streei. - MACON", GA;
Two hundred young men and ladies
#9 , to qualify for paying positions, ’ If
you are interested, write us for our
handsome illustrated catalog.
' • -- Successors to Moorb & HoiiMEs, .
..... '
. m.
Mules, Horses and Farin Supples.
- ' \
' 'MI
Deering Beapersj Binders,
Mowers, and H alt es-