The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, December 18, 1902, Image 3

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k Pbbby, Thursday, December 18 Elko Etchings. By Big Sandy. One of the most| enjoyable cial events of the Reason was 80- Claud News. By Frits. Christmas is close at hand. We TNEWfS. 4= " Pound Party given by Miss'c-er''^ have about finished our work and trude Marshall Friday evening at i SiBSfriSj? fc § a PProaeh of : ■ her beautiful country home. Sa ?, ta Glai ! 8 . though we are not ' Those present were: Misses El- FOR i I can sell you exactly what you want, and guarantee ev ery article sold. Come down and examine for yourself. I solicit your orders, and will deliver promptly. Respectfully, W. B. Sims. Watches and Silverware. We have j list put in stock the most complete line of Watches we have ever car ried. We also have a very nice line of Sterling Sil- ware and Fancy China for Wedding Presents. Call and see us and get prices. We defy competition. . . No trouble to show goods. J. L. Fincher & Son, Fort Valley. Ga. Farm Loams We consider good farm lands the best security for loans. Wo can make suoh loans promptly and at lowest rates. If you wish to borrow let us hear from you. Seciifity Loan & Abstract Co, MACON, GA. of Byrom- guest of J. J. Cobb, President. MONEY. Loans negotiated on improved .forma, at lowest market rates, and on most liberal terms. Business of fifteen years standing. More than three million dollars in loans ne^tiated. Facilities unsur passed. ^OWAP.D Mr SMITH, Vo. 814 Beiamed St.. Macon, Go. fE'iiWiiii For several years for a case of Piles, Boils, Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Wore and Fevered Breast, Old Sores, Insect JBite. or Sting, Ringworm ur Tetter, that Mrs. Pope’s Mullen Salve cure, but so far we have been agreeably disappointed. The verdict of all who have used it is that it’s the one quick, absolute and perfect healer. Nothing on earth like it. Nothing sensational or fakey about it. It stands on its merit. It is put up in a neat and pretty pack age. Use it. Your money- back if you are not satisfied. If your druggist does not have it in stock,send us 50 c v ents and we will send you a by mail. Mbs. Annie M. Pope & Co., 526 Bismark Place, Jacksonville, Fla Pfl^lTinMQ GUARANTEED under reasonable i UuillUIvu conditions. May deposit money- tor tuition in bank till position is oecured, or notes, or contract to pay out of salary, and without security, after course is completed and position is secured. Our facilities for se curing positions, and tbs. proficiency of our graduates, are strongly endorsed by business men from Maine to California. Our 150-page catalogue will explain all. Send for it. Ad dress Draughon’s College at either place. PRAUGHON’S PRAOTIOAL • BUSINESS^ ma houser, Emmie Means, Ma mie Webb, Alma Harrison, Wil lie Dennard,. Mattie Pool, Ellen and Delia Etheridge and Mabel Brewton; Messrs. Brown, Mar shal], Houser, Eubanks, Pool, Ir by, Powell, Miller, Dean, Till, Pate, and Means. Preparations are being made by the young people here for a swell reception Chrislmas. There will be an Xmas tree Christmas eve night at the Hall and everybody expects to have a fine time. * ..Miss Mamie Webb ville is the charming Mrs: |W. E. Till. Miss Emmie Means is visiting Miss Mary Killen in Perry. Mrs. J. 0. Mann and Mrs. W. R. Davis visited Perry last week. Dr. J. 0. Mann went to Macon Monday on business. j Mr. C. C. Pate visited-Unadilla Sunday. Mr. J. 0. A. Houser spent last Sunday in Macon. .Mr. C. V. Dennard is visiting hi s parents here, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Dennard. Mrs. Killen and son Newtou of South Carolina are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Davis. Rev. J. J. Hyman filled his reg ular appointment at the Baptist church here Sunday. Mr. W J. DeLoach of Macon spent Saturday and Sunday in our oity. After spending several days with relatives here and at Hen derson, Miss Alma Harrison has returned to her home in Musella. Miss Mamie Brown is visiting Mrs, T. J. Pritchett at Dublin. Mr. P. D. McCarty of Unaeilla was here Sunday. Rev. II. C. Brewton will be with us again. We, are glad to have him with us again. He fill ed regular appointment at Bon- sire Saturday and Sunday and will preach here the 4th Sunday in this month. Messrs. J. W. Hodge, Jr., M. H. Pearce, H. Marshall and E. II. Marr of Hendersuu were here Sunday afternoon. A TEACHERWANTED On Monday, December 22d, 1902, The Perry Board of Education will elect a Teacher for the Pri mary Department of Perry Public School at Perry, Ga. A competent, experienced teach es is desired. , Salary $35.00 per month. Length of term, 5-| months. R. N. Holtjclaw, Pres., B. C. Holtzclaw^ Sec’ty, Board of Education, Perry, Ga. • -O’O'O’- —Conductor Johnson of the Perry railroad was painfully hurt would not ] while coupling cars at Fort Val- Thos. B. West, , Sec, aud Att’y. quite sure he will visit us all this time if the present weather contin ues. As the weather has not been very favorable for saving pork for the last few weeks, very few of us have kill ed, and guess we will have to go possum hunting to get some meat for Christmas. So far we have been successful. Two young men of our community were out on a pleasure trip Sunday p. m. and succeeded in capturing one. It was not an ap propriate day for an o’possum hunt, but we have heard it said “the bet ter the day the better the deed,” and we hope the ’possum will bo good also. Mrs. W. H. Harper and son, Holtzclaw, of Byron are visiting her mother, Mrs. I, E. Bartlett, and oth er relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Tabor of Ta- borton are visiting homefolks here. Miss Isa Preston x'eturned home last week from a visit to relathes and friends near Byron. RjjisB A. E. Thompson of near Per ry Bpent several days here last week with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Bartlett. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman of Myrtle were guests in the village Sunday. We gladly welcome Messrs. W. N. Boler and P. I. Johnson as members of our village for the ensuing year. A Million Voices Could hardly express the thanks of Homer Hall, of West Point, la. Listen why: A severe cold had set tled on his lungs, causing a most obstinate cough. Several physicians said he had consumption, but could not help him. When all thought he was doomed he began to use Dr. King’s New Disco\erv for Con sumption, and writes: “It complete ly cured me and saved my life. I novy weigh 227 pounds. It’s posi tively guaranteed for coughs, colds and lung troubles. Price 50o and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Holtz- claw’s Drugstore. —Boys’ Wagons and Carts. L. M. Paul’s. a You can buy Christmas Presents of the staple, every- lay, useful kind. HERE IS WHAT 25 CENTS WILL BUY: Glass Lamps, Complete. . Glass Water Pitchers. Tea Pots in Decorated Ware. Tea Pots. Rookingham Ware. ® oa P.J?l9hes, decorated and plain. Sugar Dishes, decorated and plain. WHY SUFFER HEADACHE OR UGRIPPE! C URE YOURSELF W1TK G A PHD. 1 If E NO BAD EFlTlicTS. Solti nt all Drugstores. LAY by; Nashville, Tenn. Atlanta, <3a. Ft. Worth, Texas; Montgomery, Ala. VL Galveston, Texas. Little Rock, Ark. Shreveport, La. NoVacatjpa St. LouLs, Ho. Enter any time Most thorough, practical and progressive schools of the kind in the world. Author four text-books on bookkeeping-. Four weeks book, keeping- with ns equal to twelve by the old plan. Also give superior course shorthand, etc. We expend more money securing positions than al most any business college takes in as tuition. Cheap board; car fare paid. CATALOG FREE. T j~ NjM’A N S H IP, etc., successfully taught by mail or no charges. We five better Home Study Course than SO per cent of the business colleges give by personal instruction. Write of Home Study Course. Address ORAUGHON’S BUS. COLL., Nashville, Tenn. ley Wednesday of last week. We are glad to note, however, that no bones were borlcen and he is re covering. Conductor H. B. Grif fith has managed the Perry train since the accident to Capt, John son. 0 0-0 There will be an auction sale of lumber on the Green place, * 7 miles north of Perry on the Ma con road, on the 80th of Decem ber. A Bargain in Peach Trees. Two ‘thousand Elberta Peach Trees, for sale, certified . clear of scale by State Etymoligist. Price less than at nursery W. P. Short, Myrtle, Ga. —Joy.Books for children, other Books lor boys and girls and old er people, at Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. —Infants’ Ribbed Fleece Lined Undervests, a bargain—5c each. L. M. Paul’s. Town Taxes. The Tax books of the town of Perry will close on the 20th of December, and all property own ers are requestd to pay their taxes before that time. J, R. Miller, clerk. "CASTOR! A For Infants and Children The a part of your earnings regularly, and you will have a partner that will work for you day and night. Savings earn 4 per cent, interest com pounded twice a year at this bank. You can bank by mail. Home Savings Bank, American National Bank Building. MACON, GA. R. A Merritt, Oscar E. Dooley, President. CashierT Spring Term, 1903, —*-OF-*— Perry Public School Begins the first Monday in January 6th day—and continues 5 months. Incidental fee for resident pupils $2.50; non residents, $3.50. Prof. W. W. Driskell, principal. Misses Annie Bolleman and Mary Eil- len, Assistants. . , . This is a graded school of high order, and under competent instructors it read ily ranks with the best high schools of the state. , , ., . Tlie incidental fee must be paid m cash to the secretary and treasurer of the board, Mr. B. O. Holtzclaw, before pupils will be permitted to enter the S °It will be more beneficial to the chil dren, more agreeable to the teachers and more satisfactory to the Board of Edu cation and parents if each child is per mitted to enter on the first day of the term and not be allowed to miss even one recitation during the entire session. Good board can be obtained in private families at from $8 to $10 per month.. Any other information can be obtain ed by addressing either of the under signed. R. N. Holtzclaw, Pres.' B. C. Holtzclaw, dec, and Treas. Bears the Signature p£ .. Tea Bells. Embroidery Scissors. Men’s or Ladies’ Purses. Ladies’ Hose Supporters. 5 Ladies’ Linen Handkerohiefs. 8 Ladies’ Linen Handkerohiefs. 2 Men’s Linen Handkerchiefs. 2 pairs Ladies’ Hose. 2 pairs Men’s Half-Hose. Children’s Hoods and Saques, Pooket Knives, pearl handles. Pocket Knives, plain handles. Perfumery, best extraots. Men’s Garters, Brighton. Men’s Garters, Black Cat, 2 Ladies’ Linen Handkerchiefs. 1 Ladies* Silk Handkerohief. Men’B Suspenders, all latest styles. Ladies’ Fascinators, i Doz. Doileys, plain white. •J Doz. Doileys, oolored borders. 1 yd Table Damask, all linen. Silverware, beautiful assortment, Card Receivers, Mugs, Smoking Sots, Ash Trays, Puff Boxes, &c., &c. :l. :m:. SsATtri/sj OUR. SHOES OUR PRICES ARE 1. B. .MAMIE & COE. THIRD AND CHERRY STS. MACON, GEORGIA. if * 1 - a. PERRY, GA. • 1 v ; . _ . | The only exclusive Furniture and Coffin Store in Perry FURNITURE, COFFINS, CASKETS, UNDERTAKERS SUPPLIES NEW HOME AND WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES, the lest made. 1) Making all my purchases direct from manufacturers enables || me to sell goods cheaper than they can be bought elsewhere. I) Mr. J. R. FUDGE is with me. He has had long experience in the Furni ture and Sewing Machine business, and will take pleas ure in showing a Machine at your home. Masonic Building. -en rr irS perry, ■MUD m >w/ m wWfiiNnM I Georgia, The Best Price For Cotton Is the thing all farmers want when they are ready to sell. The proljj;.. . Near Depot, PERRY, GA ,se is ready to serve all comers, with best facilities and a deter mination to give the best service. BAGGING A.lNl> TIES \ for sale at lowest market price. High-Grade Fertilizers For Grain and Fruit Trees. Respectfully, I-a. / I BUY COTTON SEED LIVERY STABLE ON MAIN STREET.