The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, December 18, 1902, Image 8

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■ I CONDENSED STORIES. Between Kathcrina and the Deep 8ea, He Choste the Latter. E. H. Sothern has a new story concerning the autograph hunters, from the importunities of whom ac tors suffer even more than distin guished people in other walks of life. They become accustomed to being- buttonholed in street cars, on the sidewalk, ill hotel lobbies and even at the very door of the theater, but Mr. Sothern is the first one, perhaps, who has ever been chased into the ocean. While he was en joying a morning swim in the surf at Newport recently he heard some one splashing and puffing behind him and at the same time calling to him not to go so fast. Thinking the man had some good reason for wanting to stop him, he turned and said, “What is it 1” “Hold on a minute, there,” said tho stranger. “Aren’t you Mr. K. II. Sothern?” “Yes,” replied the actor. “Well, I want you (puff) to give mo (puff) your autograph (puff). Will you?” Thinking he had to deal with a harmless lunatic, Mr. Sothern as sured him that nothing would, give him greater pleasure. Would he have it in sand, seaweed or salt wa ter?” “Never mind your joking,” said the stranger. “My Katherina is on the, beach, and she’s got the album and a stylographic pen.” “And did you submit to the impo sition ?” Mr. Sothern was asked. “Well,” replied that gentleman, “you see, I was, between Katherina and the deep sea, so I took a look at Katherina and”— • “Well ?” T “I chose the deep sea.” Left His Legs Behind. “Is Mr. Depew in ?” said a life in surance agent, handing his card to the office attendant. “I’ll see, sir,” replied- the, minion, going into the senator’s sanctum. Mr. Depew glanced at the card and shook his head in the negative. Although the uppef part of his body was hidden from public view by liis A LITTLE NONSENSE. Woman’s Wit and Feminine Fancy Bunched. “She’s the most conceited widow I ever saw. She declares she’ll nev er marry again unttl she - has re ceived the one hundredth offer.” “She probably intends to he a century plant.” She—You’re a flatterer. I only believe half you tell me. He—Then I’ll tell you twice as much, and you’ll have to believe it all! Ida—So Myrtle inherited a for tune. T suppose it burned a hole in her pocket. May—No; in he? stocking. Ella—HoW can one grow old gracefully? Stella—I don’t know. How did you manage it ? “I hope that Mrs. Hammer Knox won’t spoil our chat., Of all the wo men I know she is the most ven omous backbiter.” .“And you, dear, do not seem to take ordinary precautions.”—New York Herald. Her Highest Ambition* ■r makes a fat purse. A fertilizer without sufficient ' The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has' been, in use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnro of , and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its infancy. Wt&ry/, Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and « Just-as-good” aro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment* Potash is not complete. Our books are complete treatises on fertilizers, written by men who know. TItTHfi AVrite for them. GERMAN kali WORKS, 8£“ New York mkWKaM' V *7% CASTORIA What ©astoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops stud Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. . It contains neither Opium, IVIorphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Wonng and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency* assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children’s Panacea— 1 Tho 2Lother’s Friend, A GOOD PLACE. Notice is hereby given to lndieB and gentlemen who visit Macon that Mrs. W. H. Houser is now running a flrat- olass Boarding House at 765 Cherry St. which ib very near the busineea center of the oity, and Bhe will be pleased to serve them meals at 26c. each. IB ALWAYS ■CEKUirJS Sn Use For Over 30 Years, THE CENTAUR COMPANY. 7T MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. PENNSYLVANIA PURE. KYE, NIGHT YEARS OLID. 5 OLD SHARPE WILLIAMS Pour fulIQuartB of this Pmo Old, Pare , -igMfc Wo ship on approval in plain, noaloil boxcB, with no umrlcs to liulicato contents. When jypu receive itaiultost it, If it Is not\ satisfactory, return it a» our expense and wo wll roturn your $3.60. Wo guarantee this brand to bo EIGHT YEARS Might bottles for So 50, express prepaid ; 12 bottl’os for SO BO express pronaid, Ono gallon ;iug, oxpross prepaid, S3 00; 2 gallon jug, oxpross prepaid, SB BO. No oliargo for boxing. Wo handle all tho loading brands of Rye and Bourbon WliisUios and will save you 50 IVi* Cent, on Ynuiv Purchases: i • Quart, Gallon. Ktuitmoky Htar Bourbon, $ !JG SI 20 lilkridgu Bourbon... 40 165. Boon Hollow Jlourbon 46 > 100 Cel wood Pure Kyo BO loo Monogram ltyo 55 200 Molfniyor ltyo 00 220 Mklcor’s A AAA 05 240 O. O. P. (Old Oscar Popper) 05 2 40 Old crow.... 7B 2B0 Fincher's Gold© Woddlng 75 2 60 Hoffman Houbo ltyo 00 300 Mount Vernon. 8 years old 100 360 Old Dillingor ltyo, lOyoarB old,.... 126 400 Tho oliovo i»vo only a few brands. Bond for a catalogue. All othor SoodB by tlm gallon, suoli as Corn Wblslcoy, l’oaoli anil Apple Brandios, oto., sold equally as low, tram .¥126 a gallon and upwards We make a speoiasty of the Jug Trade, and all orders py Mail or Telgoranhwlll have our prompt attention: Special inducements offered. Mail Orders shipped some day of the receipt of order. Perfect and Peerless could see me now! RYjGO. Genius Surely. “I wonder ef it’s possible that genius is a-runniu’ in that boy’s head now?” said the Georgia farm er. I “Dunno. What sot you to thipk- in”bout it?” ] “Way he takes on. He’s been actin’ queer ever sence the old mule kicked him.”—Atlanta Constitu tion. Her Alleged Age. Baxter—I thought Miss Blum- ster had a reputation of being very truthful ? Blaxter—She did have, ‘but of late she has fallen from grace, j Baxter—How so ? | Blaxter—She has got in the habit of telling her age.—Brooklyn Life. i- — Gone Beyond. “How about that new cook of yours ? Is sjie good?” “I hope so.” ' “Don’t you know ?” “I can only trust so. She tried to light the fire with benzine yester day.”—Philadelphia Press. It Was All Off. i “My love for you,” he wrote, “is so deep, so vast, so powerful, I can not express it.” “Why don’t you send it by freight ?” she wrote back, and then it‘was all off.—Philadelphia Record Under Suspicion. “No,” said Mr. Biiggins, “I haven’t any use for philosophers.” “Why not?” “My idea of a philosopher is a man who pretends he enjoys hard luck.”—Washington Star. Unacceptable. Baggs—Why didn’t Totters, the slack rope performer, get that job? Snaggs—-Why, when he applied he was tight, and they didn’t want a tight rope walker.—Chicago News. Adaptability. Gerald—As it is to be a secret en gagement it would not he wise for me to give you a ring at present. Geraldine—Oh, but I could wear it on the wrong band.—Judge. PERFECT PASSENGER AND SUPERB SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE BETWEEN ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS and all Liver, Kidney and Blad der troubles caused by uric acid in the system. It cures by , cleansing and vitalizing the blood, thus removing the cause of disease. It gives vigor and | tone and builds up the health and strength of the patient while using the remedy. UR1CSQL, is a luminary in the medical world. It has cured and will continue to cure more of the above diseases than all other known remedies, many of which do more harm than good. This great and thoroughly tested and endorsed California Remedy never disappoints. Itcure3in- | fallibly if taken as directed. Try "it and be convinced that it is a wonder and a blessing to suffering humanity. I Price $1.00 per bottle, or 0 bot- I ties for $5. For sale by druggists. | Send stamp for book of partic- Connecting at SAVANNAH with STEAMSHIP LINES PLYING BETWEEN Savannah and New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore The AJtmayer & Plateau Liquor Company, 606, 508, 510, 612 Fourth Street, near Union Passenger Depot. MACON, GEORGIA “MB. DEPEW IS OUT,” SAID THE ATTENDANT. desk, the senator’s legs were plainly visible as he sot with his side to ward the desk. “Mr. Depew is out,” said the at tendant. “Well,” said the insurance solic itor, glancing through the half opened door, “I wish you’d tell him when he comes in that I think my company would positively refuse to accept'him as a first class risk unless he will agree to always take his legs with - him when he goes out.”—New York Times. Emperor His Model. The emperor and empress of Ger many vjsited the little town of Mores recently, and a crowd gath ered to welcome them. Noticing a young woman with an infant in her arms, the emperor asked her how OF ATLANTA, 6A,, , Is a twico-a-week NEWS paper, published on Monday and Thursday of each week, with all the latest news of tho world, whioh comes over their loused wires direot to their office. Is an eight-page seven-column paper. By arrangements we have scoured a special rate with them in connection with AND ALL POINTS NORTH ANtf. EAST THRIOE-A-WEEKSEDITION, PAPEK Complete information, rates, schedules of trains and sailing dates of steamers cheerfully furnished by any agent of the company. Read wherever tae English Language is spoken. The Thrice-a-Week World was a bril liant success in the beginning, and has been steadily growing ever since. This paper for the coming winter and the year 1908 will make, its news service, if possible, more extensive than ever. The subscriber, for only one dollar a year, gets three papers every week and more news and general reading than most great dailies can furnish at five or six times the price. In addition to all the news, the Thrice a-Week World furnishes the best serial fiction, elaborate market reports and other features of interest. The Thrice-a-Week World’s regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequaled newspaper and the Home Journal together one year for $1.90. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.60. THE ATLANTA THEO. D. KUNE, W. A. WINBURN, General 8up't, Traffic Manager, J. O. HAILE, .General Pase’r Agent, 9. U. ROBINSON, Ass’t General Paee’r Ages* and the Southrii Cultivator ALL THREE ONE YEAR. Subscribe many children she had. “Six, your majesty,” was the re- P 1 ! “Oh, that is too many,” said the kaiser gravely. The woman’s husband, however, then stepped forward and said bluntly, “But you set us the ex ample, your majesty.” , For a moment the kaiser seemed nonplused, but then he answered, with a smile, “That’s quite true, but then l am the father of my peo ple, and I must perform my duty toward them.” This is the best offer we have ever made our friends and subscribers. You had i etter take advahtage of this offer at once, for The Journal may withdraw their special rate to us at any time. The Semi-Weekly lias many prominent men and women contributors to their columns, among them being Rev. Sani Jones, Rev. Walk er Lewis, Hon. Harvie Jordan, Hon. John Tem ple Graves and Mrs. W. H. Felton, besides their crops of efficient editors, who take cafe of the news matter. Their departments are well cov ered. Its columns of farm news are worth this the price of the paper. Send direot to this office $2.00 and secure the three above mentioned papers one year Address FOR — Christian Union Herald, a strong, religious, seven-colunan pap e r, devoted to the morakfind material atl- vaucement of the colored race, wilh an extensive circulation. Published Weekly at Savannah, fla- Subscription $1.00 Per ie r. REV. W, A. DINKINS,. Editor, P. E. Port Valley District. £rO)3B» WOR.HL BflflAPTLY" EXECUTFB AT THIS OFFICE This signature is on eyery box of the genuina Laxative Bromo=Quinme Tablets THE HOME JOURNAL, PERHY. GA. Advertise iu The Home Journal. (Subscribe for the Home Journal 1 u \ S