Newspaper Page Text
Tas ■'S'tJXB Mbsmsu.
P&ICS, $1.50 A 7BA&, in advance.
Published Every Thursday Morning.
J-.HJ. T£. l tbooiis, Editor and Publisher
Phrry, Thursday, December 25.
Grumblers are not numerous now.
Congress adjourned last Saturday
for the holidays.
If yoh acknowledge wrong doing,
don’t swear off. Just quit, and Btay
The ports of Venezuela are block*
aded by English and German war
Hon. J. W. Lindsey has been re
appointed pension oordmissioner. of
We hope no reader of thd^ Home
Journal will have any reason to re
gret his actions during Christmas.
May Christmas be correctly en
joyed throughout the country. If
so, there will be no aftermath of sor
Communication by means of the
wirelesH telegraph system has been
established between Canada and
President Roosevelt may consent
to arbitrate the financial differences
between England and Germany, and
If individuals, like nations, were
to oolleot debts by force, the little
fellows would not be safe in buying
anything except for cash.
Cuba is now traversed from east to
west by a railroad 800 miles long,
connecting the chief cities of the isl
and, Havana and Sautiago.
Hope is yet entertained of settling
the Venezuela muddle without war,
but at this distance the foundation
for suoh hope is not apparent.
Georgia colonels, members of Gov,
Terrell’s military staff, can secure
drees and full dress uniforms at a
total cost of $194.25 for each ool-
By appointment of Gov. Terrell
there are 183 colonels in Georgia.
If all these buy the full dress uni
forms, as well as the dress uniforms
they must buy, there will be expend
ed for military uniforms for display
only the Bnug sum of $25,588.25.
Lieutenant Marbury Johnson,who
was appointed to the Naval Acade
my in 1878 from Macon, Ga., has
been seut to Caracas, Venezuela, to
assist Minister Bowen in the ardu
ous duties consequent upon the dis
turbed oondition of that country.
It is reported from Shanghai that
an army of 10,000 well equipped
trobps is being mobilized in Kan
Bn, Chinn, under the exiled com-
rnonder, Fu Siang, and that a war
of extermination will be waged
against all foreigners in the prov
inces of Shen Si and Kan Su.
Ninety-one bills enaoted by the
legislature of Georgia during the
last session have been signed by
Gov. Terrell, and they are now laws
of the state. Of these 80 are purely
local in character. Here is the spe
cific evidence that the legislature is
too much burdened with looal legis
lation. Every one of these 80 laws
could have been arranged by looal
option in the counties directly inter
ested, under a specific general law.
Secretary Hay is still working on
the. Colombian treaty for Panama
canal right of way, but expeots that
it will be completed when congress
reconvenes. Under the provisions
of the convention a lump sum of
$10,000,000 will be paid to Colom
bia to begin with and an annual
rental thereafter, the amount of
which is still to be determined.
This amount constitutes the one
stumbling block to the completion
of the treaty. Colombia demands a
rental of $600,000 per annum and
Secretary Hay regards the amount
as exorbitant. Colombia’s demand
H is based on the claim that she now
receives $250,000 from the Panama
Railway and other revenues which
bring the total to over $400,000.—
"Washington Correspondence.
After Thirty-One Years.
With this issue the Home Journal
completes the thirty-first year of its
life, and since April, 1880, the pres
ent management has been in control.
Of course there have been many
errors of omission, and commission,
but we do not now recall any oause
for bitter regret. Greater energy
and more abundant talent would
have given better financial results
and more cause for gratulation, but
we have done the best we could
with the lights before us and as we
understood conditions and environ
Excursion Rates For The Holidays.
During the the Holidays,. Central
| of Georgia Railway will sell excur-
Within the life of the paper there
' sen
have been troublous times and times
of great joy, the whole making an
average against which the people
have no specific cause 1 of oomplaint.
Changes there have been, and many
who were patrons in former years
are gathered into the eternal home,
and new friends have come.
The Home Journal has served
faithfully, aB the editor understood
the situation, and in turn we have
cause to be grateful for the many
evidences of friendly appreciation.
Now, after these years we extend
to our readers most oordial Christ
inas greeting, “Peace on earth, good
will to all men.”
The date of this issue is Christ
mas day, the time we recognize aB
the birthday of Christ, the most
sublime character the world >has ev
er known, the greatest of all peace
makers, tfie Saviour of mankind.
May all men observe the day in
reverence, with pleasure making if
we will, but also in keeping with the
teachings of Him whose love was
and is a benediction and a mercy to
sion tickets at the rate of a fare and
a third rouiid trip (minimum rateB,
whole tiokets 50 cents, half tickets
25 eents), between all ticket stations
on its line, and from points on its
line to points on connecting lines
south of Ohio and Potomac and
east of the Mississippi river, as fol
lows: Tickets will be sold to the
general pubJio December 23, 24. 25,
30 and 31, 1902, and January 1,
1903, limited January 3, 1903, for
return passage. Tickets will be sold
to teachers and students of schools
; and colleges upon presentation and
(surrender of certificates, December
16-22, 1902, inclusive, final limit,
January s 6, 1903. Central of Geor
gia Railway offers pcxfeot passenger
service between all principal points
in the states of Alabama and Geor
gia. For other information apply
to nearest agent.
f»»d Sold
to out o( tow* customers
oil our Circuluting Library
Picture Frames made to order
in b,est manner at lowest prices.
McEvoy Book & Stationery Co.,
572 Chefry Street, MACON, GA.
Dates of Christ’s Life.
A Houston student of the Bible
furnishes for publication the follow
ing deductions from th.e life of
Uhrist as presented m the Bible:
Christ was born about October
4th in the year 4128 of the world,
in Bethlehem, Judea. On this night
he was visited by the shepherds.
He was circumcised on October
12th, 4128; was presented to the
Lord in Jerusalem November 13 th,
4128. There he was received by
Simon and Anna, who acknowledged
Him as the Ohrist, and as being the
“one set for the rise and fall of
many,” to be accepted by Borne and
rejected by others.
At this time Joseph was directed
to go to Egypt, supposed to be to
Cairo, where Joseph remained elev
en years and then returned to Naza
reth, it then being A. D. 10.
In A. D. 11 Christ went with his
parents to Jerusalem to be taxed
(taking of census), and while in the
city he appeared before the DDs. of
this time, displaying superior abili
ties to the surprise and discomfiture
of the doctors. There for the first
time He declared “I am about my
Father’s business.”
After this He spent eighteen years
in remaining obedient to his parents.
About August 12th, A. D. 29, He
received baptism of John, and then
entered the wilderness of tempta
tion, remaining forty dayq, until
September,' A. D. 29. About this
time his public ministry began, and
continued 3£ years, until Friday,
April 8th, A. D. 33. On Sunday,
April 10th, He arose from the grave,
and on every eighth day appeared
to His disciples during forty years.
On Thursday, May 19th, A. D. 33
He ascended, to remain until the
fullness of Gentile rule of seven
times, whioh ends yith A. D. 1914.
Suspicion is entertained that the
Emperor of Germany is directly re
sponsible for the coercive measures
now in force against Venezuela, and
that he is preparing to test the
strength of the Monroe doctrine.
However, it is said that England,
Germany and Italy have expressly
declared that they do not intend to
acquire or hold Venezuelan territo
ry, and the Monroe doctrine only
forbids the acquisition of territory
or the assertion of sovereignty on
the American continent by Europe
an governments, further than now
held and exercised.
Government agents have so far
been unable to purchase property iu
Atlanta on whioh to build a new
postoffice and court house. A disa
greement as to price exists.
In Colorado, Nebraska and other
western states a blizzard and snow
storm prevailed last Friday and Sat
urday, and travel on the railroads
was seriously interrupted.
O. R. Mann, Pree.
R. L. Cater, V. Pres.
L. F. Cater, Cashier
Directors— F. M. Honsor, L. M. Paul, A. A. Smoak, J. N. Tuttle, O. R. Mann
L. F. Cater, JR. L. Cater.
Every facility for transacting a general Banking Business,
How’s This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
oaseof Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s
Cotarrh Cure.
F.J. CHENEY & CO, Prop’s, Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
hen ey for the last 16 years, and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any obliga
tions nude by their Arm.
West & Tiujax, Wholesale Druggists,Toledo, O.
Warding, ICinnan & Makvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally,acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
toe system, i-riee 76c. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall’s Family Pills are tne best.
Special rates to farmers on cotton stored in ware
houses in Perry.
Will be sold before the court bouse
loor in the town of Perry,, Houstou
county, Ga., between the legal hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday in January,
1901, the following property, to-wit:
That 50 aores of land of lot No. 139 in
5tU distrtetof Houston county, Ga.; said
50 acres being the • orth-east one fourth
()4) of said lot No. 139, and levied on as
the property of Mra. Elizabeth Push, to
satisfy a Justice court fi-fa from the 771st
District G. M. of r-ald bounty, returnable
to the .Tannnr.v term 3902 thereof, in fa
vor of The Virginia-Uarolina Chemical
Works, Vs. Mrs Elizabeth Push.
M. L. COOPER, Sheriff.
.Deo. lO.’h, 1902.
We are ready to meet the de
mand for Mules and Horses, mak
ing a specialty of animals
We handle good| stock only, and
at our
Sale and Feed Stables
and we caq suit you.
G. W. Thames & Co.
Cor. Third & Poplar Sts.
Practice in all the Oourts.
Loans negotiated, and Land /Titles
abstracted. Collections on all points.
Seourity Bonds furnished.
J. D. MARTIN, Sr.,
Perry, Ga.
Watches, Olooks and Jewelry Repaired.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Offioe in Masonio Building.
O. z. MoARTHtTR,
Offioe over Slappey’s Drugstore.
Successor’, to J>r. W. A. Blassengame.
&20 °0 Given Away
ZDec, 2©tla.
We have placed in a window a box containing $20. Until December 29th
we will give a key free with every dollar oash.purchnse, two keys with ev
ery $2.00 cash purohase, etc, Only three keys will unlock the box. Mon
day; Deo. 29th, each customer may try their key, or keys. Customers who
hold the right keys may take from the box as follows:
First Right Key j^lO.OO
Second Rig-lit Key 0.00
Third Right Key. 4.00
There are no conditions. No one connected with store will be allowed to
have a key. Keys mailed in filling ont-of- own orders.
J. E. HOLMES, Proprietor, MACON, GA.
DO YOU either need a Stove (fr a Range? If
so, I can filljroui order - and guaran
tee f;o do it satisfactorily. I carry a complete line of
Ladies’ Parlor
National Steel Ranges (oSSl,”stt“,)
413&Tliird St. (Upstairs.)
Over Isaac’s Former Cafe.
Only One in the City
United States*,
Excelsior Stoves and Ranges,
New Enterprise Stoves,
Grand Oak Stoves (Sf
Regular Meals 25c
My fall stock of Crockery and Housefurnisnings is even
more complete than it has been heretofore.
We oater to the best class trade.
A plaoe to rest after shopping.
Triangular Block.