The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, December 25, 1902, Image 3

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    ■ II WHIP I
tms :0®-m m
Perry, Thursday, Decemher 25
Marriages at Byron,
I can sell you exactlj- what
you want, and guarantee ev
ery article sold.
Come down and examine
for yourself.
I solicit your orders, and
will deliver promptly.
' W. pL Sims.
Watches and
We have just put in stock
the most complete line of
Watches we have ever car
ried. We also have a very
nice line of Sterling Sil-
ware and Fancy China for
Wedding Presents. Call
and see us and get prices.
We defy competition. . .
No trouble to show goods.
J. L. Fincher & Son,
Fort Valley. Ga.
Farm Loans-
We consider good farm lands the best
security for loans. We can make suoh
loans promptly and at lowest rates. If
you wish borrow let us hear from you.
Security Loan &. Abstract Co,
Cupid is not so dormant as By
ron had adjudged. Many months
have.crept slowly by since he has
publicly antiounce|d or manifest
ed his power, but all things come
to those who wait and, as Byron
has been a patient waiter, it is
now reaping its rich reward.
We are fond of variety, the
spice of life, therefore we have
requested Cupid to give U9 a dif
ferent style for each marriage he
contracts. • Seeing our earnest
ness, he complies by beginning
with the quiet, surprise ceremofiy
at the parsonage just two hours
after the arrival of our new Meth
odist pastor, Bro. J. E. MqMi-
chael. The contracting parties,
Miss Daisy Rushing of Byron and
Mr, John Grace of Walden were
happily joined at 7 p. m. Wed
nesday, Dec. 17th. Only a few
relatives and some friends who
stepped in to escort the new
preacher to prayer service at the
M. E. church, were witnesses of
the solemn rite. Mr. Grace is a
very energetic, successful farmer
of Walden. Miss Rushing, a beau
tiful, accomplished young lady,
was a successful teacher in Hous
ton public schools. The corps of
teochers will miss her from their
ranks. The new cople will reside
at Walden in the new home Mr.
Grace is having erected.
A wedding in the Baptist
church Thursday at 7:80 p. m.,
Dec. 18th, was a variation of af
fairs. The attendants upon the
ceremony began- to arrive at six
and continued until the house
was full to overflowing. During
the assembling, the accomplished
musician, Miss Hattie Warren,
presided at the organ, sending
fourth in melodious chirm
“Hearts and Flowers.” The
strains of Mendelsohn’s announc
ed to the anxious audience the
arrival of the bridal .party. The
beautiful bride-to-be, Miss Eate
Wagnon, marched up thp’left aisle
on the arm of Mrs. J. D. Heard,
matron of honor, while the forfcu
nate groom, Mr. C- H. Hardison,
marched up the right on the arm
of the best man, Mr. Butler Har
J. J. Cobb,
Thos. B. West,
Sec, and Att’y.
Loans negotiated on improved
forms, at lowest market rates, and on
most liberal terms.
Business of fifteen years standin
More than three million dollars
loons ne^tiated. Facilities unsur
passed. HOWARD M. SMITH,
Vo. 814 Bsn»»4 St.. Macon, Ga.
For several years for a oasehf Piles,
Boils, Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Sore and
Fevered Breast, Old Sores, Insect Bite
or Sting, Ringworm or Totter, that Mrs.
Pope’s Mullen Salve would not
cure, but so far we have been agreeably
disappointed. The verdict of all who
have used it is that it’s the one quick,
absolute and perfect healer. Nothing on
earth like it. Nothing sensational or
fakey about it. It stands on its merit.
It is put up in a neat and pretty pack
age. Use it. Your money back if you
are not satisfied. If your druggist does
not have it in stock,send us 60 cents and.
we will send you a large box by mail.
Mbs. Annie M. Pope & Go.,
626 Bismark Place, Jacksonville, Fla
dison. “0 Promise Me” was
played softly through the impress
ive ceremony pronounced by the
pfistor, ID. R. Pendelton, which
made the twain man and wife.
The church was elaborately dec
orated with garlands of green and
white. A bell was suspended
from the arch in the rear, while
the happy couple stood on white
rugs underneathjthe'decorated um
brella. The letters W and H were
in prominence on the wall. Each
aisle was closed with arched col
unins covered with green and
white. The ushers were Messrs
Jno. Rushing r By^or and Neil
Slappy of Fort Valley. The pres
ents, consisting of many silver
pieces, cut glass, medalions, chi
na, etc., attest the popularity of
the couple. Mr. Hardison, a nar
tive of Houston, is doing a sue
cessful business in ForJ Valley,
where they will make their future
home. The amiable bride had
made for herself friends of every
acquaintance. For four years
she has been Post Mistress at By
ron,-so not only will she be missed
at home, the church, social circle,
but by all. May their’s be many
vears of happiness.
T. A. C. Meeting.
The Thursday Afternoon Club
held its last tegular meeting at
the residence of Mrs. R. L. Cater.
Another busy time was had, as
Anal arrangements were to be
made.for the Christmas reception.
We were sorry that Mrs. Den-
nard could not be with us,but we
welcomed with pleasure the bright
face of Mrs. Powers Cooper,
Mrs. Davis of Macon was a wel
come visitor and several of the
pretty spinsters, too, lent us the
charm of their presence.
Mrs. Cater, of course,did all in
her power to make the meeting a
pleasant one. As she never does
things by halves,the refreshments
were very elegant and the hot
chocolate as finish most agreea
ble on such a raw, windy after
noon. We thank her for her
courtesy and always enjoy a meet
ing at mer house.
The next meeting will be the
big Christmas reception at the
residence of Mrs. L. F. Cater on
the night of Deo. 80th.
The Club Editor wises all her
Club sisters a jovous Christmas.
C. E.
“~The small boys gave an espe
cially noisy prelude to phristraas
last Monday, with “dynamite
sticks,” on the business streets of
Perry, but an ediot of Mayor
Houser put a stop to that deafen
ing “fun” Tuesday morning. No
“explosions” of any sort are now
allowed, except outside the busi
ness limits.
—The Spring term of Perry
Public School will open on the
first Mondaj in January, 1908.
The fall term, dosed last week,
was especially well attended, and
it is hoped a larger number of pu
pils will attend the next term.
There is not a better high school
in this section of Georgia.
A Bargain in Peach Trees.
Two thousand Elborta Peach
Trees, for sale, certified clear of
scale by State Etymoligist.
Price less than at nursery
W. P. Short, Myrtle, Ga.
—Dont Fail to call on 0. M.
Bran an, the “Cheap Mule Man,”
620 Poplar street, Macon, Ga., if
you want a mule or Horse.
—Come to headquarters for all
kinds of staple goods for Christ
mas presents. L. M. Paul’s.
-Syrup Barrels cheap.
F. M Houser.
POSITIONS GUARANTEED, under reasonable
„ conditions. May deposit money
for tuition in bank till position is secured, or
notes, or contract to pay out of salary.
* ter course is completed
and position is secured, out facilities for se
~"Hf our
HBI , 150-page
catalogue will explain all. Send for ft. Ad
dress Drauglion’a College at either place.
/ \ Nashville, Tenn.
Atlanta. Qa. sk Ft. Worth, Texas;
Montgomery, Ala. nL Galveston, Texas.
Little Rock, Ark. ^ Shreveport, La.
No Vacation St. Louis, Ho. Enter any time
.if 08 * thorough, practical and progressive
schools of the kind in the world. Author four
text-books on bookkeeping. Four weeks 'book.
us ^Idal to twelve by the old plan.
—-The young men of Elko will
give a swell Christmas reception
at the Till House Friday night,
December 26th. Mrs. Till will
serve the feast, and that fact is a
guarantee that it will be up-to-
d ate in every particular. Besides
all theJElko young folks and of the
immediate neighborhood, there
will be many visitors in attend
ance, and it goes without saying
that the occasion will be most
a part of your earnings
regularly, aind you will
have a partner that will
work for you day and
night. Savings earn i
per cent, interest com
pourded twice a year at
this bank. You can bank
by mail.
Home Savings Bank,
American National Bank Building.
R. A Merritt,
Oscar E. Dooley,
Spring Term, 1903,
You can buy Christmas Presents of the sfaple, every
day, useful lriinl.
Glass Lamps, Complete.
Tea Pots in Deoorafced'Vare.
Glass.Water Pitchers. >•.
Tea Pots, Rockingham Ware.
Soap Dishes, decorated and plain. Sugat Dishes, decorated and plain.
Tea Bells.
Embroidery Soissors. •
Men’s or Ladies’ Purses.
Ladies’ Hose Supporters.
6 Ladies’ Linen Handkerchiefs.
8 Ladies’ Linen Handkerchiefs.
Men’s Linen Handkerchiefs.
2 pairs Ladies’Hose.
2 pairs Men’s Half-Hose.
Children’s Hoods and Saques.
1 yd Table Damask, all linen.
Pocket Knives, pearl handles.
Pooket Knives, plain handles.
Perfumery, best extracts.
Men’s Garters, Brighton.
Men’s Garters, Black Oat,
2 Ladies’ Linen Handkerchiefs.
1 Ladies’ Silk Handkerchief .
Men’s Suspenders, all latest styles.
Ladies’ Fascinators.
£ Doz. Doileys, plain white.
£ Doz. Doileys, colored borders.
Silverware, beautiful assortment, Card Receivers, Mugs,
Smoking Sots, Ash Tr:
Puff Boxes, &o., &o.
□L.. im:. ip-A-TTXj’sj
$110.00 | $110.00
To Our C-u.stoaaa.exs.
In order to more quickly and thoroughly advertise our New Shoe
Store, the best ever, we propose the following guessing contest.
We have placed ip our window a glass jar in which are one quart
each of “Sugar Crowder” Peas and Butter Beans.
To the person guessing nearest to the tolal peas and beans
we will give in cash
To the person guessing next nearest, we will give in oash..
To the person guessing next nearest, we will give in cash..
To the next twenty persons guessing next nearest we will
give each a pair of three dollar shoes............"....
Eaoh person buying a pair of shoes from us will be allowed one guesB.
As many guesses as pairs of shoes bought. The first guess rqoeived
nearest correct will be given first prize. The second nearest reoeived
will be given second prize, and so on through the twenty-three prizes.
Wc will give the Best Values in Shoes to he found.
Lester-Whitney Shoe Co.
516 Cherry Street, Iff A CON, GA.
The only exclusive Furniture and Coffin Store in
SEWING MACHINES, the best made.
Making all my purchases direct-from manufacturers enables
me to sell goods cheaper than they can be bought elsewhere.
Mr. J, It. FUDGE
is with me. He has had long experience*in the Furni
ture and Sewing..Machine business, and will take pleas
ure in showing a Machine at your home.
O- XD-&JTZ" Perry »
Uricsol—Its Wonderful Powers
:enoral baggage
Mr. H>rry Isaacs, general baggage
agent Santa Fe R. R., Los Angeles, Gal,
the home of Uriosol, writes: “Having
Ive superior course shortliand, etc, We
expend more money securing positions than al-
most any business college takes in aa tuition.
Cheap board; car fare plid. CATALOG FREE,
w ,'Write _I ■■
Study Course. Address
COLL, Nashville, Tenn.
suffered from Rheumatism and a torpid
liver, I was advised to try Uricsol. 1
can assure you the result is astonishing.
It never fails to cure. I take pleasure
in testifying to the wonderful curative
powers of Uriosol.” It alsp cures Kid
ney and Bladder troubles caused by uno
acid in the system. Druggists sell it at
$1.00 per bottle.
CASTORIA ForhifahtecndChildren,
The Kind You JLaw Alwajs JMgHt 1
Begins the first Monday in January—
6th day—and continues 6 months.
Incidental fee for resident pupils $2.60
non residents, $3.60.
Prof. W. W. Driskell, principal.
Misses Annie Bolleman and Willie
Cooper, Assistants.
This is a-graded school of high order,
and under competent instructors it read
ily ranks with the best high schools of
the state. | . §. ., .
The incidental fee must be paia in
cash to the secretary and treasurer of
thejaoard, Mr. B. C. Uoltzclaw, before
pupils will be permitted to enter the
S °It will be more beneficial to the chil
dren, more agreeable to the teachers and
more satisfactory to the Board of Edu
cation and parents if eaoh child is per
mitted to enter on the first day of the
term and not be allowed to miss even
one recitation during the entire session.
Good board can baobtained in private
families at from $8 to $10 per month. I
Any other information can be obtain
ed by addressing either of the under
signed. R. N. Holtzolaw, Pres.
B. C. Holtzolaw, dec. and Treas.
The Best Price For Cotton
Bears the
of- ,
Is the thing all farmers want when
they are ready to sell;
Near Depot, PERRV, GA.
is ready to serve all comers, with best facilities and a deter
mination to give the best service.
for sale at lowest market price.
High-Grade Fertilizers For Grain and Fruit frees.
3EB X-i-