The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, January 22, 1903, Image 3

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W'MM M&MB I&tmMM Perry, Thursday, Januarx 22. Gen. Lee’s Birthday. LOCAL I^EWS, Strictly first-class goods for the entire year. Prompt attention to all orders. Earnest desire for your patronage. Best wishes to all. Respectfully, W. I. Sims. Watches and Silverware. We have just put in stock the most complete line of Watohes we have ever car ried. We also have a very nice line of Sterling Sil- ' ware and Fancy China for Wedding Presents. Call and see us and get prices. We defy competition. . . No trouble to show goods. J. L. Fincher & Son, . Fort Valley. Ga. Farm Xaoans i We consider good farm lands the best security for loans. We oan make suoli loans promptly and at lowest rates. If you wish to borrow let ub hear from you. Security Loan & Abstract Co MACON, GA. J. J. OOBB, President. Thos. B. West, Sec, and Att’y. MONEY. Loan* negotiated on improved forme, at lowest market rates, and on most liberal terms. Business of fifteen years ntandin Kora than three million dollars loans nawntiated. Facilities unsur passed. HOWARD M. SMITH, £ Vo. 814 St.. Macon, 9a. WE MU BEEN LOOM... - ■ For several years for a case of Piles Boils, Outs, Burns, Bruises, Sore and Fevered Breast, Old Sores, Insect Bite or Sting, Ringworm or Tetter, that Mrs Pope’s Mullen Salve would not cure, but so far we have been agreeably disappointed. The verdict of all who have used it is that it’s the one quick, absolute and perfect healer. Nothing on earth like it. Nothing sensational or fakey about it. It stands on its merit It is put up in a neat and pretty pack age. Use it. Your money back if you are not satisfied. If your druggist does not have it in stock,send us 50 cents, and we will send you a large box by mail. Mbs. Annie M. Pope & Co., 526 Bismark PI ace, Jao kson vill e, Fla PfTCITIflNQ GUARANTEED under reasonable rUOIIIUnO conditions. May deposit mouej for tuition in bank till position is seenred, or give notes, or contract to pay out of salary, and without security, after course is completec. and position is secured. Our facilities for se curing positions, and the proficiency of our graduates, are strongly endorsed by business men from Maine to California. Onr 150-page catalogue vill explain all. Send for it. Ad dress Dranghon’s College at either place. PRAUGHON’S PRAOTIOAL BUSINESS^* Nashville, Term. Atlanta, Ga. A Pt. Worth, Texas* Montgomery, Ala. V Galveston, Texas Little Rock, Ark. Q Shreveport, La. No Vacation St. Louis, no. Rater any time Most thorough, practical and progressive schools of the kind in the world. Author four text-books on bookkeeping. Four weeks book, keeping with us equal to twelve by the old plan. Also give superior course shorthand, etc. We expend more money securing positions than al most any business college takes in as tuition. Cheap board; car fare paid. CATALOG FRBE. HOME STUDY IMffliB: PENMANSHIP, etc., successfully taught by mall or no charges. We £ ve better Home Study Coarse than per cent of the business colleges a fitting memorial to the anniversary of the great As birth Confederate Chieftain, crosses of honor were bestowed upon four teen Confederate veterans last Monday afternoon, in the Mason ic building in Perry. The ceremonies were under the direction of the Houston Chapter Daughters of the Confederacy, Mrs. F. M. King, president, pre siding. By the President the speaker of the day, Capt. James W. Math ews of Fort Valley was introduc ed. The address was admirably fitted to the occasion, and elicited hearty encomiums. Mrs. King then delivered an ad- miraable address to the veterans, and thetf bestowed crosses of hon or upon 14 Houston ex-confeder ate Boldiers. This address is pub- ! ished on another page. L. S. Tounsley, secretary of the Chapter, talked earnestly and well of “the Monument fund.” Mrs. H. M. Holtzolaw histori an of the Chapter, talked feeling ly on line with her official station. There were a number of Houston veterans in attendance. While the attendance was not as large as had been hoped for, the occasion was most enjoyable thooughout, and it is hoped that many more of like character and larger attendance will follow. -«» Rules for working Public Roads. 1. All persons in Houstoii county subject to road duty shall be required to work the public roads in iheir respective districts five days in each year, or pay in lieu thereof a commutation tax of $2.50 each, said tax payable not later than the first day of March, and as early as the road hands shall be warned. 2. Eaoh commissioner shall ap point for each district under his control a superintendent of roads who, with the commissioner un der whom he is working, shall have sole authority to collect and expend the commutation tax. The commutation tax shall be expend ed in the district in which col lected 8. It shall be the duty of the superintendent in each district to collect the commutation tax, make out a list of road hands in his district, and appoint as many overseers to work the roads as in his judgment may be necessary 4. The compensation of each overseer shall be fifty cents per diem for every day worked, and he shall be relieved from further road duty and from paying the commutation tax. But no over seer shall receive any compensa tion unless he shall have worked the roads for the full five days. All money paid superintendents and overseers shall be from the commutation tax collected ir their respective districts. 6, No receipts for commuta tion tax shall be hold valid unless signed by the proper superinten dent, or commissioner, and coun tersigned br the clerk of the board of County Commissioners 6. The superintendents shall be responsible to their respective commissioners for oil commuta tion tax collected and for the manner of working the public roads, and shall make reports to said commissioners whenever de manded. 7. Each commissioner shall semiannually submit written statements to the board at regu lar meetings of all commutation tax collected and expended. ' Adopted by the board of com missioners of Roads and Revenues of Houston county January 18th 1903. C. E. Brunson, Clerk. To Cure a Cold in One Bay Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W Grove’s signature on each box.25c Course. Address Nashville, Tenn. Subscribe fori.th9 Home Journal. —A New Bale of Sheeting just arrived at 5c per yd. Edwards & Marshall —Right now is the time to fit your Boys and Girls with the best and warmest of Shoes. Right here is the place to get them. L. M. Paul’s, OASTORIA For Infantsund Children. The KiadYouHave Always.Bought < Elko Etchings. By Big Sandy. Our school opened last Monday mornilig, the 12th, with Prof. J*. A. Green from Clayton, Ga.; aS principal. He comes Well rec ommended and we wish him a prosperous term. The attendance was good. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Till and litile daughter, Nena, visited rela tives in Cordele Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. H. J. Brown spent several days in Maoon last week visiting relatives. Mr. Clinton Cooper of Perry was here last week buying cotton. Mrs. J. H, Coffee went to Ma con last Tuesday shopping. Miss Maud Rogers is visiting relatives in Macon this. week. Mr. W. H. Buff went to Macon last Tuesday on business. Mr Fred T. Eubhnks visited Unadilla Sunday. Judge G. D. Fitzgerald has been wearing a broad smile for the last few days—a twelve pound baby girl. Mr. C. E. Eubanks went to Henderson last week on busiuess. Mr. W. E. Means visited Gro- vania Sunday afternoon. Mr. W. O. Gaines who has been with Jaques & Tiusley in Macon for some time, with Mr. W. E. Means ready to serve his many friends. Mr. W. H. Buff has moved his dwelling across the street ffom where it was and, under the con tract of Mr. J. Q Shiff of Vien na, is having more added to it. Miss Maggie Marr and Dr. J. D. Coleman of Henderson, passed through our city to-day euroute to Macon. Miss Mamie Brown, who is teaching the public school at Hen derson, visited home folks here Saturday and Sunday. Miss Virginia Means has re turned from an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. C. l| Beunett, of Vienna. She reports a pleasant trip. Mr. W| L. Means visited his family in Macon Saturday and Sunday. ' Mrs. Miles Fitzgerald of Pine- hurst, is visiting Mr. ; and Mrs. G. D. Fitzgerald now. Miss Rosalee Harrison is visit ing relatives in Henderson. Mrs. C. B. Till of Henderson spent Sunday here. > Jan. 19—08. — CELEBRATED Black Rock Acid ♦ AND FAMOUS v , “Samson Guano” Have been thoroughly tested for; many years oirall varie ties of soils in Middle Georgia, and from ACTUAL FIELD TESTS in competition with other brands have taken the “BLUE RIBBON” over nil competitors. The BEST is always the CHEAPEST. Address, ieb beds., MAOON, GEORGIA. Heavy Houston Hogs. Ten hogs killed this winter by Mr. W. A. Woodard of near Bo naire, yielded about 2,000 pounds of pork. The two heaviest weigh ed 888 and 260 pounds, respect ively. Mr. C. P, Pitts of near Den- naid realized a net weight of over 2,000 pounds of pork from 16 hogs killed this winter. Sixteen hogs killed this winter by Mr. R.’.R. Smith of near Claud, afforded 8,120 pounds of pork, and he will kill 11 others. — Best and cheapest line of Plow Gear. Fred M. Houser. PERRY LOAN & SAVINGS BANK, O. R. Mann, Pres. r»UH.nriY, ga. R. h. Oatdr, V. Pres. L. F. Cater, Cashier Directors—F.‘M. Houser, L. M. Paul, A. A. Bmoak, J. N. Tuttle, O. R. Mann L. F. Cater, R. L. Cater. Ever^ facility for transacting a general Banking Business. Special rates to farmers on cotton stored in ware houses in Perry. A Struggle for Supremacy In these days of strife and struggle, untiring energy along with’ sagacity and good judg ment, are the things that bring supremacy—whether it be in business or play. He Who Bends OOPYRIQHT 1002 Df K B. KIROOHDAUM A CO. every energy to the accom plishment of what he undertakes is the man who is destin ed to reach the top. We are not the oniy clothiers in Macon—if we were to claim it you had better beware of us—bui in this struggle we have been on the alert for the best things there are ill clothing and we are proud of the line we carry. Tailor made fits at ready to wear prices. Prices the same as you pay for inferior goods elsewhere, Benson, Walker & Moore, The Up-to-Date Clothiers, THIRD STREET ; MACON, GA. —Men’s Box Calf Shoes,—Vici Shoes, Calf Skin Shoes at $2.00 are daisies. Call and see them at L. M. Paul’s. —Plow points, Slides, Collars, Pads, trace chains, etc., at Edwards & Marshall’s. If You Want a good Mule or Horse, call on C. M. Branan, 520 Poplar street, Ma con, Ga. BANKING BY MAIL is simply a matter of dropping a letter in the post-office. Write for particulars. 4 per cent, on deposits. Home Savings Bank, American National Bank Building. MACON, GA. R. A Merritt, Oscar E. Dooley, President. Cashier. Bears the Signature m > 1870, HOME JOURNAL' *, . . \ V V THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM Jr this Section of Reorgia. We strive to make the paper a welcome visitor to eveiy household, thereby deserving patronage, / Subscription Price $1.50 a Year. Liberal reduction for cash one year in advance. Subscribe now. . H. J Editor and Pub r., 1 L— Perry. Gfa. —-