The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, February 12, 1903, Image 3

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F« Mqmb J&tmM’stt, A Thoroughbred Chicken Thief. Perry, Thursday, Februarx 12. LOCAL NEWS, Seed Irish Potatoes .1/ •' I have five varieties of the best Eastern Stock Potatoes. They were grown in the state -of Maine, and are the potatoes for this sec tion of country, viz: BEAUTY OF HEBRON, EARLY ROSE, PEERLESS’, BLISS’ TRIUMPH, PRIDE OF THE SOUTH. Your orders will have prompt at tention. Respectfully, W. B. Sims. Speoial Men cion— Mackerel, 61bs in bucket, 85c. JFOR WANT... “For want of a nail the shoe was lost; For want of a ?hoe a horse wus lost; For want of a horse a rider was lost.” A neglect of yours to lay aside some part of your earnings in our saviugs department, may cause you great inconvenience, possibly sorrow. For want of a decision, the accouNt was lost. For want of an account, the saviugs was lost. For want of the savings,a home was lost. For want of a home, the family was lost. Home Savings Bank, American National Bank Building. MACON, GA. JR. A Merritt, President. Oscar E. DoonBY, Cashier, Farm Loans / We consider good farm landB the best security for loans. We can make suoh loans promptly and at lowest rates. If you wish to borrow let us hear from you. Security Loan & Abstract Co. MACON, J. J. Cobb, President. GA. Thos. B. West, Sec. and Att’y. iONBY. Loans negotiated on improved ftirms, at lowest market rates, and on most liberal terms. Business of fifteen years standing. Xore than three million dollars in loans ns'”""tinted. Facilities unsur passed. HOWARD ‘X. SMITH, Vo. 114 leuowd St.. Macon, Qa. WE HAVE BEES LOOKING... For several years for a case of Piles, Boils, Outs. Burns, Bruises, Sore and Fevered Breast, Old Sores, Insect Bite or Sting,Ringworm ur Tetter, that Mrs. Pope’s Mullen Salve would not oure, but so far we have been agreeably disappointed. The verdict of all who have used it is that it*s the one quick, absolute and perfect healer. Nothing on earth like it. Nothing sensational or fakey about it. It stands on its merit, It is put up in a neat and pretty pack age. Use it. Your money back if you are not satisfied. If your druggist does not have it in stock,send us 50 cents and we will send you a large box by mail. Mbs. Annie M. Pope & Co., 526 Bismark Place, Jacksonville, Fla PflCITinilQ GUARANTEED under reasonable ruoiliuno conditions. May deposit money for tuition in bank till position is seenred, or give notes, or contract to pay out of salary, and without security, after coarse Is completec and position is secured. Our facilities for se- Prince Jefferson, a youthful dusky denizen of New' Hope, has pro ven himself a prince of chick en thieves. During the last several months many fine chickens have been sto len from poultry yards in Perry. Twice last week Mr. J. G. Holtz- claw lost thoroughbred fowls, and guided by well-founded suspi cions, he investigated. Having learned where several chickens had been sold, he identified his pets, and also learned that Prince Jefferson had sold the chickens. The thief was arrested and in county court he was convicted and sentenced to pay a fine of $80 or serve 12 months on the gang. A farmer paid the fine, and now in the country he has a wider range of industry, but res tricted opportunity to indulge his foul fancy for fancy fowls. His arrest and conviction led to the revelation that this negro boy, not more than 16 years old, had stolen at lease 100 chiokens from nearly a dozen yards in Pei- ry. His methods were sly and persuasive, exercised day as well as night, and that on at least one occasion he used a fish hook and line baited with grains of corn. Hayneville Dots. By Pineapple. Rev. W. H. Norton of Fort Valley preached at the Hayue- ville Baptist church on the firs Sunday, and there was a very large crowd present. All were expeotr ing Bro. Cutts but to the regret of many he was called elsewhere, and Bro. Norton came instead and I am pleased to say) our peo ple were delighted to see him again and he received a warm welcome. . ; ,, New patented desks have been plaoed in the academy, and every thing is now on the fair road to success. Misses Estelle Haley and Lillie Skipper spent last Sunday with Mrs. W. G. Fitzgerald, and Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Skipper with Mrs W. S. Haley. . Mr. J. T. Ellis, one of Hayue ville’s merchants, had now moved to Macon. Mr. W. G. Fitzgerald succeeded Mr. Ellis and is now doing a prosperous business here Miss Ara Haley spent last Fri day nightf and Saturday with Miss Lillie B. Skipper. Mr. M. H. Daniel was the guest of his parents Sunday. On the 18th of February the re will be a valentine party at the home of Mrs. W. G. Fitzgerald and for the occasion she has or dered a subply of beautiful valen tines. Mrs. F. A. Riley and little ^son were guests of Mrs. J. S. Haley last Saturday. Miss Edna Harrison,who is now teaching school at Heard (I think) was at home last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Emma Barfield,our Hayne ville school mistress, and Miss May Hodges of r Grovania were among our congregation at church last Sunday. Several of our farmers are plan ning a big crop of cotton this year; I wonder if they are also preparing to reoeive five cents again. A big crop of cotton and corn. Mr. Mike Daniel, who has been Florida and other parts, has Last Monday Ordinary Hurst received from Atlanta the pen sion checks for Houston county veterans and widows of veterans. There were fifty-nine checks, ag gregating in value $8,860. Each oieck was for one person, there being forty-three for $60 each, fif teen for $50 each and one for $80. Several veterans were in Perry Monday afternoon, and they re ceived their checks, secured cash for them at one of the Perry banks and went home in good hu mor. The other ohecks will be deliv ered by Ordinary Hurst to their respective owners when called for. We understand the banks here require only, the small exchange fee of ten cents each for cashing these checks. m Wl XXXI 150-page catalogue will explain all. Send for it* Ad dress Draughon’a College at either place. PRAUGHON’S PRAOTIOAL. BUSINESS^ * Nashville, Tenn. Atlanta, Oa. A Ft. Worth, Texas; Montgomery, Ala. V (Jalvsston, Texas. Little Rock, Ark. U Shreveport, La. No Vacation St. Louis, llo. Enter any time Most thorough, practical and progressive schools of the kind In the world. Author four text-books on bookkeeping. Four weeks book, keeping with us equal to twelve by the old plan. Also give superior course shorthand, etc. We expend more money securing positions than al most any business college takes in as tuition. Cheap board; car fare paid. CATALOQ FREE, HOME STUDY mm®** PENMANSHIP, etc., successfully taught by ntall or uo charges. We give better Home Study Course than sOper cent of the basin ness colleges " Write Course. Address Nashville, Tenn. in returned to -his -childhood home at Hayneville and is now “bach ing” near by. Mr. J. W. Mercer,who has been in Macon since last Monday, re turned home last Friday after roon. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wimberly Sr., were the guests of their son Mr. E.H., Jr., Sunday. Mr. Zeke Coney of Hawkins ville went dashing "through here few evenings ago. Mr. J. S. Haley made a busi ness trip to the Central City last Tuesday. Mr. J. G. Skipper was heard to say that he was going to buy him a top buggy and bay horse. Watch out girls, my head swims now. February 5, 1908. —WeJiandle the best-Wagon on wheels. Come< and look at it even if you do not need one. - Edwards & Marshall. CASTOR IA For Infants and Ghndren. The Kind You Jiave Alwajs Bought Olaud News. By Fritz. ‘More rain, more rest” is an old adage, and the more we rest the more we want to rest, is a motto of our own invention, and the recent dampness of the weath er has afforded ample opportunity for promoting it. But as soon as the soil is dry enough to plow, the farmers will pull their bell-lines again and use every effort and ad vantage to regain lost tiipe. Those who bought guaho early are fa vored with suitable time for haul ing and agreeable to all aocounts, larger amount than usual will be used in this section this year. Mr. 'James Smith, we are in formed, killed a pig a few days ago that weighed 500 pounds rlet. ‘Bully for him.” Mr. Julian Murray and wife pf Powersville spent last Sunday with Prof, and Mrs. A. G. Smith. Mr. J. B. Doles and lady of near Byron visited his father, Mr. Geo. F. Doles, here last week. Miss Pauline Tabor returned lome several days ago from a Peasant, visit to relatives near Fort Valley. Mr. Wl L. Chapman and wife of Myrtle were in our .midst Sunday. Mr. Charlton R. Hancook and sister, Miss 'Fleta, of Hattie, were with friends here Sunday. Miss Minnie Doles is visiting her brother, Mr. J. B. Doles,near Byron. Miss Pearl Arnold of near Fort Valley is the guest of Misses Ma mie and Pearl Tabor. I Mr. J. A. Rooks and mother are visiting near Perry. Messrs. E. L. Fountain, R. C. Aultman, and J. A. Arnold were in Macon on business last Thurs day. Feb. 9, 1908. To Buyers of Field, Flower and Garden Seeds. The Cheatham-Drug & Seed Co. successors to Lamar, Cheatham & Co., in addition to their regular Drug business, have just opened immediately in the rear of and opening into their Drug Depart ment, a • first-class, • up-to-date Seed Store, where will be found everything in the seed line. We also handle largely Genuine East earn Irish Potatoes and Onion Sets, Amber and Orange Cane German and Cattail Millet, Rocky Ford Cantaloupe and Watermelon Seeds. AIbo carry a full line of Flower Seeds, Bulbs, Fern Balls and Plant Foods. Cabbage, Col lard, Radish, Cucumber, Spinach Kale, Rape, Turnip Seeds furnish-V ed in bulk or in papers. Dou’ + fail to call and .see us when need ing seeds. The Cheatham Dru& & Seed Co. Mulberry and Third Sts., Macon, Ga. IT WILL PAT TOU to wait and see the magnificent line of 1903 Laces and Embroideries that are expected to arrive this week. Our stbek will be twice the size of the big assortment we carried hut season, and we can safely assert that nothing like this line has ev er been seen In Perry. Not only will the assortment in Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss Edgings and Insertions he complete, but the chief or the greatest attraction will be in, the prices. You may look out for some “eye openers,” some senscftionally ow prices. In the meantime we are now offering BARGAINS IN MACHINE TORCHONS, SAVILLE LINEN LACES AND RED TORCHONS. Watchout for our ad. next week. Fine Turkeys For Sale. A- few pairs or trios of “The Pure White Mammoth Turkeys.’ A large and distinct novel breed Apply to Jno. F. Troutman, Fort Valley, Ga. —Sevilla Laces worth 10c sell ing at 5c; Machine Torchon Laces worth 7c and 8c selling^at 5c; Red Torchon Laces worth 15c and 20c selling at 10c. L, M. Paul’s. —We have everything that farmer needs in Houston, and plough tools and the prices right EEWARDS & MaRSHALL. —Best Wagons and Buggies. F. M. Houser. ;Xj. imi. ipjattzl/s.; In LOOKING: For CLOTHING Don’t overlook the important f[j question of material and mak- ing. Here you find the sort of clothes that are right and will ook just what they are. No danger of disappointment, be cause we nave studied the proportion of supply and de mand and know what will please. OOPYRIOHT 1102 BY A. 0. KIR60HBAUM A CO. £S The Newest of for Men’s and Boys 1 Everything 1 We ear. Benson, Walker & Moore, The Up-to-Date Clothiers, THIRD STREET MACON, GA. Going Out of MY ENURE STOCK OF FURNITURE :£ND COFFINS AT MANU FACTURERS’ COST. Stock has been removed from the Masonic Building to store opposite the postoffice. ( ..F. C. DAT, Perry, Gca.. rHos. R. Aybb, Pres. Edwin S. Davis, GeD. MDg’r Bears the Signature pi Planters’ Supply Co. Mules and all grades of Standard Fertilizers. We will make it to your pterest to consult us before making your purchases. 451 Poplar Street. MACON* G-A* (Near Warehouse of W. A. Davis & Co.) EDWIN - S. ZDA-TIS, (Formerly of W. A. Davis & Co., Gene ra ) anager. m m • -iV* • . ■■■m MWm mm m \ Hi