The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, February 12, 1903, Image 7

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cr_ IP. COOPER BERRY, GEORGIA. . ! - '•■'.■ "- - ----- - - - . - . - - V . — — — . 1 ■/ - V '• - — V 1 - BARGAINS ALWAYS HAND “A Grandmother’s Tea” at Academy. Grandmother is happy to invite you to ! 868 How wps her onatom of serving tea. She’s old.deorepid and broken by sorrow, Therefore Bpailes and sunshine from you she would borrow; Just within this bag she furnishes tor defense Plaoe a third of your grandmother’s age reduced to oents. Now, their ages, of course, we are not likely to know, Unless the ooin in this bag is sufficient to show; And whether youoome in oarriage or car, When asked for your ticket, Bay “we’ll pay at Dunbar.” At a glance on the opposite side you will see T The plaoe and date of “Grahdmotkei’s Tea.” Dunbar Lycoum Lecture' Thursday Night. Honor Roll for January. Under the auspices of the Alka hest Lyceum Rev. Frank Dixon, irother of th9 author of, “Leop- r» ■»•/■? Qrvrvto «nl1 onn rtf liio bxxiutids New AND The music pupils of Miss Patti- shaH’8 class here have sent out the above invitation to their friends. There is still a small amount due on the music room and they have devised *this plan for raising the money. This is something new and we promise every one will feel amp ly repaid for the small sum asked. A special feature of the programme will be instrumental and vocal music by the class, such as our grandmoth ers played and sang long ago. Re freshments will be served to suit the ocoasion. We trust all your grandmothers are living,but if not, just count their ages at the time of their death. We will have a mail box at the door to receive all the valentines, whioh will be delivered during the evening to the proper owners. Remember the time, Friday even ing, February 13th, 1903. COMMITTEE. ard Spots,” will deliver one of his famous lectures at the court house in Perry Thursday night,this week. He is an eminent Baptist minis ter, the third preacher son of a preacher, an orator of a very high order of excellence. He is of North Carolina parentage. Wherever heard his graphic word pictures, his elegant diction and great eloquence oaptures the ap preciation and applause of his au dience. His subjects are, “The Threat of Socialism,” “The Mossbaok” and “The Future American.” He candles each with equal mastery, displaying strong thought, satire, wit, logic and eloquence. A genuine treat iB in store for those who attend the lecture Thursday night. Second-Hand Vehicles OUR Rapid Fire XT A 'V" T3T5TT*QQ HA X JTJlIUjou packs TON AN HOUR. TOOK FIRST PREMIUM AT FLORIDA STATE FAIR. THE WILLIAMS BUGSY COMPANY. In the United States distriot court at Macon last week, Mr. Henry G. Hardison of near Byron was acquit ted of conspiracy to defraud the fed eral government. The specific charge was complicity in the substitution of peach brandy on which the reve nue tax had not been paid for corn whiskey on which the tax had been paid. In October,1900, two barrels stamped corn whiskey, in the ware house at Mr. Hardison’s distilleary near the Crawford county line, were found to contain peach brandy. At the time a negro named Mathews was the government storekeeper and gauger at the distillery, and about that time another negro named Grace was a substitute during the temporary absence of Mathews. Mr. Hardison contended that he knew nothing of the substitution of the brandy for the whiskey, but that Mathews and another negro named Da\is had conspired to injure him "because of a joint grievance against him. The testimony of Mr. Hardi sou and his friends was believed and he was acquitted, on Wednesday of last week. His many friends in Houston congratulate him on the outcome of the case. Ik Atlanta next Tuesday, Februa ry 17th, there will be a meeting of prominent Georgians,including may ors and county commissioners, to consider ways and means of adver tising the advantage^ and resources of the state. The movement is most commendable, and properly conduct ed will induce much valuable immi gration to Georgia. In this way several western states were material ly benefitted, and now every citizen of the state should be ready and ea gar to assist in the movement to promote “Greater Georgia. Some of the republican senators have been in decidedly bad humor since last Friday. John D. Rocke feller, the standard oil chief, tele graphed several senators that the anti-trust measure under considera tion was objectionable to him, and must not pass; It is now declared that the senators are angry not be cause the telegrams were sent by Rockefeller, but because they were made public bj direction of the president. List of the pupils who excelled last month at Uuiou Academy. Eighth Grade,—-Eula Hunt, 98; Eddie Gray, 96. Seventh Grade,—Jim Taylor 95. Sixth Grade—Jim Hunt 97, Ab ner Pitts, 95; George Perdue, 91. Fifth Grade—Lizzie Perdue, 95; Annie Lee Thompson, 98; Mattie Redding, 90. Fourth Grade,—GusBie Thomp son, 92; George Redding, f‘ Fred Pitts, 92. Third Grade,—Homer Bartlett, 95; Susie Hickson, 94; Eufa Bart lett, 90. Secoud Grade,—Barney Hunt, 98; Lee Redding, 92; Harry Red ding, 90. First Grade—Gussie Clark Hicks 90, and Annie Redding 90. Miss Edna Harrison, Teacher. DO YOU GET BP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news- to kn papers is sure Myrtle News. By Ltly. I guess yon all think that Myrtle died with the old year. Indeed she did not; she is just as full of life os ever and will continue to be so. Several ladies met at the home of Mr. W. P. Short early Friday morn ing. A “quilting” was the order of the day, and the time was very pleasantly spent. We folt like we were well paid for our work when we were invited into the dining room to partake of a well-prepared turkey dinner. Mrs. Tom Anderson and children, Russell and Aubrey, are in Perry, the guests of Mrs. Middlebrooks. Mr. Roy Speight of Henderson visited a friend in our community last Sunday. Miss Ollie Harper, after spending several weeks with relatives at Dan ville, Twiggs county, has returned home. Miss Mamie Short of Hollinshead is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Houser and little son, of Eva, were the guests of relatives here from Saturday until Sunday. Our school 1b progressing nicely under the management of Miss Eve lyn Powers of Perry. The two-year old child of Mr. Watson, that fell into the fire sever- eral days ago and was badly burned, has nearly recovered. Rev. J. W. Simmons preached to a large congregation at Providence first Sunday. Come out some time, Mr Editor; we’ll be glad to have you with us. \ Best wishes to the Home Journal. owof the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver: and bladder remedy. , It is the great medi cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by emt- Dr. Kilmer, the nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou- ;’s Disease, whioh is the worst bles and ^right’s of kidney ti form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. 11 has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private imou itinii^r nay«j| tea uwa{/iini ui piVAVw practice, among the helpless too poor to pur- ia ha Rheumatism troubling you? chase relief and has proved so successful in Nothing better for rheumatic pains,stiff joiuts and sore muscles than Ramon’s Nerve and Bone' Oil. All good druggists sell it. every case that a special arrangement has inimm ‘ MbMI mg -Best Men’s and Boys’ Clofch- at F. M. Houser’s. MARDI GRAS CELEBRATIONS. Reduced Rates to Mobile, Pensacola and New Orleans. Central of Georgia Railway offers rate of one fare for round trip to above points, tickets to be sold Feb ruary 17th to 23rd, inclusive, and for trains scheduled to arrive at des tinations during forenoon of Febru ary 24th; final limit February 28th, 1903, except that by deposit of tick ets by original purchaser with Jos eph Richardson, special agent, not earlier than February 18 th nor later than February 28th, and upon pay ment of a fee of 60 cents per ticket, at time of deposit, an extension of the final limit to a date not later than March 14th, 1903, may be ob tained. For further information ap ply to nearest ticket agent. GEORGIA— Houston County. Annie Lowe has applied for adminis tration on the estate of A. L. Low t e, late of said county, deceased. This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned to appear at the March term, 1903, of the court of Ordinary of Baid county, and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my , official eignutui-6 this February 2,1908. SAM. T. HURST, Orduiary. been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, mayvhave a sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling more aboutSwamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Bing- regular’fifty cent'and Romoof Swamp-Root dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.. Don’t make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N.Y., on every bottle. A prio G®. A Buggy Bargain. ood buggy for sale at a low at Winn’s Stables, Perry, GKOROl.V, Houston County: E. M Slooumb hue applied .for admin istration ou tfie estate of Mrs. Y. E. Slo- oumb, late of suid county deceased. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned t > appear at the March term, 1903, ■> the court of Ordinary of said county and show cause, if any they * " 1 Id not have, why said application shout be grunted. Wit signature this itness mv official February 2,1908. SAM T. HURST, Ordinary. GEORGt V—Houston County. W. L. Means, administrator of the es tate of Geo. W. Lane, deceased, has ap plied for dismission from said trust. This is therefore to cite aU persons con cerned to appear at the Maroh term, 1908, of the court of Ordinary of said oounty and show cuuse, if any they have, ‘ why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this February 2, 1908, SAAI 1 HURST. Ordinary. Mr. A. Marshall Haslam of Mar- shallville was married on Tuesday, February 3rd, to Miss Annette Scott Beall, daughter of Hon. Thomas N. Beall of Talbotton. The groom is a nephew of Mr. O. P. Marshall of Perry, and his many friends here cordially extend congratulations and best wishes. Dyspeptics ^are made every day by /their own carelessness. Cure that case of Consti pation and Indigestion ere it’s chronic. Try —Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning there was much thunder with the heavy and continuous ruin, A nogro who crossed Big Indian creek bridge Wednesday morning said: “You jus ought’er see de creek. It sho is full, and mo cornin’ in ” AND TONIC Pellbts—-a remedy, that assists Nature and does not get in her way. Strong purgatives gripe and make confirmed in-/j 4 valids. Ramon’s act gently and & 'M e ff ect permanent cures. Complete Treatment 25 cts. v ter in/ it>ls Co., New Y orY- Stops tlie Gough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cures a cold in one day. No cure, No pay Price, 25 cents Window Shades. Window Shades. Just two qualities, but stacks and cords of th^m. All the pop ular colors in the opaque. Prices 25c and 50c. L. M. Paul’s —The best Cook Stove on the market; it arrived this .week. Something new. We would be glad to show it to you. Edwards & Marshall. With Georgia crops pitched to produce more than enough food supplies for each farm, there could not be too much increase in the cot ton acreage. —Syrup by barrel cheap. F. M. Houser. GEORGIA MACOIN, see From Central America it i3 re ported that Gautemala has declared war against Honduras and Salvador. ) Bears the Signature of CASTOR IA Forlnfantsand Children. .v>; Two hundred young men and ladies to qualify for paying positions. If you are interested, write us for our handsome illustrated catalog. THE LANIER SOUTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE, Macon, £a. HIGH GRADE GUANO, ACID, MEAL Distinct earthquake shocks were felt at St. Louis, Mo., at 'Marion, 111;, and in several Kentucky towns last Sunday night. No damage was done. Cured of Rheumatism Alter Spend ing $3,009 in Vain. Mrs. G. L. Thaxter, of Ashland, Cal., writes: “I had been long afflicted with inflammatory Rheumatism and was con fined to my bed six months. I had tried every known remedy; spending $3,000 to no effect. I used three bottles of URIC- SOL, and found permanent relief.” URICSOL, never fails to oure diseases incident to disorders ofJt;i n Kidneys and Bladder wn>r caused b- uric acid. Druggists sell i at $1.00 per buttle, cu six bottles Qr $5.00. CLOSEST PBICBS. Can pave yon money. Hold your orders until you me. am selling for 15. T. Adams & Co, , e ■■ ' ■ ‘•tiv, » • - ' ' ■ ’ ' . ’ . M'-M. mm