Newspaper Page Text
By a Pupil of Uuion Academy,
The two continents, or grand
divisions of North and South
America, together, are known ns
America, it being so called from
Amercicns Vespuius, the man who
wrote the first description of it
after it was discovered. North
America is north and a little west
of South America. Th^y consti
tute what we call the New Worijg,
in preference to Europe, Asia,
Africa and Australia, because
they were the last to be discovered.
North Atnorica is larger than
South America, but they are
shaped somewhat alike; both be
ing wide in the north and taper
ing toward the south. Each has
very high mountains in the wes
tern part, lower mountains in the
eastern, and a central plain be
tween tjiem. The Isthmus of Pan
ama connects these two • conti
As North America is our native
country, I suppose a more defi
nite description should given of it.
A great part of the western half
of North America is a mountain
ous region, consisting of the
New Yorker: From a source
eminently respectable and trust
worthy, l am advised that the real
reason John D. Rockefeller is op
posing anti-trust legislation is a
fear Test congress might impair
his fortune and therebv be com
Not unlike some other great
men, Chief Justioe Marshall gave
little attention to dress or to per
sonal pulchritude, although his
face was unusually handsome. A
story is told of a young man who C. R. Mann, Pres,
had" recently removed to Rich-
3E»33 XY.!E«.Xl.''S”,
R. L. Cater, Y. Pres.
L. F. Cater, Cashier
pelled to cut down his benefac-1 mond. This new comer saw in
tions and gifts for the education-! the market a rusty-lookmg old
al and missionary work. He is : mau making his way slowiy
only worth about $1,000,000,000, through the entrance and walking
and it would be very distressing up to him abruptly, asked him it
if congress should do anything to he would like to make a nmepence
reduce his income, which amounts hv carrying a turkey home for
to only $50,000,000 or $60,000,000 j him. The old man quietly took
a year. Mr. Rockefeller looks the turkey and walked behind the
upon his vast fortune rb a trust i newly arrived citizen without a
given him for the elevation of word, until the latter had reached
Directors—F. M. Houser, L. M. Paul, A. A, Smouk, J. N. Tuttle, C. R. Maun
L. F. Cater, R. L. Cater.
Every facility for transacting a general Banking Business,
Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada,
Sierra Madre, Cascade, and the
Coast Ranges. The eastern part
is also mountainous, but its moun
tains are not near so high, so
wide, or so long as they are in
the western part. Both these
mountain regions yield different
kinds of ore; some of which are
gold, silver, iron, copper and coal.
There is a great plain between
the mountain region the east and
the one on the west, which is
known as the Central Plain of
North America. It is drained by
three large rivers; namely: the
Mississippi, Nelson, and Macken
zie. The Mississippi being the lar
gest. This plain is a fine farmiug
North America is crossed by
the oool and warm belts of heat.
The extreme northern part ex
tends into the cold belt, and the
extreme southern part into the
hot belt. *
The Andes mountains are in
the western part of South Ameri
ca and there are lower mountains
on the eastern side. There is also
a plain between these mountains,
as in North America, and is drain
ed by the Orinoco, Amazon, and
Panama rivers, the Amazon being
the largest river in South Ameri
ca, and also .the largest in the
The northern part of South
America is in the hot belt, the
middle part in the oool or warm,
and the southern part in the cold.
There is'very much difference
between America to-day and
about four hundred years ago, or
about the time Columbus discov
ered it. A great improvement
has been made. A large trade is
carried on in nearly all parts of
America and between it and sev
eral other countries. The rail
road, 'which leads to the many
different parts of the two conti
nents, is one of the greatest helps
in carrying on trade.
The Isthmus of Panama is only
about thirty miles wide. It has a
railroad across it. They are try
ing to separate the two continents
by digging a canal across the isth
mus, which, if they can do, will
be a great benefit to ships. It will
save the ships, when going from
one ocean to another, from going
the long way around by the south
ern end of South America.
A Mother’s Recommendation.
I have used Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy fora number of years
and have no hesitancy in saying
that it is the best remedy for
- coughs, colds aad croup I have
ever used in my family. I have
not words to express my confi
dence in this remedy.—Mrs. J. A.
Moore, North Star, Mich. For
sale by all druggists.
mamdndi After having spent fiftj
years separating maukind from
its money he intends to devote
the remaining ten years of his al
lotted years to redistributing the
cash. He has planned this work
mi a broad and gonerous scale and
it grieves him to the heart to feel
that congress might in its blind
ness and incapacity interfere with
the com^um(nation.- Mr. Rocke
feller only wants to leave his
heirs $900,000,000. The hoofs and
horns .and bristles he is entirely
willing to give to the poor and
needy. He had a headache when
lie sent those telegraphic orders
to his senators in congress to hold
up hostile legislation. But for
that fact he might have framed
his orders in more gentle language,
but when the public learns of
that headache it will forgive him,
knowing the purity of his motive
and his innate kindliness of spirit.
his own gate.
“Catch!” said the young man,
tossing a ninepenoe to his hire
The old mau caught the nine-
pence, and as he turned to walk
away a gentleman passing bowed
deferentially "to him.
“Who is that shabby old fel
low?” asked the turkey buyer.
“The chief justice of the United
States,” was„the reply.
“Impossible!” stammered the
blunderer. “Why did he bring
the turkey—why—”
. “To teach you a lesson in good
breediug,” interrupted the gentle
man. “He will give the money
away before he gets hotre, but I
have no diubt he is enjoying the
|nk| you have so condescendingly
given him.” -Lippinoott’s Maga
zine. * i
Charles A. Dana’s Logic.
They tell a goo.d story of Charles
A. Dana—says a writer in the At
lantic—how Dana once summon
ed a boy reporter and said, “To
morrow you write up the yacht
“But,” said the lad, “I don’t
know how, I’m a Nebraskan. I
only came here last night, sir,
and I haven’t so much as seeu
New York harbor yet. As for
yachts —why, I never saw a yacht
in my lifel”
“Just the reason I sent for you,
my boy 1 You’ll write a story that
people can read; youTl picture
the thing; you’ll write with en
thusiasm because it’s all new to
Sane logic I The poetry of the
sea has always been written by
landsmen; it always will be. The
barrack-room ballads are best
sung by a gentle civilian. The
inside of anything is clearest seeu
by au erstwhile outsider. Mr.
Bryce, not Mr. Lodge, writes
“The American Commonwealth.”
Emerson, not Carlyle, writes “En
glish traits.”
Mysterious Circumstance.
One was pale and sallow and
the other fresh'and rosy. Whence
the difference? She who is blush
ing with health uses Dr. King’s
New Life Pills to maintain it. By
gently arousing the. lazy organs
they compel good digestion and
head off constipation. Try them.
Only 25c at Holtzclaw’s Drugstore
A bill introduced into the Utah
Legislature makes the first Mon
day in October a legal holiday, to
be known as “Health Day.” On
that day it is. made compulsory
for every person in the state to
clean and disinfect thoroughly
dwellings, stores, theaters, public
halls, of all kinds, and, in fact,
every building of any kind used
by the people.
Cut this out and take it to any
drugstore and get a free sample of
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver
Tablets, the best physic. They
cleanse and invigorate the atom
ach, improve the appetite and reg
ulate the bowels. Regular size 25c
per box.
A Story About Schwab.
Charles M. Schwab when he was
a boy attended the village school
of Loretta, Pa., and in Loretta
they still tell the story of young
Schwab and the brick, says the
Pittsburg Gazette. It seems that
the schoolmaster was an ardent
geologist. He had ordered one
day that each of the children
bring to school a specimen of some
sort, and these specimens he would
designate and desoribe one by one.
Accordingly on the appointed day
a great armload of stones were
brought to the little ouilding,
but young Schwab’s contribution
to the armload was a bijoken brick.
In due oourse the master took up
the specimens.
“This,” he said, “is a piece o
feldspar from the crossroaos
“This is a piece of marl from
the meadpw.
“This is a piece of argillaceous
sandstone from the quarry.
“And this,” he thundered, tak
ing up the broken brick, ’•'this iB
a piece of impudenco from Char
lie Schwab.”
Staple Groceries, Stock
Feed, Farm Supplies, ef,c.,
I l
is where the stock is complete, the goods of best quality
and the
I invite the farmers of Houston county, and other readers
of the Home Journal, to give me a share
of their patronage.
451, 453 & 456 Third St.
■s. as®
Better Than Gold.
“I was troubled for several years
with chronic indigestion and ner
vous debility,” writes F. J. Green
of Lancaster, N. H. “No remedy
helped me until I began using
Electric Bitters, which did me
more good than all the medicines
ever used. They have also kept
my wife in excellent health for
years. She says Electric Bitters
are just splendid ^or female trou
bles; that they are a grand tonic
and incinerator for weak and run*
down women. No other medicine
can take its place in our family.”
Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction
guaranteed. .Holtzclaw’s Drugstore
Eight per cent, of the popula
tion of this country is still illiter
ate. In Germany only one per
cent, of illiterates exists, and in
Bavaria, Baden, Wurtenberg and
Scandinavia there are no totally
uneducated people.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Everything Goes!
i 1
Our winter stock of Fine Dress Goods, Trimmings,
Cloaks, etc/, will bp sold for cash at reduced prices.
None better in the city.
are with us, and 'will be especially glad, to seive
their Houston friends.
Don’t wait, but call at once.
JLjJlljOkD-tliJtv. vZ),
either need a Stove or a Range? If
so, I can fill your order and guaran
tee to do it satisfactorily. I carry a complete line of
Best made in A
United States, J
National Steel Ranges (
Excelsior Stoves and Ranges,
New Enterprise Stoves,
Grand Oak Stoves
My fall stock of Crockery and Housefurnisnings is
moie complete than it has been heretofore.
Triangular Block.
'0 i-v&U',