The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, April 02, 1903, Image 2

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I i v y \ W * m mmmm: WMmrn W i$'3JBE jov@J*siU. $1.50 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE, Published Every Thursday Horning. .Tuo.H. riOD(JB}8. Editor and Publisher RK& • # Sel^n. fe:’; .-. . mw- Perry, Thursday, April 2. FiioM October 21st to Slat will be the time of the state fair. Thbrh was a light snow fall in North Carolina last Sunday. The weather displayed decidedly equinoctial symptoms last Sunday. The Cuban senate hds ratified the reciprocity treaty as it passed the TJ. S. senate. ""The change of weather last Sun day may have been Hicks’ prediction that missed schedule connection. —■ There is no better property pos session yin Georgia than a good farm well tilled under the personal super vision of its owner. —;—— *... Because President Roosevelt has looked too much on the dark side, he thinks the sout^i does not regard him in the right light. In the density of population Geor gia ranks eleventh among the states and territories. New York is No. 1 and Pennsylvania No. 2. J Agricultural conditions in Geor gia will be materially improved by an inoreasejn the number of farms cultivated by their owners. — The next presidential electoral col lege will be composed of 476 elect ors; therefore the successful candi date must receive 239 electoral votes. The cotton exchanges of New York opd New Orleans are planning to drive “bucket shops” out of busi ness, by depriving them of the stock telegraph service. »-•-* — , At north Birmingham; Ala., the jail was burned last Friday j and it is thought a prisoner named Beech- am, wanted at Winder, Ga.,for forg ery, was oremated with the building. —-~ In middle Georgia agricultural prosperity has been muoh enhanced by the revival of wheat growing. Further material benefit will oome from an extensive increase in cattle raising. A distinguished oitizen recently returned from the Philippines says the political conditions in.the islands are similar to those that prevailed in the Confederate states direotly after the civil war. *-•-« Maj. D. A. Frederick, assistant .adjutant-general of the U. S. army, a Georgian, has been ordered to re port for duty in the Philippine Isl ands. He is a brother of Mrs. A. 0. Riley of Fort Valley. A negro named Will Dorsey was hung for® highway robbery last Fri day at Birmingham, Ala,, the first time in the history of that state when the death penalty has been imposed for that orime. — *-•-4 The Empress of Germany was thrown .from her horse and her right arm broken last Thursday, while riding with a party at Gune- wald, near Berlin. It is not thought the fracture will prove serious. —: Noel Goodson, au employe pf the Central railroad, was awarded $10,- 000 damages in the oity court of Mason last Thursday, for injuries recently received while switching a train in the railroad yards at Macon. For the Benefit of Houston. • • r Since the organization of the Houston County Fair Association on Maroh 21st, interest in the pro posed county fair has steadily in creased. In all sections the people are talking enthusiastically of the proposed fair, and of the probability of winning the first premium at the state fair. As the minutes stated last week, nine districts were represented in the organization meeting. Of the $1,000 of stock desired, $260 was subscribed in the meeting. Since, Messrs, 0. 0. Duncan, Jr., and Jno. H. Hodges, of Perry, and C. W. Withoft, of Fort Valley, have secur ed ovei$$300 of subscriptions to the stock, and will increase the amount, they say, materially before the meet ing next week. Thus it is Been that over half of the amount asked for has been secured, with the solicitors in the eleven other districts yet to hear from. The financial feature, therefore, ts in satisfactory shape. At the meeting next Monday the oommrftee on premium list and rules will report, and tho executive com mittee will be appointed. It is not our purpose here to make any definite suggestions as to the line of procedure, but merely to in sist that this enterprise should en list tho cordial co-operation of every progressive man in the county,what ever may be his calling. The pur pose is for the general good of the county, with incidental benefit to every individual who endeavors earn estly to produce something of pre mium-earning value. The proposed fair means more than a mere exhibit of the agricul tural, industrial and household prod ucts of the county at the fair to be held at Perry, It means a contest at the state fair for the first prize of $1500 for the best county exhibit shown. That prize means more than the money to be awarded. It means eminent distinction before all men who will attend the state fair. Such a magnificent illustration of the re sources ot the oounty, the capacity of the soil, the industry and enter prise of the citizens, will be such a valuable advertisement as could be seoured in no other way. Suoh a winning exhibit would be heralded throughout the states, and the attention already attracted to Georgia would be oentered upon the oounty winning that first prize. Our people can make, oolleot and show suoh an exhibit. Our people are accustomed to doing that which they undertake. Let us now deter mine to capture that first prize at the state fair, and begin now to work earnestly for that goal. We can win if we will. It is settled that there will be a county fair at Perry next October. It can be made the best county fair ever held in this section of Georgia. But this cannot be done without earnest and persistent work. We have confidence that the re sult will not be disappointing. ■ mV ' Admiral Dewey,who was in charge of the recent maneuvers of the Uni ted States navy in the Garribean sea, is reported as saying that our navy is much superior to that of Germany, and that in its personnel it is the best in the world. At Wash ington it is thought the admiral was indiscreet in making this distinct comparison to the discredit of the German navy. ?r\i(t of Hanna’s Foolishness. The so-called negro problem, like an odorous mass of filth, is not im proved by Btirring. Despite the fact that the negroes are treated better in the south than anywhere else in world, there are many hypocritical philanthropists who are constantly agitating the question to the hurt of the race and the inconvenience of everybody that have any business dealings with the negroes. Worse than all, however, are the bids for political favor embracing deceptive intimations of financial benefit to come. In this connection our Washing ton correspondent says: “What is regarded in Washington as an outgrowth of Senator Hanna’s ex-slave pension bill and the public ity given to the fact that it cannot pass, has just ocourred in Cleveland and is the occasion of serious an noyance to prominent republican politicians. The ‘Equal Right As sociation,’ composed of negroes, and some three hundred thousand strong, has adopted a set of resolutions ap pealing to the heads of foreign na tions to interfere to save them from being murdered by Americans. The closing sentence of the appeal reads: For God’s Bake intervene to save us, the Afro-American men, women, and children, before we are all murdered by those so-called prejudicial whites of America. We plead, we beg you to save us.’ This appeal is addressed to all the crowned heads of Europe and Asia. Ridiculous as it is on its face, there is some fear that iu may do serious mischief in the .‘black belt,’ where it will doubtless be used to stir up trouble. It is written by the same negro, 0. W. Hines, who predicted war and bloodshed in the south, a short time ago, at a meet ing in Washington.” Macon, C-»a. Confederate Veterans’ Re-Union. Now Orleans, La., May ID to 22, 1903. Tickets will be on sale at all ticket stations on the Central of Georgia Railway to New Orleans, La., and return at rate One Cent Per Mile in each direction, May 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, final limit May 24, 1903. Through trains will be oper ated without change. For prompt and reliable service, see that your ticket reads via Central of Georgia Railway. Rates, schedules and oth er information cheerfully furnished upon application to any agent or representative of the company. In a circular issued last Thursday Secretary Shaw offered to refund $100,000,000 of 3 and 4 per cent bonds. If accepted, the transaction would release to circulation more than $5,000,000 in accrued interest. Peace does not prevail altogether in the Philippines. Within the last two weeks there have been several skirmishes between bands of insur gents and scouting parties of Amer ican and native constables, [n one instance the constabulary force was defeated, and in eaoh engagement several men were killed. A gun that shoots twenty-fhe times with one pull of the trigger has been invented by Dr. S. N. Mc Lean of Cleveland, Ohio, and the test was declared to be satisfactory by Gens. Miles and Wheeler several days ago. — In a private letter to the editor of tht Home Journal Hon. Dudley M. Hughes says: “I see through some of the papers it is announced that I will be a candidate for congress next year. I am responsible in no way foijthis report.” Sir Heotor McDonald, command ing general of the British forces in Ceylon, committed suicide in Paris last Thursday. He had been charg ed with immoral conduct, and had been ordered to return to Ceylon to undergo court-martial. » Representative Fields of Dooly county says he will introduce at the next summer session of the Georgia legislature a bill to extend the state railroad to Savannah or Brunswick. He says if this is not done the road should be sold. w. While the 45 states have a total of 476 electoral votes, an average of a fraction over 10£, the range is wide—from 3 eaoh for Utah, Neva da, Montana and Washington, to 35 for Pennsylvania and 39 for New York. Speculators are now working the wires to influence the farmers to plant a large ootton crop. Experi ence ought to have > taught the les son that cotton speculators gain profit by “fleecing” growers of the Though the Benate twice failed to. aot upon the nomination of Ihe ne gro, Crum, for the position of reve nue collector at Charleston, S. C., President Roosevelt has again ap pointed him, and Crum will soon have the political loaf in his keeping. _—;—-*“•-*——L * It is unjust to Mr. Bryan to charge him with scheming to become man ager of the next national democratic campaign. The man is deoidedly lacking in political knowledge who thinks that position can be gained through intrigue. — ■* Ex-Senator Pritchard of North Carolina has been appointed a jus tice of the supreme court of the District of Columbia, to succeed Judge Bingham, retired. In an attack upon a fort held by Filipinos near Manila, last Friday, Lieutenant Reese, a native of La- Grange, Ga., was seriously wounded. jezsoHtJile $ reassonaJble \ GEORGIA.—Houston County. W* J. Slooumb, Adm’r Est. of Mrs. V. E. Slooumb, dec’d; has applied for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased. Thisis therefore to oite all persons con cerned to appear at the April term, 1903, of the court of Ordinary of said oounty, and show oause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this Maroh 10th, 1903. SAM. T. HURST, Ordniary. Subscribe for fra Home Journal. 559 ft Phesrry.; OUR SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE. The Prettiest Goods that were ever brought to Macon are Now Ready for Your Inspection. Tne Wool Dress Goods Department is replete with new fabrics, such as Yoile, Mistral, Etamine, Crepe-de-Chine, Canvas Cloth, Mohair, Bagonett, Kanavg,, Hop-Sacking, Crynolet, Crepe Cheviot and others too numerous to men tion. BLACK AMD COLORED SILKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. White and Colored Muslins, ‘dainty, sheer and beautiful. Lace Curtains. Bedspreads and Hosiery. , A visit from the people of Houston and surrounding counties is earnestly solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. i_. is s s :ej ir, 7 s, 559 CHERRY STREET. MACON. GEORGIA CLOTHES O F QUALITY. Our up-to-date, handsome Spring Suits are decidedly well bred—-and you can call them “Clothes of Quality,” for they certainly contain all the qualities appreciated by good dressers. The newest fabrics are here in single and doub le-breasted sacks, with the new collars and lapels. Our Suits have not been out of, the makers hand long enough to lose their bloom of fresh ness. Splendid time to make your selection. It’ you can’t come to Macon to buy, write us, as we pay *• Special Attention to Mail Orders. Benson, Walker & Moore, Tfie dp-te-Date Gletfiiers. . 420 THIRD ST. : MACON, GA. - 1 o~u. Can 33'U-37' 2N^La,db-in.er37~, Have your Machinery repaired^ buy partB of Machinery, Pipe and Steam Fittings and Dressed Lumber at ...Antlioine’s Machine Works... Y * . . - FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. A , n ki ? d ^ S Work in Iron and Wood. Patterns made to order. Dress ed and Matched Flooring and Ceiling for sale and Lumber dressed to order. ^FULL LINE OF COFFINS AND CASKETS. HIGH GRADE GUANO, ACID, MEAL AND KAINIT, Can sayl you money. Hold your orders until you see me. ( I am selling for B. T. Adams Sc Co, #". IP. COOPER, PERRY, GEORGIA. F.13U T. T C^eOOlvC, BE—DEALeB IN— WATCHES, - CLOCKS kV A ^D JEWELRY, OPTICIAN SPECIALTIES. f Eigh- Class Work of Every Description. Absolute Satisfaction * Guaranteed, 509 Fourth Street, MACON, GA. flip , . ' ): v • ■ • ' - ■ t