Newspaper Page Text
Thousands Hare Kidney Trouble
and Don’t Know it.
Bow To Find Out.
Fill ai bottle or common glass with your
water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set
tling indicates an
I unhealthy condi
tion of the kid
neys; if it stains
your linen it is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
pass it or pain in
. , , , the back is also
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
C, What to Do.'
f There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects inability
to hold water and scalding pain in passing
It, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon
realized. It stands the highest for its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes.
. You may have a sample bottle of this
Wonderful discovery
and a book that tells,
tnore about it, both sent]
absolutely free by mall.
Address Dr. Kilmer & Home of Swamp-Root.
Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men
tion reading this generous offer In this paper.
Don’t rpake any mistake, but remember
the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer’s
Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton,
N.Y., on every bottle.^
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
GEORGIA, Houston County.
Notice is hereby given to all creditors
of the estate of J. E, Powell, late of said
county, deceased, to render in an account
of their demands to me within the time
prescribed by law, properly made out.
And all persona indebted to said deceas
ed are hereby requested to make imme
diate payment to the undersigned.
This the 8th day of April, 1908.
Laura O. PowbiiIi, Adm’x.
of J. E. Powell, deo’d.
Address Jeffersonville, Ga.
Dr. T. kTtHARPE,
Crown and Bridge Work.
All olasses of Dentistry.
Offie adjoiniug Express Office, South
side of Court House Square.
Will praotioe in the several courts,
Federal and State.
Special attention given to causes in
the courts of this circuit.-
Practice in all the Courts.
Loans negotiated and Land Titles
abstracted. Gollectiohs on all points.
Security Bonds furnished.
J. D. MARTIN, Sr.,
Perry, Ga.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Office in Masonio 'Building.
Office over Slappey’s Drugstore.
Successor to Dr. W. A. Blassengame.
R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 5-cent packet is enough for usual occasions.
The family bottle (60 cents) contains a supply
for a year. All druggists sell them.
(Special attention given
Transient Trade.
New Convict Lease.
At the regular meeting of the
county commissioners last Tuesday
the convicts of Houston county,
hereafter sentenced to chaingang
service, were leased to the Georgia
Iron & Goal Oo. of Bartow county.
The contract can be terminated at
will by the commissioners, after giv
ing the lessees 30 days’ notice. The
lessees agree to pay $12 per month
each for able-bodied men, $6 for
for seoond grade males and $4 for
females. The first price named is
$1.25 per month greater than the
old contract, the other figures the
same. There were three bids for
the convicts.
During the session the commis
sioners discussed the proposition to
repair and improve the court house.
Flinch Party at Byron.
Byron young men are very gallant
and unsurpassed in anything nice.
Last Wednesday afternoon they
issued invitations to the young la
dies to attend a Flinch Party' at the
drug store. The ladies aocepted,
taking with them the genial chape-
jtones, Mr. W. H. Ezell and wife and
Mrs. 0. O. Richardson. Tables,
chairs and Flinch were provided in
abundance, and eaoh became absorb
ed in the immediate circle, studying
his, or her, own hand and Flinch
pile. Quiet reigned at all the tables
except noisy No. 6, where teasing
and cheating prevailed aud'no per
suasion was Bufflc’ent to quell the
prattle, ’til brilliant Dr. Warren
mentioned his‘father’s old comrade.’
This made one timid, lady so forget
herself as to addresser blushing gen
tleman as “Hun,” but I believe he
liked it. Messrs. J. T. Warren and
0. 0. Lowe didn’t lack words of wit
and courtesy as they saw that each
guest was supplied with delicious
pineapple cream and cake. A second
time they remembered us,with vanilla
cream and cakes. So highly did they
entertain us that we were loth {to
leave at 11. Much did we appreci
ate their successful efforts, aud in
years to come we’ll find the sweet
memories of that evening lingering
with us. Those present were, Misses
Bessie aud Essie Oline, Maggie aud
Hattie Warren, Effie Orawford, Ro
sa Oaldwell, Charlie Mulkey, Mattie
King and Bertha Peavy; Messrs. 0.
L. Bateman, 0. 0. Lowe, Dr. M. A.
Warren, J, T. Warren, Elisha Ulm.
M. 0. Mosely, W. S. Ellis, W. H,
Ezell and wife, Mrs. Richardson.
Myrtle News.
By Lily.
The farmers are appreciating these
fair days, and are hustling around
lively taking advantage of them.
Miss Gussie King of Perry is
spending this week with friends
Mrs. G. D. Anderson is visiting
relatives at Haddock.
Mr. Henry Clark and Miss Nellie
Cheek attended preaching at Provi
dence Sunday.
Miss Pauline Smoak of Perry was
the guest of ,Miss Ollie Harper from
last Friday until Monday.
Mrs. M. A. Blewster and brother
of Fort Valley spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. W. P. Short.
Messrs. Johnson and Long of
Fort Valley and Mr. Roy Speight
of Unadilla visited three “special
friends” here Sunday evening.
We regret to learn that Mr. Geo,
English is quite sick.
Mr, R.E, Harper made a flying trip
to the Central City Saturday after
Farmers’ Institute, 23rd District.
Knoxville, Ga., May 4, 1903,
Editor Home Journal,
MBPerry, Ga.:
Dear Sir: On the 30 th day of
May, inst., a farmers’ institute for
the 23rd senatorial district, conduot-
ducted by Hon. Harvey Jordan, will
be held at Knoxville, Ga. The fol
ding subjects will be disoussed,
to-wit: Oorn culture, deep plowing,
forage crops, fertilizers and improv
ed breeding of live stock.
The farmers of Houston county
are earnestly requested to attend.
Dinner will be provided for all visit
ors. The railroads have agreed to
to give a one-fare rate for the round
trip. Urge upon the citizens of your
county interested in agriculture the
imjfbrtance of this meeting,and urge
them to to attend. You are request
ed to publish this letter in your pa
per, and also such other matter as
you think will best bring this mat
ter to the attention of the farmers.
You are also cordially asked to at
tend, aud the ladies are especially
invited to attend.
s Jeff D. MoGee, PreB.
Wm. Rutherford,
Dr. J. N. Smith,
M. H. MoElmurrav,
K. P. Lowe,
Dr. J. W. Jones,
W. W. Jordan, Com.
H. M. Burnett, Sec.
—High Grade
and Best Teas at
Byron Briefs.
The Byron Sunday Sohools aud
the day school will unite in a pionie
at Gunn’s Pond Friday, this week.
Mr. Will Andrews of Maoon visit
ed Mr. W. H. Ezell Sunday.
Mr. J. W. Vinson spent several
days last week with relatives at
Mrs. C. C. Rishardson is visiting
her daughter, Miss Kate, at the G.
N. and I. college.
Miss Mattio Mill of Macon was
the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. H.
Ezell, Sunday.
Mr. Linton Holleman of Dunbar
visited friends in Byron Sunday. *
Mr. Emmett Vinson of Walden
spent Saturday and Sunday with
Mrs. M. 0. Vinson and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick of
Macon were the guests of Mr. H. J.
Peavy and family Sunday.
Dr. M. D. Hood spent last week
with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Roberts, in
Mrs. Emmett Vinson of Walden
is spending the weGk with her moth- 1
er, M!rs. M. C. Vinson.
Misses Annie Peavy, Ruth Tharp
and Master Warren Holland attend
ed the birthday party of Master Ar
thur Peavy in Macon Monday after
noon. Bvron Correspondent.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our sin
cere thanks to all our friends who
so nobly and kindly assisted u$
during our recent affliction. You
have surely placed us under ever
lasting obligations to you for your
many kindnesses.
Mr. and Mrs, R, L. Marghman.
Mossy Hill Notes.
The Jlurnal has made quite a
popular hit in its suggestion to im
prove the court house, judging from
the many favorable expressions we
We have had two nice weeks of
working weather and farming haB
moved with a great rush. Some
few farmers had oo plant over a part
of their crops, but most of them re
port good stands. The grain orop
has had a stroke of paralysis and is
on its last legs.
Snakes are reported on the move
in great numbers—we haven’t seen
any, as we haven’t had time to go
on a fishing frolio.
We greatly regretted to hear that
our neighbor, Mr. J. Wimberly,
had the misfortune to lose his young
horse last week. The horse attempt
ed to jump a picket fence and was
snagged to death.
We have had with us lately the
patent medioine man, the whooping
oough, the man selling the best bug
gy ever put on the market, eto., but
thanks, it now looks as if a brighter
day is coming, for the blaokberry
and plum orops are iu sight.
Maj. James W. Warren, secretary
of the state executive department of
Georgia, was killed by a train on
the Georgia railroad last Monday
afternoon, neas his home at Kirk
wood.. He was orossing the traok
when the tr&in from Augusta dashed
around a curve aud struck him, kill
ing him inatantl}'. He was born in
Putnam oounty, Ga., in. 1826. For
32 consecutive years he was secreta
ry of the executive department, serv
ing without intermiBBion under, ten
governors. No man in Georgia
knew more of the states and its af
fairs, none more highly esteemed.
Hoai’s This^
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
onseof Catarrh that oannot bo ourodby Hall’s
Gotarrli Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO, Prop’s, Toledo, O.
Wo, tlio unddrslgnod, liavo known F. J.
vdionoy for tlio last lft yoars, and bollove him
perfectly honorable In all business transactions
and flnanoially able to carry out any obliga
tions made by tlioir Arm.
West & TuuAX,Wliolosalo Druggists,Toledo, 0.
Walding, Rinnan sc Marvin,
Wliolosalo Druggists, Toledo, O,
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally,acting
directly upon tlio blood and mucous surfaeos or
tee system. I'rleo 76o. per bottlo. Sold by all
Druggists. Testimonials free. •
Hall’s Family Pills are tne bost.
If you need a nice Tie, we have
it for you. Edwards & Marshall.
Plow Goods of any kind at
Fred, M. Houser’s.
Two scientific faots: 1st, a flesh wound
exposed to the air is liable to absorb a
disease germ that will oause no end of
trouble. 2nd, a thin film (a temporary
skin) is formed over, a wound by the first
application of Ramon’s Nerve and Bone
Oil. Sea the conclusions? Get a boitle
to-day. Price 25 cents.
—You will find the best Geor
gia Cane Syrup at W. D. Day’s.
SONS In each state to travel for house estabf
llsoed eleven years and with a largo capital, to
call on merchants and agents for successful
and profitable lino, l'ermaneut engagement.
Weekly cash salary of $18 and all traveling ex
penses and hotel bills advanced in cash each
week. Experience not essential. Mention refer
ence and enoloso self-addressed envelope. to30
THE NATIONAL, 334 Dearborn St., Chicago.
A swell line of Hose aud H.. r _
Hose; the prettiest line ever shown
in Perry; 10c to 50c pair.
Edwards & Marshall.
Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
Are generally caused by an excess of
urio, laotio and lithic aoids in the system.
URIOSOL, the great California Rheu-
matio Remedy, oorreots this diathesis
and thus oures Rheumatism, Sciatica,
Lumbago, Neuralgia aud many forms of
Liver, Kidney and Bladder troubles.
See advertising elsewhere and send for
book of particulars, to the Lamar Sc
Rnnkin Drug Oo., Atlanta, Ga.,or URIO
SOL OhemiCal Oo., Los Angeles, Oal.
Druggists sell it at $1.00 per bottle, or
six bottles for $5.00.
Old Sharpe Williams, guaranteed
eight years old; by the gallon, $3.00;
four full quarts $3.50 express prepaid.
George J. Coleman Rye, guaranteed
six years old; by the gallon $2.75, four
full quarts $8.00 express prepaid,
Anvil Rye, guaranteed fpur years old;
by the gallon $&60, four full quarts $.75
express prepaid.
Clifford llyo, by the gallon $2.25,
four full quarts &2.50 express prepaid.
Old Kentucky Corn, guaranteed eight
years old; bv the gallon $3.00, four full
quarts $3.25 express prepaid.
Old Pointer Club Corn, guaranteed
four yeurs old; by the gallon $2,60, four
full quarts $2.75 express prepaid.
We handle all the leading brands of
Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in the mar
ket, and will save you from twenty-five
to fifty per cent, on your purchases.
Send for Price List an<J catalogue*
Mailed free upon application.
Altmnyer & Flntau Liquor Co.,
500 508 510-512 Fourth Street,
Macon, Oo la.
Meals at All Hours.
Good meal 25 Cents.
Fish and Oysters ia season.
— I also keep a full line of —
and Fruits in season.
Respectfully, DALLAS CLARK,
' Perry, Georgia.
—The sale of bottle coca cola
has remarkably increased in Per
ry, while the commercial cider
has been displaced by ginger ale
“lagerade” and “sarsaparilla
brew.” It seems that water, lem
onade, soda water, cannot Bupply
the demand for “something to
drink” during leisure hours.
—It is estimated that 850 car
loads of peaches will be. shipped
from Fort Valley this season, in
cluding those loaded at Myrtle
and Perry. No estimate has yet
been placed upon the yield from
the orchards at Tivola and those
near Wellston.
—I Will Enlarge yonr small
Photo to 8x10 for $1.00 and give
you a Shoe Pin free.
Jno 0. Price, Macon Ga.
—“Strength and vigor come of
good food, duly digested. ‘Force,’
a ready-to-serve wheat and barley
food, adds no burden but sustains,
nourishes, invigorates.”
-Nice line of
. Si
W. B. Sims
Can’t we sell you a Tailor-made
Suit? See our samples.
Edwards & Marshall.
—How about Hammocks? A
big line of these great luxuries
at L. M. Paul’s.
—Graham Flour 40/ per sack,
J. D. Martin, Jr.
Roasted Coffee
W. B. Sims’.
—Kabo Corsets. Have you look
ed at the new models-in the Dip
Hip. Remember the Kabo is the
only corset With No Brass Eye
lets. You find them at
L. M. Paul’s.
—The best Stock and Poultry
Powders is Magic Food, at
W. B, Sims’.
—Mackerel to close out .8 for
25/. ' J. D. Martin, Jr.
, ■ ■ ■ L «»* ■ ■ '
—7 Glasses Pure Jelly for 25/.
J. D. Martin, Jb.
Close pi ice on Hbes at
Fred M. Houser’s.
mre stock, 50c for 18.
U Rainey, Perry, Ga.
Offers to Planters 1,000,000 Peach Trees, 500,000 Ap
Grape Vines, Pecan Trees, Ornamental Trees, in
everything grown by first-class Nurserymen,
absolutely free from any disease.
?le Trees,
The greatest oE all Southern Seaside Resorts. Having added many
improvements to the already splendid accommodations,
\ i' ' *' * 4 '> ~ ’»/ T ‘t
Is better able thap ever to take care o£ the ever increasing crowds
that will this year flock to that popular resort, This rates, t' v: wiw rj
$2.60 per Day and $12.50 to $15.00 per Week,
are in reach of all. Special rates to large parties. ’
THE PULASKI HOUSE is the best and most oonvenieui place-
at which to stop while in Savannah.
CHAS. F. 0RAHAM, Proprietor,