The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, September 24, 1903, Image 1

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JOHN H. HODGES, Propr. DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROCRESS AND CULTURE. *1.00 a. Year ill Adrauec. vol. xxxm. PERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1903. NO. 39. & 1, ..■COTTON FACTOR... MACOJN, GA. By a liberal' policy and honorable methods I have built up the largest Cotton Commission business in Macon, Georgia. , Ship me your Cotton and get the best re\ urns. WILLI^TO-HAM In Memory of E. B, Henderson. Written for The Home Journal. “The only one’s .gone To the regions of light, Who cherished ns in sorrow, And made our home bright. “Oh God 1 give us grace To submit to thy will, For the only one’s gone, And we mourn for him still. “Oh send b bright ruy From his home in the skies, i To qhase away darkness, And drive away sighs. “Then, we’ll give up to Heaven Our beautiful “star,” And live iu the llightjj As it comes from afar. “Till with thee iu glory We evermore reign, And olaim there our only— Our loved!one again.” Mamma and Papa. Grovania, Ga., Sept 14, 1908,- Gunter Happenings. w. A. DAVIS. BEN. T. RAY. GEO. H. LOWE. ■ A. DAVIS & CO., 405 & 407 St. MACON, GEORGIA BEST SALESMEN IN THE CITY. They are active, accommodating and courteous. Send them your Cotton. They are honest in their dealings and wise in their judgment. <35 CO-, MAGON, GEORGIA. ' . . , We are going to move our place of business on Oct. 1st, and must reduce our stock at once, and in order to do this we will offer our entire stock at way down prices. This stock consists of ■ Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Whips, Col lars, Bridles and everything that is usually kept in a first-class car- si age repository. A nice line of $85.00 Top Bug gies that ive will sell for $65.00. _ One 36-in Water Wheel for $35. Remermlier that we must close out by Oct. 1st. If you miss this opportunity you may regret it. Come in and let us quote you some prices that will surprise you [The following was written Sep tember 14th, blit was received af ter the paper was put to press last week.] Editor Home Journal: We have just been visited with a nice rain, having been without rain about'four weeks. We were need of rain very much. Oot- An Evening with Sidney Lanier. Written for The Homo Journal. The Perry Epworth League met at the home of Mrs. Ida Rogers, Friday evening, Sept. llth v and held its regular monthly busi ness, literary and social meeting. President Houser Edwards call ed the meeting to order prompt ly at 8 o’clock, and opened with a short devotional service, as is our custom, consisting of sbngs, prayers, and a scripture lesson from the 1st and 2nd Pslams. Afterwards came the business feature: Miss May Hodges ten dered her resignation aB 1st Vice Pres., as she will be away teach ing this fall, and Miss Annie Nunn was elected to fill the un expired term. Our president then announced that the new .League Readiug Course of 1908 had been purchas ed and the books would be plaoed in the Epworth League Library in the Methodist ohuroh. It is hop ed every Leaguer will read these books, for they are all good. The following are the names of some of them: “The Old Gentleman of the Black Sbook,” The Unseen Friend,” “The Great Missiou- Ten Dollars and Free Fair Tickets. Boys At .ention! PRIZE as in ary” etc. ton season has been cut off by I The Literary feature; “An Eve drouth about 25 per cent., peas ning with Sidney Lamer” was comparatively ruined in some very, much enjoyed by all, and fields, all growing crops damaged the following programme gotten to some extent. Cotton picking | up;by -our worthy 3rd Vice-. Pres., was just in the bud. Last night was the closing ser mon of a week’s protracted meet ing at Jordan’s Chapel, being 28 members received in the church. Jordan’s Chapel is a Methodist Miss Amelia Rogers, was well .ren dered: Instrumental duett—Mrs, Simmons and Miss Simmons. Reading: “Life of Sidney La nier”—Miss Kate Hodges. Vocal Solo:. ‘‘The Rosary’’- churoh, and Hardison’s is a Mis- Miss Louise Riley. ( sionarv within a lialf iliile'of each Mandolin Solo, with piano ac other/ Neither church is yet oompiurienb—Miss Georgollobim 'old. HardTsou’s church' rapus. aud Mrs. Simmons. a year the week before had just plosed a week’s protracted meeting, re ceiving in at the closing of the meeting 16 members. Also, Mr. Editor, we were delighted to have the pleasure to attend two week’s Selection: “The. Marshes _pf Glynn”—Mins Coriune Baldwin Recitation : “HowThey Did. It’ Stella Cater. Misses May Belle Dasher and Bessie Houser.were to have taken protracted meeting of excellent ]$pl hi the program for the even preaching hacked with congregu- ing, M were unavoidably kept tion from 50 to 250 hearers, with | hway. regular strict attention, and sec ond to pone as behaviour. So in short wo,have bad' for the last 12 months, forty-four conversions, and the material for as many more in the same, space of time. Xbe writer lias long since ar- gued that Gunter’s surroundings' ns to lands and inhabitants was among the finer, if not the finest, that Houston and Crawford coun ties can afford. H. G. H. Owes His Liifie to a Nelgiulor’s Kind ness. Mr. D. P. Daugherty, well known throughout Mercer and Sumner counties, W. Va,. moBt likely owes his life to the jund- uess of a neighbor. He was al most hopelessly afflicted wjth di arrhoen; was attended, by two . . physicians who gave him little, Stockholm claims the largest if any, relief, when a neighbor school-house in the world,, which learning of his serious condition, has accommodations for 2,870 brought him a bottle of Cham- children. In the basement are berlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Di- 100 bathrooms, where the chil- arrhoea Remedy, which cured dren are required to bathe if him in less than twenty-four their teachers think they are not hours® For sale by all druggists. | taught habits of cleanliness at The remainder of the evening was spent very pleasantly and we were favored with a rare ti’eat of music, furnished by Mrs. Bim mons and Miss Fannie Moore. The next meeting will bo hold on the 2nd Friday evening of Oc tober, and each officer is request ed to have a written report of the month’s work. Go to the president .and get the regular, re port blanks i before the meeting and fill, them out . Each member is earnestly re quested to attend the meetings. With the Sunday afternoon pray er meetings, and” the monthly bus iness and literary meetings, and all visitors are welcomed J>o each one, too. Marie F. Nunn, Secretary. The Rev. Sam Jones is quoted as having said that “every preach er ought to be a mixture between a goat and a mule, so he could kick with one end and butt with the other.” The Reverend Samuel seems to be doing his best to meas ure up to the specifications*—Co lumbus Enquirer-Sun. home. Soap and towels are fur nished free by the'city. A Boy’s Wild Ride For Life, With family around expecting him to die, and’a son riding for jj^Q 1 Q mUfla fr\ Yfflf Tin New COUPON; PUZZLE CARDS. Out this out, and f>B many more you can. get, take to Houston County! Pair and compete tor the prizes—Ton ; Dollars and Free Tiokets. Two different puzzles are being dis tributed over the the county by the Oounty Fair Association; two more will be handed Around the last of this month. The boy bringing to the Fair Secretary the largest number’of the ooupons print ed above, and the fam puzzles correotly Bolved, will receive $10 in gold. The second largest number of ooupons and puzzles solved, the boy will reoeivo free tioketB to the fair three flays and a fiee pass to all the side shows, including Vaudeville and Prof. Bowman &, Wife’s atod only double P.tiuoh &i)udy followed by the great World Boaters in Juggling, second to none eXoept the fn- mnmous Hermann in sleight-of-hand. The third prize will be free admission to the Fair grounds. A Heavenward OaT- Written for Tho Homo Journal. Just as the .'block was pealing forth the hour of Jseven in closiug the beautiful day of our last Sab bath |the.angelj of death visited our little town and darkened tho home of Dr. B. Williams by bearing the spirit of sweet Hallib. (his wife) heavenward. She was sick for just one year, though not confined to her bed entirely until..about two months ago. During her long . illnesss she suffered much, though every thing that physicians, loving; hearts and hands could,do avail ed not, for iGod-had.sent his an gel to bring the .spirit - of his lov ing child home. She knew that He had sent for her and she met that Heavenly Father’s call with joy; Oh, Dear'Friend, how we will miss thee,! No one can’ore fill the* vacancy tjbou* hast made in leaving us, still we know' our loss' is thy gain, for all who knew-thee' loved thee, as,thou didst always have, a kind word, 'siveeb smile, helping hand, ami loving heart’ for each and every one, as theiu didst live a pure, happy Christian life. Farewell, sweet Hfilfie, but not for ever, ‘.‘There will be n glorious dawn; We shall meet to part, ho never, On that-Resurrection morn. Though thy sweet form lies sleopiug , Iu that cold and' 1 silent tomb, There will be a glorious waking, When the blessed Lord doth come.” Grieve not, dear mother, sister; husband, and sweet little chil dren for thy loved one is at rest. While in the hour of thy greatest- sorrow stop one moment and think'where thy love one hath gone. Gone to Heaven, that- beautiful, bright and happy home- where there i4 neither 'pain nor' sorrow. Would you, if you could, bring her back .to this old world, of toil and struggle? Yes, she has left us, but is not alone, for she hath gone not only, to meet that Heavenly Father/ but that earthly father and sis ters, Kassie, Shaddie, and Julia, who have been waiting in that, bright and happy celestial world. Listen! Can you not hear that The Williams Buggy Co., Macon, O-sl. Coughs and Colds, W, H. Brown, of Leesville, Ind., endured death’s agonies from asthma; but. this Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. I wonderful medicine gave instant Has world-wide fame for mar- relief and soon cured him. He velous cures. It surpasses any ; writes: “I now sleep soundly br other salve, lotion, ointment or; ery night.” Like marvelous cures balm for Outs, Corns, Burns, iof Consumption, JPneura'oma, Boils, Sores,'.Felons, Ulcers, Tet-I Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and ter, Salt , Rljeum, Feve.* Sores, Grip prove ita matchless merit Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions:* for all Throat and Lung troubles, infallible for Piles. Cure guam-; 1 ^ Piles. Cure’ guan-IGuaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. i aiiteed. Only 25c at Hoitzclaw.’a Trial bottles free at Holtzclaw’sj Drugstore, S drug store low siveet voice of her’s saying, , 18 miles, to get Dr. WjMkme, loved| ones, v Discovery for Consumption, for l am goipg .to, Heaven and I ._u_ wr tt t> want you. alivbo;liVe sq as to,come to me. I will be,there waiting for you.” Whenever thy thoughts are on this loved one, think of her parting words as a motto, and with the help of our kind, good Heavenly,Father thou cans’t not help but meet her in the near future. A Loving Friend and Neighbor. Bonaire, .Ga., Sept. 9, ; 1908. The value of the wheat crop is 3.7 ) per cent less than the cotton crop.