The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, October 01, 1903, Image 1

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JOHN H. HODGES, Propr. DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROGRESS AND CULTURE. 01.SO a Year iu Advance. yol. xxxiii. PEERY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1903, NO. 40. C. 1, WILOTOTAM 9 ...COTTON FACTOR GENERAL RULES, COUNTY FAIR, PROGRAM OF THE COUNTY FAIR ... MACON, GA. By a liberal policy and honorable methods I have built up the largest Cotton Commission business in Macon, Georgia. Ship me your Cotton and get the best returns. Q. IB. ■WXXjXiI3<rC3-I3:^.3yC W. A. DAVIS. BEN. T. BAY. GEO. H. LOWE. W. A. DAVIS & CO. COTTON FACTORS, 405 & 407 Poplar St. MACON, GEORGIA BEST SALESMEN IN THE CITY. They are active, accommodating and courteous. Send them your Cotton. They are honest in their dealings and wise in their judgment. •W. .A.. ID.A.^XS <50 CO., MACON, GEORGIA. Hbairta] Me We are going to move d?ur place of business on Oct. 1st, and must reduce our stock at once, and in order to do this we will offer our entire stock at way down, prices. This stock consists of Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Whips, Col lars, BridleB and everything that is usually kept in a first-class car- si age repository. A nice line of $85.00 Top Bug gies that we will sell for $65.00. _ One 86-in Water Wheel for $35. Remember that we must close out by Oct. 1st. If you miss this opportunity you may regret it. Come in aud let us quote you some prices that will surprise you Entries free unless otherwise specified in rules governing cer tain departments. All exhibits must be in place and fully installed by Tuesday, October 6th, 1908 at 6 p., m. oth erwise they will receive uo atten tion from awarding committee. The gates will open at9 o’clock, Wednesday, Ootober 7th, 1908, aud close at 11 o’clock, p. m. All exhibits entered for com petition shall be subject to the control of the superintendent of the department in which they are exhibited. Concerning Exhibits. No superintendent will be al lowed to compete for a premium in his own department. Entries. On Monday and Tuesday pre vious to the opening of the fair, the superintendents will be on the grounds to receive and arrange ar ticles in their respective depart ments. Unless otherwise specified in rules governing departments, ar ticles should be on the grounds by Tuesday, October 6th and cannot be removed before 8 o’clock p. m. October 10th. Awards. No one will be allowed to act as judge in a department or ring in which he exhibits. No premium shall be awarded when the exhibit is unworthy, though there be no competition, Judges. The decisions of awarding judges shall be final, and uo appeal will be considered except in cases of protest. The judges will award prizes on ly on the articles regularly meu tioned in the premium list Judges are particulaly requested to take the quality and the quan tity of the goods in the miscella neous departments in considera tion, The premiums are designated by ribbons: Blue meaning first, red second, and white third pre mium. These ribbons will be attached only by the superiuten dent of each department or his assistant, after tbe judges have signed their reports aud the same have been approved by the super intendent over his signature. All cash premiums awarded will be paid Ootober, 10th, the last day of the fair, by a check of the treasurer of the Houston Couuty Fair Association upon the Hous ton Banking Co. of Perry, Ga. Successful exhibitors may have their checks mailed to any ad dress by leaving directions with the secretary. Rules governing the Department of Agriculture. 1st. All collective exhibits by individuals, for which pre miums are offered in this depart ment, must be of Houston pro duction, and grown or Ten Dollars and Free Fair Tickets. Ootober 7th, Governor Day. 9 a. m. Gates open; 9:30 a. m. Street parade headed by Govenor, Mayor of Fort Valley and Perry, and Fair officials. 10 a. m. Address of welcome, by Mayor G. W. Killen. 10:80 a. m. Response by Pres. J. H. Davis. 11 a. m. Address by Gov. Terrell. 2 p, m. Exhibit of all stock. 2:30 p. m. Olay Pigeon shoot, open to Houston Oounly. 3 p. m. Exhibition drill by Per ry Rifles. 3:80 p. ra. Balloon ascention. 8:30 p. m. 1 mile byoiole race, 1st, $5.00, 2nd, $3.00. 8:40 p, m, 50 yard, foot race, boys under 18 years of Houston Oounty, 1st, $3.00 2nd, $1.50. October 8th, Agricultural and Educational Day. 9 a. ra. Gates open. 9:80 a. m. Oonoert by Band. 10 a. m. School Contests, man aged by Prof. G. W. Smith. 10:80 a. m. Address by Oban- selor W. B. Hill, State University. 11 a. m. Address by J. B. Hun- nicutt. 2 p. m. Exhibit of all stock without harness in competition for prizes, E. L. Dennard* Manager, 2:30 p. m. 100 yard foot race, 1st prize, $5.00, 2nd, $3.00, Hous ton county. 2:30 p. m. ^ mile bioycle race, 1st $3.00, 2nd $1.60, boys under 18 years of Houston county. 3 p. m. Base ball, Houston Co, vs, October 9th, Maoon Day. 9 am. Gates open. 9:30 a, m Concert by Band, 10 a, ra, Exhibition of all stock in harness and saddle in competition for prizes, E. L. Dennard, mana ger. 11 a. m. Address by Huff, Hughes Calvin and Brown. 12 m. Address by Mrs. Felton. 2 p. m. Clay pigeon shoot,grand sweep steak, open to all comers. 3 p. ra. Base ball, Houston Bibb. 8:30 Balloon ascention. October 10th, Negro Day. 9 a. m. Gates open. 9:30 a. m. Concert by band. 10 a. m. Announcement and pay ment of all prizes. 10:30 p. m. Grand fantastic street parade beaded by Band. 11 a. m. Climbing greasy pole for prize. Band concert and Cake Boys Attention! PRIZE COUPON; PUZZLE CARDS. F Out this out, aud ns many more us i you cnu get, take to Houston County i Fair aud oompete for the prizes—Ten : Dollars and Free Tiokets. Two different puzzles are being dis tributed over the the oounty by the Oounty Pair Association; two more will be handed around the last of this month. ^ The boy bringing to the Pair Secretary the largest number of the ooupons print- , ed above, and the four puzzles correctly solved, will receive $10 in gold. The second largest number of coupons and puzzles solved, the boy will receive free tiokets to the fair three days and a fiee pass to all the Bide shows, including Vaudeville and Prof. Bowman & Wife’s greatest and only double Punch & Judy followed by th*e great World Beaters in Juggling, second to none except the fa- mamous Hermann in sleight-of-hand. The third prize will be free admission to the Pair grounds. A Remarkable Exhibit for Fair. vs 12 a. m. walk. 2 p. m. 3 p. m. Catching greasy pig. Potato race. Confessions of a Priest. Rev. Jno. S. Cox, of Wake, Ark., writes, “For 12 years I suf fered from Yellow Jaundice, I consulted a number of ph ysicians and tried all sorts of medicines, L,~ produced I but gou no relief. Then I began during the current year by the in- th 0 UBe Electnct Bitters and dividual making the exhibit. Af- f 00 l ^at I am now cured of a dis- fidavit to this effect will be called eaBe that had me in its grasp tor for by the judges who pass upon twelve years. If you want a re the exhibits. liable mediciue for Liver aud Kid 2nd. No article shall compete « 0 y trouble, stomach disorder or for two premiums. That is, ar- general debility, get Electric Bit' tides entered as a part of a col- ters. It s guaranteed. Only 50c •lective exhibit cannot also be eu-l a t Holtzolaw s drugstore, When Columbus discovered America there Btood in,a remote mountain gorge in Cherokee Coun ty, North Carolina, a t tulip tree that was then 400 years old. For four more centuries it grew and flourished and recently to exhibit at the St Lott is World’s Fair. The tree was 18 feet in diameter at the Base when it was out. The gorge it which it grow was so inacces sible, being 40 miles Jfrom a rail road that it was impracticable to obtain a section near the base. Forty feet up, whole the tree was a little more than 6 feet in diame ter, a disk was out. This has been polished, and will oeoupy a place in front of the hunter’s lodge. On the polished disk have been engraved the important his torical events of the old North State from the time that Sir Wal ter Raleigh took possession of the land in his sovereign’s name on July 4, 1584, through th# Coloni al days, during the Revolution, and to the present time. Anoth er section of the tree >yill stand like a monument in the forestry exhibit. It is 10 feet high. A portion has been dressed, polish ed and varnished, while the low er portion is covered with the bark.—Harper’s Weekly. Do Good-It Pnys. A Chicago man has observed that, “Good deeds are better than real estate deeds—some of the latter are worthless. Act kindly aud gently, show sympathy and lend a helping hand. You can not possibly lose by it.’’ Most men appreciate a kind word and encouragement more than sub stantial help. There are persons in this community who might truthfully say: “My good friend, cheer up. A few doses of Cham fered to compete for other prizes, either individual exhibits, or as seperate articles. Here is something worth know ing, When a splinter has been "Neither can articles included in I driven deeply into the handjit can individual exhibits or entered to be extracted without _ pain by compete for single or speoial priz- steam. Nearly fill a wide-mouth es, be included as part of a col-[bottle with hot water, place the lective exhibit. The Williams Buggy Co., C3-a*. Broke Into His House* S. Lee Quinn of Cavendish, Vt., was robbed of his customary health by invasion of Chronic Constipation. When Dr. King’s New Life Pills broke into his house, his trouble was arrested and now he’s entirely cured. They’re guaranteed to cure, 25c at Holtzclaw’s drugstore; injured part over the mouth and press tightly. The suction will draw the flesh down and in a minute or two the steam will ex tract the splinter and the inflam mation together.---Ex. For a pleasant physic take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liv er Tablets. Easy to take. Pleas ant in . effect. For sale by all druggists. beriain’s Cough Remedy' will rid you of your cold, aud there is no danger whatever from pneumonia when you use that medicine. It always cures. I know it for it has helped me out many a time.” Sold by all druggists. Five widows and daughters ot soldiers who served in the revolu tionary war are now drawing pen sions from the United States gov ernment. Their names and ages are: Hanna Newell Barrett, 108; Esther S. Damon, 89; Sarah C. Hurlbutt, 85; Rebecca Mayo, 90; and Rhoda Augusta'Thompson, 82. m . m A Love Letter. Would not interest you if you’re looking for a guaranteed Salve for Sores,Burns or Piles., Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo. writes: “I suf fered with an ugly sore for a year, bub a box of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured me.” It’s the best Salve on earth. 25c at Holtz- 1 claw’s drugstore. I . ■