The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, October 22, 1903, Image 1

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' mm . . —r. JOHN H. HODGE8,Propr. DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROGRESS AND CULTURE. 01.50 a Year in Advance. VOL. XXXIII. PEKKY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1903. NO. 42. & B e> ..COTTON FACTOR COUNTY FAIR PREMIUMS. i Best and tastiest calico dress,' A Record Breaker in Courtships. Through the courtesy of Sec re- 1 pli ?& n rv Dnnnnn. wn n.r« mmhled to ®!. v MlS G C DlUlcan. Ill MACON, GA, By a liberal policy and honorable methods I have tary Duncan, we are enabled to publish the list of premiums awarded at the reoent Houston county fair at Perry. Best and largest display of Houston farm products grown and exhibited by one mail, $76,— W. C. Lewis. Second, $50, E. L. Deunard, Third, $25, M. F. Dorsett. Largest yield of corn on one acre of upland, $10,—J. T. Mil ler; yield, 71£ bushels. Iu contest for this Mr. Josiuh Worsted quilt, 1, Mrs E Roque- more. Knit counterpane, Thompson. Home-made rug, 1 Mrs Chapman. Macon Telegraph. A young man who can win a heart and a fortune in half an 1, Mrs E J J hour challenges admiration. The American quality of “get there” is his by acquirement as well as by heredity. Whether he cares W. built up the largest Cotton Commission business in Macon, Ba88 produced a yield of48£bush ~ I els on one acre. Georgia. Josi- Ship me your Cotton and get the best returns. w. O. 33. WILLING-HAM W. A. DAVIS. BEN. T. BAY. GEO. H. LOWE. W. A. DAYIS & CO., 405 & 40T Poplar St. MACON, GEORGIA BEST SALESMEN IN THE CITY. They are active, accomVnodating and courteous. Send them your Cotton. They are honest in their dealings and wise in their judgment. “W\ CO., MACON, GEORGIA. HOME COMFORT is best promoted by being well pro’s ided with Furniture, Carpets, of the best grades and most attractive styles. It is also necessary and desirable that there be j Stoves, Lamps, Pictures, and kindred articles of House and Kitchen Furnishiagsi. All these and more are sold in the latest styles and at correct prices by the W. O. President. 458 Poplar St., MACON, GA, See my Toilet Sets at $8.50, $6.00 and Shades from 25c up. Lamps froiji....$2.50 tp The best Dining Chair you ever saw for. Rocking Chairs $1.50 and up. $7.50. $5.50. $1.25. RUCS, MATTINGS, CLOCKS, ETC. FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. A complete line of Coffins and Caskets always in stock. My Gome and see me. prices nre close. I sell cheap for cash or on installment. Respectfully, R, L. Marchman, PERRY, GEORGIA* Best 100 ears of corn, ah Bass. Best bushel wheat, $1.50, 0. Lewis. Rice in sheaf, Calvin Davis. Collection sweet potatoes, $1.50 0. 0. Duncan. Bushel sweet potatoes, $1, 0. C. Tharpe. Best-^bushel Spanish peas,. $1, D. Follendore. Collection field peas, $8, -fc doz stalks corn, $1, W. C. Lewis. Half bushel speckled peas, $1, S. H. Malone. Half Bushel black peas $1, % bushel White Crowder peas, $1, W. L. Lewis. Best bushel shelled corn, $1, Josiah Bass. Best 100 ears corn grown with out fertilizer, $1, T. F. Anderson. Best bale cotton, $5, James Solomon. Display forage crops in bales, >, E. L. Dennard. Best bale grass hay, $1, pea- vino hay, $1, bundle com blade fodder, $1, T. D. Gurr, Doz stalks sugar cane, $1, Wash Holt. Half Doz stalks tobacco, $1, and leaf smoking tobacco, $1, C. O. ICegg. Peck Irsh potatoes, $1, W. D. Day. Largest stalk cotton, $1, S. T. Hurst. Mr R W Gamble of Perry exhibited some very flue corn grown without fertilizer, and he failed to get the award by a very slight margin only. Best Horticultural Display, $50, C W Withoft. Second, $25> W W Henderson. Best and largest display, pre serves, jellies, pickles, etc, $10, Mrs E L Dennard; also best apple preserves, 50c. Best peach preserves, plum jel ly, grape jelly, cucumber pick les, artichoke pickles, blackberry wine, 50cts each, Mrs. 0. O. Kegg. Fig preserves, tomato catsup, 50cts each, Mrs C T Lawson. Pear preserves, 50ots, Mrs. L. S. Killen. Melon preserves, 50cts, Mrs. E. D. Smith. Apple jelly, peach jelly, quince jelly, loaf lightbread, 50 cents each, Mrs S B Rogers. Display pickles, $2, Mrs R N Holtzclaw. Collection demestic wines, $2, Mrs E L Dennard. Scuppernong wine, 50c., Mrs W B Sims. Best display bread and cakes,$2, display of cake and pastry, $5, plate of biscuit, butter. 50c each, Mrs W J Moore. Bacon ham, lard, $1 each, Mrs. A. A. Smoak. Display vegetables, $3, J D Martin. Miss Mattie Tharpe’s display of vegetables was a close second. Display cut flowers, collection roses, $2, Mrs. M. C Holtzclaw. Display ’ flowers in pots, 5.00, Mrs R N Holtzclaw. Half bushel onions, W J Boon. Home-knit stockings, half-hose, more for the fortune than for the 1 eaoh, Mrs Elizabeth Wellons. heart or uot, he is a conquerer. Haudsomest ohild’s dress 1, James Brewster is the name of Mrs R L Marohman the youngster (he is only 22) Lady’s Handkerchief, 1 Mrs S who enjoys this uncommon dis- A Killen Jtiuction. Still younger is the Best display poultry, 10, Mrs E conquered \ one—Miss Melaine L Dennard. Afong, “last of the famous Afong Second, 5, Mrs M L Cooper. | heiresses of Honolulu.” S Bronze turkeys E L Dennard, Barred Plymouth Rock gliicks, T F Anderson ; Barred Plymouth Rock,fowls, Mo M Rainey; Buff Plymouth Rocks, J H Hodges; White Plymouth Rooks, W Hem ingway; Buff Orpington, Dr H | Holtxclaw; White Leghorns, W Hemingway; White Wyan- dofctes, Miss Mattie Tharp; Ban- toms, Ebie Holtzclaw; Silver Dorkings, Light Brahmas, Mrs ML Copper; Ab only nbbons were offered on fowls other than best collection, the list was uot furnished, and we make this from memory. Best Stallion 5 Jim Lewis. Brood mare and oolt, 6, display muie colts, 5—mule colt one year old, 1, J.H Grace. Horse colt, one year old, 2, J. P Brown. Display Houston- raised colts, 5 00, single harness horse, 6 00, combination horse, 5 00, double teain, 5 00, jack, 5 00, jeunett, 2, mule colt 2 years old, 100, beef on foot, 200, Berkshise boar 2 50, E L Dennard. Best saddle horse, 6 00, C W Withoft; second, E L Dennard Second on double team, J J Houser, second on combination horse, C W Withoft. Best Houston-raised mule, 500, Dr J W Story. Single harness mule, 2 00, W E Vinson. Best pair work mules,2 00, 0 W Mathews. Milch cow, 8 00, W J Moore. Jersey bull, 2 00, J H Davis. Short horn cow, 2 00, white Chester sow, 2 00, peri fatted hogs 5 00, W H Harris. Heifer, one year old, 2 00, grade eow and calf, 2 00, R M Davis. Thoroughbred goat(buck) 200, thoroughbred nanny goat with kids, 1 00, Eugene Anderson. Poland China boar, 2 50, W B White. Poland China sow, 2 50, and pigs, 2 50, C O Kegg. Best fine art display, 5 00, oil painting,5 00,. water color paint ing, 2 00, pastel painting, 2 00, Mrs W B Sims. Crayon drawing with fine frame 3 00, Miss Dorothy Harrison. Doubtless yoting Mr. BrewBter will tell the story in detail soon in respouse to some enterprising magazine editor’s liberal cheque. Meanwhile the public must rest satisfied with the meagre accounts contained in a Honolulu dispatch. It seems that the hero went from Isfew Jersey to Hawaii three months ago, that he met Miss Afong at a dance in Honolulu a month ago, and that they were married within three weeks. But the heart of the fair creature, to gether with “the blocks of Hawai ian sugar stocks that went with it,” was won iu half an hour by the olook. “They were introduc ed,” says the all too brief dis- ; “they danoed together, and within a few moments were chatting on the tropical' roof- garden of the hotel. The dark beauty of the tropical belle prov ed too bewitohiug for the reserve of the son of New England. He lost liis heart. At 9:00 o’clock that night he was presented to her. At 9:80 they had retired to the roof garden, and at 10:05 o’clock he had declared his love for her, asked her to become his wife and entered the ball room as the affianced lover of the heir ess,” All of which shows that there is nothing like plenty of “sugar stocks” to give sweet zest to a courtship and hastep matrimony. At the same time, nothing is more evident than that James Brewster, . aged 22, is a taking young, fellow. For, as she was an heiress, it was 1 h fi i>af, ■ of course not Miss Afong’s first opportunity to take such a leap in the dark. Let us hope th will not have reason to repent. sow Saves Two From Death. “Our little daughter had an al most fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis,” writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of Ar- mopk N. Y., “but, when all oth er remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King’s New Discov ery. Our niece, who had Con sumption in an advanced stage, also' used this wonderful medi- m cine J and tqday she is perfectly Best drawing by boy or girl un-1 w 0 ll.” Desperate throat and lung der 16 years of age, 8 00, Master | diseases yield to Dr. King’s New ns Sam Hodges Best display of manufactured products, 10 00, Harris M’f’g Op. Best display home-made imple ments made by one man, 5 00, John Parker, We Have endeavored to avoid errors, biit if there beany mistake or omission in the above list, we will gladly make correction. The Gray-Everette Hardware Discovery as to no other medi cine on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. 50c and $1.00 bottles guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. The Mexican postal department has taken a new and novel means of informing the public of the bulletins given out by the Weath er Bureau, Every letter which passes through the office is HI Company of Port Valley lighted n m paesee^orongn .rae omoe is the armory building at night with WW fl the weathermdroa- V, • * . i r\ , n , i I t.innn fnr r,h« n«vr, T.w«nt.v-fr>nr their Acetylene Gas, generated by I am also manager of the Planters’ Warehouse, me with a few hales of cotton. Cash advanced on cotton instore. Warehouse near the Best and largest display needle work, 5 00, calico quilt, piece drawn work,piece cotton embroid ery, mont mallick work 100 each, Mrs M C Hoitzcla^. Second best display needlework and best silk embroidery, Mrs O R Flournoy. a plant erected for that purpose ; they also made a splendid display of mechanical tools and china ware from their stock. Messrs. J L Fincher & Son, also of Fort Valley, made an elegant display of fine watches, jewelry and china. Mr. W. Hemingway exhibited his popular hay press at work. Mr. J. R. Mathews of Fort Val- tions for the next twenty-four hours, This stamping is done at the same time that the postage stamps on the letters are cancel led and the receiving stamp af- fized. A Love Letter. Would uot interest you if you’re looking for a guaranteed Salve for Sores,Burns or Piles, Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo. writes: “I suf- mg si Take Laxative A ‘ ’ E. llromo Quluine Tablets. All Salve OU earth. * p.1 nw’n rlrnornf.oi-A . Gssote’s signature Is on each box. 890.. claw’s drugstore. 25c 1...