The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, December 31, 1903, Image 1

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JOHN H. BODGES, Propr. DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS. PROCRESS AND CULTURE. 81.50 a Year in Adranco PERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1903 HOSPITALITY LIMITED. I TRACING THE LEAKS; The Anson Phelps Stokeses have' «j have stopped talking to you I very large and imposing place in f e u 0 ws about the plans of this de- Berkshire hills, and their hospital- pa rtment,” bluntly declared Secre- ity is famous. The following mci- | arv ghaw to a newspaper friend the Revolution Imminent. A sure sign of approaching re volt and serious trouble in your system is nervousness, sleepless ness or stomach upsets. Eleotiie Bitters will quiokly dismember the troublesome causes. It never fails to tone the stomaoh, regulate the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver and clarify the blood* Run-down systems benefit partic ularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under its searching arid thorough effectiveness. Eleo- tric Bitters is only 60c, and that is refunded if It don’t give perfeofc. satisfaction. Guaranteed. Holts- olaw’s Drugstore. The Macon Telegraph. Published every day and Sunday, and Twice-a-Week, by The Ma'.on Telegraph Publishing Co. Subscription Daily and Sunday, $7.00 per annum. Daily except Sunday, $5.00 per annum Twioe- a-Week, $1.00 per annum. Best advertising medium m the* city Rates furnished on appli cation. COTTON FACTOR MACON, GA. By a liberal policy and honorable methods I have built up the largest Cotton Commission business in Macon, G-eorgia. over Sunday. So as to make sure that everything would be in readi ness he sent a telegram ahead, which read: “I am going to bring a party of >96 men up to stay over Sunday.” This was the reply he got from Ship me your Cotton and get the best returns $3.00 DFer <3*SLLlorL FLEETWOOD & CO., -Ttl0 2?oplax St., Macon., CS-st, All kinds of Goods from $1.50 gallon upward. Send ns your orders for Christmas. A Chum of Sir Henry Irving. When Sir Henry Irving was stay ing lately at the Queen’s hotel, Man chester, a small boy about six years old, son of Mr. William Mollison, a well known member of Sir Henry’s company, strayed into his rooms one afternoon. Invited to make him self at home and take some refresh ment, he consumed a pear and a bottle of lemonade with apparent satisfaction. Then, gazing steadily at his host, he said, “I do miss Phil May.” “So do we all,” said Sir Henry gravely. “Yes, hut I miss him most,” pursued the child. “He was my chum.” “Ah, that makes it very hard!” said Sir Henry. There was a long pause, and then the little fellow asked very earnestly, “Will you be my chum now?” So they swore eternal friendship on the altar of Phil May’s memory.—London ESTABLISHED IN 1881 THE OLDEST WHISKEY HOUSE IN GEORGIA. Sending Meat by Mall. I know a resident of Berlin; says a writer in the World’s Work, who has a package of meat mailed to him every Saturday from a, point 160 miles away in Silesia for a lit tle more than IS cents, the rate for a twenty-two pound parcel. Ger man merchants deliver most of their goods by mail. The Bmall storekeep er is thus provided with as good a delivery service as the larger. Ger- 'ias even been permitted to many mail eleven pound parcels to ad dresses in the United States. t T Time Is Big Money. An estimate is made that an ex pense of $1,000,000 has been borne by two rival horse owners within three years past to bring the record to its presentpoint. The men inter ested are 0. K. G. Billings, the own er of Lou Dillon, and E. E. Smath- ers, who owns Major Delmar, Time has thus been knocked from the rec ord at the cost of more than $250,- 000 a second. YOU NEED NOT GO ELSEWHERE FOR Old Sharpe Williams, guaranteed! eijfht years old; by the gallon, $3.00; four full quarts $8.60 express prepaid. , George J, Coleman Rye, guaranteed six years old; by the gallon $2.75, fouv full quarts $8.00 express prepaid, Anvil Rye, guaranteed four years old; by the gallon $2.60, four full quarts $.75 express prepaid. Clifford Rye, by the gallon $2.25, four full quarts $2.60 express prepaid. Old Kentucky Corn, guaranteed eight; years old; by the gallon $3.00, four full quarts $3.26 express prepaid. Old Pointer Club Corn, guaranteed four years old; by the. gallon $2,60, four full quarts $2,75 express prepaid. We handle all the leading brands of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in the mar ket, and will save you from twenty-five lo fifty per cent. on your purchases. Send for Price List and catalogue. Mailed free upon application. Altmayer & Fiatnu Liquor Co** 500-508-610-512 Fourth Street, Macon, Georgia. The Lesser Evil. Mr. Nolan had received a long tongue lashing from Mr. Quigley, and, his friends were urging on him the wisdom of vindicating his honor by a prompt use of his fists. “But he’s more than me equal,” said Mr. Nolan dubiously, “and look at the size of him.” “Sure, and yon don’t want folks to he saying Terry Nolan is a cow ard?” demanded a reproachful friend. “Well, I dunno,” and Mr. Nolan gazed mournfully about him. “I’d rather that than to have them say ing day afther tomorrow, ‘How nat ural Terry looks!’”—Youth’s Com panion. Microbes on Bank Bills. Private John Allen says that re cently, while awaiting his turn to Pure, clean seed wheat will make you better wheat and more of it, and we will get more wheat to grind or more to buy. We will clean your wheat free, give you screenings and all. We are selling Blue Stem Tennessee Seed Wheat at cost. NEXT DOOR TO ACADEMY OF MUSIC 663 MGhBSRRY E53MA ON, GEORGIA. Rates, $2.00 Per Day. looking bills. “Did yo’ know dat sometimes dere’s a lot of dem pizen microbes in money ?” asked one of the darkies. “Yaas,” replied the other negro, “but yo’ cain’t make me believe it. De idear of a pusson gittin’ dis ease dat way! Look at Mistah Rus sell Sage—he’s eighty years old!” Fight Will Be Bitter, Those who will persist in closing their ears against the continual recommendation of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, will have a long and bitter fight with their troubles, if not ended /earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beall, of Beall, Miss., has to say about it: “Last fall my wife had every symptom of con sumption. She took Dr. King’s New Discovery after everything else had failed. Improvement A HOME-LIKE HOTEL Special attention given teb Transient Trade. Subscribe YTalley Roller Mills Harris Mfg. Co., Props. WE SELL Everything to build with, from brick to shingles, inside and outside. Can save you money on lumber, sash, doors, blinds and building material of all kinds, HARRIS MANUFACTURING CO. failed, Improvement came at once and four bottles en tirely cured her.” Guaranteed. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottles free at Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. Subscribe for The Home Jo urn at. ■ £ ■ ■ ■ t i.