The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, June 01, 1911, Image 2

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I mm MvJ&M PBlOfi, 11.60 A 7SAE, IK ADVANCE. F*Miilwd Evsry Thursday Morning. ABOMINABLE EXPRESS VICE. SER- Offlcial Organ or Houston County /no. Bt.’tOOaiQS. Editor and Publisher Pbbbt Thursday, June 1. Ex-President Diaz and family,of Mexico, have gone to Cuba. A THU., to reduce the tariff on wool will be introduced in the House of Representatives this week. The first paper-making machine in t ho United States was made and operated in Pennsylvania in 1820, by Thomas Gilpin. In the legislature this summer a hill will be introduced asking for an appropriation to assist the State Agri cultural Society in holding tho state fair, i It has beeu announced that the proposed electric railroad from M^con to Atlanta will certainly he construct- <d, and that the work will begin with in a very few months. "A democratic principle, a repub lican conversion,” is the designation Hon. D. M. Hughes of tho Third con gressional district of Georgia gives to Hie reciprocity agreement with Cana da. The good roads movement will surely cause the establishment of a designated highway between all tho iiiq-ortant cities and towns in Georgia. In many instances it will be neces sary for private funds to be contribu ted. An increase of 4.8 per cent in the total cotton acreage is estimated from the reports received by the Memphis Commercial Appeal. In figures those reports indicate an increase of 35,* 000,000 acres. Conditions were re ported favorable. The largest warship in the world, “The Wyoming,” was launchod at Kiiigstou, near Philadelphia last Thursday, aud within tho next sovei- a* months will bo a flagship and tho most powerful ship of the United Stales ua\y. Another of tho same size and strength is in couiso of con struction. It is estimated that 581,091 auto mobiles arc in use in tho Unitod Stales, New York lending l,ho list of states with 70,000. Tho smallest number in any state is 750, in Idaho. Jn Georgia there are 7,000 cars in use. This information is furnished b) the Auto Directories Co., aud we believe tho number accredited * to Geoigia is too small. *>■ « The farmers’ bulletins issued by the Federal Deportment, of Agricul ture will be Font, free to any citizen of of the United States who will apply to his Representative or Senator. These bulletins treat of almost every subject of practical interest to farmers, and many of them give especially val uable information. A list, of these bulletins will be furnished on re quest. Quite recently tho Macon Board ef Trade made an effort to secure tho removal of the Uncle Remus Mag t- ( zine plant to the Ceutial City. Tho "Atlanta Spirit” intervened, however, and Mr. Frederick Faliram, an Eng lishman who has attained a big repu tation in Magazine management in this country, has been made president of the company, and with increased capital this southern magazine has taken a new lease ot life and its home will continue to be in Atlanta. While the express agent at Perry is as efficient and accommodating as any who ever served long-suffering people, the'service afforded by the Southern Express Company and the Central Railway Co. jointly is alto gether abominable. Express forwarded from Perry at 6:30 p. m.*does not reach Macon until after 4 o'clock next afternoon. Should any person carry a package to the depot at 7:20 a. ra., to be sent by express, it will not go further than Fort Valleyjuntil after 3 o’clock p. m. Express coming from any point above or below Fort Valley must stay in that city until 5:30 p. m., no matter on what train it arrives. Express for Perry cannot come from Macon on the train that leaves that city at 4 p.'m. Express canuot go direct to any point except Fort Valley. No matter when express leaves 1 Perry, it must remain at Fort Valley at least 4 1-2 hours. If it leaves Perry, for Macon, at 6:30 p. m., it stays in Fort Valley about 18 hours. Leaving Perry tor Macon at 7:40 a. m., it stays in Fort Valley at least 7 hours. A wagon line would give almost as prompt service. The case has been presented to the stats railroad commission through a letter from the secretary of tho Perry Board ot Trade. This miserable express as hurtful and inconvenient to the mer thants of Macon as it is to tho jlbople of Porry, and tho Chamber of Com merce of that city should use its efforts to abate the evil. It is well to stato here, however, that while in Macon last Friday tho Home Journal editor reported the matter to ah official who promised to relieve the intolerable situation, if possible. Beyond doubt the express and" rail road transportation authorities are vi olating the spirit of law, if not the let ter, in thus giving our people such miserable service. Electric Light Eleetion Notice. To the qualified voters ♦ f the City of Perry ! Whereas, on the 9th day of May, 1911, the Mayor and Aldernien of the City of Perry adopted the following Ordinance and resolution, to-wit: Be it ordained and resolved that an election be held on the 1st day of July, 1911, to determine tlie question whether Bonds to the amount of Six Thousand Dollars ($(1,000.00) shall be issued by said City of Perry for the purpose of erecting and constructing a system of Electric Lignts for the said City. That said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of Five per cent, per annum,said interest to be paid annually. And said,principal and inten-st of said bonds to be fully paid off ^it the end of Ten Years (10) from the date of the issue of said bonds. Now, by virtue of the laws of the State of Georgia and the Constitution thereof, and in pursuance af said ordinance and resolution, and in accordance therewith, an election is hereby ordored and called by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Perry to be held on the 1st day of July, 1911, at the Court House in said City at the same precinct where elections are held for the officers of said City, aud in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations that elections for officers of said City are held All who favor the issue of said bonds as set forth in said ordinance and resolution shall have written or printed on their ballot the words “For Electric Light Bonds,” and those who are opposed to the issue of said bonds as set forth in said ordinance and resolution shall have written or print ed upon their ballot the words “Against Electric Light Bonds.” That this. notice be published for the space of Thirty (30) Days next preceding the day of election in Thk Home Journal. a newspaper published in said City, and in which the Sheriff’s advertisements for the county ara published, notifying the quali fied voters of said City of Perry that on the day named an election will be held to determine the question whether bonds shull be issued in the munner and form as se} forth and specified in said ordinanca and resolution. Adopted ami approved artd ordered pub lished, This May 9th, 1911 F. M. HOUSER. Mayor. J. L. RILEY, City Clerk. ( CONSISTENCY IN POLITICS. We regret to say that the conclusion has been reached that consistency in politics is a rare virtue. At seems that to politicians the right or wrong of it is determined by the view point. To tho victor it is right to appropriate the spoils, to tho defeated it is wrong. At this distance it seemed that a primary for senator was wanted in order that a certain alleged candidate might be defeated. By others a pri mary was not wanted, because they feared that thereby the same alleged candidate would be debated. Both factious believe, in our opin ion, that the legislature will elect that 'same alleged candidate to the Senate. If it occurs as one faction fears and tho other hopes, the primary will still be a factor, because it will be neces sary to elect a governor to succeed one who will have barely assnmed the duties of' the position ’ to which the /voters of Georgia elected him. To one sot of men. all this, if it so transpires, will be right; to the other set it will all bo wrong. I 'J o this wlifer it. seems well that the pr.hnaiy wa« not ordered; that the circuuisianc.s did not justify the ex 1 fonso. I On the olker hand, the conviction is strong that a governor elected s-pt-cificially because of the views he entertained concerning state govern- 'merit, would not be justified in resign ing the go« eruorship on its threshold to accept an election to the United Suites ouiate. Such procedure would eman the same political turmoil expense that his partisan friends is undesirab'o and unnecessary. So it seems in this case that the right or vviong of it is determined by tiio View poim, and that neither con tention is based on consistency, t In congress we see the same condi tion. The democrats are using.prac- tically the same methods they' con demned tiie republicans for using when that party controlled the House of Representatives. Likewise the re publicans are condemning the demo- —7-pioce Kitchen Sets, Best Steel. Sims & Nunn’s. HAY FOR SALE. Four kinds, Alfalfa, John son Grass, Sorghum and Crab Grass. $12.00 to $20.00 per toh D. G. HUGHES. Apply to W. D. DuPrce, Dennard Farm near Perry. and say The Atlanta Georgian is being sue4 for $10,0U0 dauiage by Mr. J. Q. Rosteil tor defamatiin of character and "piracy of his pen name.” For some time Mr. Postell had charge of the poultry department under the pen name ot “Uncle Dudley.” Ho charges that wheu he discontinued his conneo- tioq with the Georgian, the paper con- c,ate * lur 80 us ‘ u g the power they have tinued to use his pen name, appropri- ated the mail addressed to "Uncle Let’s quit looking for consistency in Dudley" and printed defamatory ar politics, unless we are able to establish tides about him. The paper has been a Undent, restrained from using the pen name, 1 — and the case will be heard Juno 3rd.! It is reported that great damage Mr. Postell was formerly a citizen of by boll weevils in Texas is not ex- Houston county, residing in or near p« ettd this year. The pests are said Fort Valley. | to he commg eastward. S4LE OF I,AND Under Power of Safe Contained in Deed to Secure Debt. GEORGIA, Houston County: Under and by virtue of a power of sale contain ed infuideei to secure debt executed by the UnIon Pruit Company, a corporation, to Tiib Union Centra!. Life Insurance Company, a corpora tion under the laws of the State of Ohio, on the 23rd duy of August. 1907, and duly recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Houston County, Georgia, in Book 10, Jolio 282 et aeq., the undersigned, ns Sl.erifi ot Houston County, by virtue of the power contained in the aforesaid deed to secure ciebt, ana at the request of the said The Union Central Life Insurance Company, f.s provided by tl.e terms of the afore" said deed to tecure debt, will sell at public sale bofore the court house door ol said county, on Tuosqay, the 6th day of June. 1911, during the legal hours of sa.i, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: “That parcel lend known as the Holtiiclaw place in Houston county, Ga. containing 854 acres, moie or less, composed of lots and part of lots of tno 13th district by original survey, now tfie Lower Town district, to-wit: All of lot No. 66 east of the public load leaning, Irom Perry to Huyneville; ull of lot No. 63 except 50 acres in the northwest corner thereof; the west halves of lots Nos. 61 and 62 and all of lot No 63 except 65 acres on the southeast corner belonging to tne Tivolft Land & Pruit o.: also all of lot No, 22 ly ing north of the public road leading from Perry to Sand Ridge Church (and Kathleen): also all of lot No 240 in the 10th district of said county, now the lower 11th district, lying west of Mossy creek.” Said sale is made for the purpose of paying the indebtedness secured by the aforesaid deed to se. cure debt, the same consisting of two notes rep resenting the principal sum due on said Indebted ness. each of said notes beiqg dated August 23, 1907, and one of said notes being for the princi pal sum of 4,6,500,00 and due by the terms of said note ten years after date, and the other of said principal notes being for the sum of $260 00 and duethree years after {date, the total amount of principal due, therefore, aggregating $6,750,00, and the unpaid interest on said principal indejt- ednessas represented by interest coupons, aggre gating up until the sai»’ date of sale the sum uf $391. ii, theamopntof principal and interest be ing aue on Tuesday, the 6th of June. 1911, being $7,1)11,71, The sal J maker of said notes has made default in payment of one of the said principal notes, to- wit, the one duo toe 23iu ••ay of August, 1910. and has likewise made Ueiault in payment of interest on the principal indebtedness, and by reason of of default in the pay .lie it of a part of the said principal indebtedness and of default in the pay ment of interest due thereon, the entire amount of principal and interest has become due and payable as provided by the terms of said deed to sscure debt, and said sale is made for the pur pose of paying said indebtedness as provided by said instrument The undersigned, as Sheriff of Houston county, is empowered to make said sale of said flroperty and to make to the purchaser or pure lasers at such sale good and sufficient deed in fee simple • the reai estate so sold, and frpm the proceeds said sale the undersig. ;d will pay the princi pal and interest due an.I payable as above stated, and the cost of said sale, and ten per cientum of such proceeds for services, advice and prepara tion of the necessary papers as fully set forth W. A. STROTHER PERRY,- GA. REAL ESTATE, FIRE INSURANCE, COTTON SEED BUYER. GREENE & MASON* A cup ot G ood Coffee tor breakfast and a glass of the best Jce Tea for dinner and supper will help to make life easy and the hot summer time more pleasant. Steinwender Stoffregen’s Coffee can’t be beat. Old Glory at 25c per pound; Defender at 3)c per pound; Fancy Blend at 35c per pound and East India and Mocbo at 40c per pound. Will satisfy the most f s’ideous u per pound. Will satisfy Try our India Tea it is the very best. users. We carry a complete line of Groceries, Canned Goods, Fruits and Vegetbbles in season. We appreciate your orders and invite you to inspect our stoie. Respectfully, Greene & Mason’s Phone 46. Goods delivered in the city. you SAY MADAM! Don’t yon need a “Crex” Art Square for the Sitting Boom. Come and see what we have. You will like the Kitchen Cabinets we have in stock, if will come and look at them. Picture Frames Made to Order. Oval Frames all sizes. ATTHE FURNITURE STORE. PERRY, GEORGIA 'Eats! Eats! New Spring Hats just received. Come in and make your selection. 411 the/new shapes and shades. Prices, $1:25, $1.50, $2,00,3.00 The Logical Place To Buy Your Summer Suits Clothing u — --- vv- 'Panama Ha's $5.00, and provided in the aforesaid deed to secure debt. ( , • r-, « This the 9th qay of May, 1911. latest 111 Stl’aW HatS. G. ,W. WINN, Sheriff of Houston County, Ga 1,1 n uaLO ‘ Lane & Park, Macon, Ga., Attorneys for The Union Central Lifeiinsuranc Co. and furnishings is at the C heek Store, the exclusive and Furnishing Store for men and Here men of taste and refinement find a most pleasing variety of models in every neat and attractive fabric pattern produced by the big woolen mills of this c« untry and Europe. Properly dressed men is our Sole Occupation. Ready-for-Service Suits $10.00 to $30.00. Tailored Suits $22.00 to $45.00. Exclusive Agency for Faultless Shirts $1.00 to $1.50. i,00, $7.00 and $10.00. All the ■ Wash Boards aud Clothes Pins. Sims & Nunn’s. a. i. emus. 406 Third Street. Macon, Ga.