The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, May 22, 1919, Image 7

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* mmm Nathan Strauss To Vtsft Atlanta .• Atlanta.—Nathan Strauss, celebrated [New York philanthropist, will visit j Atlanta this month on the invitation Of the committee from the Federation of Woman’s Clubs, which has been instrumental in lowering the price of milk in the city of Atlanta. Mrs. Newton C. Wing, chairman of the com mittee, announced. Mr. Strauss, in 1899, originated and has since main* tained at his own expense a laboratory and a system Of distribution of pas teurized milk to the poor of New York city, which statistics. 6f the health de partment show, is saving annually the lives of thousands of infants. tW;; A v‘ ' Liggett In Command Of 3rd Army Coblenz.—Lieutenant General Hun ter L. Liggett, formerly commander of the First American Army Corps, ar rived here from Treves by automobile States army in the occupied zone, and assumed command of the United General Liggett, relieves Major Gen eral Edward F. McGlaehlin, com- ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary, granted at the April term, 1919, for the purpose of pay ing the debts and distribution of the property of the estate; I wil sell be fore the Court House door in Hous ton County, Ga., between the legr.l hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in June 1919, the following described property to wit: 15 acres of land lo cated in Godfrey District, Bibb Coun ty, Georgia, known as part of tha Fields lands and bounded on the south by lands of A. M. Pettie. on the east by lands of Mrs. Clark Cope land, on the west by lands of L. J. Jordan and cn the north by lands of L.J. Jordan.. Said land containiing a four room wooden dwelling house, barn and garage. This April 29, 1919- C. M. Hartley, Administrator of the Estate of Mrs. Maggie V. Hartley, Deed. t ORDINARY’S CITATIONS Georgia, Houston County. Mrs. Mattie S. Green, Guaradian of Susie E.‘ Green having applied to me for a discharge f^om her Guar dianship of SUsie E. Green; this is therefore to notify all persons con cerned to file their objections, if any they have on the first Monday in June 1919. This May 5th, 1919. I. T. WOODARD, Ordinary. l^OR SALE: Fresh Milk Cow for sale oii Cooper Highway Farm { E. W. Howard, Supt. 1 . NOTICE! Y'e^u will find n)y Shoe and Harness Shop Vip[ a wooden building north of Mr. L.'-JV!. Paul’s Store. I Repair Shoes and- Harness only; also sell Harness and any part of Harness. Jphn W. Collins, Perry, Ga. HORSES and MULES For Sale. A. F. SMITH & SON, Perry, Ga. PIGS MAKE HOGS OF THEM- SELVES wheri ' fed B. A. Thomas’ Hog Powder. It contains the necces- sary chemical ingredient to promote their growth, makes i>one and muscle and keeps them in perfect health. :It pays for itself many times over in the gain your pigs make. Perry Warehouse Co. and R. L.March <man,. Agents, Perry, Ga. SUITS, From HATS By buying your SHOES, . aniT 9 ' the store that gives you the same good values at the beginning of the Season as at the last. OUR PRICES ARE ROCK BOTTOM ALWAYS A Call Will be Appreciated CLOTHE/ /HOP 454 CHERRY /T. MACON GA. DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR FARM? WRITE US . WE GET RESULTS CARL BLOCH 314 Citizens and Southern Bank Macon, Georgia. Macon To Honor 8oldlers Macon.—It Is officially announced the Georgia members of tha 161st ma chine gun battalion of the Rainbow division will arrive:in Macon at 11:30 o’clock on the morning of Friday, May 9, and they will remain here a day and a night as the guests of the city of Macon, during which time they will be dined and feted in a manner only befitting the return of conquering he roes. There will be 273 men in the party, they being the only Georgia members left in the battalion when it returned home from France . Negro Sells Thousand Pound Hog Waycross.—Ike Lane, a. negro far mer vino lives just outside the limits of Waycross, and who sold a hog on the market here a.few weeks ago that weighed dressed 798 pounds, sold one later to a farmer of Pierce county that weighed 1,002 pounds gross. The price paid for the one sold some time ago was $120, the total received for the two hdgs was $210.30. These hogs were a cross between Poland China and Bork,shir« FOR SALE- 400 bushels of ear corn) limited supply of bran- shorts. A. J. Houser WELL WORK. Tanks, gas engines, pipe work, 2 in. well $2.00 per foot complete, some off when put in old. well- This price means cash when well is finished. Special price in oil for Fords, gas engines, gins, mowing ma chines and etc. At 45 cents in ^ bbls. Oil for heav y ears at 55 cent 600 W-transmfpjon, oil 60 ceuts.s S. D. Harrison, Kathleen, Ga HOGS FOR SALE— Thirty head of hogs, including sows and pigs, males and gilts,@ 14 cents a pounds. Charlie Banister, Perry, 'Ga. A BIG STOCK J of Hot Weather Necessiteis Things you want now or will want very soon. Mens Cool Cloth and Palm Beach Suits. Mens Extra Palm Beach Pants. Mens underwear for summer. Boys wash pants Boys underwear Sun hats, boys, girls, mens, wemens. Pretty Voils for summer time dresses. Ladies white Oxfords and Pumps in Kid and Canvas. Ladies summer underwear. • — : — f «... ■ ■' ... —■■ „ , Domesties and Sundry Items. H. T, GILBERT, ‘Quality First’ Store. PERRY GEORGIA The Strong Withstand the ram .»• Summer Better Than the Weak Old people who ore feeble and younger peonj>. who are weak, will be strengthened and enabled to fa through the depressing heat of summer by tak- mg GROVE’S TASTELESS oh ill TONIC. It purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole sys tem. You can soon feel its Strengthening, In 'iter ating Effect. 60c. ....“Boree” Plows for sale by B. H. Andrew & Son. . File- Quinine That Does Not Affect the Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the full name and look for the signature of R. W. GROVE. 30c. ....BEGIN FEEDING YOUR PIGS soon as they will eat. Keep him grow ing. When you begin feeding them give a little B. A. THOMAS HOG POWDER every day. Corrects indi gestion, tonic and tissue builder. Ex pels worms. R. L. Marchman and Perry Ware house Go. Agents, Perry, GA.. ARE YOUR WORK STOCK SKINN ED UP? If they are not given atten tion they will be /unfit for use. Get a bottle of FARRIS’ HEALING REM- IDY, make it according to directions. It will heal these galls and every other kind of sores and you can work the horse every day. Perry Warehouse Co. and R. L.March- man, Agents, Perry, Ga. — o HORSE COLIC Is apt to come at any time. If Your horse does not get relief he soon dies. Take no chances. Get FARRIS COLIC REMEDY today. No trouble, no drenching. A child can give it R. L.Marchman and Perry Ware house Co. Agents. Perry, Ga. ,...SaIuet, the best Stock Medicine at H. T. Gilbert. Bandits Raid Bank And Get $65,000 Detroit, Mich—Hording fourteen persons, including several women pa trons, into the lavatory and the vault of the West Side branch of the Com monwealth State bank, Bix unmasked bandits robbed the institution of ten thousand dollars in cash and unreg istered bonds, which, officials say, may exceed sixty-five thousand dol lars in value. Fifty thousand dollars » in currency had been removed from \ the branch to the main office only a' few hours before the hold-up. i Five German U-Boats For The U. 8. I Washington.—Five German subma ! rines will leave England for the United States manned by American crews and convoyed by the American submarine tender Bushnell. They are expected to arrive in American water late in April ,and will. be displayed at ports to he selected in connection with tha next Liberty Loan campaign. One of these craft is the U-117; a sea-going mine layer, which during the war planted mines along the American toast. Mrs. Stella Abbott Found “Guilty” Atlanta.—“We, the jury, find the de fendant guilty of manslaughter.” This was the result of the trial of Mrs. Stella Abbott, slayer of her husband, John Abbott. The verdict was reach ed twenty-one hour and thirty-five minutes’ deliberation after the trial had closed. The verdict was read in open court by Solicitor John Boykin Sunday afternoon in the presence of only two scores of spectators, outside of lawyers, court ofcflials and newspa per m en—a mere handful of onlooto ers. — FOR SALE: Several good milk cows. Can be seen at the Simmons Place. Evans & Woolfolk, Ft. Valley, Ga. The Quinine That Does Net Affect the Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the full name and ’.ook for the signature of E. W. GROVE. 30c. FOR SALE: One bred Poland China Sow. Registered. — Eugene Boon, Perry, Ga. 666 Cures Billious Fever- ....Mosquito time is here- Mosquito Netting by the bolt* or yard. Mosqui to Canopies, ready to use. Dixie Mos quito -frames and nets ready-to-use. White Canvas Tennis Shoes and Oxfords H. T. Gilbert. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Instantly relieves Itching Piles, and you can get restful sleep after the first application. Price 60c. THREE MILK COWS FOR SALE, Apply to C. G. Harris, Perry, Ga. LET TOUBYlVER LIVE Mr. Farmer, Do you realise how much you will save by using Riding Cultivators You can do more work in a day wit! one man and two mules and a Riding Cultivator than you can with three men, three mules and three plows, - a broad state ment but try it. Let us put an Avery or John Deere Cultivator in your field, they speak for themselves, - Only a few *eft call us quick. How about t hose SCRAPES, We have the Texas - Ready Set See us for Grain Cradles, Spring Tooth Harrows, Scratch Harrows, Plant Jr. Cultivators, Gee Whiz Harrows. Just recived a car of Good Hay - Peavine and Timothy. WHAT ABOUT WHEAT? We are prepared to buy you Wheat at gover- ment prices. See us before you sell. good health the liver mufi cany off poison* of the body.PLANK’S LIVER PILLS contain CrW omelskillfully combined withother necessa ry cleansing drugs which quickly and gently liven up your liver butdo not sicken orgripe. 25c AT DRUG AND GENERAL STORES «, Made bv the maker* of ?link’» Chill E-- ....Texas Ready-set Scrapes at Geo. C. Nunn’s. z 7 / Dont forget that Straw hait for summer, we have the Famous Mex ican Hat. L, M. Paul. isio. cl srom Phone 31 THE HUSTLER ;§m