The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, May 22, 1919, Image 8

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mg Timber Wanted. Sweet Gum, Birch; Beecli and Maple, Lumber Shape or hort Logs 4 leet long. Or will buy Standing I imbei, Jordan M’ f gvCo. I Monticello, Ga, How's This? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward tor any case of Catarrh that cannot ho cured by Hall’s Catarrh Medicine, Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty- five years, and has become known as the must reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Alediclr.e acts thru the Blood c * the Mucous BurfaceB, expelling 1 the Pol- son from tho Blood and healing the dis eased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a giveit Improvement In your general health. Start taking Hall’s Catarrh Medi- cine at opce and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 76c. A FAMILY MEDICINE In Her Mother's Home, Says This Georgia Lady, Regarding Black- Draught. Relief From Head- , ache, Malaria, Chills, Etc. Ringgold, Ga.*— Mrs. Chas. GaBton, of this place, writes: "I am a user of Thedford’a Black-Draught; la &ict, It was one of our family medicines, Also In my mother’s home, when I was a child. When any of ua child ren complained of headache, usually caused by constipation, Bhe gave us a doso of Black-Draught, which would rootlfy the trouble. Often In the Spring, wo would have malaria and chills, or troubles of this kind, we would take Black-Draught pretty reg ular until the liver acted well, and we would soon bo up and around again. Wo would not ho without It, for It certainly has saved us lots of doctor bills. Just a doso of Black- Draught when not so well saves a lot of days In bed/* Thedford’s Black-Draught has been tn use for many years In the treat ment of stomach, llvor and bowel troubles, and the popularity which It now enjoys It proof of Its merit If your liver Is not doing Its duty, you will suffer from such disagree- able symptoms as headache, bilious- ness, constipation. Indigestion, eto., and unless something is done, serious troublo may result Thedford’s Black-Draught has been found a valuable remedy for these troubles, It is purely vegetable, and acts In a prompt and natural way, regulating the liver to its proper functions and cleansing tho bowels of Impurities. Try it. lnslBt on Tiled- ford’s, tho original and genuine. SI 70 CASTOR For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Ye: Jrs Alvr^js bears the 8* ^nature the / of <1 Rubbing Eases Pain Rubbing sends the Unimex; tingling through the flesh and quickly iftops pain. Demand a liniment that you can rub with. Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days •‘LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN” is a specially, prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take.* 60c per bottle. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTOR I A NOTICE OF GUARDIAN SALE OF LAND GOLD CHEVRONS ON CAPTIVES Georgia, Houston County. Notice is hereby given that I, as Guardian of Carlos Heard, a minor child, intend to apply to the Hon.! H. A. Mathews, Judge of the Supe rior Court of said county, for an or der to sell the after described land belonging to my said ward and for reinvesting the proceeds of said sale. That the land desired to be sold in an undivided one-sixth interest j belonging to my said ward in that, tract or parcel of land lying in and near the village of Kathleen, Hous ton county, $a., in the 11th District of said county and west of the Geor gia Southern & Florida Railroad and containing 40 acres, more or less. Said 40 acres bounded on the north, south and west by lands of N. K. Wardlow and on the east by the right of way of the Georgia South ern & Florida Railroad, and being all' the land deeded to J. W. Taylor by J. H. Davis and J. 0. Wardlow on 26th March, 1877. Deed recorded in deed book 20, page 364 in office of Clerk Superior Court of said county. That I desire to make said sale for the purpose of increasing the in come of my said ward. That the present income or rental received by my said ward of said lands is only about $15.. or $20.00 per annum and by reinvestment of the proceeds of the sale of said land the income of my wnrd will be largely increased. The petitioner desires to sell said land privately and not publickly, and desires to invest proceeds in nego tiable notes secured by deeds or mortgages and obtain 8 per cent in terest thereon. That said petition will be qassed upon oh Saturday, June 7th, 1919 at 10 o’clock a. m. at the Court House Macon, Ga. This May 7th, 1919. V. E. Heard, Guardian. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE By order of the Ordinary of Hous ton County, Ga., I will sell, on the first Tuesday in June, 1919, within the legal hours of sale, before the Court House door in Perry, Ga., to the highest bidder the following property, to wit: An undivided one half interest in all that tract or parcel of land situ ate, lyini and being in the County of Monroe, Stato of Georgia, consisting of lots of land numbers 260, 7, 26 and 89, each containing 202 Vt acres each, and all in one body of 810 acres, more or less, in the 6th Dis trict of said Monroe County except lot unmber 250, which is in the Sev enth District of said County of Mon roe, whereon Charles O. Goodwyn formorally resided. May 6, 1919. Terms cash. B. C. Holtzclaw, Admr. Estate of Arthur Bellerby, Deed. NOTICE TO PUBLIC. I wish to announce to the cus- tomers of the Famous Watkins Rem edies that I am now prepared to fur nish all kinds of Extracts and Rem edies of all kinds. I will get to you as fast as I can. My headquarters are at White’s mar ket; Call and get what you want. Will be in Perry every Saturday to wait on my customers personally. Will be a pleasure to me to meet the citizens of Houston County. W. W. Dent, THE WATKINS MAN —IF the party who took the large Monkey Wrench (Coes make) out of my automobile the day of the fire will return it to me, I will appreciate it. Jaa. D. Martin Jr. STOCK TAKEN UP: One black but- headed cow marked smooth, crop in left ear, swallow fork and hole in right. One yellow heifer.with horns un marked. One red heifer with white face marked long under slope in both legs. One black heifer with white hind legs with long under slobe in both ears. Held by J. D. Stipes, on W. Z. Williams farm, April 18, 1919 Prisoners of War In Brest Area Think They Are Entitled to 8ervlce Chevron. MONEY, MARBLES and CHALK. With the American Army In France. —The immense amount of work in constructing roads, building barracks, unloading and reloading the vast ton nage of supplies for the American army gave several prisoners of war In the Brest area the idea that they were worthy of recognition In the service 1 of the A. E. F„ and accordingly they having finished six months of good ' hard work, these boches concluded that they were eligible to wear a gold service chevron. They blossomed forth one day with a bright gold chevron glittering on the lower part of the left sleeve. It was wholly out of harmony with their gen eral appearance, according to the sharp vision of the military police who had charge of their surveillance. The ‘‘M. P.” could not understand this hybrid embellishment, coupled with the large letters “P. W.,” signi fying ‘‘prisoner of war,” on their backs. Fulfilling his duty, he Inquired the purpose of this unauthorized dazzle on the left sleeve. The boche explained his affiliation in the Ameri can army, bnt that did not satisfy the *'M. P.” Off came the chevrons with one strong rip. RECEIVES 23 FLESH WOUNDS Maine Lad With Twenty-sixth Division In France Has Real War Experience. Bangor, Me.—-Allen H. Kimball, a Watervllle boy who served 16 months overseas, has suffered 23 flesh wounds during the period of 16 months, play ing an "In and out" game with the overseas hospitals. He Is the son of D. G. Kimball, a Maine Central engi neer. He enlisted In the Second Maine Infantry in April, 1917, going overseas In September of the same year, and has had the distinction of seeing serv ice In all the battles up to September 18. He was but sixteen when he en listed, and Ills meritorious service won for him a citation from General Ed wards, In addition to the French war ,cross from France. Kimball was declared to be the youngest corporal In the Twenty-sixth division. By reason of a severe shrap nel wound in the left forearm he has lost the use of the member, receiving the wound during duty In tho St. Ml- hlel sector and In the Bame engage ment that claimed every member of bis squad. Long Search for Brother. Oroville, Cal.—After a search for his missing brother, which was started in Tennessee twenty years ago, Luther Billingsley of this city finally has found Mack Billingsley In Martinez. The first trace of the missing man was picked up at Kennet, where Mack Billingsley had worked In the copper mines. From there his trail led to Chico, then to Oroville and then to Martinez. —GRAIN SACKS FOR SALE HEARD BROS., PERRY, GA. NOTICE After having bee., closed down two weeks for repairs On mill dam, 'Are are again running both corn and flour mill. A. J. Houser Will Rebuild Country Club Moultrie.—The club house of tho Moultrie Country Club, which was de stroyed by fire several weeks ago, will be replaced with a new and bet ter building, officials of the club an nounce. A swimming pool, tennis court and other attractions will be added to the, club property, which lies just south of the city limits. Commander Rader In Charge Americus.—Lieutenant Colonel Ira A. Rader, new commander of the post at Souther Field, has arrived. E. S. Schofield has been in command since the death of Lieuten ant Colonel F. T. Dickman, who with Major John W. Butts, executive of ficer, was killed in an airplane acci dent. The new commander is one of the oldest flyers in the army. FOR SALE. - Seed wheit and oats A- A. Smoak. can be saved by trading with J. W. Bloodworth, who carries a full line of Hareware, Groceries and farm ers supplies. Now is the time to buy your fruit jars, rubbers and cans as they will be scarce this year we have a full line and are going to sell them at live and let live prices. London.—Coincident with, publica tion of the report showing that dur ing the last quarter of 1918 the num ber of deaths exceeded the birth rate for the first time in the history of civil registration in this country, the war office has announced the release in one week of 700 physicians from the army. Influenza caused the great Increase in the death rate, the number of vic tims from that disease being 98,998, or 41 per cent of the total deaths for the period. Lack of physicians is held responsible for the failure to curb the epidemic. At the beginning of this month, although 1,760,000 men of the army have been demobilized, only 1,500 out of 11,000 physicians have been re leased. J. W. BLOODWORTH PERRY, GA. Groceries, Hardware and Farm Supplies. 1 have a stock of Groceries, Hardware, Farm B upplie* and Notions and respectfully solicit your patronage. Phone No. 9 your orders and they will have prompt at» tention. R. L. MARCHMAN FRESH BREAD AT ALL TIMES. IDENTIFY YOURSELF WITH BUISINESS MEN USE PRINTED STATIONARY LET US PRINT IT FOR YOU PRICES REASONABLE BRITISH DEATHS PASS BIRTHS War Office, Alarmed, Releases 700 Phy sicians From Army Service in Week. HOME JOURNAL PERRY, GEORGIA ; There are more than 3,000,000 Ford tars in daily r operation in the United States. This is a little betto 1 than one half of all the motor cars used, in America. The Ford car is every man’s necessity. No matter what his business may be’ it solves the problem of | cheapest transportation. We solicit your order now because production is limited, and we must make it the rule to supply first orders first. Touring Car,$525 Runabout, $500; Coupe, $650; Sedan, 8775; Truck Chassis, $550, These*prices f. o. b. Detroit. A.*M. ANDERSON. FORD DEALER iPERRY, GA,. Come Now and j subscribe for The. Home* Journal.