The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, July 06, 1922, Image 1

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F-: ... JOHN H. HODGES, Pfop>. DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROGRESS AND CULTURE $1.50 a Year In Advance PERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY JULY 6, 1922. No. 2SL. . S. TELLS TO SAVE BIELASK! .URGENT DEMAND MADE ON THE ! OBREGON REG1MT. FOR RETURN ; OF THE CAPTIVE lWystei'y Shrouds e&se, Many Rumor? Being. Circulated In Mexico City. Mrs. Bielaski Is Safe jiLE-PERU HEAR | 'GENERAL ASSEMBLY ARBITRATION PACT I MEETS ON JUNE 28 u FINAL AGREEMENT FOR ARBITRA TtON OF TACNA-ARICA IS AWAITED Washington.—Mexican bandits hav< seized the property of the Cortez Oii company, an American concern, near (Tampico, and are holding undei .guard forty American citizens and a quarter of a million dollars worth ol [the property against a demand foi jthe payment of a ransom of 15,00( •pesos within forty-eight hours, stats (department officials were informed bj .Consul Shaw, at Tampico. ; Mexico City.—Mystery still sur rounds the kidnaping and holding for 'ransom of A. Burce Bielasld, chief of •the* bureau of investigation of the American department of justice during ithe war and of Manuel Barcena, an attorney, near the Hacienda San Ga- ibriel, in the state of Moreles, : Mrs. Bielasld has merely stated that ithe holdup occurred, and she pleaded ‘physical exhaustion as an excuse from 'making a lengthy statement. She de- Iclined to name the sum of the ransom [demanded or to give out any other in- jforamtion, merely stating that all mat- ■ iters were in the hands of the United jStafes embassy. < One rumor circulated here was to ithe effect that Mr. Bielaski was an or- •dinary prisoner of the civil authori ties in some obscure village in More- ties. Another was that he waa being •held at the instigation of his person- Sal enemies, gained while acting in his official capicity with the United States government. 1 - ' New York.—Ten thousand pesos ($, jOOO American money) is on its way from Mexico City into the Cuernavaca jhills to ransom A- Bruce Bielaski, who jwus seized by Mexican bandits, it is 'announced by Frank L. Sample, vice ■president of Richmond Levering & Co., the . concern of which Bielaski is an ' Mr. Sample said that he was noti fied Through an American bank that a banking company in Mexico City was “talcing care of the ransom” and would Jiurry it to Cuernavaca. Chile Accepted The Principle Of Com promise Proposed Several Days Ago GOVERN&R HARDWICK SENDS HIS MESSAGE TO PRINTER—WILL DELIVER IT IN PERSON Brief News Items Gathered Here Anc There From All Sections Of The State £ Washington.—A final agreement b<? i tween Chile and Peru for arbitration ol Tacna-Arica dispute awaited only th? smoothing out of the wording and in terpretation of the American compro mise formula. Peruvian Ambassador Pazet and the two Peruvian delegates to the Wash ington conference arranged during the day to call on Secretary Hughes for the purpose, it was understood of communi cating Peru’s acceptance of the com- .promise plan ‘‘in principle,” and ol asking the secretary to clear up a por tion of the formula to which varying interpretations have been attatched. Chile, having accepted the principle of the compromise proposal nearly u .week ago, it was indicated that active exchanges regarding the exact lan guage of the formula would begin im mediately. Both sides appeared anx ious to proceed as rapidly as possible in the hope of bringing the conference to an end during the present week. •The effort to frame an exact word ing for the formula begun several days ago by representatives of both sides, ,was interrupted to await the return oi .Secretary Hughes from a week-end trip | because it was felt no progress could be made until he had cleared up the 'misunderstanding over the no-plebiscite feature of this plan. WOODMEN OF WORLD TO MEET AT HENDERSONVILLE Dutch Fear Kaiser WIN Leave Doom London.—Apprehension exists in Holland lest former Kaiser William attempts to slip away from Doom and re-enter Germany in the event of a royalist rising in the assassination ol - .'Foreign Minister Thaneau, to the cor respondent of the Daily, Mail, at Tlte Hague. The writer, however, quotes J. B. Kan, secretary of the Dutch home Dffice, as saying that- such apprehen sion is groundless. ‘‘We have no evi dence that the kaiser has any such in dention,’> he said, "and the surveil lance maintained around him is so close that it would be impossible for him to get qway, even if he wished.’ Trouble Starts At The Hague Parley The Hague. — Bolshevik Russia wants credit before anything else. This pronouncement was made by Max im Litvinoff, head of the Russian del egation, which arrived here, in his first statement to the press, and it' has created consternation among the representatives of the European coun tries here because they had virtually agreed to discuss credits last of all— after some tentative accord had been reached on the questions of private property and Russian debts. Some of imperil the conference. ,Flve Are Victims In Mine Tragedy Huntington, Ark.—Bodies of the five Victims of- a mine tragedy near here have been recoverd and preparations completed for the funerals. John iRoberts, 38; Youncy Roberts, 10; Roland Porter, 18; Dolly Robinson, 14, and Edith Robinson, 11, were located in. mine No. 6 of the Central Coal and Coke company, idle since the strike began. Four sacrificed their lives to rescue the Roberts boy, who tiredJPom berry picking, sat on the side ot the 'snountain near the air hole of the mine. Hendersonville, N. C.—Henderson ville during the greater part of Jul> .will virtually be the national head quarters of the Woodmen of th? .World. For three weeks beginning July 3, the sovereign executive coun cil of that great fraternal and insur 'ance order will be in session here, and during this time the site for a national ‘home for ill and disabled Woodmen will be selected. Hendersonville is •making a strenuous bid for this in stitution on which will be spent sev eral millions of dollars. Other cities 'in the Land of the Sky are likewise bidding for the , home. Duncraggac .Inn, a fashionable mountain resorl hotel, will be occupied solely by the Woodmen officials. Telephone, tele graph and radio services have been installed for their convenience, and indications point to the transaction ol a large volume of business. Sovereigr Commander W. A. Fraser, the supreme official of the order, will preside ovei the council’s sessions. He and his 30 or more associates have never be fore held a council meeting outside the city of Omaha. Their coming tc North Carolina therefore, means mucli to Woodcraft in the southeast. The North Carolina Head Camp will hold .its annual meeting in Hendersonville, ■beginning Friday, June 30, in ordei •that it might formally welcome the distinguished visitors. Sues Manager For Breach Of Contract , Paris.-—Because he dashed her hopes -of becoming a stage star, France’s "most beautiful girl,” is suing a theat rical manager for breach of contract. Elected by popular vote France’s queen of queens for 1022, and acclaim ed the most adorable out of five injl;. lion adorable blondes, and brunettes Atlanta.—The annual fifty-day ses slon of the Georgia legislature con venes June 28, and Governor Hard wick’s recommendations will he pre sented in an address to be delivered to the senate and house in join ses sion at noon. 1 Governor Hardwick finished his mes sage the middle of last week and-sent it to the printer. Copies will be fur nished the members of the house anc senate and the newspapers of the state In this message, which the governoi plans to deliver in person, ho wil! touch on the matters of leading import ance. Other special matters will be presented from time to time in spocia 1 messages. Fiscal affairs of the state, it is un derstpod, will constitute one of the sub divisions of the governor’s message He will show, he stated that all cur rent debts are paid, that there is s small balance in the treasury, and tliai the state’3 revenue remaining to he collected this year -will be sufficient to pay the remainder of this year’s appropriations. The treasury balance is not, the governor stated, large enough to invite or justify the making of deficiency appropriations.- The taxation question in all of ite phases will form another feature oi the message. The governor will set forth at length and in detail his rea sons for advocating a state income ta> as a means of obtaining revenue from invisible property. He will present figures showing that less than 6 pei cent of the state’s ad valorem revenue Is paid.,hy invisible property, while vis ibl'e and tangible property, which cat not escape the eye of the tax-gatherei pays more than 94 per cent. Governor Hardwick will urge witl great emphasis the establishment ol a system of auditing and accounting for all state departments, institutions and agencies. In this connection h« will call attention to the report ol efficiency engineers who have recentlj made a survey of a portion of th« state government. They assert that * department of auditing, and accounting would save the state during the re mainder of this year and next yeai not less than $200,000, and that the saving might run as high as $500,00( in that length of time. The governoi will urge legislation requiring all de 1 partments, institutions and agencies to submit to legislature, before appro priatlons are given them, budgets showing the amounts they propose tq expend, the results they expect to ac complish, the salaries they expect tc pay, etc., and will urge the making of all appropriations in itemized form ,with the requirement that all expend! [tures coincide therewith, except ir special cases where transfers of funds from one account to another are shown to he necessary. UMM.«aaaaacH3aaa»iBe naGanoacaaaaaaaaneaaaaaaaaasaaimtxaK | FARM WAGONS | AT PRE-VMR PRICES | “Hackney” “Onesboro” and “White | Hickory.” | You can take your choice they are all high- | grade. We handle Vulcan Plows and Parts. You will probably not use much Fertilizers bat will want what you do use to be strictly High Grade. We make ours arid know what's in it and you do net have to pay and more than for the ordinary kind. IT WILL PAY)YOU TO FIGURE WITH US. HEARD BROTHERS MACON, GEORGIA. DaaaeaaooaaaaDaeanaaaDaaaaaaaaaaaBoaanaaa^DnDwcD&m I I 1 I I BATTERY SERVICE When starter fails to crank your car on cold morning*.- remember we have service batteries. We recharge and rebuild all sizes and makes of Batteries. New Willard Batteries in .stock. Call us for Service. McLendon Auto Co. CALVIN E. McLENDON, Prop’r. PERRY - GA. the delegates believe that persistence Mile. Germaine Buchet expected to ful- of the Bolsheviki -in thi3 attitude may ''fill her childhood dreams of appear ing before the fopBights. Silo turned down many offers of -marriage, s§| alleges, to sign , a contract of appear ance in the operetta ‘ Helen Returns,’ but. the role went to a rival beauty. Peachtree Road Growth Is Seen Atlanta. — Wonderful developments In the Peachtree road section of At .lanta, which will be of vast importance in the, upbuilding of Atlanta are pre dieted by Jiames L. Logan, one of ths most prominent real estate raen ir Atlanta and well-known ai-s an author ity on this class of development. Mr Logan refers to the survey made by H M. Keys, of the Southern Belle Tele phone company, who has prepared i forecast of the future growth of Atlan to. Mr. Keys is emoted m stating tha' a large portion, of //’a:i:a’s expanaioi will come through the development o: the territory lying along Peachtre< road and that section of Atlanta. Bishops Discuss Missionary Work Chicago.—Plans for advancing .ths world-wide missionary work of then church and for reaching the .flOO.OOO,- ;000 goal of the Methodist centenar* for work at home and abroad, arc -zander discussion by fourteen of the thirty-seven bishops of the Methods! Episcopal church here for a four-da* meeting. Ticks Eliminated In Worth-County Sylvester —The board of commls sioners of Worth county have been ad vised by Dr. J. W. Hindman, who ha! charge of the cattle dipping in thii- county, that Worth county will he pro nounced tick-free on the first day o, July, and that no more cattle dipping will be required in this county. Abou 90 vats were operated last and abou five so far this year, the people o- the county as a whole have co-operatec In the work. DON’T BE DECEIVED Buy your Goods for Cash and I will sell you, Grocer ies, Hardware, Enamelware, Crockery, Stoves, Ranges Glassware, Churns, Etc., CHEAPER than any man m Perry. I am in business to stay; I know that all Mer chandise is cheaper than it was six months ago; I hi taken my loss and, if you buy fiom me I will not sell one article for less than cost and make it up on sometl else. All I ask is an opportunity to meet honest compe tition on any line I 'sell. Lets Forgetjthe Blues, Go To Work and Make The Best of It. J. W. BLOODWORTH i"fHE FARMERS FRIEND. PERRY, - GEORGIA. . . . . ' . ) ; We are in the market at all times for Seed Cottony Cotton Seed, Peas, Velvet beans and all other farm products. Biing us yOur products. Perry Warehouse Co.