The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, December 28, 1922, Image 2

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THE HOME JOURNAL Price, $1.5t) A Year,, In Advance Published Every Thursday Morning. Official Organ of Houston County, JOHN H, & JOHN L. HODGES, Pbbby, Thoksday, Dec. 28. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES The Christmas this year has been commended as one of the best over known in Georgia,except financially. Thk Perry Home Journal will complete this year the 62nd year of its existance. Within that year three editors and one asso ciate oditor will have served the paper, t'o-wifc; John T.. Waterman, Edwin Martin, John H. Hodges and Jolm L. Hodges. J One of those editors served the paper forty-two years. DEMOCRATS BECOMING AGGRESSIVE. Newspaper writers are seeming ly determined that the next pres! ^BEVERAGE RESEMfelNG TEA MADE FROM CASSINA PLANT Laboratory investigations by the Bureau of Chemistry, United States Department of Agriculture dential election shall be lively and' , have sllown tlia t t , a ver -V delightful the democrats have already given bt ' ve ^ resembling tea in many evidence of becoming aggressive St ?‘ ade f,oia oa f*» a the early stages of the campaign. iBftef iafc A J*® abU i ld " n ^ There aro also positive indications SoiUl ’ , At | all Dc: and Gulf that high grade presidential tim- ® fcales fl ' om Virginia to Jexas, ber (g plentiful in the democratic party. Already there are prospective candidales on the democratic list with able advocates ready and when the leaves of the plant are treated by processes similar to those used in curing tea. The cassina plant has been used to a limited extent by Indians, and during the Civil War when tea and willing to talk and write in behalf I ™e uivi of their choice. These men are oofle S c6 . u I ft* B J»MB b / people of the Southern States to able men, respectively, of Indiana, Michigan aoclNew York. Senator Ralston of Indiana .de feated one of the strongest repub licans of that state and has the , full confidence of the- democratic j u hR , ab ? ra , non n In nn/1 rnnnKli/mn.. /N f llOrllOU YOU WILL “ARRIVE" IF YOU— Take this; A firm interest in the affairs of your firm. Believe this; the best opportuni tioa are of tho homo made variety. Keep tlioso: Your word, your temper and your friends. ,, Make this: A life whjle making a living. Live one day at the time- Practice this: Holding your tongue between your teeth, so it won’t cut your throat. Try this; Courtesy in tho face of discourtesy. Heed this; ‘Prepare ” Adopt this: Think before you not—but don’t think too long. Gob this: Turning up with a smile—and siniliug even when you aro turned down. Finish this; Every job you tacklo. Lend this: A. fellow ail you go way. Turn to this; Your wife’s judge ment whenever you aio in doubt. Act on this; It is' much Cheaper t.o koep well than to get well. JDxecuto this; There is' no sucli thing as ‘‘little thing” in business. Smoko this: The “average” matt spends ten tithes as ipuch mbney for tobacco than he does fo,r bpolcs ten timos as much to befbul .his . surroundings and poisonhis body than to nourish his mind. Are you an ’*average?” * Learn this; Something now* and useful every day you live. Remember this; Character’■ is yWhab a man is in the dark. Forget thoso; Past failures; past successes, slight splits, and gUelse Jjhab robs of serehi'by'atid ‘ impeded your progress. Save this: A bit of every day for sixty; * Enjoy th'fsi A gobd lairgh daily; the sunny side of every situation; freedom from worry, '• , i Realize this; Today is the.., to* morrow you worried about y^stpT- day. # Bftuk oh this; If yon aim. straight and shoot straights and pull the t rigger oftea enough you cannot help hitting the marlc.-^Ex people and republicans of that state. It is claimed that Ex-Presi dent Wilson favors Senator Ral ston. It is also learned the progressive republicans ai o ready to join the democrats against the republican national campaign. Tho present administration has not gained ntiy strength within the last several months aud lead ing democrats believe they can win the next presidential oampaign with such a candidate as Senator Raison. , Gov. Smith of Now York has de veloped natibnal strength and is now regarded as more than a make a beverage, Unless properly cured, however, cassina does not make a good beverage. It having been demonstrated in the laboratory that cassitia could by processes similar to those used in the tea indusliy and an excellent beverage mac's from it. work has been undertaken tn produce it on a larger scale. An experimental plant has been in stalled near Charleston, S. C.. and preliminary results can bedubliat- ed on a commerieal scale Laboratory experiments have been conducted on the use of the hot-waler extract of properly cur ed eass’na leaves as a base in the production of carbonated bever ages. Carlonaled bottled bever ages of throe distinct types lmve been made in the laboratory from j flavoring sirups containing cassina extract. Formulas have been pre-' of qOOOOOOOOOOOOO dcooooooooooo ooooooopoooooooooooooipooo pjS JpA-'tJ AT :rW!; 3 W. B. SIMS STORE <j NeW Shipment Of Imported English ° Ware. Make YoUr Selection While g We Have. A Full Assortment. Beautiful e Art Squares for your floors, nice Iron g Beds, 'Best Springs and Mattresses. | We carry a general line of | Household Goods. § COME TO SEE US. v j | W. B. SIMS, r § Groceries, furniture, undertaking, I 8 Night Phone No. 22. Day Phone No. 8, c g . Perry Ga- | ooooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooooooooooooobooI rjmmnmasa THOSE WERE THE HAPPY DAYS bable candidate in the democratic extra , campaign * .pared for the manufacture Last November tho democrats of ^ina-flavored bottled sodas. Michigan elected a Senator of the the United States, the first of that political faith within seventy years Eaoh of the democrats are be lieved to be worthy statesmen and very many democrats aro already confident that one of these men will be chosen President of the United States in 1924. SHORT COURSE FOR FARMERS Athens, Ga. Dec.—Farmers’ week, the annual short course for farmers will beheld at the Geor gia State College of Agriculture January 22-27, 1923 according to hand tn tVm ivvecenl announcement by Prosi- b. along‘life’s high-' Soule, and Director.Campbell. b T lie program has been arranged aiid'sbhie of the foremost authori ties in the country have consent ed to bo present and address the meeting. It is doubtful if .any farmer^ meeting in the South has assembled sb many of tho agricul- '.tural leajdprf ps.will,., be here for th is meeting.'The program is fill ed every d&y- with' lbethres •and demonstrations *, by oulstar ding :m6n who. have iniVde. their subject a speciality and have been selected' because of recognized abilily in their particular line. Marketing will be one. otf the prineifial topics of discussiou, ami a npeciitl feature Avill :be the ex hibit qf a large number of farm commodities by the eduntiy Agont^v.Prices are being, offered For tho packages whiW are in the TOO MUCH PEP best .niarkeiable condition, and in addition to this the good and bad. points of packages will, bo 'pointed out fb'i'.Lhe bone’tifc Gl Yhu • V.oi'iiri^ farmers. H all 'of An efficiency maniac; posted a notice in his .plant, which’ read, Doit Now.” Within twenfcy-fonr lioui’s the chasliier bolted with tho 'contents of the safe, his favorite stenographer eloped with his son the office boy throw an ink bottle into the electric fan, and the whole force struck for more wages and a shorter day. The old boy isbtrying With genuine business co-opera to think up a new motto, one not tion Houston county should nd- l «f SC mm a tbe pep and ^ n 2er vance the prosperity of t;he county stuff. —Tho At’goaaut. very much indeed. each day * will' *• in charge of .the various div sions of 'tho College, ’ and Je.duies and demonstrations dlsi|neil n> 1of ■most beiielitto farhiers’ aud coun ty agents, as wt41, have been ar ranged. Theother half.of the day ■WHl'hegiven,over to the discussion of cUrfe^jb fahn. problems of pfo-, dilution and marketing ing, a C( n- sicl6rabl6 part of which will be de voted. to the production of cotton under boh weevil conditions. X. Georgia is an. exceptionally good, state and great prosperity wih.come next year if all the peo ple will do the best tlie£ can. 6 For the first time in several years the county jajl at Nashville, Geor gia, Berrin county, was empty on (Christmas d'ay. : o— “It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive/’ said Stevenson. *Life is a porsuit, not an occupa tion. It is something to do, not something to learn. When bappi-, ness becomes ah accomplished fact’ it ceases to exist, So long ffs it is a pursuit it lives. Doctors assure us there is noth ing more fatal to the health of an active man or woman than to re tire from active life at loo early an ago. The same law holds good as to happiness. To think that at least you have achieved the goal is to loso it. It is like the bluo bird in Masterlink’g story, that turns black when, it is housed and caged Think ot the days of greatest en joyment, in your .OAvn life. Were they not the days wliep you were working and striving for a goal? Wheu you and your partner faced Ihe woi'id with a modest salary and a gijin? / When yoh’had a lii tie apartmont of a few,rooms, and furnished them one room at a time? When you paid off the mortgage, or got the big raise, or laupeijed but into bu'si- ness'M’y.ourself? ' ‘ * Those were.the happy days, Happy, not because, j f o.u had ac- complished sOmething, but because you were starting something. And you have hover boon as contented since unless you have continued .the wise process of pursuing hap’ piness,. alwayis sotting out hope fully for a new objective as sooii as youliavoar,ived anywhere. -Ut; a Observei'-Dispateli, '' FREE TO FARMERS When you become a subscriber to the Southern Agricul turist you are entitled to an almost unlimited service of informa tion and advice absolutely without charge. bring tho problems of your homo, your business or your community to us snd they will receive the sympathetic study of editors and specialists who through years of experience have become expert in their solution. Their'ad vice is yours for ihe asking. 400,000 farm families already take the ‘‘Giant of the South,” If you do not. fiO tents h year or $1 for three years will eut’cle you to tills unpur chaseable free service in addition to an unbeatable paper twiee a month. SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST 1 * ^ Nashville, Tenn. The Giant of the South. T o Secretaries of Local lanizations Why not let this newspaper save you labor? Labor-saving are the . methodsi „ </ . -They spell efficiency. Why stay jn the old rut? My Treatnl**t will .destroy the f orms in your lood and do it right now. • This ds the only remedy that gets! results 1 quick In new or old cases. You will be surprised how [quickly It will clean up those old sores, stiff Joints, copper colored spots, sores In mouth and throat, leg ulcers and many other symp toms caused from bad blood 606 $10.. 4 FREE Blood Test. A DR. DOVE, LOSt SUIT CASE;—Brown suit case lost on road between Fori Valley and Hawkinsville. Finder please notify this office and re ceive reward. * This is what you hdve been doing for years*—wasting your time and energy in sending out separate notices of meetings regarding your lodge , to each member. This means thatyou . have to address from 50 to lOO.postal cards, or envelopes in addition to pfe-‘ paring the notices for mailing out. . Why not put your notice in an ad vertisement under “Lodge Notices” in this paper? You could do it for ;$l.'2p and save all that labor. , It’s the modern way. It’s the way" most lodges are doing-in the up-to- date'communities. ' What would be more interesting in . this paper than a column or two of .such potices? Your members would look for this feature in every issue. And then, think of the labor it would. ' save you. . Just write out one- notice''and bring, it to us. 'That’s all. Simple, isn’t if? You bet, Try it, and you won’t . do it any other waj). We are here to serve you and ready to make suggestions. ' v Money to Loan od Farm Lands in Houston Qounty a’Low Rate of Inheres r-' s ' ‘ /• . ax you rim money quick wr^te orca'l Hatcher-Tutpm Co. 235 Mulberry St. Macon, Georgia. Come Now and Subscribe for The Home Journal.