The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, January 25, 1923, Image 1

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' JOHN H. HODGES, Prop'r. DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROGRESS' AND CULTURE $1.50 a VOL. LIII. PERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY JANUARY 25. 1923. , 1 HIGHWAY wen ;BUDGET ANNOUNCED FOR JANU , ARY AND FEBRUARY—TEN- TATIVE CURRENT BUDGET FOR BIGGER TRUE i soli STATE NEWS f INTEREST Brief, News Items Gathered Here And There From All Sections Of The State, . Atlanta.—The Georgia state highway ''department will operate on a monthly bucfget system durihg 1923. Chairman John A. Holder announced the other day when he gave out the budget for January ,and February a tentative bud get for the remaining ten months. The budget for January and Febru ary calls for the same expenditure and Is as follows for each month: General expenses, including admin istration, engineering, drafting, bridge designs, accounting, supervision, office supplies, postage, express, telephones, telegraphy drayage, rent Ad inciden tals, $14,445.61. Construction, including surveys, plans and supervision^ $8,380,706.00; road and bridge work now being carried on in the state, $19,650. Maintenance of 6,600 miles of state road system—labor, gas, oil, operating equipment, bridge, work, material and repairs, $48,460. Equipment depot, including freight, ' insurance, receiving, housing and dis tributing equipment donated by federal government, $6,000'. „ Beginning March 1, a tentative monthly budget has been worked out as follows: Construction as above itemized for pll divisions, $19,550. Maintenance, 6,500 miles as above shown in detail, $79,450. \ General expense, as shown above, $14,600. Under the new system the budget is made for each month and at the end of the month each division and the general office will make a report show ing that the budget hae been carried out in detail. In maintaining roads, the state is di- . vided into one hundred road sections. Each section consists of about fifty- five miles of nrad and each section is in charge of a maintenance patrolman, machine operator and three or more la borers. A machinist has-charge of nine section?. Each road section is provid . 'ed with a truck, tractor, road machine, malntainer, picks, shovels, axes and other equipment necessary to keep 'road in repair. * ! In addition to this maintenance •equipment, there is a heavy equipment for each three rohd section. This (heavy equipment' consists of a ten-ton .tractor, road machine, scarifier and other things^necessary. to do betterment work on the highways. • These ten-ton tractors were given to the state highway department by the ifederal government and the heavy road machines were purchased by the state • highway board to be operated by these jten-ton tractors so as to utilize equip ment given to the state by the federal government This heavy equipment Is very valuable in plowing, up roads that have been badly scarred with holes \ and, washes. i Declares Mormon Strength Growing Savannah. — Mrs. Lula Loveland- Shepherd of Salt Lake City, Utah;- at the head of the national organization opposing polygamy and advocating the passage of national ^Jaws forbidding it, spoke to three great audiences, one at the First Christian/ church to women only, in tlie Sunday school room of tie Independent Presbyterian church and at Thunderbolt. Negro Burgla'r Shoots Watchman Augusta.—C. H. Jones, watchman at the Broadway apartments, one of the most fashionable apartment houses in ' the city, was held up and ‘shot by a negro the other night. The*shooting occurred just off the court qf the apart ment when the negro stepped from be hind the corner of the building and demanded of Jones ta “throw them up.” Joneg, refused with the result that the negro fired three shots at him. f Only one < if the bullets took effect; His woun . i! not serious. The apartment" is ta the heart of the city. PRELIMINARY STEPS TAKEN NOW WHILE EUROPE IS IN MORASS OF POST-WAR TROUBLES TRADE BATTLES EXPECTED United States Is Now Bending Every Effort To Extend Its Good Will Throughout Entire Section ALLEGED HUT IA1ESTE0 CAPTURED MAN BELIEVED TO HAVE STAGE) DAYLIGHT ROBBERY IN DENVER MAN MAKES STRONG DENIAL , Police Make Arrest After ^‘Listening In’- On Telephone ^Conversation With Another Suspect Washington.—Wiiile Europe flound ers in a morass of post-war troubles, says a staff correspondent, the Harding administration is'i seizing the opportun ity to build a commanding position for the United States throughout the west ern hemisphere. The South American tour which Sec retary of State. Hughes is to make in March is the latest project in a care fully, planned chain of activity. He will visit Argentina, Brazil, Peru and other countrie^for the purpose of draw ing closer ties with the United States by emphasizing the mutual interests which can be developed to the profit and increased security v of the United States and the South American nations alike. Hughes also will attend the Pan- American conference at Santiago, Chile. The problem of effecting the solidar- ity of the new world war under Ameri can guidance is one to which President Harding attaches the greatest impor tance. He regards it is a necessary step in preparation for the trade bat tle which is expected as soon as Great Britain, France' and Germany reach a settlement which will enable them to concentrate on selling campaigns in South America! Those countries can pay their heavy debts through selling machinery, textiles, electrical equip ment and other commodities to the South American cbuntries. Argentina, Brazil and Chile are the best prospective customers Europe has. But the United States regards them as its customers and intends to keep them. Proposals are being made by some British trade experts for a triang ular flow of goods between Europe, South America and the United States, hut the,effect,of that would be to give the European countries the first chance at the South American buyers. The small nations of Central Amer ica alsp come into the picture as the United States 1b anxious to continue as their moral sponsor. Declare New Clinic May Reduce Crime Cincinnati, Ohio.—The Cincinnati Central Psychiatric clinic, said by physicians to be the first of its kind in the country to attempt to reduce criminality, will be opened here soon, it has beep announced. T|e plan of the institution is to give the youths of the city >the maximum opportunity for normal development through co ordination with the courts, social agen cies, the public school, board of health, vocational bureaus and other institu tions in touch with deficient persons. The clinic will be under the superin tendency of Dr. Emerson A. North, former superintendent bf the Long view Hospital for Insane, at Cincin nati. Chicago.—A man, answering the de scription of Albert T. Hollywood, said by police to have been the leader oL the band which robbed Federal Re serve bank guards of $200,000 at the door of the Denvep mint December 18, was arrested here when detectives raided bis room in a 1 hotel. He denied he is Hollywood and im sistod he is Da^ Culbane, a St. Louis gambler. Culbane was asleep when five de tectives entered his room and cov ered him "with guns. The arrest was made on v a tip from Kansas City po lice, who listened in on a telephone conversation said to have bjaen con ducted by Culbane from the. hotel herb with another robbery suspect at Kan sas City. Police s&s Hollywood* Is wanted for the Denvef ifobbery, and also for the robbery of the Citizens’ bank at” Springfield, Mo„ in which $20,000 ‘was taken after a policeman apd citizens were shot. ; Detectives following up v the Kansas City tip found Culbane’'registered in room 1011 at the Washington hotel, and the hdtel records showed he had talked to Kansas City. ! Two detectives went up the fire {escape and three to the door. Under {their guns Culbane wae forced to get up. An automatic, pistol ytaay found junder his pillow. < ■ Only a small amount of money was .found in the suspect's pockets, but police found several marked wrappers, pf the kind banks use about packages of currency, sewed in his vest lining. jHe refused to explain why he carried them there. The prisoner is about 30 years old, fire feet seven inches tall and weighs 150 pounds. / Kansas City police are expected to come for him very soon. BoaoooooocHaanoBiiiDoaanamseaaoaooaanacsnwcnQBiaoo . PEACH TREE FERTILIZERS. I 6-3-3. 7-4-7, 8-3-10, 8-4-4, 8 Are grades that can be used wit! |gdod results, under varying con | ditions. W.e can furnish yc | any Special Formula you / v may need. We sell Raw bqne Meal, D«*ied Ground ’ Fish Scray, Tankage, Cotton Seed Meal, Sulphate of Amonia, Sulphate of Potash, Murate of pot ash and Various other fertilizer materials.’ WRITE US FOR PRICES, ■4 HEARD BROTHERS M MACON, GEORGIA. Manufacturers of Plant Food lor All Lands iaaapBwaaoHattBaaaaaaaMaaQaaaBaaaaaaaDOB Mexicans Decline Pan-American Meet Mexico City.—Mexico’s regrets that" she will not he able to take part in the Pan-American congress to be held jon March 4, at Santiago, Chile, are oh thdir way to the Chilean government. |in a note handed to Enrique de Mu dez, the Chilean minister, Foreign Sec retary Pani aaye that Mexico is forced ito decline the conferenceinvitation be cause she has not an accredited rep resentative at Washington and there fore canapt comply with one pf the re quirements of admission to the confer ence circle. Increased Rail BualheSs Is Predlctec Chicago.—Indications that the rail troads anticipate increased business it seen in orders for additional equipment totaling twenty-two million dollar by several mid-western railroad. Woman Charged With Killing Husband Greenville, S. C.—Mrs.. Della Kate Williamson was arrested at her home Oppose Debt Funding Amendment Washington.—President Harding and here "on^a^warrant* charging “her “with after the murder of her husband, Robert L. Williams, who died at his home in Aiken, s. C.; November 23, 1921, after his throat had been cut, under mys terious circumstances. The a^resl was made by Sheriff Carlgs Rector, of Greenville county, and two detec tives-. representing the governor oi South Carolina, and who it was said had been working of the case 1 for over two years. The detectives . placeJ Mrs. Williamson in a room at a local hotel and are expecting to start for Aiken with their prisoner. thorough canvass of the situation, have [decided ,that this is not the tipie tc iseek an amendment to the debt-fund ing law liberalizing the ter-jns of set tlement by nations o^ving . money tc the United States. It was said- thai amendatory legislation probably would be asked for after" the negotiations be tween the British and American debt commissions now jn progress have been completed. The executive and bis call ers were in agreement. REPAIR WORK By Expert* Mechanic^ On All Cars. BATTERY SERVICE / . • ' * We Recharge and Rebuild All Sizes and New Willard Batteries in Stock. WELDING - ■ , y Acetylene Welding of All Kind. TIRES qnd TUBES v Goodyear and Seibling Tires. McLendon Auto CALVIN E. McLendon, Prop’r. PERRY ; GA, J. W. BLOODWORTH We are prepared to furpish you the following at lowest possible prices. Shells by Bo* or Case. * Ranges, Stoves, Heaters, Pipe and Utensils. New Syrup Barrels and Cans. We carry at all times a line of farm hardware fancy and family groceries. - WELCOME - Make Our Store Your Headquarters. J. W. BLOODWORTH “THE FARMERS FRIEND.*’* PERRY, - GEORGIA. No Agreement v Yet On Britain Debt Washington.—A difference of viows as to terms of settlement having been developed, 'conversations between the British and American 1 commissions re garding the refunding of Great Brit ain’s war debt to the United States were halted while the British awaited instructions from London. The sub ject matter of these- instructions is withheld, but it was learned from the highest official sources that the time of final payment and the interest rate -have been canvassed thoroughly in an informal way,.. Plans Wide Tour For Federal Agencies Washington.—Prohibition Commis sioner Haynes, accompanied by repre sentatives of the legal and narcotic di visions of the bureau, left Washington on an inspection trip through the west ern and southern states planned tc .comprise a thorough investigation oi .the federal agencies for'enforcing pro- hibtion and anti-narcdtic laws. L, G r-Nutt, chief of narcotic i-section, 1 anc •H. W. Orcutt of the bureau’s legal were in* the party. Mr. Haynes roceed to Portland, Oregon, where 11 fegeak jgpuary 17. We are in the market at all times for Seed Cotton S. s -- / Cotton Seed, Peas, Velvet l f o ■ . V, other farm products '* Bring us your products. ' ~ Y Perry Warehouse - flH