The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, March 15, 1923, Image 2

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mmmmm ■ ■ -THE HOME journal CRIMINAL OARELESSNESS. i 0RD1N “ 1E ’ S ™» s CPWco, $1.50 A Year, In Ad vane* -Pobhihed Every Thnrtdfty Morning. Official Organ of Houston County, JOHN H. & JOHN L. HODGES. 'Pams*, Thokoday, March 15. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES POLITICS HURTFUL TO BUSINESS. Politics and business do not mix satisfactorily to either party. 'Therefore the adjournment of the fflasl Congress on March 4th was welcomed alike by business men Jtogifclatoi s of all degrees. It is a dreadful fact that a large percentage of motor car drivers daily violate the road laws of the states, munieipalii ies ancl roads. No day passes during which careless driving does nut cause death or serious personal injury in this state. JDven the larger cities are not exempt from il oadful casualties, though t he laws are sufficient, if obeyed, to prevent collisions. Too many drivers seem to think that the road rule is or should be: ‘ ‘E very man for himself and the devil take the hindmost. ’ At railroad grade crossings, sharp turns on public roads and thoroughfares, speeding is fre* quenlly a position and the road signals are almost entirely ignored In the small towns and villages the drives seem to have forgotten if they ever knew, that law pro vides that a signal is required at each street crossing or corner. If the signals required wore given promptly, collisions would bo ex ceedingly rare, When an accident occurrg Georgia, Houston County. Louise Harrison administratrix of tho estate of W. H. Harrison represents to tho court in her petition, duly filed and entered on record that she has fully ad ministered his estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to snow cause if any they ean, why snid administratrix should not be discharged from her ad ministration and receive lotters of dis mission on the first monday in April 1023. Emmett Houser Ordinary. Georgia, Houston County. Mrs Clifford H. Sharpe, administratrix of tho estate of Wa'tor M. Sharpe repre sents to the court in her petition duly filed and entered on record tljat sho has fully administered his o*ta‘e. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to sliow cause if any they can, why said administratrix shoul I not bo discharged from her nil niinUl ration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in April 1923 Emmett Houser Ordinnry. Georgia, Houston County. Mrs Psurl D Heard administratrix of the cstato of V. E. Hoard represents to tho court in her petition duly filed nnd entered on record that sho lias full ad ministered his estate .This is therefore lo ei'o nil persons concerned to show cause if any thoy can, Why said administratrix should not bo discharged from her ad- There id possibly an exception; . , - , .. „„ .i, 0 fit* litis (ran or ill rule lb-wit* Tho through disregard of any road law ministration and roceivo letters ofdis- UIIS kouot al rum, to wir, -Mio f|u tlol . f „ u , innIfl I, a mission on tho first Monday in April 1923. Emmett Houser Ordinary. 4oBcr of political lamplight always#* K'ljlty PjiHy « hould be punish welcomes tho maker of the light 0,1 to . th * ful * es , fc . oxtftnt of the law * 4;hat is made to shine his way.Tho 1 . ( ^ no dreadful incident. One in- *0ougiess in session furnishes (ho s ' ( ^ en *' Es 8Ufficitn|. Last Thurs- -wherowilh lo produco political (,av Afternoon a prominent citizen flight. of this county ancl two nieces were; ciiott deceased this is to < ite all persons iti this connection the following! walking in return to tho home of eoneemod to appear at the court of Georgia, Houston County. .1 P. Newell having appliod for letters of administration on tho estate of Moses catllines iippuarod in tho Atl„nto| lhf > ^hlto man « wl.y <1 Jill 111* . I- • — 1! it ...I. «...U 1, r Oonsti tint ton last Monday mm . n . | an automobile approached alarm Mg: “Believe AlVscmco of Solons I near ' aml « 1,10 pedestrians ■Will Encourage Trade.” ‘'Busi-(stepped nside entirely out of the mess Welcomes tho Chanoo to Ex-l roa( * an< * i,,fco 11 ditch. Dispile in April wlij not bo granted Vaud Unhampered by Possible Ob edfcruolivo Legislation.” Especially is tho ahovo applica- iiEWnniw. To a greater extent than usual it is true the absence from Con- fgress fvom Washington is a wel comed relief to parly politician And businessmen. From a party this, the gentleman walking with his nieces was struck by the ear and instantly killed. Very many such tragedies within a compara tively few weeks could be mention ed. To prevent snob calamities would be very muoh better than punish ment for disobedience of tho law hiH application should Thin March fi, 1923. Emmett Houser Ordinnry •Standpoint the republifans as woil! Nono 8110,1 Would occur if all driv- -a* democrats want as much tin « ors wou>!d obey all laws they can get to place their The town officials should requiro fences (h condition fo enable them ,observance of the law to the min- rto withstand (he pressure of the utQst netail, demanding that all .next presidential campaign. the danger signals ho given. It matters not which party has! ’Steps the- causes driving and rfdie better chances of winning the speeding and auto disasters would uB«xt national campaign, the bu|i- ali.poslj entirely, cease moss conditions are good, and bo Goorgia Houston County. Beulah Snipes guardian of Loon Snipes Lnurice Snipes nnd Evorjoy Snipes lias applied to me for discharge from his guardianship. This is to notify all per sons concerned to file their objections, if any thoy have on, or beforo the first Monday in April noxt. elso Beulah Snipes will bo discharged from her guardianship as applied for. This March 0, 1923. Emmott Hcuscr Ordinary. rooming better, inspile of political -.activities. Both parties, as well as business ■«M,1 .oonooiitrotioii oltheir.ofeita' “£[ 0 lm| ,, 6Tement8 in *11 miud to the single purpose to It is reported from Washington that the post office department has dotermed to make some very valu- the parcel post,service. wcemove all obstacles from then' ^chosen pathway. One white man .and three ne The betterment eon- oe , wm r0| , 0rte(1 j,J to *„§ l lT. m ... So ;:‘. u|>0 ? «!•> Jonre county last Saturday at- ■nncoesa of vtrunnn ftHtm, bus,. u ,,, 00 „ md Sunday. Tom Jack. >? % *° Ue sou was slain at Five Point, a. d **r as possible from active polities ,“hJL in aor u considerable measure of rtitne. v tho others at other points in the seethin' of Round Oiik. Two were killed iu a duel. The annual Peach Blossom Fes- „ t W*** X l were reported tival will bo held at Fort Valley ikilloii and to seriously hurt in the next,Thursday, March 22nd, tin* -noavy storm that swept over the; tH6 auspices of an association -section ot Jackson, lennesseo last)organized for that purpose. It, is •JSanday.. A tirst'class public road is eom- iparablo Lo a sorry road as a now -dollar is 'comparable to a penny with a hole in it. estimated that at least 5,000 guesls will attend. Georgia Houston County. C. B;,Wjitfsonndministratorofthe cstuto of Dan Rerguaon deceased having » pj»li- ed for letters'of dismission; this is there fore to citecfiB persons .concerned .to show cause if any tliev can* why his application should not he f-nUiteil o'-V tho first Monday in Aprii noxt. Till j March'll, 1923. Emmett Houser Ordinary. GeoYgiaTToiiston GbilVrty, W. R. Jones Guardian for .Tones'and Houser Marshall having applied for dis mission from, liis- gnardiansLup: this is thereforo to cifii all persons concerned to show causn if any thov can why his np- piic.ntion should not- bo gi'nntt-d on the first.Monday in April next. This March- 0, 1923. Emmett Houser Ordinary. Goorgia Houston Oounty-. Mrs Gordon Wilcoxou having applied for Guardianship of -Tones & Hons r Mar shall; this is therefore to cite all perstni concerned to show Cause if any they can why her application Rliould not be grant ed on tho first Monday in April next. This March 0, 1923. Emmett Housor Ordinary. Both Franco and Germany canuot do as they like, and neither ■cjoubtry will he pleased when the Unal agreement is sigued and aeal- Middle and South Georgia j farmers are making steady pro gress in intensive farming and co _ 1 operation in all lines of agricul- i ture, including stock growing,hog and poultry growing. These farm ers have learned that the best Georgia Houston County, Mrs Ida Dean Books ndlninistrntrix of the estate of John Anders n Books de ceased having applied for letters of dis mission, this is therefore to oite nil per sons concerned to show cause if any they can why her application should not bo granted on tho first M- nduy in April next. This March.6, 1923. Emmett Houser Ordinary.' Georgia Houston County. To whom it may concern: . Notice is hereby given that Mrs T. R. Sharpe as administratrix of tho estate of T. R. Sharpe decease ! h iving applied W to mo by petition for leave to sell certain i none too good for progressive' real estate of snid estato located in De farmers. Ip you don’t know it is true, tell it. There are plenty bf sgnoA things that you knew are into that you can safely tell more vlhau once. _ The Albany Her.ild says Geor- Cgia must keep up with the pro- «?cssiou in the matter of road TbqiJdiug th ough there aro differ- 1 The house boat on which Ply si-, dent Farding, liis wife and vaca tion puny aro cmising iu South! Florida waters siopped at Palm ■ Stench and' mixed business with I pleasure.’ Monday the cruising' party of notable-, was joined by- two members of the President's Kalb county Georgia, said property de scribed as follows: land lotlTG, Fifteenth District of DeKalb county Georgia more particularly-described as follow : being lot No 6 of Newton St John sub division in East Atlanta, heipg at the . north oast corner of Plat Shoals R 'ad and Newton Streot; running tliimce east along tho north side bf Newt -n Street 75 I feet; theme oi tinning north 145foet to a ten- i foot alley: thence running southwesterly i 143 feet to the Flat Shoals R'>ad; thence s utheasterly along the north side of Flat Shoals road 66 .'eet t > the beginning -oneos of^opiuion „ to bow Dou K b ^All h,lr. «, Uw and editor. « ‘-work will be done. CXXXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXJOOOOOOOOOCXXXXJOOOOCXXDOOOOOOOOO W, B. SIMS Seed Irish Potatoes EARLY ROSE BLISS TRIUMPH and COBBLERS All kinds of Small Garden Seed, The famous Thurmond Gray Water Melon Seed all fresh and ready to plant. W. B. SIMS, GROCERIES, FURNITURE, UNDERTAKING. Night Phone No. 22. Day Phone No. 8, Perry 6a. OCXXIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO APPLICATION FOR CHARTER State of Georgia County of Houston. To the Superior Court of H ou8 t°u County: Tho petition of J. P. Cooper, R. L. Cator, G. C. Nunn, J. P. Ethridge, L. F. Cuter, W. E. Swanson, H. T. Gilbert, C. B. Andrew, H. P. Dobbins, S. L. Norwood, Jr., J. H. Short, H. M. Heard, TO BORE FOR OIL IN PULASKI Mr John E Johnson, of MisseUri chief driller for the Georgia and Florida Consolidated Oil and Gaa Co,, arrived in the city Sunday and is now looking ovor the com pany's leases preparatory to locat* and S. p, Crowell all of the County of ing a spot for the beginning of the Houston, State aforesaid, respectfully first well. Mr R M Marshall, presi- shoW8 ' t 'dent of tho company is out of the their! city this week having the boring That they desire for themselves, associates and successors, to bo incorpo rated and made a body corporate under tho laws of the State of Georgia. 2 That the corporate nnmo and style of said corporation shall be “Home Builders Incorporated.” 3 Tho principal place of business of said corporation shall bo at Perry, in Houston County, .Georgia. 4 Tho capital stock bf said corporation ten thousand dollars ItflO.OOO- 00), divided into shares oj the par value <jf ono hundred dollars- ($100.00), but petitioners pray that they be granted tiio iliglit. to increase said capital stock from time to time upon a vote of a majority of tbb stock outstanding at the'time of such vote to an amount not to exceed twenty flVo.thi-usun i dollars, ($25,000.00). An expert survey of the U. S Navy has disclosed a deficit of miners by the French operators in -400.000 tons in equipment and the the Bbur Valley. It is reported •next Congress will proceed to uuder a New York date line that supply the deficiency as quiokly as from 2,500 to 5,000 such miners ’possible- The program suggested will be used and that the price to r. ills for eight modern cruisers and be paid will be $7.00 a day. It is «& ther war vessels. The depart- also said that the legal questions m*nt is convinced that the best have been investigated and that way to preserve peace is to be pre no international difficulties Spared for effective defense. apprehended. i rwuu j., R-. Sharpe will take notice that 1 will pass upon said application at the rr - | April term 1923 of the court of Ordinary : of Houston county and that unless cause Negro labor will be used as coal I s ahow " tho contrary at said term leave will be grauted. This March 0, 1923. Emmett Houser Ordinary. TAX NOTICE Just 15 more days to pay 1922 are city taxes. See me. , W. B. Watson C. M. The objoct of said corporation is pecuniary gain to its stockholders. • ’ : ti The business to bo carried on by said corporation is the buying, holding, im proving and selling of real estate; lend ing money on real estate; the buying and selling of notes and other evidences on indobtnoss secured by- real estate; the construction of dwellings and business houses for sale or for rent; the buying, selling and manufacturing of lumber arid building materials of all kinds. 7 Petitioners desire tho right to have and use a corporate seal, to sue an:l be sued, to purchase, own and sell real estiito, t6 execnle promissory notes and other evidences of indebtedness and to pledge any and nil of tho coroporate property ns security for tho payment thereof; to lend its own money and to take ns security thereof mortgages nnd security deeds upon real estate; to sell such bams and trapsfer and assignany find all securities pledged therefor; to ,purehuso notes and other evidences of indebtedness secured by mortgage, bond for title, deed or security deed and to resell sumo. 8 Petitioners desire the right to discon tinue business at any tiuu upon a Vote pf three fourths of the outstanding stock, and to liquidate the .business of the cor poration, sell out its assets and divide the proceeds among the stockholders, prorate, after all the debts of the corpo ration shall liave.beon paid. ■Wherefore: Petitioners pray that they be incorporated i.s aforesaid, and that they be granted all the rights, privileges arid immunities which aro or may be hereafter granted to like cororati-- ns un der the laws of thin state. This the 10th of March 1923. DUNCAN & NUNN Attorneys for Petitioners, Georgia, Houston County. I, H. L. Wasden, Clerk of the Suparior Court, do hereby certify that the above and fore’go'ngis a true copy of the original petition for charter field in office of Clerk of Superior Court of Houston County. Witness my official signature and seal of said Court this March 10. 1923. H. L. Wasden, Clerk Superior court Houston county, Ga. machinery shipped to this place. Mr Johnson has been successful in bringing; in several oil fields in other sections of the country, and according to liis statement, after making careful geological surveys of the surrounding country, feels sure that there is a most favor able outlook for oil in this vicinity. Quite a number of citizens in and out o,f the city arc taking ad vantage of tho two for one stock proposition and al’6 buying stock* The comp my has leased a store on Jackson street where they w:ill. v ! have permanent officers. This cc ni ; ■SS." i 10,000 or more stalks Red Sugar Cane for sale. Apply J H Powell Grovania Ga, Phone 203. paiiy also is drilling for oil in* Florida. Should an oil field bo brou^ ht; iu here it will mean that the pop- . r , | uiation of Hawkinsville will jump ? to 50,000‘ in a few , months, ,aud , ,j real estate will roach a sky high I limit. Th? promoters state thafl, ’ - should they oil vein, iti. 1 will mean that at least$50,000,000 ' J will be turned loose to the stock: holders within the next six months.,..! Mr Johnson, the driller, expectjT to move liis family to this city at' . an early date-—HawkinSville Dis patch. -■<r SOUTHERN STATES CONSIDER EEDERAL FORESTRY BILLS - '1 That President Harding’s re cent stand for a Federal forestry bill indicates the trend of thought • in various States is shown by the- ■ introduction of bills in the legi slatures of Oklahoma, Arkansas, and South Carolina providing for tho creation of State boards of forestry, says the Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture. The bills provide for hcardflf whoso membership shall be non* partisan and representative of interests concerned with forestry Cooperation with farmers and pri vate timber owners, a fire prcK tective organization, and educa tional publicity work futhering forestry are the specific objective. * Approximately 500 Georgia state banks in are now eligible to become members of the Federal Reserve System. This is under the rural credits loan law passed on the last day of the 67th Con gress, March 4th. The enactment of this law was mainly due to tho efforts of Senator W. J. Harris of Georgia ^distinct PRINT f ■i