The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, June 07, 1923, Image 7

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. aaaggag ISnMMMK CENTRAL 01- GEORGIA GIVES FACTS ABOUT RAILWAY VALUATION. a Radical politicians, whose purpose is to establish Government ownership ©f railroads, have re- h .;! y punched an attack upon the valuation of American railways, as fixed for rato'makeing purposes oy the Interstate Commerce Commission. « Patrons of the Central of Georgia Railway have a right to know the facts, concerning the valua- u P° n which rates are based, and to have the figures as to the capitalization of this railway, so they judge for themselves as to whether this company is expecting to earn returns upon over capitalization, or as it is commonly termed ‘‘watered stock.'’ Here are the faets concerning the Central of Georgia Railway and the lines leased and operated by it. The aggregate par value of the securities outstanding as at December 31, 1922, was 875,778,826. On that date we owned 298 locomotives, 9,056 freight train cars and 312 passenger train cars. This equipment alone cost as follows: Locomotives, Freight cars Passenger cars Total $5,770,431.02 8,796,884.99 2,758,309.60 17,325,625.61 At present prices this-equipment would cost more than $30,000,000. But subtracting only the smaller figure, representing actual cost, from the capilalization outstanding leaves only $58,453,200 39 as representing the valua of our roadway with its right-of-way, ballast, ties and rails, bridges signals, telephone and telegraph lines and other railway property, even including buildings, land, roundhouses, shops, freight and passenger stations and the like. The value of our terminal properties at Savannah and other important cities run into larger figures. For example dur terminal in Savannah, comprises 288 acres with one mile of waterfront for the handling of domestic and foreign traffic. The Central of Georgia operates and leases 1,964.55 miles of railroad, but 'counting additional mainline trackage, passing tracks and yard tracks, we have 2,623.25 miles of traok. If the 858,- 453,200.39 referred to above, covered the value of tracks alone (excluding all other property used in the service of the public) it would represent only $22,281.89 for each mile of track. It costs approximately $25,000.00 per mile to build ordinary hard surfaced highways with only light grading and bridge con struction necessary, and without including the cost of acquiring the land on which the road is construeo- ed, Will add any reasonably minded person deny that the Central of Georgia ti’ack with its right-of- way, station buildings, ballast, ties and rails, heavy bridges, signals, telephone and telegraph lines, and other appurtenances, is worth more per mile than it costs to build a mile of hard road and without in cluding the cost of acquiring the land? The Interstate Commerce Commission, after years of thorough investigation, has fixed tentative valuation of all Ameriom railways at $18,900,000,000. Those attacking the justioe of this valuation are trying to make it appear that it is based upon present-d^y replacement costs; that it is excessive and that imposes, a burden upon those \frho pay freight and passenger rates. This is erroneous and mislead ing. Valuation figures are based upon the cost dotermed as at Juno 30th, 1914 and ignore entirely the increase of costs during the war period. It is a matter of common knowledge that pre-war costs have practically doubled. Additions since the valuation nt 1914 figures, have been taken by the Commission at actual cost, minus depreciation. 1 The present outstanding capitalization of all railways is about $2,000,000,000 less than the present tentative valuation. In 1922 out of every dollar spent by oarriers, 86 cents went to pay the actual cost of the service rendered to the public. The act of valuation can have no conceivable effect upon these costs. Only about 14 cents remained out of which to pay interEsfc on indebtedness, rentals of leased lines, dividends and the cost of enlargements and improvements* The railroads ask ouly that the Interstate Commerce Commission treat then! in accordance with the provisions of the constitution as interpreted by the courts. To disregard these constitutional pro visions, as demanded by radical, agitators, would involve such confiscation of private proverty and in vestments made m good faith, as has never ocoured in American history. TAX SALES Georgia, Houston County. On the first Tuesday in July, 1023, will be sold at the Court House door of Houston Qounty between the lawful hours Of sale, the following property to wits- All that tract or parcel of laud, lying and being in (he ninth district of Hous ton County Georgia and being situated on tho north side of Central avenue in the City of Fort Valley and being de scribed as follows; beginning on Central Avenue at the southwest corner of lot owned by D. Burns and running In a westerly direction along Central Avenue a distance of sixty-seven feet, and six inches to the southeast corner o| lot own ed by Mrs J. M. Gray; thoncoin a north- ly direction a distance of 143 feet to the south-west comer of lot owned by I. N. Koytil; thence in an easterly direction along the roar and southern lino of said I N R »yal lot a distance of C9 foot to the southeast corner of said 1 N Royal lot; Thenoo in a southerly diveotion along tho western boundary of lot owned by D., Burns a distance of om? hundred and forty one feet and six inches to starting point. The property herein de scribed being bounded as follows; on the north by lands of I N Royal; cast by lands of D. Burns, south by Central Avenue, and on tho west by lauds of Mrs J M Gray, said lot also oontains a G room dwelling now in course of erection, Levied on as the property of J L Boze man to satisfy a fl fa for stats and coun ty t xes for the year 1922. Tenant in possession notified. All that certain tract lot or parcel of land situate lying and being in the Btate of Georgia county of Houston and in the sixth land Di trlet therein, being tri angular in shape and locaied within land lot No. 249 in said District; The said traot being particularly bounded and de scribed as follows: Commencing at a point in the center of the public road leading from Fort Valley to Maoon. via of Mathews store, the distance of 641 feet thence in a westerly direction a bored well being on the lino and determing the location of the same, along the line of lands of WH Harris, the distance of 423 property pf Bud Humphries to satisfy a fl fa for s’ ate and enmity taxes for the year 1923. Tenant in possession notified. All that lot front east on Anderson Avenue, in Fort Valley, Houston County Ga., fronting on said Avenue 90 feet, and running back west of uniform width of 90 feet for a distance of three hundred feet, said lot being bounded east by said Anderson Avenue, north by lot of J M Jones, west ny lot of Eberdhavt south by lot of L P Gray. Level on as the property of H O Noil and wife to satisfy a 11 fa for state and county taxes for the year 1922. Tenant in pos session notified. A'l that lot in the city of Fort Valley in tho ninth district of Houston County Ga., that fronts 70 feet on the west side of Anderson Avenue and runs back in a westerly direction for a distance of 176 feet, more,or loss, to the ditch. Said lot bounded as follows; north by the lands of J A L "Wilson, south by the lands of J A L Wilson, west by the said ditch and on the east by said Anderson Avenue. Levi ed on ns the property of W Roily Ander son to satisfy a fl fa for state and county taxes for the year 1992. Tenant in pos session notified. All that certain house aud lot, in tho oity of Fort Valley, Houston County Ga., bounded on tho west by the parson age lot of the C. M. E. church, sopthby the street known as Ghuroh Street, cast by the Bam Gordan lob. north by the Flournoy lot, Fold hoi a 3 ana lot known os the Loe O'Neal residence. Levied on as the proporty of Leo O’Neal and wife to satisfy n 11 fa for stato and county taxes for the year 1922. Tenant id possession notified. All that oeitoln store lot in Block “E” in Fort Valley Ga., on south side of Main Street, fronting on Bald street 26 feet, extending from the center of of tho east Wall of Slappey & Evaus livery stable and extondlng buck southerly 140 feet more or less to the pnblio alley running through said Block said storo lot being same as recently built upon by B T Marshall in August 1901. said Btore being the one now odou- plod by J D Wilson &*Sons. Levied on as the property of J D Wilson & Sons, J D Wilson, Chostor WilBon to satisfy a fl fa for stato and county taxes for tho year feet to a point in the oentor of the pub ~ . . - . , lie road leading from Fort Valiev to Craw- 1992. Tenant in possession uplifted, ford county lino of the Wiley Grn nhome place, thence in a southerly direetion along the center of Ihe said public rood leading from Fort Valley to Crawford . All that certain house and lot in tho city of Fort Valley, 9th district of Hous ton County Gn., said lot being on tho east side of Pine Street and bounded as County the dis anoo of 679 feet, to a j north by la „ ds o£ j j G i a88 ea9fi ?ft in Vrni!ll 0 lBn^np 0 from h0 Fort 0 'vlilhfJto lftnd of of E M Fagan, west by PlnO Loned road l aad i Q S . P °j1Street and Bouth by land of Clayborti fffi® Henderson. The said lot fronts on Pine of beginning, and the said point being gtroot 40 feet and extends back east a JJ“un! ! uniform width of 40 feet, a distance of r ° a fi a S SiSffiwJSnWHM 145 teet - The 80U,h liuo being 146 feet and the said road loading from hoit Val- nnd tbe north Une 18B feet moro or le88( t0 um Uv L( ‘ vled ° n ftB propeity of John bemg bounded on the northerly side by Frambro to 8flti8fy a fl & l ’ for W 0 ‘ and lands of W H Hums, on the easterly side c0(m ty taxes for Ihe year 1922. Tenant! by the said Fort Valley nnd Macon road , noSRMa i on notified and on the westerly side by the said Fort iu P 0SBea8t0n no f medl Valley and Crawford County road. Levi- All that tract or parcel i-f bnd, lving ed on as the propeity of T R Uusley to and being in tho city of Fort Vuiley, satisfy a fl fa for state and county taxes Houston County, Ga., and more par- for the year 1922, Tenant in possession, Ucularly daseribedas lot No. 19 in the Constructive criticism and suggestions are invited. W. A. WINDBURN, President, Central of Georgia Railway Company. Savannah, Ga., June 7th, 1923. TAX SALES There will be sold at the court house oor in Ferry, Ga.. an the first Tuesday n- July 1923, between the legal ours of sale, to the highest bidder, at ublic outcry, lor cash, the following scribed propertp;- All of town lots known and disttnguish- on map of survey as follows; Lots No. 3,154 and 144, each fronting fifty feet 3rd Struct and running back to alley d all being in block 18, and situate d lring in the town of Elko Ga., and Houston County. Levied on and sold the property of t-arah J Hall and na D Fitzgerald, to satisfy a tax fl fa r state and county taxes for year 1922 d all accrued costs. Levied on by O C organ Deputy Sheriff and turned oyer me for sale. Tenant in possessiou tilled. This June 5th 1923. 11 that tract or parcel of land lying being in tbe 18th district ot Hons* County Ga*, and being fifty acres re or less in the north-west corner of 0,0 in said district. Levied on She pfopil of Mrs S J Felder to mmU f* for state and county es for year 1922, and accrued costs, ® levy made by O C Morgan Deputy riff Jnd turned over to me for sale. JuSe 5th 1923. Tenant m possession fled. 1 +fcn*»rftct or parcel of land, or so fhfreof as will pay «« .this claim land lying and being in the 13th ‘S Houston County Ga„ and , • 1 KO.cres more or less, in the ai rn D nart of the eastern half of lot 38i« P s*‘ d di8triot * I t CT j 0< V U ?> On . “ n , d wonerty of Jack Dean to t 8 th ® 5 fa for state and county f y ta *r 1992, and accrued costs. j fo, year 19^, ^v^ on hy 0 c p, °Cou y ty Sheriff and turned over a ? X Tenant in possession ooti- All that tract or parcel of land lying nnd being in the 13th district of Houston County Ga , or so much thereof as will make the money on said ft fa und being all of lot No. 280, and containing 202,54 acres more or less. Levied upon and eold ns tbe property of B P Starbuck to satis fy a tax ft fa for 1922, state and County taxes and accrued costs. Tenant in pos session notified. This property was levi ed upon by O O Morgan Deputy Sheriff and turned over to me for sale. This June 5th 1923. All that tract or parcel of of land lying and being in tho city of Fort Valley, Houston County Ga., nnd being more particularly described as follows; all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the ninth district of Houston Connty, situate on the south side of east Main Street of Fort Valley, fronting fifty feet on said east Main Street and running back in uniform width 200 feet and bounded as follows; north by East Main Street, east by lands of John L Brown, south by lands of A J Evans and west by lands of grantor herein. Levied on as the property of Sam Drake to satisfy a fi fa for state and county taxes for the year 1922. Tenant in possession notified. All that 150 acres of land more or less lying on the east side of lot No. 176 in the ninth district of Houston County, Ga., being the same purchased by gran tor herein from G W Matthews in deed dated January 2, 1897, recorded in Deed Book 1, page 312 Clerk.s Office Superior Court Houston County, also the north half of lot of land No. 75 in the ninth district of said county containing 104!^ acres, more or less, being the same land deeded to grantor herein by W H H oiling - ahead, W H Harris and R P Holling- shead in deed dated January 5, 1901 re corded in deed book No. 1 Folio 408 clerk’s Office Seperior court Houston county. Levied on as the property cf Mark Miller to satisfy a fi fa for state and county taxes for the year 1932. Ten ant in possession notified. The battleship Arkansas sailed June 1st for. Annapolis with mm ashes of Vice Admiral Harry S. Knapp, which soattered to the winds when the ship is well out to s ea, in accordance with wishes expressed in his will. The Admiaal died at his home at Hart ford, Gonn., April 6th. notified. All that or parcel of laud, Or City lot in the City of Fort Valley, Houston county, Georgia consisting of one acre, fronting on the north side of ehureh street "Walden tract of land forrnorly belonging to the H C Harris estate. Said lot front ing 59 feet on the north elilo of Wulden btreet and extendi jig back north of even width to the big ditch separating the Walden tract from the lands formerly and bounded as fodows: north by land d b y W j. AnSerson. formerly owned byMrs B F CJapim, east ■ a three room dwelling. L-vied on IB the property of Hosea Williams to now occupied by Mis Burden and Mrs B ,iti 8 fy a fl fa for state and County taxes Barron »,d ato g'jnwt, ofj, H | M . poLaalon Bassett, south by Church btreet, west by an alley between the said property, and property of the Chero Cola Plant and J L Brown. The said lot hereby conveyed is the entire lot upon which is located the eleven' room dwelling of Mrs Nettie All that certain town lot in the city of Fort Valley, Houston County Ga., on Griffin Street No. 2 bounded as follows: on south by'lot of Rev. Bennett, west by Lubetkin. Levied on as the property of the old Sarah Matthews lot, north by lot Mrs Nettie Lubetkin to satisfy a fi fa for 0 f Thomas Williams and east by Street stato and county taxes for the year 1922. No. 2 Levied on as the property of Katie Tenant in possession notified. By:-an to sotisfy a fi fa for state and All that one unimproved town lot lo- tojnty tlV xos for the year 1922. Tenant in cated in a part of the city of Fort Valley poB8 e SS j 0 n notified. Houston County, Ga., known as Vine- 1 At the Georgia State College for Women at Milledgeville last Mon day morning 340 members of the Senior Glass were graduated. The program was of unusual interest, says the report published in tho Macon Daily Telegraph, ville, fronting 50 feet on Hinton Street j and running back 104 feet move or less to the Sarah Young lot, on east by A .VI Mitchel lot, on south by Hinton Street snd en west by lot of John HintOn. Levi ed on as tbe property of Alberta and Lillie Tookes to satisfy a fl fa for state and county taxes for the year 1922, Ten ant la possession notified. All that certain lot in the Walden tract of the H O Harris estate lands, lying in the north west portion of Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga., bping known ac cording to W H Harris survey of said tract as lot No. 71, fronting on Walden Street 48 feet and extending back of uni form width to the ditch running along the northern boundary of said Walden tract. Said lot fronting on the north side , rr*j. 1- of Walden Street and bounded on the west REPRESENTATIVE Claude Kifcch«j fl ; de by Knoxville Street on road. Levied en, former democratic leader in j on as the property of Carrie Harris to the United 'States Congress, is satisfy a fi fa for state and county taxes dead. He was a citizen of Winsor j 1922 ‘ Tenant iu posse88ion North Carolina, and his record was i n0 I that of an able and dependable L All that one acre of land in lot No 212 , . . in the sixth district of Houston County, statesman. Ga., bounded as follows; west by lands n ( of J M Culpepper estate, sOuth by lauds ' j Of W E Greeue east by lands of i_ „ rnaattnn «» o fl nr(n»' T H Brown, aud on north by lands of n a , ^ 6 , 11, xx T h Brown, said one aero of land being State Board of Trustees at the Mo- the land sold by James Cliett to Katie tel Dempsey in Maoon on May 30, Cliett and recorded in Clerk’s Office a measure to he introduced in the Superior court of Houston County in . T J„ awr » Tf Book No. 80 and Folio 144, on February Georgia Legislature was drawn. It 6th 1914< Lev ^ d on as the property of 18 proposed . to promote forest Mary Martin to satisfy a fi fa for state preservation in this state under and county taxes for the year 1922. Ten- the plan of experts. —F OR SAL E—Several thous and Porto Bioan potato plants* B W Trailer. •nt in possession notified. All of one certain house and lot In the oity of ’ Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga., and more fully described as follows; bounded on north by Walden Street. . south by vsoant lot, west by house own ! ed by Sherman Tables, east by house .owned by Joe Nixon. Levied on as tho All that tract or parcel of land lying ' and being in the 13'h district of Houston County Ga., mid being that strip of land lying on the oast nee of the National Highway from Perry to Vienna Qn., and lying on the soot i-enst of lot No. 301 and bounded ns follows; on north by lands of J W Hurdle, east by H M H a v v ord south qy 1 <nds of Mrs L A Borura, on , west by National Highway, and con taining 10 acres more or less, to satisfy a certain tax execution for the year 2920 and all costs necrued. thereon. Levied upon as tho property of Julius C Borum and found in lit in his possession. All that 90 acres more or less of land lot No. 141 in the 6th district of Houston County Gf*., sa ne being part of the place known as the Harper place nnl more particularly described as follows, be ginning at the north east corner of said lot No. 141 and running in a westerly direction along the northern boundry of said land lot a distance of 214 yands, thence run on a line at right angles, to said northern boundry and on a line parallel with the eastern boundry of said lot a distance of 227 yards thence runn ing in a westerly direetion on a line parallel with the northern boundry o£ said let a distance of 385 yards thence running in a southerly direction on a line parallel with the western boundry of! said let a distance ot 648 yards to a point on the southern boundry of said lot, thence running in an easterly direction along the southern boundry of said lot a distance of 599 yards to the south-east corner of said lot, thence running in a. northerly direction along the entile east ern boundry of said lot a distance of 873 yards to the point of beginning said land oompriseing 90 acres more or less. Levi ed on as the property of Mrs Callie Baits Harper to satisfy a 11 fa for state and county taxes for the year 1922. Tenant .ill possession notified, This June 4th 1923 T. ft. CHAPMAN, ShvMCi