The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, June 14, 1923, Image 5

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mm GRAIN BINDERS We have onlv three Binders left for this season. If you intend buying one this season play safe . and see us promptly. We feel sure that we cdn sell you one cheaper this year than price will be next season. We have Binder Twine and Mowing Machines ready for delivery. B. II. ANDREW & SON, UP 232^3=3"^, Subscribe for The HOME JOURNAL Reduced Round Trip Fares for Summer Travel ,TYBEE “Where Ocean Breezes Blow” and other attrac tive South Atlantic Seaside Resorts. New York, Boston, Baltimore and Philadelphia and resorts in the East via Savannah and steam ship going and returning 6ame route; or going one route, returning another. Lake and Mountain Resorts in the Carolinas, Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky. Resorts in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Denver, Estes Park, Colorado Springs, Manitou, Mesa Verde National Park, Pueblo and other re sorts in Colorado. Yellowstone National Park in Montana and Wyoming. Glacier National Park in Montana. Grand Canyon, Arizona. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Long Beach, San Diego, Santa Barbara, California; Portland, Oregon; Seattle, Spokane and Tacoma, Washington; Vancouver and Victoria, B. C., Lake Louise and Banff, Alta. St. Johns, New Brunswick; Halifax, Nova Scotia; Toronto, Ottawa and Muskoke Lake, Ont.; Montreal, Murray Bay and Quebec, Que., and other resorts in Canada. Resorts in New York, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New Jersey, and Rhode Island. Total fares, schedules, routes, service, sleeping amt parlor car accommodations and any other information or assistance you'may desire will be cheerfully and promptly supplied . by Passenger and Ticket Agents. Central of Georgia Railway The Right Way F. J. ROBINSON, General Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga. IS THE TIME TO PAY m ■ .•* YOUR SUBSCRIPTION. After Every Meat wrkuys i Top off each meal with a bit ©I sweet in the form of WRiGLEY 5 S. satisfies the sweet tooth and aids digestion. Pleasure and benefit combined. TAX SALES Georgia, Houston County. All that property of Bud Humphries to satisfv a fi fa for s'ate and c >unt,v taxes for the year 1923. Tenant in poBBessioti notified. east on Anderson On the first TueMay in July, 1923, Avenue, in Fori Valley, Houston «’ounty will be sold at the Couft H'.iise door of tr01 ! tm 8 ™ s,u< * £vemu* 90 feet, Houston County between the lawful T of hours of sale, the following property to f ®° fe .° °f a ^stanoe of three hundred wit: - . y 1 J feet, sai l lot being bounded e«st by said Anderson Avenue, north by lot of J M All that tract or parcel of laud, lying Jones, West uy lot of Ebbrdhart and being i ; i (lie ninth district of Hous- south by lot of L P Gray. Level ton County Georgia and being situated °n as the property of H 0 Neil and wife on the north side of Central avenue in to satisfy a ft fa for state and county the City of Fort 'Valley and being de- taxes, for thn yoar. 1992. Tenant in pos- scribed as follows; beginning on Central session notified'. Avenue at the southwest corner of lot . „ .. 11 . , • ■ 1 , L . t TT „ owned Oy D. Burns and running in a . A tImt \< tin[the city of hort ^ Valley westerly direction along Central Avenue t l( ?, n !’, Houston County a distance of sixtv-seveu feet, and six , that fronts 70 feet on tho west side inches to tho southeast corner of lot own- Anderson Avenue and runs buck in a ed by Mrs J. M. Gray; thence in a; north ly direction a 'distance of 143 feet to. the south-west comer of lot owned by I. N. Royal; thenoe in an easterly direction along the roar and southern ■ line of said l N R yal lot a distance of westerly direction for a distnnoo of 175 feet, more or loss, to the ditch. Said lot bounded as follows; north by tho lands of J A L Wilson, south by if)o lands of J A L Wilson, west by tho said . ditch and on * - xvMu «« B aiswinoo or 09 f.-et |® e 'M to the southeast corner of said i N Royal et ^ °, u Ra ^ lot; Thehcd' in a southerly direction son to satisfy a fl fa for state and county alorn? the western Imifiirl .if Inh nwnoH taxes for t to year 1922, leiiant in pos-* along the western bmftid-try of lot owned t,lX0 ? ror MI y ^ v W**' xenauc K P os ‘ by D. Burns a distance of one hundred 8ession notlfle,,> and forty one feet and six inches to All that certaiu house and lo'in the 8 TORg.% 1 aEBg tB :P > aa^.'‘W? i » • de- city of Port Valiev, Houst »n County " ^ " Ga., bounded on the wost by the pursrn- PETITION TO REGISTER LAND Georgia, Houston County. In the Superior C°urt of said county. To'Nvhom it may concern. Take notice that Ned Thomas Feagin has filed in said court a petition seeking to register the following lands under the provHons of the Land Registration Act*, to wit: All of lots Number two hundred forty (240) two hundred forty-five (245). and two hundred fifty-eight (258), in lower fifth district of Houston County Georgia each of said lots con'aining two hundred two and one-hall' (202)4) acres, more or less; the entire tract containing six hun dred seven and one-half [207,54] acres, more (*r less, said lots adjoining one •mother and having been k«own as part of the Home place Of Henry S. Feogin dnring his lifetime. YOu are warned tO shOw cause tO the cOntrnry, if any yOu have, betOre said Court On the 3rd day Of July 1923. This 22nd clay Of May, 1923. h L Wasden, .clerk. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Notice is heroby given that all parties fniling to make returns of their 1923 taxes to the tax assessors by the 15th of June will be doubledtaxed. The penalty will not be removed except for str r ct legal excuse. After fiis year all tax veturns must be made to tho tax receiver within the time allowed by law. By order of the Bnaid of County Commissioners. This 15th day of May, 1923. C. E. Brunson, Clerk. —FO R SAL E—Cabbage and Collat'd plants 15c per hundred. S F Dasher, Perry (la. W. A. STROTIIKR, - INSURANCE! - PSIIRY. GeOBOU. E. HOLTZCLAW FIRE INSURANCE AGENT Insurance On Farm Property A'i Specialty PERRY, GA. FARM FOR SALE. The G. E. Rape place a valuable plantation one mile of Centerville, 50 acres of bearing peach trees, well improved. Easy terms. A. A. Smoak. Perry, Ga. We carry Cushion Covers for Crates and Baskets in stock. Perry Warehouse Co. We carry Cushion Covers for Crates and Baskets in stock. Perry Warehouse Co. scribod being bounded as follows; on the north by lands of I N lloya'; t ast by lands of 1). Burns, south by Central Avenue and on the west by lands of Mrs J M Gi'iy, said lot als > contains d 0 room dwelling now in course of erection. Levied on Ms the property of J L Boze man to satisfy a II fa for .stats and coun ty t xes for (lie year 1922. Tenant in possession notified. ^ All that certain tract lot or parcel of land Bituato lying and being in the state of Georgia county of Houston and in the sixth land Di triet therein, being tri angular in'shape and local ed within land lot No. 249 in said District; The said tract being particularly hounded and de scribed as follows: Commencing at a point in the center of the public road leading from Fort Vail y to Macon, via of Mathews store, tho distance of 041 feet thdhce in a westerly direction a bored age lot of the C. M. E. oliurch, south by the street known as Church Street, cast by the Sam Govfian lot. north by the Flournoy lot. SaH hors-t and lot known as the Lee O’Neal residence. Levied on ns the property of Loo O’Neal and wife to satisfy a fl fa for state and county taxes for the year 1922. Tenant in possession notified. All that eeitain store lot in Block “E” in Fort Valley G>i., on south side of Main Street, fronting on said street 25 feet, extending from the center of the east wall of Slappey St Evaus livery stable and extending back soulherly 140 feet more or'load to the public alley running through said Block said store lot being s iraS ns re.eentlv built upon by B T Mnrshnll in August 1001. said store bein«x the one now occit- piedby J D Wilson &]Son8i Levied on as weH being on the line mid detenning the tlla pr0 porty of I D Wtls n & Son»', J jj location of the same, along the line of Wil80n , Chester Wilson to satisfy a fl fa lands of W H Ilains. tho distance of 423 for state and county taxes for the year feet to a point in .ho center of the pub- 10 J$ Tenant in possession notified lie road leading Irom Port Valiev to Craw ford county line of the Wiley Grr nhome place, thence in a southerly direction along the center of ihe said public road leading from Fort Valley to Crawford County tho dis mice of 579 foot, to a point in the center of the above men tioned road leading from Fort Valley to. Macon, the same being the point or place of beginning, and the said point being 1 ieat'-d at tho intersection of the said road leading from Port Valley to Macon and the said road loading from Port Val ley, to Crawford County, the said tract being bounded on tho northerly Bide by All that certain hoifso nnd lot in the city of Fort Valley, 9th district of Hous ton County Ga., said lot being on tho east side of Pine Streot and bonded ns follows: north by lands of J J Glass east by land of of E M Fagan, west by Pine Street and south by land of Clnyborn Henderson The said lot fronts on Pine Street 40 foot and extends back east a uniform width of 40 feet, a d'stance o 145 feet. The south lino holnir 145 fee and ihe north line 185 feet more or less. Levied on as the propatty of John Frambro to satisfy a fl fa for stnt.o and lands of W H Harris, on ihe easterly side couutv taxos for Ihe vear 1922. Tenant by the said Port Valley nnd Macon road in possession notified, and on the westerly side by the said Fort Valley and Crawford County road. Levi ed on as the propmty of T R Ousley to satisfy a ft fa for state ami county taxes for the year 1922. Tenant in possession notified. All that or parcel of laud, or City lot in the City of Fort Valley, Houston county, Georgia consisting of one acre, fronting on the north side of olmrcli street All that tract or parcol <f land, lvlng nnd being in tho city of Fort Valley, Hous'on County, Ga., and ino'e par- ticularlv daseribedns lot No. 19 in the Walden trnet of land formerly belonging to the H C Harris estate. Raid lot front ing 50 feet on tho north rHo of Walden otroot and extending bank north of ' von width to «the big ditch separating the Walden tract from the lands formerly and bounded as follows: north by land owned by W J Anderson. 8aid tract con formerly owned by Mrs li F Capim, east taining a three room dwelling. L viod on by laud of Mrs T W Watson, also a lot as the property of Hosea Williams to now occupied by Mrs Burden and Mrs stltisfy a fl fa for state and County taxes Barron a d also tho property of SH for the year 1922. Tenant in possession Bassett, south by Church street, west by notlfiod. an alley between the said property, and property of the Cliero Cola Plant and J L Brown. The said lot hereby conveyed is the entire lot upon which is located the eleven room dwelling of Mrs Nettie Lubotkin. Levied on as the property of Mrs Nettie Lubotkin to satisfy a ft fa for state and county taxes for the year 1932. Tenant in possession notified. All that one unimproved town lot lo cated in a part of the city of Fort Valley possession notified. Houston County, Ga., known as Yine- ville, fronting 50 feet on Hinton Street and running back 104 feet more or less to the Sarah Young lot, on cast by A .VI Mitchel lot, on south by Hintmi Street snd on west by lot of John HintOn. Levi ed on as tho property of Alberta and Lillie Tookes to satisfy a fi fa for state and county taxes for the year 1922. Ten ant in possession notified. All that certain town lot in the city 1 of Fort Valley, Hous'on County Ga,, on Griffin Street No. 2 bounded as follows: on south by lot of Rev. Bennett, wst by the old Sarah Matthews lot, north by lot of Thomas Williams and east by Street No. 2 Levied on as the proDorty of Xatie Byran t<> satisfy a fi fa for state and county taxos for the year 1922. Tenant in All that tract or narcel of land lying nnd being in the 13 h district of Houston County (In,, and being that strip oflnnrl lying on tin* east siee of the National Highway from l J erry lo Vi' nna Ga,, and lv ing on the soot i-east of lot No. 301 und bounded ns follows; on north l»v lands of J W Hurdlo. east bv II M H arv o«( south qy l'nds of Mis L A Bornm, oh west by National Highway, and con* All that certain lot in the Wnlder.tract tuning' 10 acres more or less, to satisfy a certain tax execution for the year and all costs necrued thereon. Levied upon as the property of Julius C Bortun and found in IBs in his possession. FOR SALE:- Corn, Ha j, Counts; Meat, F tm, L*rd, Sides and Shoul den. Apply A. A. Smoak. Pony, Ga. Sunburned? MENTHOLATUM cools and soothes Jhe parched sldih of the H C Harris estate lands, lying in the north west portion of Fort Valley, Houston Couuty, Ga., being known ac cording to W H Harris survey of said tract as lot No. 71, fronting on Walden Street 48 feet and extending back of uni form width to the ditch running along h the northern boundary of said Walden M ft rnor nlaaa ^nd more SaldJ*frooiingl on the north side i JStoiffri? dicriSS n1 'follows hi- ofWaldenStree and bounded on the west £ inni t y the n01 . th eftS t corner of said side by Knoxville Street on road. Levied ? ,._j on as tho property of Carrie Harris to All that 90 acres more or less of land lot No. 141 in the 0th dLtrict of Hoiv-ton satisfy a fi fa for state and county taxos for the year 1922. Tenant in possession notified. All that one acre of land in lot No 212 in the sixth district of Houston County, Ga., bounded as follows; west by lands lot No. 141 and running in a westerly direction along the n' rthern boundry of said land lot a distance of 214 yards, thence tun on a line at right angles to- said northern boundry and on a line parallel with the eastern boundry of said lot a distance of 237 yards thence runn ing in a westerly direction on a line of J M Culpepper estate, sOuth by lauds : Parallel with the Of W E Greene east, by lands of. T H Brown, aud on north by lands of T h Brown, said one acre of land being the land sold by James Cliett to Katie Cliett and recorded in Clerk’s Office Superior court of Houston County in Book No. #0 find Folio 144, on February 5th 1914. Levied on as the property of Mary Martin to satisfy a fi fa for state and county taxes for the year 1922. (Ten ant in possession notified. All of one certain house and lot in the eity of Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga., and more fully described as follows; bounded on north by Walden Street, south by vacant lot, west by house own ed by Sherman Tables, east by house owned by Joe Nixon. Levied on as the/ said lot a distance of 385 yards thence running in a southerly direction on a line parallel with the western boundiy of said li/t a distance of 646 yards to a point on the southern boundry of said Jot, thence Tunning in an easterly direction along the southern boundry of said lot a distance of 599 yards to the south-east corner of said lot, thence running in a northerly direction along the entire east ern boundry of snid lot a distance of 873 yards to the point of beginning said land oomptiseing 90 Acres more or less. L©vi ed on as the property of Mrs Callie Baits Harper to satisfy a ft fa for state and county taxes for the year 1922. Tenant in possession notified, This Juno 4th 1923 T. 8. CBAFHAN, Sharitt, ■■HuhHbSBiSC^hbI