The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, June 21, 1923, Image 5

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GRAIN BINDERS We have only three Binders left for this season. If you intend buying one this season play safe and see us promptly. We feel sure that we can sell you one cheaper this year than price will be next season. We have Binder Twine and Mowing Machines ready for delivery. B. II. ANDREW & SON, T. GKA-. A BUILDING not only looks complete when it is covered with a Carey Roofing, but it is complete — perfectly protected, "finished in appearance — a structure built economically and sure to prove economical to maintain. There is a superior Carey Roofing for every type of building. Let us tell you about the one for. your building. , i Roof for Every Building” ' j FOR SALE BY | B. H. ANDREW & SON PERRY, GA. IS THE TIME TO PAY TAX SALES fent, extending from the c* nter of the east wall of Slappey & Evans livery stable and extending bnck southerly 140 feet more or less to the Georgia, Houston County. . - - -y 1 On tho first Tuesday in July, 1023, nlley , 1 ' un,,, | 1 g through said Block will be sold at the Court House door of Ha,< * store lot b ueg same ns recently Houston County between the lawful 11 9. 011 by B ^ 1 Marshall in August hours of sale, the following property to . 8a ' T l \-„ 7 ?, l,oln ' r o«jO now ocou- wlt:- • pied by J D Wilson &lSons. Levied on as j . the property of I 1) Wils n &Sonn, J D ' All that certain tract lot or parcel of Wilson, Chester Wilson to satisfy a ft fa laud situate lying a rd being in the state for state and county taxes, frr'the year of Georgia county, of Houston and in the 1922. Tenant in possession notified .sixth land Di tviet thevein, be : ng tri angular in shape and located within land All i hnt certain hotiso and lot in the lot No. 249 in said District; Tho said °f Fort Valley, 9th. district of Hoits- truct being particularly hounded and de- ton County Ga., said lot being on the scribed' us follows: Oommeuel'g . at a ® aa * R hle of Pine Street and bounded as point in the center of the public road f°dows: north hy Icdeof J J Glass east leading from Port Valley to Macon, via fi y iant * °f °f F H Pagan, west by Pine and give your stomach a lilt. Provides ««b& bit ol sweet** In beneficial form. of Mathews stoie, the-distance of 041 foot tlienco in a Westerly direction a bored well being on tho/line mid detenuing the location of the same, along tho lino of lands of W H Harris, tho tliSta.ico of 423 fpot to a point in 'lie center of the p b lie road leading from Port Valle toCra« - Street > nd south by land of Clnvlv rn Henderson Tho said lot fronts on ‘ Pine Street 40 foet and Extends back casta uniform width of 40 f BO t. a d stance o 14o feet. The son h line being I45 f e0 and iho north lino 185 feet nioro or loss. L-viod- mi ns the prop -ty of Joliri Helps to cleanse the teetb and keep them healthy. ford county lino of the Wiley Git nhonio I' rainbro to satisfy a fi fa for state and 1 luce, them o in a southerly direction 'f onntv taxes tor ih© vear 1922. Tenant alo’ g the center of 'ho siid public rmid in possession notifiod. loading from T'o t Valley to Crawford ah ■ County tho dis unco, of 579 feet, to a, J , v , n * point in the contcv of the nlmve Wen- Holts' on flfjoh ntv hi °nn i BS Vl ' ey * Macmi the same being tho point orplace w „ Mt , n tvnpt nf 19 in the Subscribe for The HOME JOURNAL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION. PETITION TO REGISTER LAND m point being belonging 1 ifd at the intersection \ f the said ,Wro HKHRi ?'. ud °^ r ?! lt - ron.l lnndimr from KmT. Vnllnv In Mnnon f«' t r n the north side of Wllldett -hi. ^ Georgia, Houston County. In the Superior Court of said oounty. To whom it may concern. Take notice that Ned Thomas Peagin has filed in said court n petition seeking to register th» following lands under the provisoes of tho Land Registration Acts to wit: All of lots Number two hundred forty (240) two hundred forty-fve (24.")). and two hundred fifty-eight (258), in lower fifth district of Houston Countv Georgia each of said lots con'aining two hundred iwo and one-half (202)4) acres, more or less; the e-tire tract ront'dning six hun dred seven and ono-lialf [207.1^] acres, more or less, said lots adjoining one another and having been k-own as part of the HOme Place Of Henry S. Feagin dnring his lifetimo. YOu are warned to shOw cause to the contrary, if any yOu have, befOre said Court On the. 3rd day Of July 1923. This 29nd day Of May, 1913. h L Wasden, clerk. otreot and extending back north of even width tn the big ditch separating the v\ aide" tract from tho InndR formerly >y the said Port VnlI y end Macon road thuwronertv nf h! -whit V od ,nd outlie westerly side by the said Port H utlRfv n. fi f,i iv,,. «ini 0H<111 Vilhams to .’alley and Crawford County road. Lovi- n,® veuv mao 8 TnJlm ! ounty taxes d on as the prop itv of T R Uusley Rifled! l82 “* loUnnfc in Possession —F O R S A L E—Cabbage arid Collat'd plant8 15c per hundred. S K Dasher, perry (la. W, A. STROT1IKR, - INSURANCE - Pkhky. Gkorhia. E. HOLTZCLAW FIRE INSURANCE AGENT Insurance On Farm Property A'i Specialty ,PE ?SY, GA. We carry Cushion Covers for Crates and Baskets in stock. Perry Warehouse Co. FOR SALE l Corn, Hay, Count*, Meat, T ixn, Lard, Sides and Shoal ders, Apply A. A. Smoak, Perry, L Ga. A throbbin£^ ^ rvous headache? 1 MENTHOLATUM .quickly soothes it- —A 1 ear of Mokawlc Coal, a burning red ash coal will this: month, : Jas. D. Martin, Jr. clean arrive —My price on Ooal delivered this month is $10.00 pe£ ton cash for 2000 pounds net weight. Jas. D. Martin, Jr. road loading from Port Valley lo Macon an 1 tho said road leading from Fort Val ley, to Crawford County, the said tract being bourn led on the northerly side by n wr,«A w to t a .... - 7 » lands of W H Harris, - n ihe easterly side ylHi ^"21 C 3 on ‘ by the said Port Vail y mid Macon road S'Slt® v od on and \’ ed on as the prop 1 tv of T R Uusley s tiBfy a fi fa for state ami « ounty taxes , P?. Tenant in possession All that certain town lot in the city of .notified. Port Valley, Hons'on County Ga.. on I All that or parcel of laud, or City lot oJ i ^t,L t hvi^ 0, / 2 1 j b ?, Un n 0d a L follo '\ 8: ' in the City of Port Valley, Houston Lheomri.m.DMnffS? , B f nnot ' t ' w r st , by ; countr, Georgia consisting of ono acre, f Tlmnin« wnn a t C ' V8 l ot ’ 1 ' 01 1 1 fronting on the north side of ohnVeh street « 0 t „vin 1 11111 H ftn< ^ ea ' 1, '' Street and bounded as fo lows: north by land W >r0 , P ? , ^ 0 iSBS formerly owned by Mrs 11 V Capim, east 5® J fl f ' 1 n, ate by land of MrH T W Watson, also a lot ‘Jf yeftr 19i2 ' loinnt m now occuptoa by Mrs Burden and Mrs j p088eB8ion I10,if i' d ' Barron a d also the property of SH AU that tract or parcel of land lying Bassett, south by Church r^troet, west bv I n ml being in the IS h district of Houston an alloy between tho said property, and County Ga„ mid being that strip of land property of tho Choro Cola Plant and J L I lying on the east (-loo of the National Brown. Tho said lot hereby conveyed is Highway from Perry to Vienna On , nD( i the entire lot u| on which is located tho lying on the sout i-e ist of lot No. 30J und eleven room dwelling of Mrs Nettie bounded as follows; on north i.y lands Lubotkin. Levied « n us the property o* of J W Hu'dle, oast bv II M Warvord Mrs Nettle kubo klr. to satisfy a fi fa for goutli qy 1 nds of M's L A BofmWi on state and county taxos for tho year 1922. Tenant iivpossossion notified. All that > no unimpr ved town lot lo cated in n part of the city of Port Valley Houston County, Ga., known ns Vine- villo, fronting 50 foet on Hi ton Stroot and running hark 104 feet more or less to the Sarah Young lot, on 1 qst by A .Vl Mitchel lot, og south 'yy Hinton Street snd on west by lot of J> hh HintOn. Levi ed on as t’10 \ ropevty of Alberta and Lillie Tookes to satisfy a fi fa for state ancV county taxes for the year 1922. Ten ant in possession notified. All that certain lot in the Wulder. tract of the H C Hatris estate lands, lying in tho north west portion <>f Port Valley, Houston County, Ga., being known > c- cording to W II Harris surroy of said tra|| as lot No. 71,- fronting on Walden west by Nallonal Highway, and con- t'dpjng 10 acres more or loss, to sa'lsfv a certain tax execution for tho yenr 0020 nnd oil costs accrued ther n ob, Levird upon as the pmpoity of Julius C Bo' , mn und found ill It s 'u his pus ession, Street 48 feet and extending.back of uni- iP' 1 . 1 ?*! 0 * w !*' 1 . form width to the oitch runnihg along the northern boundary of said. Walden tract. Said lot fro iiing on the north, side of Walden Street and bounded on the west side by Knpxville Street on road. Levied on. as the property of Carrie Harris to satisfy a fi fa for state and county taxes for the year 1922./fieuunt iu possession notified. All that one acre ofdand in lot No 212 ih the sixth district of.,, Houston County, Ga., bounded as follows; west by lands of J M Culpepper estaiio, sOutli by lauds Of W • E Greene oasi l y lands of TH Brown, aud on north by. lands of T'h Brown, said one acre of land being the land sold by James Ollett to Katie Cliett and recorded in Clerk’s Office Superior epurt of Houston Coun’y in Book No. 20 and Polio 144, on February ,5th 1914. Levied on as the property of Mary Martin-to satisfy -a fi fa. for state and county taxes- for the year 1922. Ten ant in possession notified; . 1 .. All of one certain house and lot in the city pf. Port Valiev, Houston County, Gu., and more fully.described as foliow-; bourided on north by Walden | Street, south by vHcant lot, west by house own ed by Shermsn 'Tables,, east by house owned by Joe Nixon. Levied on as the property of Bud Humphries to satisfy a fi fa for s'ato and county taxes for the year 1923. Tenant in possession notified. Acetylene Welding at M iLendon Auto Go —F OR SAL E— Hampsh i r e, Berkshire, Du roc Pigs and Sows, Also my woter mill. Henry Toomer. —Satisfaction guaranteed when you buy yonr Coal from me. It burns free and clean to red ashes. Jas. D. Martin, Jr. —FOR SAL E—Hood Milk Gow with young calf. Apply R T Wardlew, Kathleen, Ga. AH that lot in the city of Fort 'Valley in the ninth district of Houston County Ga., that fronts 70 feet on the west side of Anderson Av.epuoand runs,back in a westerly direction for a of 175 feet, more or less, to the ditch. Said lot bopnded as follows; north by the lands of J A L Wilson, south by the lands of J A L Wilson, west by tho said ditch and on the east by said Anderson Avenue. Levi ed on as the property of W Roily Ander son to satisfy a fi fa' for state and county taxes for the year 1922. Tenant in pos session notified. \ All that cortaiu house aud lot in the city of Port Valley, Houston County Ga., bounded on the west by the parson age lot of the C. M. E. church, south by the street known as Church Street, cast by thie Sam Gordan ,lot. north by the Flournoy lot. Said, houss and lot known as the Lee O'Neal residence. Levied on as the property of Lee O’Neal and wife to satisfy a fi fa for state and county taxes for the year 1922. Tenant in possession notified. All that ceitain store lot in Block “E” in Fort Valley Ga., on south side of Main. Street, fronting on said street 25 All that 90 acres mof 1 rtr L>bh «.# land lot No. 141 m the Gth di frrlct of Houston County G^., same being part of the place known ns the Harper place .-nl more particularly described as follows, be ginning at tho north oast corner of snid lot No. 141 and running in a westerly direction nlong the n rthoru bnunflrv of said land lot a distance of 214 vards, thence Mm on a line at right angles to said northern boundry and bn a line parallel with the enster’i boundry of said lot a distance of 227 yards thonee runn ing in. a westerly- direction on aline lth the northern boundry. of said lot a distance of 385 yards thence running in a southerly flirootToh on a line parallel with the westorn boundry of said li»t a distance ol 040 yards tp a point on the southern boundry of said lot, thenoo running In nn easterly direction along the southern boundry of said lot a distance of 59 ( i yards to the south-east corner of said lot, thence runnii’g in a northerly direction along tho i-uti e east ern boundry of said lot' a distance of 873 yards to ihe point of beginning sa ! d land oompriseing 90 a’ores m'-re or less. Levi ed on us the property of Mrs Callie Baits, Harper to satisfy a fi fa for state and ooiipty taxc t<-r tho year 1922. Tenant in possession notifh d, This Juno 4th 1923 All that tract or parcel bf land lying nnd bein'.: in the I'Jtb rlistri t of Hbust.i'rt County Ga , or so mtiah thereof as will m'|ke the mo or on said fi f 1 and. bding all of lot No. 280. and containing 202J4 acres more or less. .Levied upon and sold »s the property of II 1’ ^lai'b'H'k to satis fy a tax fi fa for 1922, stale and County taxes nnd accrued costa. Tenant in pos session notified. This properly was levi ed upon bv O 0 Morgan Deputy Sheriff and turned over to mo for sale. This June 5th 1923, All that tract or parcel of of land lying and being in the city of For$ Valiev, Houston County Ga., und being more particularly described as follows; all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Ihe ninth district of Houston Connty, situate on the south side of east Mfin, F.treet of Fprt Valley, fronting fifty fi-et on said east Main Street and running back in uniform width 200 feet and bmyided as follows; north by East. Main Street east by Dnds of John L Brown, south by lands of A J Evans and west by lands of grantor herein. Levied on as the property of Sam Drake lo satisfy aft fa for state and county taxes for the year 1922. Tenant in possession notified. All of town lots known and distinguish ed on map of survey ns follows ; Lots No. 153, U4 and 144, e*eh fronting fifty feet oh 3rd S'rcet and running back to alley and all being In block 18, and situate'* and lying in the town of Elko Ga., and in Houston Connty. Levied on nnd sold as the property of Sarah J Hall *nd Anns D Fitzgerald, to sntDfy a tax fl fa for state and county taxes for year 1923. and all accrued costs. Levied on by O C Morgan Deputy Sheriff and turned oyer to me for «nle. Tenant in poasessioa notified. This June 5th 1923. t 8. CHAPMAN,