The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, June 21, 1923, Image 6

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-aA- SIDEWALK GLEANINGS TEA FOR BRIDE ELECT tocal New* of Town and County Mrs Charlie Allen of Birtning- —Miss Corinne Duncan of At- haqt Ala., and Mrs Uharlie Harris lanta is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs C C Duncan. —Miss Marion Turner of Hawk- wore joint hostesses Saturday afternoon at a tea nt the home of Mrs Allen’s mother, Mrs* T. S. Chapman, complimenting Miss insville is visitihg at the home of Neil Brunson, who will become the Mrs G W Winn. bride of Mr Tom Cater Wednes* Hawkins- d*!' at a beautiful home wedding. Throughout the house quanttes ' of summer flowers formed artistic —Mr Brown Riley Jr. of West decorations with their varied Verginia is visiting his parents Mr colors. — Mrs Tala Pate of villc is visiting her sister Mrs R L Cater. and Mrs M B Riley in Perry. —Mr. and Mrs. R. L. March- man, Jr-, spent Sunday with home folks in Perry. In the parlor where the receiv ing line, composed of Mrs Allen, Mrs Harris, Miss Brunson, Miss Hogg, of Buena Vista, Mrs 8 L Norwood Jr., Misses Elizabeth — Mr, Aubrey Anderson of Fort and Dorothy Brunson Miss No- rinne Swanson and Corinne Dun can, of Atlanta and Mrs William Massee stood. Large pink dahlias and verbena were used. The bride to be was never Valley spent Suuday wifh home- folks in Perry. —Miss Hortense McLester of Macon has returned home after a visit of several days to her mother. i 0 yn cr . Her dress was of orehid —Master Baxter Jones of Macon hand painted in pansies is spending this week in Perry with this she wore a huge orchid with Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cater. . an “ Purple hat. | Mrs Allen and Mrs Harris wore —Misses Helen Dennis and Lois exquisite dresses of lace- Swauson are attending summer Tea was served in the dining- echool at Emory University. 'room, made unusually lovely with -Mr. and Mrs. 0 J Brantley of it'ISl JP&ZJ* Atlanta are visiting Mr. and Mrs. L ? ulse ° f M acon. Sand- t, T itr,_tfrlnn dnva WlChOS mints and bon bOHS 'WCTO U L Wneden for several day.. I Berved by „ lMe< Martl , a ^ —Miss Cinderella Cooper has and Georgia Ruth Harris, returned after a visit to relatives Others assisting in receiving In Macon. j and entertaining were, Mdms. T S Chapman, Coura Boterweg H P -Mr and Mrs Lewie Riley of chapman J A Beckley West Virginia are visiting Markin Jr home-folks in perry. —Mr Lawton Duncan of Tal- lassee Ala., is visiting his parents Mr and Mrs 0 C Duncan. —Miss Jennie Lee Duncan of Atlanta is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs C O Duncan. Davis X and J D MCLESTER INFANT DIES. James Poisons MoLester, infant sou of Mr. and Mrs. R L McLester of Macon, died at the home of its -Mrs. Geo. C Nunn and daugh". grandmother, Mrs L E McLester, ter, Mis&tresa Caroline, left Tues* early Friday morning, after a oou- day to visit relatives at Ozark,'tinued illness. Alu. —Miss Jimmie Hogg of Buena It was 15 months old, the cause of its death was Colitis. Funeral services were conduct- Vista ivlio is to be an attendant at ed at Q 0 ) e i 0C £ Friday afternoon the Bruusou-Gater marriage is visiting in Perry, —Miss Louise ’ Pinkston of Parrott Ga., and Mr Allen Crowell of Mobile Ala., are visiting at the home ol Mr and Mrs H T Dean. —Rev J W Smith will preaoh at the Presbyterian church at 4 e’cloch Sunday afternoon; 4very body is cordially invited. —Mrs Charles Allen of Birming ham is visiting home-folks in Perry She will bo an attendant at the Brunson - Cater wedding of Wed nesday evening. "—Mr. Fred M Houser and grand son, Master Francis Nunn, are visiting at the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. R. y. Hollinshsad at Cuthbert, 6a. —Mrs Lte M Paul Jr., and little son Lee 3rd returned home Wed nesday after a visit to her parents Judge and Mrs Horace M Holden at Athens and relatives in Atlanta —lfisi Annie Heigh ton Miller of Hawkinsville is in perry for the Brunson-Cater marriage which >17111 be solemnized Wednesday evening. —The sunny weather of the past week has given encourage ment to farmers and an opportuni ty to kill grass which has had al most free reign on most of the farms during the recent continued rains. —Mr Lee M Paul Jr., went to Atlonca Inst whir returning to Perry Wednesday wilh his wife and young son. Accompany them were Miss Francis Hoirien of Athens and Miss Anna Weaver of Macon who were their guests here; for several days. —There is a lull in the peach shipments here, only express ship ment moving the first days of this week* Quite a number of peach packers are here awaiting the jnore active movement which is ex pected to begin the latter part of this week wilh the shipment of jth« Hi ley Belles. and the little body lnid to rest in Evergreen Cemetery. The sorrowing parents and grand mother have the sincere sympathy of the community. MISS GILBERT ENTERTAINS On Thursday evening Miss M*. mie Gilbert was hostess at a prom party at her lovely country home near Perry. Pot plants and cut flowera were artistically used in decorating the rooms an^^Fclt^ The punch boijl.Whicliswas °n the spaoious porqh\was,v'beautifully decorated with auiilax and nasturtiums.' Proms and contests were enjoy ed throughout the evening. At a late hour an ice source was sorted. About sixty guests were pres ent. X. BARBECUE FOR BRIDAL PARTY Among the delightful entertain ments for Brunson—Cater bridal party was the barbecue given by Miss Corinne Duncan Monday evening at their country home near Perry. Barbecue and refreshing pnneh was served on the lawn in an in- formal aqdy'deiightful manner and the occasion most enjoyable. Besides the bridai party abeut a dozen other guests were present D, A. R. MEETING. The June meeting of the D. A. ...will be held Thursday, June #lst, at 4 o’clock., Mrs. J P Coop er hostess. Important meeting. Pljtg Day program. Sec. -LOST SCARF PIN- Lost somewhere in Perry, Scarf Pin engraved with initials O. C. K. Finder please return to 0. C. Keen and receive reward. T. D. MASON Groceries & Hardware, PHONE 46. Perry, - - - Ga. The Store Where “QUALITY” Is Paramount. FISHING TACKLE We have a complete line of everything for the fish erman, including Hooks, lines, Sinkers, Floats, Flies and Minows. BASE BALL GOODS Real Quality Goods like the Big-Leaguers use. OIL COOK STOVES Do your cooking,canning and preserving cheaper and more comfortably with a Bon Ami or a new Perfection Oil Stove. GARDEN HOSE Highest Grade Hose at a big saving, Nozzeles and Sprayers for same. Also all kinds of Garden and Farm Tools. Milk Bottles and Tops. Early Amber Cane Seed and Good Garden Seeds CUTLERY A full line of Shears, Knives, Razors and Ra- zar Blades in all the high grade brands, including Cattaragus, Keen Kutter, John Primble, Boker, etc Fresh by Express AND As Usual All Binds t>f QUALITY GROCERIES Come to See Us We Appreciate Your Trade. Goods Delivered. Respectfully T. D. MASON. . • ; :>V. ■ .' ■ ■' “Time 1$ Money” And We Realize Your' Time Is Valua ble. It’s our constant Aim to Save It. We use the most approved metheds for quick and accurate handling of accounts. Our ser vice is modem and is rendered in such a man ner as to make it pleasant for you to transact banking business with us. During the Peach Season we will remain open until 6 o'clock p. m., Saturdays. “The Oldest and Strongest Bank in Perry.” PERRY LOAN 0 SAVINGS BANK PERRY, GA. R. L. CATER, Erast L. P. CATER, Cashier. THE STORE THAT ASSURES YOU A Real Savings on Your NEW SPRING Suits - Hats - Shoes THEY ARE NOT ONLY THE NEWEST STYLES THAT CAN BE BOUGHT BUT THEY ARE THE SATISFYING KIND. f THEN TOO! OUR PRICES ARE FAR LESS THAN MOST STORES. SUITS SHOES $20 and $25 $4.00 to $7.00 HATS $1.85, $2.85, $3.85 SB _ „ acawr/nop I454*CHERRY/3V - ) 1.000 DISHES At 10 Cents Each. We have a complete line of Hard ware and Groceries for Mill Use. Anything we haven’t in stock, see US be fore going elsewhere. Bolts, Plows, Points, Stoves and Staple Groceries A Specialty. House Taint and Floor Stains of all kinds. Best Prices for Cash. THE H. C. WALKER CO PERRY, GA.