The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, June 23, 1923, Image 4

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TAX SALES TbPre will bu sol’d lit the court bouse floor in I eir'’, Ga. on the first Tuesday in duly 1®3, between the Vg.l hours of sub*, to the hlgltcst bidder, nt public outt ry, :<»r cwsli, the following described proportp;- All that tract or parcel of land lying and bring in the 13th dMulct nt Hous ton County Git., and being fifty acreo more or 1$W in the noith-we-' corner ot lot No. 212, in said ilistrbt. Levied on us the pronerty of Mrs S J IMder to satisfy a tax fi fu for state and county taxcs'fi r year 1022, and accrued Cos’s, This levy made by O C Morgan Deputy Nierill and turned ovrr to me for i-ide. T'tis dune 5t.U 192,3. Tenant in po<so-si<m notified. All that tract or parcel of lmil, oreo much thereof as will piv off ihi J cLiiti, sa'd land lying and being in the 18th district of lloustoa C°u nt >' G>i., and eontiiining fit)acre'more «r less, in thn ORDINARY’S CITATIONS Georgia, Houston County. To all whom it may soncorns W L HflU'tr, of s dd Ststc, having in proper form applied to me for p«riii»nent 1-Iters of administration on the ts’a’e of. Miss Mary til celt, Into of said C >unt\, 1 deceased, tlos is to cite all rnd singular , the creditors «nd heirs of Miss Mary Green to be and appcHrattho July Term 1 ot Court. 1023. nd show cause, If any j they can. why permanent letters of ud-. m notratton should not be gr»nled. | Witne-8 tny offioi il stgnalure this 5th i day of June, 1023. Emmett Houser,-Ordinary. Georgia, Houston County. To Whom It Vla> C-uteeiM: ! Notice is hereby given that C L Shep ard, as executor of the will of Mrs. Kudota Veda ArroWsmith, deceased, having applied to me l>y p"tition for leave to sell tlte real estate of said Mrs. Kudota Viola Arrowsmith, deceased; und that nn order was made thereon ai ,, ^ . j» .1 . | \c . c I,** tuminuuui "r iu iuuug i n« southern P’»tt <.f „V. i the Juno Teun 1923 for citation; and tliat citation Lsite; all heirs at law and creditors of the said Mrs. Eudora Viola Ar'owstniih, deceased will take notice that l will pass upon said application at the July Torm 1023 of the 'Joint of Urdi- ofnouaton County;.and that unless No. 138in said district. 1 evio I upon and yold as the property of Jack Demi Vo satisfy a tax H fa for stale and courty taxes for year 1022, Mid accrued costs. This property was levied on by n C Morgan Deputy Sher IT and turned over to mo for isle. Tenant in possession noti fied Tins June 5th 1H2S. T. S. CHAPMAN Sheriff SHERIFF SALES Georgia, Houston County. nary .... cause is shown 111 the contrary nt su d time, s d l le've will ■ be granted. Tnis Juno 0tU 11 28. Emmett nouser, Ordinary. Georgia, Houston County Mrs Essie Perry having npplio 1 for letters of administration on the estate of J A berry deceased, this is to cite all pers ns concerned to appear at the court of ordinary on the first Monday in July next to show cause If any they can, why her application should not be grunted. This June ttth 1923. Emmett Houser, Ordinary. Will bo soil before the court house door on the first Tuesday In July 1023 between the legal hours ot sule the lol- lowng propelty to-wit; All that tiaot of land ljiug and teeing in tho lhth district of llieXJo.tnty of iipustou, State of Gear- gu», containing 1122 acres nmre or less consisting of llm following lots and pnrts •f lots; Whole lots 123 and 124 of 202J4 acres •ach 125 actus of the northwest pari of lot 195, sevetaeu acres of the houtln a-t part of lot 122, W7# ucres of lot 128, (icing nil of said lot except $oyi acres in thu norta-west corner; (17 uctis in llie soiitfuasi 0 uuer 01 lot, 1(17; 10i'X acres of the east hulf ot 1 it 12J; 55 notes of tractioual lot liiij 4.) ucres of fractional lot i27; ti acres of l ac ioual lot 120 be ing all ot raid lot to r h of big Greek; ul-o 150 acres more or less being p„ris of lots 87, 88 an,1 89, known ns part of (ho .iulwnrs bVl.ter lends w lied him by h s grand father, Dempsey Broun and being the wes era parts of the above named 1 ts lying south of tho Hawklns- \ ills and licuder.»on bond, and ■ west of tho Holton brunch and Burnham Branch ... to where tlte Lttbr empties int i big j prowptly on Farm Lands. Gtcek; Bounded on the noith by Hawk- Interest. tie MoiC g t. Pleasant, la,—"When I found [SWal&A John I. SlooUm, Bonaire ■Warehouse Co., Porry Ga. Perry LOANS ON FARM LANDS. Wo are prepared to eht« loano 6 par ct. DUNCAN & NUNN, Perry, Go. Ok insvill and llnynubvllle load, en.-t by Holton and Uuruimtn branch, s, south by Big Creek, west by lots numbers 123 124 and 125. All of the above described proper y Hea In ono irai t and is commonly known as the Jeter place, wild is the same pl'.op- nty conveyed to Mrs Daisy May Oorb n hy deen dated Dccetubor Uth 1917 and lecordcd in thu LI rk’s Oilloc of Housli u Superior Court in Book 25 folio 588, Levied on us tho property of IV J Mur- ) •hull and found in his possession to s itts- fy m certain execution und costs issued JOHN W, BLOOD WORh'2} from tlio Uity Court of Macon and re MONEY TO LOAN I am prepared to Loan Money Real If,state without Commission. A. A. SMOAK, ’ 8nuc, Perry.G*. tut liable to June term 1923 in luvor of Mth Daisy May Curb n vs W J Marslmll maker and L A Shnrpu ondo sor. This 6th day ol June 1923. Tenant in pos session notified. All thnt onuhalf undivided interest in— | tercsl in one house and lot in tho town ' of New uope In tho County of Houston and state of Git,-, and on the west *i>ie of Fannie Grei-ham Bruch, a small .-team dividing the town of berry from the said town of New nope, it being that part of lot bn which dwelling house containing four rooms known as the Susan Deward lot and thore fully described itid ’ed, from u E Greene administrator estate of J E W Gaddy deed to Susan Howard known • in plan of said town is lot No. 9 and j letter ‘Hi" as designated in said plan of New- Hppe. Said bargained property % | ■Cies of land more or less, said property •old to said Ntele Wini'icrley contains *11 the land in original died from E E Greene* adminis* raiof except that part •old to J J Marshburn which is de-crib, ■ed in deed lo J J Marshburn. Sabi land being the same deeded to Nick Wim berly by Dr, h M hoIIzoUw as pen vecords in deed b«ok 28, Kojio 307 Clerk’s Ofilce Houston Superior Court. Sold as property of Henry Griffin to satis- a#y a certain fi fa issued from Houston City Court In favor of Perry Warehouse «Couipany, This June f»th P123. T. S. CHAPMAN, Sheriff. Attorney and Coitnbeli ob . At Law Pebby - Georgia. Wa Practice In Both State 1 arid Federal C^ourts. IF YOU HAVE ■( Malaria, Piles, Sick Headache, Coitlve t\ Bowels. Dumb Ague, Sour Stomach, and Belching; your food doea not •••imitate, you have no appetite, uTulfs Pills* ^1 will remedy tbeae troubles gF We carry Cushion Covers for Crates and Baskets in jstock. Perry Vi arehouse Co. —P O R S A L E—Pair good Lillies, cheap. Apply T D Gurr, Perry Ga. FARM FOR SALE. The G. E. Rape place a valuable plantation one mile of Centerville, 50 acres of bearing peach trees, well improved. Easy terms. A. A. Smoak, Perry, Ga. CASTOR l« Fop Infants and Children. In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears ~~ Signature of We carry Cnshion Covers for Crates and Baskets in stock. Perry Ware house Co. Frequent NOTICE. “1 suffered with chronic constipation that would bring on very severe headaches,” says Mrs. Stephen H. Kincer, of R. F. D. 1, Cripple Creek, Va. "t tried different medicitfcs and did not get relief. The head aches became very frequent I heard of Thedford’s BUCK-DRAUGHT and took It for a headache, and the relief was very quick, arid it was so long betore I had another headache. Now 1 just keep the Black-Draught, and don’t let myself get in that condition.” Thed ford's Black - Draught (purely vegetable) has been found to relieve constipation, and by stimulating the action of the liver, when itis torpid, helps to drive many poisons out of vour system. Biliousness, indigestion, headache, and similar troubles are often relieved in this way. It is the natural way. Be natural! Try yj Black-Draught. A Sold everywhere. GOOD TIMES COMING * V J ■ We Are Prepared To Meet Them . j Get right and save money by buying at the right place. We have a full line of Groceries, Hardware Farm Supplies, Feed Stuff, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls and everything that goes to make up a first class Hardware and Grocery Store. Give Us a Trial J. W. BLOODWORTH "THE FARMERS FRIEND.” PERRY, - GEORGIA. on Money to Loan Farm Lands in Houston County a* Low Rate of Jlateree li you with money quick writ'? orca'l Hatcher-Turpin Co. 235 Mulberry St. Macon, Georgia, [TOUT PERSONS incline to full feeling after eat ing, gassy pains, constipation Relieved and digestion improved by CHAMBERLAIN’S TABLETS Cleansing and comforting - only 25c A Bill with tho following Cap tion and for the purpose therein stated will be introduced in the General Assembly of Georgia at the session of 1923. “A Bill to be entitled an Act to repeal au Aci to establish a public School Sys- for the town of I'erry, and for oth er purposes approved September 26, 1899. —I will have Acton and Mohawk Coal on the yard ,to sell at reason able prices to those who cau't store their Coal now for next winter. Let me book your needs now and I will be glad to supply you, Jas. D. Martin, Jr. DUNCAN & NUNN Altovm-y* &. Councollbrt. at Law. Pr^; in AU Courts. PERRY. GA. ' TURN ME OVER •T>jAOU4Jf0M-MI/vv vuiviemA paAp-daa Waffi 0 1 Come ~bo TYBJEE . ^PfiQre Ocean BreezesBtovf ^ Greek Drachmae Jpiris Mark In Slump London.—The German mark fell lower than ever bsfore recently, touch ing 360,000 to the pound sterling, or approximately 79,000 to the dollar. Athens.—Greek drachmae slumped to 128 to the pound and other curren cies fel loff similarly, causing a run on several banks. The national bank advanced 400,00,000 drachmae to the distressed institutions and saved the situation. Directors of the Bank ot Commerce were arrested, charged with illicit exchange speculations totaling $6,000,000 Decision Barring Howat From Entry Ottawa, Ont—The appeal 1 of Alex- ndar Howat, deposed president of the Kansas district United Mine Workers of America, from an immigration deci sion barring him from Canada on the ground that he might become a public irge, has been denied by the Cana dian department of immigration. Chicagoan To Be Possible Successor Washington.—Edward P. Parley of Chicago, former vice president of the Emergency Fleet corporation, has been presented to President Harding by Chairman Lasker of the shipping 1 board and Walter C. Teagle, president of the Standard Oil company of New Jersey, as a possible successor to Mr. Lasker upon his resignation in July, GET ACQUAINTED THE NEW DRUG STORE f But You Don’t Have To Be Known | To Get Service | | Our Stock Is Complete, The Best of | Everything Found In | A Modern Drug Store \ DRUGS I PATENT MEDICINES TOILET ARTICLES DRUG SUNDRIES CIGARS TOBACCO SODA The Best Cold Drinks In The County. PERRY DRUG CO., PERRY GA. REST ROOM FOR SADIES mWBBSOMlSaS! L