The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, June 23, 1923, Image 5

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mipHHMnH ■ . awMSfct: H vSfy«f;V.; flHNl r We can sell you fully Guaranteed TIRES 30 x 3 1-2 Net Cash. Other sizes in proportion. Try one or more and be convinced. B. H. ANDREW* SON, ■ |MH» «■—I «■!■—* Httfalili A JCw Jr I 0*«mia — ^ iaa SALES \ Georgia, Houston County. , extending from the center the east wall of Slappey & mm nil Subscribe for The HOME JOURNAL } A BUILDING npt only looks coinplete x\when it is covered with a Carey . Ifcoofing, but it is complete — perfectly protected, finished in appearance— a structure built economically and sure to prove economical to maintain, There is a superior Carey Roofing for every type of building. Let us tell you about the one for your building. - fA Root tor Every Building” j ^ FOR SALE BY BcHc AWREW & PERRY, GA. IS THE TIME TO PAY feet, of tne ease wan or aiappi Evans livery stable an i extending book sowhorly HO fett wore nr less to the public alley run: ing through saicl Block “ !J “ 1 -'— 1-1 *•••“ : snme as recently n«iwiu , iy.(jiiuni,y, uutwoen me lawrui 1Qri y :< in August hours of sale, the following property to • said store beimr the ono now ocou- wit:- , • h 1 piy pied by J D Wilson &’SonB. Lovied on a4 the property of I D Wilson & Sons, .T D All that Certs in tract lot or parcel of Wilson, Chester Wilson to satisfy a fl (fo . land situate lying a id boing In the state for.state and county taxes for the year ! of Georgia county Of Houston add in the 1923. Tenant in possession nolifled sixth land Di tf’ict therein, being tri- ... „ . ... - , , . , ' . an'ulnr iu shtipo-iuid located within land t »^ ’■* w -tgi lot No. 249 in said District; The said city of. Fort Valley, Oth district of Hons- tract being particularly bounded and do- C'Wtrty Qa. r said lot being on the < •' ’ - east side of Pine Street and boon led as scribedi follows: Comiaenointf at d H ■■ 0 °* ~, ll y e Street and bonn led as point in the center of the public road follows : north by'hvids of J J Glass east leading from Fort Valley to Macon, via & of , of E west by Pine of Matbews store, the distance of 641 feet Street md M thence in a westerly direction a bored SfJMf well being on the line nnd doterming the U Georgia, Houston County. In the Superior Court of said county. To whom it may concern. Take notice that Ned Thomas Feagin has filed in said court a petition seeking to register Ik" following lands under the provisions of the Land Registration Act--, to wit:' • All of lots Number two hundred forty (240) two hundred forty-five (245). and two hundred fifty-eight (258), in lower fifth district of Houston County Georgia each of said lots containing two hundred two and one-half (202j£) acres, more or less; the entire tract containing six hun dred seven and one-half [207%] acres, more or less, said lots adjoining one (mother and having been k"own as part of the HOme place Of Henry S. Feagin during his lifetime. YOu are warned tO shOw cause tO the contrary, if any yOu have, before said COurt On the 3rd day Of July 1923. This 22nd day Of May, 1923. h L Wasden, clerk. j of Mathews stoV^ the distance*afoTl feet 4*^^ l nn , d ! thfflOi i„ « ™MJxa „ i „/i Henderson The said lot fronts on Pine feet and exjti nd* back east a location fif the same; nlong the line of 'Tin*!? 1 °f ,1° ,[ oet, », ft . d stance o lands of W H Harris, the distance of 423 . ^ \r-T 145 fee feet to a point in the center of the pub- . nor * h ne feet mo*® or less, , lie road leading from Fort Valle- to Craw- E , . n X v t * 1 ® f ro] Y' ty of Joll « /ford comity line of;the WUey Grr nhome 1SE”" r ?J$JIlf* n,* Lit u\oo 8 m” a ’^ place, tht-ii e in a southerly direction 1U2 “* Tenant alo g the center of the said public mad * n P°ssessiou notified. / j Ion'ling trdml'o t, Y alley to Crawford All that tract or parcel if land, lving Countv- the dis imeo of 579 feet, to a n nd being in the city of Fort Veliev, point in the center of the above men- Hons 1 on County, Gu., and mb'o par’ t.oned rond leudnig frrni Fort Valley to ticularlv described as lot No. 19 in the Macini, the same being the pomt or pi ace -Walden tract of land formerly belonging of beginning, and t. c said point being to the H C Harris estate. Said lot front- locat' d ut the intersection of the said ing 50 fe-t on the north side of Walden road leading from Vort Valley to Mahon street and extending back north of , von and the said road eading from 1' ort Val- widtlbo the big ditch separating the ey, to Crawford County, the said tract Walden tract from the lands formerly iMl*® f e ncu ; tborl y 8k l° ffil owned by W J Anderson. Raid tract con* lands of W H Harris, on Hie easterly side tainlng a three room dwelling,' L vied ott by the said tort ValPy and Macon road as the property of Hosea Williams to and on the westerly side by the said Fort satisfy ft fl f)V ff , r sta t e and County taxed S alley and Crawford County road. Levi- for the year 1922. Tonant in possession ed on as the property of T R Uusley to notified. i s tisfy a fl fa for state and county taxes for the year 1922. Tenant in possession All that certain town lot in the city of' notified. Fort Valley, Hour'on County Ga.. ott Griffin Street No. 2 bounded as follows: , FOR SAL E—Cabbage nnd Collard plants 15c per hundred. S F Dasher, rerry Oa. W. A. STROTHER, XN9UIUNCB - Pkhmy. Groroia. E, HOLTZCLAW FIRE INSURANCE AGENT Insurancb On Farm Property A1 Specialty Pe^fiY.GA. We carry Cushion Covers for Crates and Baskets in stock. ^ Perry Warehouse Co. FOR SALE:- Corn, H„ f , Coanw, Meat, f im, Lard. Sides and Shoul dem Apply A. A. Sxnoak, Perry, Ga. Suffer from sunburn? MENTHOLATUM xools and heals. —“.A oar of Mokawk Coal, a clean burning red ash coal will arrive this mouth, J as. D. Martin, Jr. —My price on Ooal delivered this month is $10.00 per ton cash for 2000 pounds net weight. Jas. D. Martin, Jry - . possession now ocoupiea by Mrs Burden nnd Mrs , Barron a..d also the property of SH All that, Iract nr nnrc"l of land Iv’ng Bassett, south by Church f-troet, west by 'and being in tlie 18 h district of Hmistun an alley between the said property, and County Ga., and being that strip of land property of the Chero Coin-Plant and J L | lying on the enst siee of the Nulion il Brown. The said lot hereby conveyed is Highway from Perry to Vienna Os,, and the.ontiro lot upon which is locuted the lying on the sont i-east of lot No. SOI and eleven room dwelling of Mrs Nettle, bounded as follows; on north l<v lahdfl Acetylene Welding at M sLendon Auto Co —F OR SAL E—Hampsh i r e, Berkshire, Doroc Pigs and Sows. Also my woter mill. ' Henry Toomer. - —Satisfaction guaranteed when you buy your Coal from me. It barns free and clean to red ashes. Jas. D. Martin, Jr. —FOR SALE—Good Milk Cow with young calf. Apply R T Wardlew, Kathleen, Ga. ■ - :• r Lubetkin. Levied on as the property of Mrs Nettie Lubetkir. to satisfy a fi fa for state an-1 county taxes for tho year 1922, Tenant in possession notified. All that one unimproved town lot lo cated in a part of the city of Fort Valley Houston County, Ga., kuown as Vino- ville, fronting 50 feet on Hi' ton Street and running bark 104 feet more or less to the Sarah Young lot, on cast by A .VI Mitchel lot, on south i-y H' nt <> n Street snd on west by lot of .John HintOn. Levi ed on as the property of Alberta nnd Lillie Tookes to satisfy n fi fn for state rn l .county, taxes for theyear 1922. Ten ant; in, possession .notified. .' All that certain lot in the Walden tract Of'the H 0 Harris estate lands, lying in the- north west portion of Fort Valley, Houston 0'iuuty, Ga.’, being known tc- cor(liug,to W H Harris surfoy of said, tract OjS, lot ; No. 71, fronting on, Walden Street 48 feet and extending back of uni form width to thq ditch running aloug tpe nbrUiefn boundary of said Walden tract, Said lot fro King oa the north side' of WaldenStreet an.I boundedon thewest side by Knoxville Street- on road. Levied’ on as the pioperty of Caf’rie Harris to satisfy a fi fa for state and county taxes for the year 1922. Tenant in ,possession notified. All that one acre of land in lot No 212 in the-sixth district of Houston County, Qa., bounded a3 follows ;-yW.est by^ lands of J M Culpepper ostate, smith by lauds Of W ' E Greene east by lands of T H Brown, aud on north by lands of T h Brown, said one acre of land being the land sold by James Cliett to Katie Cliett and recorded in "Clerk's Office Superior court .of . Houston Coun'y in Book No. 20 and/Folio 144, on February 5th, 1914. Levied on as the property of Mary Martin to satisfy a fi fa for state and county taxes for the year 1922.,Ten ant in possession notified. All of one certain house and lot in the city of Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga., and more fully described as follows; bounded on north by Walden .Street, south by -vsoant lot, west by house own ed by Sherman Tables, east by house owned by Joe Nixon. Levied on ns the property of Bud Humphries to satisfy a fi fa for s’ate and county taxes for the year 1923. Tenant in possession notified. A'l that lot in the city of Fb'rt Valley in the ninth district of Houston County Ga., that fronts 70 feet on the west side of Anderson Avenue and runs back in a westerly direction for a distance of 175 feet, more or less, to the ditch. Said lot bounded as follows; north by the lands of J A L Wilson, south by the lands of J A L Wilson, west by the said ditch and on the east by said Anderson Avenue. Levi ed on as the property of W Roily Ander son to satisfy a fi fa for state and county taxes for the year 1922. Tenant in pos session notified. All that certaiu house aud lot in the city of Fort Valley, Houston County Ga., bounded on the west by the parson age lot of the C. M. E. church, south by the street known as Church Street, east by the Sam Gordan lot. north by the Flournoy lot.' Said hongs and lot known as the Lee O’Neal residence. Levied on as the property of Lee O’Neal and wife to satisfy a fi fa for state and county taxes for'the year 1922. Tenant in possession notified. v All that certain store lot in Block “E” in Fort Valley G*., on south side of Main Street, fronting on said street 25 of J W Hurdle, east bv II M f-{m ,v 'ortl south qy 1 mis o f IVT's L A Bi'riim, on vert by Nalional Highwny, and con* fciiining 10 acres more or less, to satisfy a certain tux execution for the year 3922 and nil costs neeru'd tber n on. Levied" , upon as tho property.of Julius C Borum and foun-l in h s in ids possession. All that 90 acres tnor * or l«ss of land lot No. 141 ip the 0th dl triet of Houston County <3jL same being part of the place known as the Harper place m l more particularly described? as follows, be ginning at the.north east corner of said lot No. 141 and running in a westerly direction along the northern bnuhdr.V of said land lot a - distance of 214 yards, thence run on a line at right - angles to , said northern boundry aijd., op. a line parallel -With'the eastern bppii.drv of said lot a distance of 297 yaids thence runni* ingin a. westerly difeetion' on, a lino parallel with the northern boundry of' said Jqfc a; distance, of „ 388 yards thence Tunning in a. sonthefly| bireoiion on a line parallel’ With the /western boundry of said let a distance of 646 yards to a point on |the southern ho'undry of said Jot, tbt-ttoe running in an easterly directioi nlohg the southern boundry of said lot a V - distance of 50e yards td the south-east corner of said lot,-, thence running' in a northerly,di,rt'oti’on along the ciiti 'o east* 4rrt boundry of,s)»i4 lo]b a distance of 873 yards to ilie point of beginning sa’d land compVi3oin‘g'90 acres more or less. Levi* ' ed on br thd property of Mrs Callie Baits Harper to satisfy, aftfa for It ate ahd county taxes t< r the year 1022, Tenant in possession notified, This June 4th 1023 , . ' ‘ t .. > '• - \ ' All that-irart or parcel of land lying and biiinv in the 1Ht!i (llstrl'i^of, poustiin Comity Oa , 'or go imich, 'tfier’ebf, as will make tho A'f-YWd being ail of lot No. 280 • nnd containing 202% acres more or Jess, Levied upoii and sold iis the property of B l J to satis fy a fax fi fa "for 1922," state "and County (axes and accrued costs; Tenant in v»os* session notified. This property wa« levi ed upon bv O C Morgan Deputy Sheriff and, turned over to me for sale. . This -June 5th 1923. All that tract or paled of of land lying ■ and being in the 'city of Fort Valley, Houston County Ga., and being more particularly described as follows; all that tract or parcel of land lying aud being in the ninth district of Houston Cbnntv, situate on iqe south. side of oast- Mo in f'.treet, of F'-'r.t Valley, fronting fifty r JVet on said east Main Street arid running back in uniform width 200 feet and bounded as follows; north by East Main Street, east by 1 >nds of John L Brown, south by lands of A J Evans and west by lands of gr mtor herein. Levied on as th« property of Sam Drake to satisfy a' fl fa for state nnd county taxes for the year 1922. Tenant in possession (notified. All of townlots known and distinguish* ed on map of survey as follows; Lots No» 153,151 and 144, each fronting fifty feet on 3rd Street and running back to alley and all being in block 18, apd situate and lying in ths town of Elko Ga., and in Houston County. Levied ou nnd sold as the property of Sarah J Hall and Anna I) Fitzgerald, to.satisfy a tax fl fa for state and county taxes for year 19S* nnd all accrued costs. Levied on by <) C Morgan Deputy Sheriff and turned over to me for sale. Tenant in possession notified. This June 5th 1923. 0m i T. 8. CHATHAM. mmtMM ,